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Selected Recent Reports
Asbestos Awareness in Australia: Then and Now (events: Nov-Dec 2019)
(Laurie Kazan-Allen coverage of 6th annual conference of the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency (ASEA) and other events in WA.)
The Rotterdam Convention COP9 (Geneva: May 6-8, 2019)
Report from Asian Ban Asbestos Mission to Brazil (April 22-28, 2019)
Southeast Asia Ban Asbestos Conference 2018 (Vietnam: Sep 13-14, 2018)
South Asia Asbestos Strategy Meeting (Sri Lanka: Jul 10-11, 2018)
Mobilization of Italian Asbestos Victims (Bologna: Jun 8, 2017)
Asbestos Showdown in Geneva (Rotterdam Convention COP8: May 2017)
The Global Campaign to Ban Asbestos 2017 (Jan 29, 2017)
(Presentation by Laurie Kazan-Allen at Tokyo Institute of Technology.)
Brazilians United in Ban Asbestos Struggle (Events: Oct 5-8, 2016)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen on medical workshop, two-day socio-legal conference, and national victims' meeting in Campinas.)
All Reports in Date Order
Osasco Brazil, September 18-20, 2000
New (2020) Upload of GAC 2000 Annals
Table of Contents (Annals)
Introduction (2020): Marking the 20th Anniversary of Landmark Asbestos Congress
[English] [Português]
(by Laurie Kazan-Allen. Tradução Portuguesa: Fernanda Giannasi)
Personal (Illustrated) Report on Congress
(Laurie Kazan-Allen, one of the Congress organisers, gives a personal account of this unique event.)
Personal Report Text [English] [Português]
(Text only version of Laurie Kazan-Allen's report in English and Portugese.)
Abstract [English] [Português]
(Abstract of above text report in English and Portuguese.)
Congress Report by John Flanagan
(John Flanagan represented the Merseyside Asbestos Victims Support Group as Health and Safety Officer.)
Congress Report by A.H. (Ed) Grootegoed
(Ed Grootegoed represented The Asbestos Diseases Association of New Zealand as Welfare & Investigating Officer.)
Rapporto al Congresso di Benedetto Terracini [Italian]
(Prof. Terracini - Centro per la Prevenzione Oncologica dedll'Università di Torino, Italia - è Direttore della Rivista "Epidemiologia e Prevenzione".)
Osasco Declaration [English] [Português]
Declaration by the Mayor of Osasco [English] [Português]
(Mayor Silas Bortolosso pledges to ban asbestos locally and affirms his support for a universal ban.)
ABREA Proposals [English] [Português]
(ABREA, the Brazilian Asbestos Victims' group which co-sponsored the Congress, sets out its proposals for the Congress to consider and campaigners to act upon.)
Statement of Trade Unions on Banning Asbestos Worldwide [English] [Português] [Español]
(The unions represented at the Congress list key proposals to address the transition to an asbestos-free workplace and to deal with existing and continuing asbestos pollution.)

Brussels, Belgium: June 7-8, 2001
Overview of The European Asbestos Seminar and Related Meetings
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen)
Conference de Presse du Mercredi 20 Decembre 2000 [Français]
Association Belge des Victimes de l'Amiante [Français]
Asbestos in Brazil
(by Fernanda Gianassi (Brazil). Abridged HTML conversion of PowerPoint presentation shown during the Thursday session.)
Strategies for Asbestos Victims
(by Fernanda Gianassi (Brazil). Abridged HTML conversion of PowerPoint presentation shown during the Friday session.)
Asbestos In Bulgaria – History, Current Use And Perspectives
(presented by P. Tcherneva-Zhalova (Bulgaria). Collaborative paper on which presentation was based.)
Asbestos Disinformation Campaign in India
(by T. K. Joshi (India).)
Activities of the ‘Patronato INCA’, Office of Casale Monferrato
(by Daniela Degiovanni (Italy).)
Attivita' Patronato INCA di Casale Monferrato
(by Daniela Degiovanni (Italy).)
(Presentation in Italian by Bruno Pesce (Italy).)
Asbestos in Latvia
(by Maija Eglite (Latvia).)
Asbestos in Lithuania: Present and Future Strategies
(by Viktoras Šeškauskas (Lithuania).)
The Problem of Asbestos In Poland as Seen by Labour Inspectors
(by Mieczyslaw Foltyn (Poland).)
Current Asbestos Issues in Romania
(by Ruxandra Carmen Artenie (Romania).)
Oral Histories of the Asbestos Tragedy in Scotland
(by Ronnie Johnston and Arthur McIvor (Scotland).)
The Slovakian Asbestos Experience: Use, Health Effects and Preventive Measures
(Presented by Margaréta Šulcová (Slovakia). Collaborative paper on which presentation was based.)
Multicentric Case-control Study on Malignant Pleural Mesothelioma
(Presented by A. Agudo (Spain). HTML conversion of collaborative PowerPoint presentation.)
Intervention at the European Asbestos Seminar
(by Angel Carcoba (Spain).)
European Asbestos Seminar Resolution
European Parliament Endorses Asbestos Seminar

Vienna European Hazards Conference – (Sep 20-23, 2001)
(Report by John Flanagan)
Latin American Asbestos Meeting – (Oct 1-3, 2001)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen)
London Asbestos Meetings – (Apr 16-18, 2002)
(Report on a series of asbestos meetings, seminars and roundtables.)
The Second Conference on Occupational and Environmental Health - Integrating the Americas
Salvador, Brazil, Jun 17-20, 2002
Challenging the Global Market in Asbestos Products: An Example of International Action
(Presentation by Fernanda Giannasi (Brazil).)
La Prohibicion del Amianto en las Americas
(Presentation by Eva Delgado Rosas (Chile) at the Asbestos Workshop, in Spanish.)
Conclusões do Grupo de Trabalho Amianto
(Conference conclusions in Portuguese.)
Conclusiones del Grupo de Trabajo Amianto
(Conference conclusions in Spanish, by
Dr. Eduardo Rodriguez (Argentina))
First Seminar on Asbestos Exposure in Bahia, Brazil – (June 20, 2002)
First Seminar on Asbestos Exposure in Bahia, Brazil
(Report by Marco Antônio Rêgo (Brazil).)
Recent Developments Affecting European Asbestos Claims
(Presentation by Laurie Kazan-Allen (United Kingdom).)
Asbestos Meetings in Brazil
(Report on the Salvador Conference and the Bahia Seminar (above) by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)

Hellenic Asbestos Conference – (Oct 29-31, 2002)
(Report (with pictures) by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)
Hellenic Asbestos Conference
(Text only version of the above report.)
Italian Asbestos Conference – (Feb 15, 2003)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)
International Asbestos Conference in Slovenia – (May 2003)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)
Canadian Asbestos: A Global Concern – (Sep 12-13, 2003) [816K including pictures]
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)
Canadian Asbestos: A Global Concern
(Text only version of above report.)
Canadian Asbestos: A Global Concern
(Synopsis of above report.)
Asbestos Conference in Poland – (May 11, 2004)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)
Westminster Asbestos Seminar – (May 19, 2004)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)
Asbestos Conference: The Polluter Pays – Amsterdam – (May 13-14, 2004)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)
Asbestos: Global Action Needed! – Seminar, European Social Forum – (Oct 16, 2004)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)
Global Asbestos Congress GAC 2004 – (Nov 19-21 2004)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)
Westminster Asbestos Seminar – (Jul 12, 2005)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)
Buenos Aires Asbestos Seminar: Communication of Asbestos Risks – (Sep 13-14, 2005)
(Report by Susana Mühlmann.)
European Asbestos Conference: Policy, Health and Human Rights – (Sep 22-23, 2005)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)
Latin American Asbestos Events 2006 – (Events: April 20-28, 2006)
(Brief Notes on 7 events.)
Westminster Asbestos Seminar – (May 16, 2006)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)
Asian Asbestos Conference AAC 2006 – (Jul 26-27, 2006)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen of IBAS.)
Asian Asbestos Conference AAC 2006 – (Jul 26-27, 2006)
(Report by Fiona Murie of the BWI.)
Annual UK Asbestos Meeting – (May 16, 2007)
(Report in the British Asbestos Newsletter of Asbestos Sub-Committee meeting.)
Autumn Seminar on Low Level Asbestos Exposures – (Oct 17, 2007)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)
BANJAN Anniversary Conference, Yokohama – (November 23-24, 2007)
(Report on: International Asbestos Conference for Fair and Equal Compensation for all Asbestos Victims and their Families.)
International Trade Union Conference on Asbestos – (Feb 5-7, 2008)
(Report on February 2008 BWI conference, by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)
Day of Asbestos Action – (Feb 27, 2008)
(Report on Action Mesothelioma Day UK, by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)
Asian Asbestos Conference 2009 – (Apr 26-27, 2009)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen.) (1.63Mb pdf)
Summary Report of OEHNI Round Table Conference – (Dec 21, 2009)
(Report by Madhumita Dutta and Mohit Gupta)
Annual U.S. Asbestos Victims' Conference (Apr 9-11, 2010)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)
Asian Solidarity Delegation to Quebec, Canada: Archive (Events: Dec 6-11, 2010)
(Archive [Jan 7, 2011] of IBAS articles, references and data relating to the Asian delegation to Canada (Dec 6-11, 2010) that argued against the creation of a new asbestos mine and called on Canada to halt asbestos exports.)
Asian Solidarity Delegation to Quebec, Canada (Events: Dec 6-11, 2010)
(Report [Jan 12, 2011] by the Asian Ban Asbestos Network [A-BAN].)
Ban Asbestos Movement Gets Momentum (Events: Mar 3-8, 2011)
(Dr. Annie Thebaud-Mony - attending a series of meetings and lecturing in India. Report by Jagdish Patel.)
Seminar: Asbestos Still a Killer (Jun 30, 2011)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)
Workshop: Elimination of Asbestos-related Diseases in Russia (Aug 27-29, 2012)
(Report by Olga Speranskaya.)
Conference: Europe's Asbestos Catastrophe (Sep 17-18, 2012)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)
Conference: BWI International Conference on Asbestos 2014 (May 6-7, 2014)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)
Conference: Freeing Europe Safely from Asbestos (Jun 24, 2015)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen.)
Brazilians United in Ban Asbestos Struggle (Events: Oct 5-8, 2016)
(Report by Laurie Kazan-Allen on medical workshop, two-day socio-legal conference, and national victims' meeting in Campinas.)
The Global Campaign to Ban Asbestos 2017 (Jan 29, 2017)
(Presentation by Laurie Kazan-Allen at Tokyo Institute of Technology.)
Asbestos Showdown in Geneva (Rotterdam Convention COP8: May 2017)
Mobilization of Italian Asbestos Victims (Bologna: Jun 8, 2017)
South Asia Asbestos Strategy Meeting (Sri Lanka: Jul 10-11, 2018)
Southeast Asia Ban Asbestos Conference 2018 (Vietnam: Sep 13-14, 2018)
Report from Asian Ban Asbestos Mission to Brazil (April 22-28, 2019)
The Rotterdam Convention COP9 (Geneva: May 6-8, 2019)
Asbestos Awareness in Australia: Then and Now (events: Nov-Dec 2019)
(Laurie Kazan-Allen coverage of 6th annual conference of the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency (ASEA) and other events in WA.)
Moldova Bans Asbestos! (Feb 25)
International Ban Asbestos Secretariat Devils Dust Awards 2025 (Jan 25)
Crisis for Russias Asbestos Producers (Jan 25)
Looking Back on 2024 (Dec 24)
Donald Trump and Asbestos A Global Perspective (Dec 24)
In Defense of Ban Asbestos Campaigners (Dec 24)
Action on the Asbestos Hazard in the Pacific Region (Dec 24)
IBAS 25th Anniversary Review (Nov 24)
Call for urgent action to ban asbestos in Malaysia (Nov 24)
Behind the BRICS Curtain (Nov 24)
UKs Enduring Asbestos Shame (Oct 24)
Pressure Builds for Asbestos Ban in Mexico! (Oct 24)
Chinas Asbestos Conundrum (Oct 24)
Industry Attacks Consumers Historic Win Against Chrysotile Asbestos (Oct 24)
Remembering Romana Blasotti Pavesi 1929-2024 (Sep 24)
September Miracle in Northeastern Brazil! (Sep 24)
French Justice is Deaf as well as Blind (Sep 24)
Paying a Catastrophic Price for Canadas Asbestos Riches (Sep 24)
Summer 2024 Update: Toxic Talc (Aug 24)
Press Release: Mystery at the Brazilian Supreme Court (Aug 24)
Christmas for Eternit in Brazil (Aug 24)
Russias Asbestos Cash Cow under Threat? (Aug 24)
July 2024 Snapshot of Global Asbestos Panorama (Jul 24)
Sacrificing Even More Lives for Asbestos Profits (Jul 24)
Asbestos Action Art Exhibition: Capturing Life (Jul 24)
One Nations Asbestos Catastrophe (Jul 24)
A Stranger to Their Shores: Robert Vojakovic 1940-2024. (Jul 24)
Russian Ministry Planning Action on Asbestos Hazard (Jun 24)
Italys Supreme Court Annuls Acquittal of Asbestos Defendants (Jun 24)
Russians Losing Key Asbestos Market (Jun 24)
Rehabilitating the Image of Corporate Killers (Jun 24)
Russians Target Australian Campaigners (May 24)
Making Progress in Catalonia (May 24)
Letter to Stephan Schmidheiny (May 24)
Italian Journalists Asbestos War (May 24)
Victory in Indonesia! (May 24)
Marking the 15th Anniversary of the Asian Ban Asbestos Network (Apr 24)
Revisiting a WA Institution: The Asbestos Diseases Society of Australia (Apr 24)
More Asbestos Subterfuge in the Urals (Apr 24)
United States Bans Asbestos Again! (Apr 24)
Asian Ban Asbestos Network: 2024 Update (Mar 24)
Remembering Nellie Kershaw (Mar 24)
Switzerland Guilty of Asbestos Injustices (Mar 24)
Australian Scandal Grows amidst Global Confirmation of Asbestos Hazard (Feb 24)
125 Years and Counting (Feb 24)
Cancer Crisis Looms as Asbestos Use Continues (Feb 24)
HSE: Unfit for Purpose (Feb 24)
Auditing J&Js Phase-Out of Toxic Baby Powder (Jan 24)
Corporate Chutzpah in Brazil! (Jan 24)
Post-Asbestos Landscapes 2024 (Jan 24)
Year Round-Up 2023 (Dec 23)
Historic Victory for Belgian Asbestos Victims (Dec 23)
Taking the Ban Asbestos Fight to Brasilia 2023 (Dec 23)
Asbestos Cement: The Evidence is Irrefutable (Dec 23)
Press Release: Asbestos Victims Worldwide Call for Action by Brazil’s Supreme Court (Nov 23)
Our Friend Mavis (Nov 23)
Two Decades After Australia Banned Asbestos (Nov 23)
Whats Going on at Brazils Supreme Court? (Nov 23)
Cambodia Asbestos Ban by 2025! (Nov 23)
Corporate Happy Endings, Human Heartbreak (Oct 23)
Its Official: Asbestos Use Banned in Ukraine (Oct 23)
Opposition to Asbestos Use Accelerates – Even in China (Oct 23)
Global Asbestos Trade 2023: Spotlight on India (Sep 23)
Asbestos Anomalies 2023 (Sep 23)
Global Cancer Increase and the Asbestos Hazard (Sep 23)
Multinational Campaign Denounces Sportswashing (Sep 23)
Press Release: Victims Denounce “Sportswashing,” Demanding Corporate Accountability (Sep 23)
Theat to New School Term after 13 Years of Tory Misrule (Sep 23)
A Very Long Wait for Brazilian Justice (Aug 23)
Asbestos Roulette: Whos Next? (Aug 23)
Commentary The Death of Journalism (Aug 23)
The Demise of the Asbestos Industry: 2023 Update (Aug 23)
Saturday in São Caetano do Sul (Aug 23)
Inaugural Award for Outstanding Service to Asbestos Victims! (Jul 23)
Australia Did It, So Did Japan, Belgium and Brazil, Can Britain Do It Too? (Jul 23)
A Dozen Famous & Infamous Figures and their Surprising Links to Asbestos (Jul 23)
Britains Summer of Asbestos Dissent (Jul 23)
Asbestos Contamination at Jussieu University: A Judicial Scandal (Jul 23)
The 18th Anniversary of the Kubota Shock (Jul 23)
Europe Advancing Asbestos Protections (Jul 23)
Mesothelioma Landscape: Then and Now (Jul 23)
Asbestos Scandal in France 2023 (Jun 23)
Open Letter: Urgent Appeal to Brazilian Supreme Court Justices (Jun 23)
Another Asbestos Ban in Asia! (Jun 23)
Landmark Jail Sentence for Swiss Asbestos Magnate (Jun 23)
Legal Victory in Tokyo for Construction Workers (Jun 23)
Paris Court Spurns Victims Petition (May 23)
Mobilizing for Asbestos Justice 2023 (May 23)
UN Convention Defiled (May 23)
International Workers Memorial Day 2023 (May 23)
Rotterdam Convention Primer 2023 (May 23)
Not Waving but Drowning: UK vs EU Asbestos Policy 2023 (May 23)
Asbestos Hazard at UN Meeting? (Apr 23)
Monetizing Their Mistakes: Paying for the São Paulo Debacle (Apr 23)
The UKs Grim and Enduring Asbestos Legacy (Apr 23)
Eradicating Asbestos from Koreas Schools (Apr 23)
Supreme Courts Asbestos Verdicts (Mar 23)
Brazil Asbestos Ban Upheld! (Feb 23)
Light at the End of the Tunnel? (Feb 23)
Britains Asbestos Legacy: 2023 Update (Feb 23)
Anger Growing in Brazil over Asbestos Crimes (Jan 23)
Conrad Atkinson: Artist, “Infant Terrible,” Activist and Friend: June 15, 1940 October 8, 2022 (Oct 22)
São Paulo Blame Game (Oct 22)
European Commissions Asbestos Action Plan under Attack (Oct 22)
Advancing the Global Campaign for Asbestos Justice 2022 (Sep 22)
Ukraine Bans Asbestos, Finally! (Sep 22)
Kazakh Producers Chasing Russian Asbestos Markets (Sep 22)
The São Paulo: International Hot Potato (Sep 22)
Reflections on Ukraines Independence Day (Aug 22)
Johnson and Johnson U-Turn Finally! (Aug 22)
Betrayed Three Times Over! (Aug 22)
International Mystery Where is the São Paulo? (Aug 22)
Mesothelioma 2022: Global Disaster, National Tragedy (Jul 22)
Summertime Hope for Saint Gobains Asbestos Victims? (Jul 22)
Asbestos: EU: 1, UK: 0 (Jun 22)
Russia Violates Fundamental Right to a Safe and Healthy Working Environment (Jun 22)
Fake News, Espionage, Threats and Conspiracies: A Normal Day for the Asbestos Lobby (Jun 22)
Russian Assault on United Nations Convention (Jun 22)
Memories of Dr Yoshiomi Temmyo 1932-2022 (Jun 22)
Asbestos in South Koreas Schools (May 22)
The world is now waiting for Kazakhstani chrysotile (May 22)
What does Hope Look Like 2022 (May 22)
Asbestos Update: Ukraine 2022 (May 22)
Johnson and Johnson: Condemned! (May 22)
Controlled Use of Asbestos in Brazil? (May 22)
Parliament Call for Asbestos Eradication Program (May 22)
A Man on a Mission (Apr 22)
Biden Administration Calls for Asbestos Ban (Apr 22)
Shining a Light on Asbestos Secrets (Apr 22)
Toxic Schools Still a Danger to UK Children and Staff (Mar 22)
Putins War, Economic Sanctions and Asbestos Exports (Mar 22)
ASBESTOS FACTS 2022 (Mar 22)
Holding Johnson and Johnson to Account (Mar 22)
2022 Update from Japans Asbestos Frontline (Mar 22)
Asbestos Victims Support Groups Forum UK Press Release March 10, 2022 (Mar 22)
Press Release: International Women’s Day 2022 (Mar 22)
Reflections on International Womens Day 2022 (Mar 22)
Breakthrough in Occupational Disease Recognition in Turkey (Mar 22)
Spotlight on Johnson and Johnson (Feb 22)
US Asbestos Panorama 2022 (Feb 22)
Mourning the Passing of a Grassroots Leader (Jan 22)
Ukraine Asbestos Ban: 2022 Update (Jan 22)
International Ban Asbestos Secretariat Devils Dust Awards 2022 (Jan 22)
Global Asbestos Victims Groups Confront the Covid-19 Pandemic (Dec 21)
Letter to Ukraine Parliament Head Ruslan Stefanchuk (Nov 21)
The Asbestos Industry 2021: Debunked, Discredited & Defunct (Nov 21)
Australias Asbestos Landscape 2021 (Nov 21)
The Rise & Rise of Asbestos Victims Activism (Oct 21)
Press Release: Asbestos Technology, Unsustainable & Unacceptable: Official (Oct 21)
Taking the Asian Battle to Ban Asbestos Online! (Oct 21)
Press Release: The French Government is Backing Down. (Oct 21)
Asbestos Developments in Brussels (Oct 21)
Press Release: Towards an Asbestos-Free Asia! (Sep 21)
ABAN Media Release: Asian Ban Asbestos Online Conference (Sep 21)
Asbestos Truth and Consequences in Japan (Sep 21)
The Fight for Ukraine Sovereignty over its Asbestos Policy (Sep 21)
Update from Novara Asbestos Trial (Sep 21)
Russias Autumn Asbestos Offensive (Sep 21)
Thank you, Christina! (Sep 21)
Remembering Dr Morris Greenberg, 1926-2021 (Aug 21)
Progressing Justice for UK Asbestos Victims (Aug 21)
Closing Brazils Asbestos Loopholes (Aug 21)
Getting Away with Murder (Aug 21)
Occupational Exposures among Mechanics Working with Friction Products and Awareness Raising on Asbestos Related Diseases (ARD) in Nepal (Aug 21)
Behind the Asbestos Curtain: Uralasbest 2021 (Jul 21)
Englands Deadly Legacy and Toxic Future (Jul 21)
Outrage over Retrograde Plans by French Government (Jul 21)
Chaos has Come to the World of Asbestos (Jul 21)
Letter Concerning Scrapping of Aircraft Carrier São Paulo (Jun 21)
New developments in construction workers asbestos litigation in Japan (Jun 21)
Déjà Vu: Stephan Schmidheiny in the Dock (Jun 21)
Open Letter to Global Ban Asbestos Community (Jun 21)
Press Release: Killer Powder, Toxic Corporation (Jun 21)
Victory for U.S. Ovarian Cancer Victims (Jun 21)
Quebecs Asbestos Epiphany? (May 21)
Historic Victory for Japans Asbestos Victims (May 21)
May 2021: Asbestos Crimes and Punishment (May 21)
Colombia has a Ban Asbestos Law, in Name but not in Fact (May 21)
Press Release: Statement of Appreciation (May 21)
Addressing Spains Asbestos Legacy 2021 (Apr 21)
Ukraines Asbestos War (Apr 21)
Turkeys Asbestos Dilemma 2021 (Apr 21)
Confidence Tricksters and Asbestos Thugs from the Brazilian State of Gois (Mar 21)
Legal Breakthroughs for Asbestos Victims in Spain (Mar 21)
Open Letter to Brazilian Authorities (Mar 21)
Asbestos Victims Seize the Initiative in Spring Offensives (Mar 21)
Red Letter Day for Asbestos Victims and Campaigners (Mar 21)
Pandemic Portends the Demise of the Asbestos Industry (Feb 21)
Letter to Brazilian Authorities Regarding Auction of Aircraft Carrier São Paulo (Feb 21)
The Interminable Wait for Asbestos Justice in France (Feb 21)
Auction of MV Funchal, Iconic Portuguese Vessel (Jan 21)
Bangladesh Shipbreaking Industry Exposed (Jan 21)
José María Íñigos Last Battle (Jan 21)
Glimmers of Hope 2020 (Dec 20)
Letter to the President of the International Chrysotile Association (Dec 20)
Asian Development Bank Bans Asbestos! (Nov 20)
Schmidheiny in the Dock, 2020 (Nov 20)
Grassroots Literacy and the Written Record: A Story of Asbestos Activism in South Africa (Nov 20)
UK Battle for Justice: Asbestos Victims Penalized (Oct 20)
Brazilian Success: Pioneering Medical Program to Expand! (Oct 20)
From Asbestos to Val-des-Sources (Oct 20)
Marking the 20th Anniversary of Landmark Asbestos Congress (Oct 20)
Remembering Nirmala Gurung (Sep 20)
Perus Pandoras Box: Made of Asbestos (Aug 20)
White Powder, Black Lives (Jul 20)
Double Standards: Toxic Talc Banned at Home, On Sale Abroad (May 20)
Press Release: Death, Duplicity and Double Standards (May 20)
Open Letter to the Governor of Goiás State Dr. Ronaldo Caiado (Apr 20)
UK Cancer Care during a National Emergency (Mar 20)
Commentary: Toxic Talc (Mar 20)
Press Release: Asbestos Scandal! (Feb 20)
Pioneering Medical Treatment Program in Brazil (Feb 20)
Clemenceau’s sister ship heading for the scrapyard – France must act responsibly. (Jan 20)
Stephan Schmidheiny in the Dock: Again! (Jan 20)
The Post-Disaster Asbestos Hazard: 1995-2020 (Jan 20)
Statement from the Collegium Ramazzini to the Supreme Court of Pakistan (Jan 20)
Global Asbestos Panorama 2019 (Dec 19)
Asbestos Awareness in Australia: Then and Now (Dec 19)
Forty Years of Asbestos Protest Art (Oct 19)
Landmark Asbestos Initiative in Brazil (Oct 19)
Letter: Concerning public auction of aircraft carrier São Paulo. (Sep 19)
Thirty Years on the Asbestos Frontline (Sep 19)
Urgent Appeal to Brazilian Supreme Court Justices (Aug 19)
Denial of the Occurrence of Occupational Asbestos Diseases in the Brazilian Mining Town of Minaçu (Aug 19)
Lao Asbestos Workshop Media Release (Aug 19)
Asbestos Victims Supreme Court Victory a Triumph for Open Justice (Aug 19)
Pro-Asbestos Lobbyists at UN Conference (Jul 19)
Action Mesothelioma Day 2019 (Jul 19)
Colombia Bans Asbestos! (Jul 19)
Post-Asbestos Brazil A City Cast Adrift (Jul 19)
Asbestos Youth Awareness Workshop: Asbestos the Silent Killer (Jun 19)
Urgent Appeal to the People of Colombia (Jun 19)
Eternits Global Asbestos Crimes (Jun 19)
Italian Asbestos Deaths: New Conviction (May 19)
Indonesian National Seminar - Asbestos: Poison Scattered in the Disaster Nation (May 19)
Media Release Urgent Calls for UN Action on Asbestos (May 19)
The Rotterdam Convention 2019 (May 19)
Media Release: Rotterdam Convention COP9 (May 19)
Report from Asian Ban Asbestos Mission to Brazil April, 2019 (Apr 19)
Press Release: STOP Brazilian Asbestos Exports! (Apr 19)
Open Letter – An Appeal to the 161 Parties at COP9 of the Rotterdam Convention (Apr 19)
How Do You Solve a Problem like Wittenoom? (Apr 19)
Vietnams Asbestos Frontline 2019 (Mar 19)
The Spectre Haunting Danish Schoolchildren (Mar 19)
Corporate Deceit: Asbestos Espionage at Home and Abroad (Mar 19)
Asbestos Landscape 2019: EU 4, UK 0 (Feb 19)
Press Release: STOP - You’re Killing Us! (Jan 19)
The Asbestos Lobby in Ukraine (Jan 19)
Asbestos Vessel Cruising to London? (Dec 18)
2018: From Protest to Progress (Dec 18)
Global Overview: Asbestos Landscape 2018 (Nov 18)
Banning Asbestos in New Jersey (Nov 18)
Raising Asbestos Awareness in Nepal 2018 (Nov 18)
Media Release: Canada Completes Long Road to Asbestos Ban Regulation (Oct 18)
Confronting Indonesias Asbestos Challenges (Oct 18)
Remembering João Batista Momi (Oct 18)
Global Asbestos Panorama: 2018 Update (Oct 18)
Southeast Asia Ban Asbestos Conference 2018 (Sep 18)
Urgent Questions for the MoD and Government to Answer Following the Disclosure of the Sea King Helicopter Asbestos Alert (Sep 18)
West Australias Campaign for Asbestos Justice 2018 (Sep 18)
Asbestos Intransigence (Aug 18)
Action Mesothelioma Day 2018 Photos (Jul 18)
Asbestos Youth Awareness Workshop: Asbestos the Silent Killer (Jul 18)
South Asia Asbestos Strategy Meeting (Jul 18)
Parliamentary Asbestos Seminar 2018 (Jul 18)
Mesothelioma Care in the UK (Jun 18)
Ukraines Fight to Ban Asbestos: Update (Jun 18)
Economic Violence, Occupational Disability, and Death. Oral Narratives of the Impact of Asbestos-Related Diseases (ARDs) in Britain (Jun 18)
Press Release: Asbestos in Childrens Products Sold in UK (May 18)
Open Letter to the Asbestos Industry (May 18)
Everest Industries Ltd, Kolkata India: Victimizing the workers (May 18)
Asbestos Life and Death in Brexit Britain: Part II (May 18)
Global Asbestos Awareness Event: Standing together against Asbestos (May 18)
Dramatic Fall in Asbestos Production (May 18)
Ukraine Asbestos Ban: Round 3 (May 18)
Toxic Talc and Mesothelioma (Apr 18)
Ukraine Asbestos Ban: Round 2 (Mar 18)
In Memory of Jock McCulloch (Jan 18)
2018: A Year of Hope! (Jan 18)
Media Release: Economic blackmail by Russia against Sri Lanka’s asbestos ban decision slammed by international trade unions and health networks (Jan 18)
Media Release: Indian Ban Asbestos Network Established (Dec 17)
Historic Victory for UK Asbestos Victims! (Dec 17)
Brazil Bans Asbestos! (Dec 17)
Another Asbestos Debacle? (Nov 17)
Ukraines Asbestos Debacle (Nov 17)
Compensating Asbestosis Victims in Kolkata (Oct 17)
Solidarity with Asbestos Victims (Oct 17)
Global Asbestos Mortality Data (Oct 17)
Letter to President! (Sep 17)
The need for a Pacific Wide Ban on Asbestos (Sep 17)
The Fall of the Asbestos Empire (Sep 17)
Open Letter to President Minnikhanov (Sep 17)
Brazils Asbestos Divide (Aug 17)
Press Release calling for an Asbestos Ban in Indonesia (Jul 17)
Vietnam Labor Supports Ban! (Jul 17)
Ban Asbestos Campaign: Update Summer 2017 (Jul 17)
Ban Asbestos Mobilization (Jul 17)
Asbestos Youth Awareness Workshop: Asbestos the Silent Killer (Jul 17)
Message of Solidarity for Action Mesothelioma Day (Jul 17)
Ukraine Bans Asbestos! (Jul 17)
Mobilization of Italian Asbestos Victims (Jun 17)
Press Release: Unity of Asbestos Victims (Jun 17)
The Asbestos Hazard in Shipbreaking (May 17)
India: National Asbestos Profile (May 17)
Asbestos Showdown in Geneva (May 17)
Asbestos Victory in Belgium (Mar 17)
Justice for Franoise (Mar 17)
Rotterdam Convention 2017: Make or Break (Mar 17)
Twenty-first Century Diplomacy: Gherkins for Asbestos (Feb 17)
Toxic Ships, Dying Workers (Feb 17)
The Global Campaign to Ban Asbestos 2017! (Feb 17)
Poisoning for Profit (Jan 17)
Press Release: Historic Canadian Asbestos Ban! (Dec 16)
November 2016: Asbestos Action and Reaction (Dec 16)
Brazilians United in Ban Asbestos Struggle (Oct 16)
Press Release: India’s Asbestos Killing Fields! (Oct 16)
The Legacy of the European Asbestos Industry Continues in India (Oct 16)
EterNOT not Eternit! (Sep 16)
A Day of Renewal and Remembrance (Sep 16)
Hopes High that Canada is About to Ban Asbestos (Aug 16)
Why Most Ships Still Contain Asbestos (Aug 16)
UK Asbestos Alert: Update (Aug 16)
Remembering Shankar Dattaray Jog (Aug 16)
Italys Hope and Glory (Aug 16)
The British Asbestos Newsletter Spring 2016 (Jul 16)
Press Release: UK Toxic Asbestos Imports from China? (Jul 16)
Action Mesothelioma Day 2016 (Jul 16)
Schools Asbestos Awareness Workshop Asbestos the Silent Killer (Jun 16)
The Asbestos Hazard at Shipyards (Jun 16)
100th Issue of Unique British Publication (Jun 16)
Implementing Nepals Asbestos Ban (May 16)
International Workers Memorial Day 2016 (Apr 16)
Japan: New Asbestos Initiative (Apr 16)
Mystery over the Multimillion Mesothelioma Grant (Apr 16)
Columbian Senate Debates Ban Asbestos Bill (Apr 16)
Parliamentary Asbestos Seminar 2016 (Mar 16)
Asbestos: Ignominy, Corruption and Retribution (Mar 16)
Global Asbestos Hegemony; Global Asbestos Crimes (Feb 16)
Chrysotile (White) Asbestos: The Facts (Feb 16)
Media Release: Albania’s Asbestos Crisis (Feb 16)
Asbestos Justice: The Time Has Come! (Feb 16)
The “evil effects of [asbestos] dust”: Lucy Deane 1898 (Jan 16)
Argentinas Asbestos Anomaly (Jan 16)
Change in Mesothelioma Regime to Benefit Veterans (Jan 16)
Alert: Asbestos Public Health Hazard (Dec 15)
Who is at Risk from Toxic Exposures? (Dec 15)
Open Letter to Global Asbestos Industry (Dec 15)
Vietnam Asbestos Offensive (Nov 15)
Asbestos Awareness Down Under (Nov 15)
Eradicating the Asbestos Hazard (Oct 15)
Asbestos What Would Shakespeare Say? (Oct 15)
Media Release: Asbestos: Killer Fibre! (Sep 15)
French Victims Denounce Flawed Report (Sep 15)
An Anniversary to Remember (Sep 15)
The Beauty, the Wonder and the Solidarity of Osasco 15 years on! (Sep 15)
Blot on the Landscape (Sep 15)
Pleural Plaques: Obtaining Social Justice and Equity in Addressing Compensation Issues in Scotland (Sep 15)
Challenging Colombias Asbestos Status Quo (Sep 15)
Conference Report: Freeing Europe Safely from Asbestos (Sep 15)
Ban Asbestos Mobilization in Canada! (Aug 15)
Who Can be Trusted to Find Asbestos in New Zealand? (Aug 15)
Media Release: Stop Playing with Cancer! (Jul 15)
Italian Asbestos Verdict Due on Friday! (Jul 15)
Action Mesothelioma Day 2015 (Jul 15)
Development of Turkish National Asbestos Program (Jul 15)
Awareness Workshop in South African Asbestos Town (Jul 15)
Interim Report: EU Asbestos Action (Jun 15)
Europes Asbestos Ground Zero (Jun 15)
The HSE Beware Asbestos Web App (Jun 15)
Posthumous Award for Asbestos Campaigner (Jun 15)
Asbestos Spectre Haunts Parliament (Jun 15)
Asbestos Perspectives: Local Endeavour, Political Impotence (Jun 15)
Press Release: Confronting Europe’s Asbestos Disaster (May 15)
ROCA Press Release: Geneva, May 15, 2015 (May 15)
Report from the Asbestos Frontline: Update from Geneva (May 15)
Open Letter to COP7 Delegates (May 15)
Western Australias Asbestos Legacy (May 15)
Welcome to Geneva! (May 15)
The Global Mesothelioma Landscape 2015 (Apr 15)
Uproar over UN Asbestos Debacle (Mar 15)
South Africas Asbestos Crisis (Mar 15)
Asbestos, an Election Issue (Mar 15)
Update from the UK’s Asbestos Battleground (Mar 15)
Who is Informing the UNs Asbestos Debate? (Feb 15)
Australias Asbestos Anomaly (Feb 15)
New Zealands Asbestos Policy Unfit for Purpose Still! (Feb 15)
Asbestos in Colombia 2014 (Feb 15)
End Europes Asbestos Derogation! (Jan 15)
Italys Asbestos Mystery (Jan 15)
Open Letter to Thai Minister of Industry (Jan 15)
Indonesian Asbestos-Related Disease Workshop (Jan 15)
Progress on Asbestos Ban in Nepal! (Jan 15)
Australia – (Updated: May 2018)
Belgium – (May 2020)
Brazil – (Updated: Apr 2020)
Canada – (Updated Dec 2016)
China – (July 2020)
European Union – (Updated: May 2018)
France – (Updated: May 2018)
India – (Updated: May 2018)
Indonesia – August 2020)
Italy – (Updated: April 2020)
Japan – (Updated: May 2018)
Korea – (June 2020)
Russia – (Updated: April 2020)
South Africa – (Updated: May 2018)
United Kingdom – (Updated: May 2018)
United Nations – (Updated: May 2018)
United States – (Updated: May 2018)
(For countries not listed below look for articles by country in Abstract Archive)
Argentinas Asbestos Anomaly (Jan 16)
Argentinean Asbestos Lawsuit in the U.S. (Aug 09)
A Stranger to Their Shores: Robert Vojakovic 1940-2024. (Jul 24)
Revisiting a WA Institution: The Asbestos Diseases Society of Australia (Apr 24)
Australian Scandal Grows amidst Global Confirmation of Asbestos Hazard (Feb 24)
Two Decades After Australia Banned Asbestos (Nov 23)
Australias Asbestos Landscape 2021 (Nov 21)
Red Letter Day for Asbestos Victims and Campaigners (Mar 21)
Global Asbestos Panorama 2019 (Dec 19)
Asbestos Awareness in Australia: Then and Now (Dec 19)
How Do You Solve a Problem like Wittenoom? (Apr 19)
West Australias Campaign for Asbestos Justice 2018 (Sep 18)
In Memory of Jock McCulloch (Jan 18)
November 2016: Asbestos Action and Reaction (Dec 16)
Asbestos Awareness Down Under (Nov 15)
Posthumous Award for Asbestos Campaigner (Jun 15)
Western Australias Asbestos Legacy (May 15)
The Global Mesothelioma Landscape 2015 (Apr 15)
Australias Asbestos Anomaly (Feb 15)
Australias Asbestos Awareness Month (Dec 14)
On Australias Asbestos Frontline 2014 (Sep 14)
Blue-sky Thinking (Apr 14)
Grace Under Fire (Apr 14)
Ready, Steady, Go (May 13)
Asbestos Life and Death in Australia (Apr 13)
Asbestos is Everywhere! (Nov 12)
Fund-raising on the Golf Course (Oct 12)
Asbestos-free Australia by 2030? (Aug 12)
Asbestos Issues in India: Interview with Lisa Singh (Jul 12)
Walk for Wittenoom Children - Summary (May 12)
Walk for Wittenoom Children - Day 5 (May 12)
Walk for Wittenoom Children - Day 4 (May 12)
Walk for Wittenoom Children - Day 3 (May 12)
Walk for Wittenoom Children - Day 2 (May 12)
Walk for Wittenoom Children Day 1 (May 12)
Charity Walk for Wittenoom's Children (Apr 12)
Confronting Australia's Asbestos Catastrophe (Apr 12)
Australian Award for British Activist (Apr 12)
Australia Confronts Asbestos Disaster (Nov 11)
Betrayal of Commonwealth Principles (Oct 11)
A Dishonorable Honor (Dec 10)
Australian Asbestos Management Review (Nov 10)
Alcoa's Australian Workers Exposed to Illegal Asbestos Gaskets (Jun 10)
Australian Exhibition Highlights Asbestos Grief (Feb 10)
A Quiet Anniversary (Jan 10)
Book Review: Killer Company James Hardie Exposed (Jan 10)
Asbestos-free Australia by 2030! (Sep 09)
Asbestos Reverberations in Australia (Jun 09)
Asbestos Cement Penguin (Apr 09)
Medical and Legal Developments in Australia (Jan 09)
A Helping Hand for Asbestos Victims (Oct 08)
Court Date for James Hardie (Sep 08)
James Hardie: On the Run Again? – (Apr 08)
Legal Win for Australian Mechanic – (Mar 08)
Asbestos Activism Down-Under – (Jan 08)
On the Street Where you Live – (Nov07)
Prosecution of James Hardie – (Feb 07)
Record Australian Payout – (Feb 07)
Wins by Australian Claimants – (Jan 07)
Research News from Australia and the U.S. – (Nov 06)
Major Research Initiative in Australia – (Oct 06)
Asbestos: Truth & Consequences in Australia – (Nov 05)
Psychiatric Injury to Australian Asbestos Worker – (Nov 04)
James Hardie Condemned! – (Sep 04)
Attempt at Damage Limitation by Major Asbestos Defendant – (Jul 04)
Insurers Mobilize in Australia – (Aug 03)
Australian Awards for Campaigners – (Apr 03)
Asbestos Issues in Australia and Southeast Asia – (Jan 03)
New Asbestos Diseases Research Institute – (Jan 03)
Consultation on Asbestos Exposure Standards in Australia – (Sep 02)
Asbestos Time Bomb – (Apr 02)
Huge Asbestos Liabilities for Australian Government – (Mar 02)
Western Australia: Compensation for Mesothelioma Claimants – (Feb 02)
Mesothelioma: Australian Data and Research – (Aug 01)
(Aug 2001 update of previous article.)
Australia: Escalation in Asbestos Litigation – (Aug 01)
Historic Victory for Belgian Asbestos Victims (Dec 23)
A Man on a Mission (Apr 22)
Asbestos Victory in Belgium (Mar 17)
Conference Report: Freeing Europe Safely from Asbestos (Sep 15)
Interim Report: EU Asbestos Action (Jun 15)
Europes Asbestos Ground Zero (Jun 15)
Belgium's Asbestos Killing Fields (May 13)
A Canadian Pilgrimage (Oct 12)
Asbestos Victim Honored in Belgium (Sep 12)
Eternit Ordered to Pay for Belgian Clean-up (May 12)
Justice for Franoise? (Oct 11)
Tribute to Michel Vernier (1942-2009) (Feb 10)
The New Belgian Asbestos Fund – (Jul 07)
Belgian Asbestos Fund – (Mar 07)
Brussels Demonstration by Asbestos Victims – (May 06)
Breakthrough for Belgian Asbestos Victims – (Jul 02)
SV40 Not Associated with Pleural Mesothelioma – (Jun 02)
September Miracle in Northeastern Brazil! (Sep 24)
Comunicado à Imprensa: Mistério na Suprema Corte do Brasil (Aug 24)
Press Release: Mystery at the Brazilian Supreme Court (Aug 24)
Christmas for Eternit in Brazil (Aug 24)
Corporate Chutzpah in Brazil! (Jan 24)
Taking the Ban Asbestos Fight to Brasilia 2023 (Dec 23)
Press Release: Asbestos Victims Worldwide Call for Action by Brazil’s Supreme Court (Nov 23)
Whats Going on at Brazils Supreme Court? (Nov 23)
A Very Long Wait for Brazilian Justice (Aug 23)
Saturday in São Caetano do Sul (Aug 23)
Inaugural Award for Outstanding Service to Asbestos Victims! (Jul 23)
Open Letter: Urgent Appeal to Brazilian Supreme Court Justices (Jun 23)
Monetizing Their Mistakes: Paying for the São Paulo Debacle (Apr 23)
Brazil Asbestos Ban Upheld! (Feb 23)
Anger Growing in Brazil over Asbestos Crimes (Jan 23)
São Paulo Blame Game (Oct 22)
The São Paulo: International Hot Potato (Sep 22)
International Mystery Where is the São Paulo? (Aug 22)
Controlled Use of Asbestos in Brazil? (May 22)
Closing Brazils Asbestos Loopholes (Aug 21)
Carta Aberta à Comunidade Global do Banimento do Amianto (Jun 21)
Confidence Tricksters and Asbestos Thugs from the Brazilian State of Gois (Mar 21)
Open Letter to Brazilian Authorities (Mar 21) (Versão em português)
Enigma Brasileiro: Continuam as Exportações de Amianto do País que Proibiu a Fibra Assassina (Feb 21)
Letter to Brazilian Authorities Regarding Auction of Aircraft Carrier São Paulo (Feb 21)
Brazilian Success: Pioneering Medical Program to Expand! (Oct 20)
Marking the 20th Anniversary of Landmark Asbestos Congress (Oct 20)
Open Letter to the Governor of Goiás State Dr. Ronaldo Caiado (Apr 20)
(Portuguese version of above letter)
Press Release: Asbestos Scandal! (Feb 20)
Comunicado à Imprensa: Escândalo do amianto! (Feb 20)
Pioneering Medical Treatment Program in Brazil (Feb 20)
Landmark Asbestos Initiative in Brazil (Oct 19)
Letter: Concerning public auction of aircraft carrier São Paulo. (Sep 19)
Urgent Appeal to Brazilian Supreme Court Justices (Aug 19)
Denial of the Occurrence of Occupational Asbestos Diseases in the Brazilian Mining Town of Minaçu (Aug 19)
Post-Asbestos Brazil A City Cast Adrift (Jul 19)
Status Report from Asian Ban Asbestos Mission to Brazil April 24, 2019 (Apr 19)
Press Release: STOP Brazilian Asbestos Exports! (Apr 19)
Press Release: STOP Brazilian Asbestos Exports! (Apr 19)
Press Release: STOP - You’re Killing Us! (Jan 19)
Remembering João Batista Momi (Oct 18)
Brazil Bans Asbestos! (Dec 17)
Brazils Asbestos Divide (Aug 17)
Brazilians United in Ban Asbestos Struggle (Oct 16)
Landmark Asbestos Prosecution in Brazil (Aug 14)
Top Brazilian Award for Fernanda Giannasi (Jul 14)
Asbestos and the World Cup 2014 (Jun 14)
Award for Latin American Activist: Fernanda Giannasi (May 14)
The Curse of Asbestos (Jan 14)
Brazilian Court: Eternit to Pay! (Aug 13)
A Debt of Honor (Aug 13)
Global Appeal to Brazilian President (May 13)
Brazil: Asbestos Producer, User, Exporter (Dec 12)
Impressions of a Judicial Impasse (Nov 12)
Final Asbestos Showdown in Brasilia? (Oct 12)
Brazilian Trade Union Supports Asbestos Ban (Sep 12)
A Perfect Day (Sep 12)
Tomorrow in Brasilia (Aug 12)
Showdown in Brasilia (Aug 12)
The Future We Want is Asbestos-Free (Jul 12)
Brazilian Efforts to Ban Asbestos 2012 (May 12)
A Dark Day for Brazil (Sep 11)
Brazilian Asbestos Industry vs. Fernanda Giannasi (Apr 11)
Financial Case for Brazilian Asbestos Ban (Jan 11)
Brazilian Ban On Asbestos Transport Upheld (Oct 10)
Asbestos Meetings in Brazil (Sep 10)
Commemorating The Global Asbestos Congress 2000 (Sep 10)
Brazil's Asbestos Cavalcade (Mar 10)
Death of Brazilian Asbestos Victim (Feb 10)
Brazilian Ban Asbestos Mobilization (Nov 09)
Swiss Asbestos Expert was paid by the Brazilian Asbestos Industry (Jul 09)
Aldo Vicentin: One More Victim of Asbestos (May 09)
The Kubota Coincidence? (Apr 09)
Another Victory in Brazil! (Feb 09)
Brazilian Minister Bans Asbestos! (Feb 09)
Fatal Collapse of Asbestos Roof (Jan 09)
A Quiet Hero, a Gentle Man – (Aug 08)
History in the Making! – (July 08)
São Paulo's Asbestos Battle – (Sep 07)
Update on Brazilian Asbestos Campaign – (Jul 07)
The Mayor, the Governor and the President – (Mar 07)
Attack by Brazil's Asbestos Pushers – (Feb 07)
Regional Asbestos Conferences in Latin America – (May 06)
Tribute to an Esteemed Colleague – (Nov 05)
Asbestos Focus at the World Social Forum – (Feb 05)
Victory for Brazil's Asbestos Victims – (Sep 04)
Brazilian Justice? – (Feb 04)
Hazards of Asbestos Cement – (May 03)
Brazilian Asbestos Victims Demonstrate on Workers’ Memorial Day – (Apr 03)
Asbestos Developments in Brazil – (Jun 02)
The Asbestos Institute Attacks Brazilian Campaigner – (Sep 01)
Asbestos Diseases in Brazil and the Building of Counter-Powers: a Study in Health, Work, and Gender [in English] – (Aug 01)
(L. Scavone, F. Giannasi and A. Thébaud-Mony)
Paying a Catastrophic Price for Canadas Asbestos Riches (Sep 24)
Quebecs Asbestos Epiphany? (May 21)
From Asbestos to Val-des-Sources (Oct 20)
Media Release: Canada Completes Long Road to Asbestos Ban Regulation (Oct 18)
Press Release: Historic Canadian Asbestos Ban! (Dec 16)
Hopes High that Canada is About to Ban Asbestos (Aug 16)
Ban Asbestos Mobilization in Canada! (Aug 15)
The Controversy which is John Corbett McDonald (Jan 13)
Reaching out to Canada's Asbestos Victims (Sep 12)
Canada: No More Asbestos! (Sep 12)
Quebec Privateers Face Mounting Opposition (Aug 12)
New Asbestos Mine in Quebec (Jun 12)
The Rise and Fall of the Chrysotile Institute (May 12)
Quebec Condemns Killer Industry (Mar 12)
Historic Mission to Canada (Dec 11)
Asian Solidarity Mission to Canada One Year On (Dec 11)
Memories of Quebec (Dec 11)
The Asbestos Frontline (Dec 11)
Chrysotile Institute Mountebanks and Liars! (Dec 11)
Sarnia 2011: Remembering Our Asbestos Victims (Oct 11)
Baljit Chadha: Asbestos Straw Man? (Sep 11)
Taking a Stand: Asbestos Widow vs. Canadian Government (Aug 11)
Quebec's Asbestos Pimps and Profiteers (Aug 11)
Canada's Asbestos Industry The Final Countdown (Aug 11)
Canada, A Pariah State (Jun 11)
Pressure Builds in Canada to Outlaw Asbestos (Jun 11)
Down and Out in Quebec (May 11)
Canada's Asbestos "Mafia": In Words and Pictures (Apr 11)
Cynical Relaunch of Canadian Asbestos Industry (Apr 11)
Asbestos: A Hot-Button Issue in Canada (Mar 11)
Does Quebec Need Asbestos? (Mar 11)
Last Chance for Canada's "New" Asbestos Mine? (Mar 11)
No More Tax Dollars for Chrysotile Institute? (Mar 11)
Canada's Asbestos Endgame? (Jan 11)
Asbestos Protests in India, Canada and Korea (Jan 11)
Quebec Public Opposes Asbestos Subsidy (Jan 11)
Stop the Mine Update! (Jan 11)
Canada's Asbestos Schizophrenia (Jan 11)
Nowhere to Run Nowhere to Hide (Dec10)
White Asbestos: Not for Us, says Asian Solidarity Delegation to Canada (Dec 10)
Stop the Mine! (Dec 10)
Update: Indian Takeover of Canadian Asbestos Mine? (Oct 10)
Canadian Asbestos Still a Global Concern (Jul 10)
Quebec Bailout of Asbestos Mine? (Jun 10)
Canadian Dollars for "Corporate Serial Killers" (Mar 10)
Scientists condemn Quebec's asbestos exports (Jan 10)
Pressure on Canada's Pro-Asbestos Policy (Jan 10)
North American Asbestos Revolution (Oct 09)
Asbestos Industry Suffers Major Blows in Canada (Sep 09)
The Mystery of Canada's Disappearing Asbestos (Aug 09)
Not Everyone Loves Canada! (Jul 09)
Canada's Ugly Secret (Jun 09)
Canadian Political Leaders Face Increased Heat on Asbestos Issue (May 09)
General Motors St. Catharines Cancer Cluster (May 09)
Canada How Could You? (Oct 08)
Canadians Support Global Asbestos Regulations (Sep 08)
And Then there was One! – (Aug 08)
Asbestos Uproar in Canada – (May 08)
Breaking Canada's Asbestos Addiction – (Apr 08)
Canadian Asbestos: The Naked Truth – (Nov07)
Quebec Asbestos Record Further Reason Not to Export to Developing Nations – (Jul 07)
Asbestos Expose: Fiasco for Government – (Jun 07)
Canada's Asbestos Shame – (Jun 07)
The Marystown Shipyard Family Alliance – (Jun 07)
Political Action on Asbestos in North America – (Mar 07)
Action by Injured Shipyard Workers – (Mar 07)
Asbestos Profit & Loss – (Jan 07)
Carry on Polluting – (Nov 06)
Rotterdam Treaty Killed by Chrysotile Asbestos! – (Oct 06)
Chrysotile Asbestos: Hazardous to Humans, Deadly to the Rotterdam Convention – (Sep 06)
(1.2MB pdf file; some images from the original publication have
been reduced in quality to facilitate online access.)
Sham Conference in Montreal – (May 06)
Canadian Asbestos: The Fallacy of Controlled Use – (Nov 05)
Tragic Consequences of Asbestos Exposure – (Sep 05)
International Convention Undermined by Asbestos Interests – (Jul 05)
Asbestos Poisons, Industry Profits – (Nov 04)
Rotterdam Convention: Canadian Dirty Tricks Fail – (Sep 04)
Support Quebec Asbestos Victims! – (Sep 04)
Rotterdam Convention: Chrysotile Update! – (Sep 04)
Asbestos Kills Canadians Too! – (Aug 04)
The Asbestos War – (Mar 04)
Lies + Subterfuge = Canada's Asbestos Policy – (Mar 04)
Another Travesty by the Asbestos Institute – (Jan 04)
Canadian Trade Union Supports Asbestos Ban – (Dec 03)
Letter to the Toronto Star – (Nov 03)
From Bad to Worse: A Difficult Time for Canada’s Asbestos Stakeholders! – (Nov 03)
Jim Brophy: A Voice in the Wilderness – (May 03)
Asbestos Mine Reopened by Court Order – (Jan 03)
Asbestos Mine Faces Bankruptcy – (Oct 02)
The Chrysotile Debate As Framed by a Canadian Journal – (Dec 01)
Municipal Award for Margaret Buist – (Dec 01)
Canadian Cities Divided on Asbestos – (Sep 01)
Canadian WTO Appeal: – (Sep 01)
(A collection of (11) documents concerning submission of amicus briefs.)
WTO Upholds French Ban on Chrysotile – (May 01)
(WTO Upholds French Ban on Chrysotile after an appeal by the Canadian government.)
WTO: Rejected NGOs Challenge WTO Decision – (Feb 01)
(Despite being refused leave to submit, a group of NGOs send an amicus brief to the WTO anyway (for a collection of documents on this subject see also 'Canadian WTO Appeal,' below).)
The WTO Decision – (Feb 01)
(On September 18, 2000 the WTO found in favour of France in the dispute over the French asbestos ban; but the logic employed was not entirely enviromentally friendly and, in any case, Canada appealed the WTO ruling.)
The WTO Asbestos Dispute: Workplace Health Dictated by Trade Rules? – (Jun 00)
(Article in L'Année Sociale 1999, published by Institute of Sociology, Brussels Free University, by Laurent Vogel, Research Officer, European Trade Union Technical Bureau for Health & Safety.)
The WTO Asbestos Case and its Health and Trade Implications – (Dec 00)
(Paper presented by Barry Castleman ScD on Environment and Health Day,
Seattle, November 29, 1999.)
WTO Asbestos Case in Brief – (Apr 00)
(Canadian appeal against French chrysotile ban.)
Chinas Asbestos Conundrum (Oct 24)
Activists Highlight Asbestos Hazard in Yin Kong (Sep 13)
China Increases Asbestos Restrictions (Nov 10)
China's Asbestos Challenge (May 10)
Landmark Ban Asbestos Conference in China (May 09)
Asbestos Olympics? – (Apr 08)
Colombia has a Ban Asbestos Law, in Name but not in Fact (May 21)
Colombia Bans Asbestos! (Jul 19)
Columbian Senate Debates Ban Asbestos Bill (Apr 16)
Challenging Colombias Asbestos Status Quo (Sep 15)
Asbestos in Colombia 2014 (Feb 15)
Asbestos: Art, Science and Policy (Oct 14)
Colombias Asbestos Stories, from Economic to Legal (Sep 14)
Asbestos Issues in Colombia (Jul 13)
Interpretation of "The Female Face of Britain's Asbestos Catastrophe" (Jul 13)
Asbestos in Colombia (Oct 12)
Egypt's Asbestos Legacy (Sep 11)
China's Explosive Rise in Asbestos Disease (Nov 10)
Asbestos Use in the Middle East – (Jul 06)
Victory for Egyptian Asbestos Workers – (Sep 05)
What Price the Egyptian Asbestos Ban? – (Jan 05)
Egyptian Campaigners in London – (Oct 04)
Victimization of Egyptian Asbestos Workers – (Jun 04)
French Justice is Deaf as well as Blind (Sep 24)
Asbestos Contamination at Jussieu University: A Judicial Scandal (Jul 23)
Asbestos Scandal in France 2023 (Jun 23)
Paris Court Spurns Victims Petition (May 23)
Press Release: The French Government is Backing Down. (Oct 21)
Outrage over Retrograde Plans by French Government (Jul 21)
The Interminable Wait for Asbestos Justice in France (Feb 21)
Clemenceau’s sister ship heading for the scrapyard – France must act responsibly. (Jan 20)
En solidarité avec les victimes de l’amiante (Oct 17)
Solidarity with Asbestos Victims (Oct 17)
French Victims Denounce Flawed Report (Sep 15)
Are Short Asbestos Fibres Toxic? (Jan 14)
French Travesty of Justice (Feb 13)
Storming the Asbestos Barricades (Oct 12)
Victory for French Victims' Group (Mar 09)
In Memory of Henri Pezerat (Feb 09)
Thousands Mount Silent Protest through Paris (Nov 08)
Michelin Guilty of Negligence – (Nov 06)
The Clemenceau Comes Home! – (May 06)
Le Clemenceau: Action and Reaction – (Jan 06)
French Asbestos Legacy – (Oct 05)
International Recognition for Asbestos Documentary – (Jul 05)
French Asbestos Ruling – (Mar 04)
The Asbestos Dossier – (Oct 02)
French Supreme Court Supports Asbestos Victims – (Mar 02)
Andeva Press Release – (Feb 02)
French Supreme Court Hears Asbestos Claims – (Feb 02)
The French Government Continues to Fail Asbestos Victims – (Sep 01)
World Congress Bars German Asbestos Victims (Aug 14)
Support for Asbestos Victims in Germany (Mar 14)
Prestigious Award for Professor Hans-Joachim Woitowitz (Jul 13)
Victims Congratulate Prof. Hans-Joachim Woitowitz (Jul 13)
Asbestos and Lung Cancer (Dec 12)
Asbestos Exclusions Being Considered in Germany – (Jan 03)
The Human Cost of Electricity in Germany – (Sep 01)
Remembering Nirmala Gurung (Sep 20)
Everest Industries Ltd, Kolkata India: Victimizing the workers (May 18)
Media Release: Indian Ban Asbestos Network Established (Dec 17)
Compensating Asbestosis Victims in Kolkata (Oct 17)
Letter to President! (Sep 17)
India: National Asbestos Profile (May 17)
Twenty-first Century Diplomacy: Gherkins for Asbestos (Feb 17)
Press Release: India’s Asbestos Killing Fields! (Oct 16)
The Legacy of the European Asbestos Industry Continues in India (Oct 16)
Remembering Shankar Dattaray Jog (Aug 16)
Occupational Disease Outreach Project in India (Jul 14)
India Says No to Asbestos (Dec 13)
Briefing: Upcoming Press Conference in Delhi (Nov 13)
SHWAAS a Breathlessness Intervention Project to help People in India with Asbestosis (Sep 13)
Indian Citizens Reject Asbestos (Jan 13)
India's Wayward Asbestos Policy (Dec 12)
Escalation of Ban Asbestos Mobilization in India (Aug 12)
Confusing Verdict by India's Supreme Court (Aug 12)
Meeting of Representatives of Indian Trade Unions and Civil Society with Australian Senator Lisa Singh (Jul 12)
Asbestos Protests in India (May 12)
Activists Condemn Canadian Racism (Dec 11)
India Hosts A-BAN Conference (Nov 11)
Asbestos Outreach Project in India (Aug 11)
Mobilization on India's Asbestos Threat (Mar 11)
Ban Asbestos Movement Gains Momentum in India (Mar 11)
Misinterpretation of Indian Asbestos Decision (Feb 11)
Asbestos Tsunami Headed for India (Feb 11)
Violent Attack on Asbestos Critics (Jan 11)
Supreme Court's Asbestos Decision a Missed Opportunity (Jan 11)
Impasse Overcome by Indian Protests (Jan 11)
Huge Victory for Indian Workers (Nov 10)
Why No Asbestos Use at the Commonwealth Games 2010? (Oct 10)
Raising Asbestos Awareness in India (Jul 10)
Ban Asbestos Mobilization in India (May 10)
Tackling Asbestos Contamination in India and Rwanda (Mar 10)
India Rejects Asbestos Premier (Feb 10)
Control of India's Asbestos Agenda Undermined (Jan 10)
Canada's Ugly Secret (Jun 09)
Press Release (Sep 08)
India's Asbestos Time Bomb – (Sep 08)
Press Release: A Fox in the Hen House – (Feb 08)
Growth of Ban Asbestos Movement in Asia – (Jan 08)
Judgment on World Bank – (Sep 07)
What Price the Truth? – (Jun 07)
Chrysotile in India: Truth Held Hostage – (Oct 06)
India: Asbestos Deaths Mount as Production Expands – (Jan 06)
Asbestosis in India – (Nov 05)
Indian Companies Flourish in Pro-Asbestos Climate – (Nov 04)
Asbestos Conference in India – (Nov 04)
September Conference in India – (Sep 04)
Indian Tax Breaks for Asbestos Producers – (Jul 04)
Doctors Campaign for Asbestos Ban in India – (Aug 03)
Industry Offensive in India – (Feb 03)
India: Asbestos Update – (Aug 02)
Asbestos in India – (Feb 02)
In Defense of Ban Asbestos Campaigners (Dec 24)
Industry Attacks Consumers Historic Win Against Chrysotile Asbestos (Oct 24)
Victory in Indonesia! (May 24)
Urgent Appeal to the People of Colombia (Jun 19)
Indonesian National Seminar - Asbestos: Poison Scattered in the Disaster Nation (May 19)
Confronting Indonesias Asbestos Challenges (Oct 18)
Press Release calling for an Asbestos Ban in Indonesia (Jul 17)
Indonesian Asbestos-Related Disease Workshop (Jan 15)
Workshop: Dangerous Asbestos Trade in Asia (Dec 13)
The Road to an Asbestos-Free Indonesia (Sep 13)
Indonesia Mobilization on Asbestos (Oct 12)
Indonesian Mobilization on Asbestos (Jul 12)
Indonesian Campaign to Ban Asbestos (May 12)
Community Activism in Indonesia (Jul 11)
Italys Supreme Court Annuls Acquittal of Asbestos Defendants (Jun 24)
Making Progress in Catalonia (May 24)
Letter to Stephan Schmidheiny (May 24)
Italian Journalists Asbestos War (May 24)
Landmark Jail Sentence for Swiss Asbestos Magnate (Jun 23)
Update from Novara Asbestos Trial (Sep 21)
Déjà Vu: Stephan Schmidheiny in the Dock (Jun 21)
Schmidheiny in the Dock, 2020 (Nov 20)
Stephan Schmidheiny in the Dock: Again! (Jan 20)
Italian Asbestos Deaths: New Conviction (May 19)
Mobilization of Italian Asbestos Victims (Jun 17)
EterNOT not Eternit! (Sep 16)
A Day of Renewal and Remembrance (Sep 16)
Italys Hope and Glory (Aug 16)
Global Asbestos Hegemony; Global Asbestos Crimes (Feb 16)
Italian Asbestos Verdict Due on Friday! (Jul 15)
Italys Asbestos Mystery (Jan 15)
Postscript to the Great Asbestos Trial (Feb 14)
2013 Appeal Verdict in the Great Asbestos Trial (Jun 13)
Launch of Italian Asbestos Plan (Apr 13)
Eternit and the Great Asbestos Trial: Appeal Proceedings (Feb 13)
Great Asbestos Trial: Post-Verdict Developments (Jul 12)
Italian Government takes Asbestos Safety and Care Concerns to EU International Research Network Ahead? (Apr 12)
Clarification of Turin Judgment (Feb 12)
Landmark Victory for Italian Asbestos Victims (Feb 12)
IBAS Eternit Monograph Released as Verdict in the Great Asbestos Trial is Announced (Feb 12)
A New Year in Casale Monferrato (Jan 12)
Update from Casale Monferrato (Dec 11)
Justice for Sale? (Dec 11)
Surprise Moves by Schmidheiny's Lawyers (Nov 11)
Eternit on Trial (Nov 11)
Making Waves and Noise in Turin (Jul 11)
A Town in Mourning, a Town Reborn (May 11)
Former Executives Jailed in Italy (May 10)
The Day of Reckoning: Eternit on Trial (Mar 10)
Eternit on Trial! (Jan 10)
Eternit Pre-Trial Manoeuvre in Italy (Mar 09)
Italian Case Against Eternit (Jan 09)
Jail Time for Eternit Executives – (Jul 05)
Compensation for Corsican Miners – (Nov 04)
Mesothelioma Among Oil Refinery Workers – (Sep 02)
Professional Bakers Contract Asbestos Disease – (Feb 02)
The 18th Anniversary of the Kubota Shock (Jul 23)
Memories of Dr Yoshiomi Temmyo 1932-2022 (Jun 22)
2022 Update from Japans Asbestos Frontline (Mar 22)
Asbestos Truth and Consequences in Japan (Sep 21)
New developments in construction workers asbestos litigation in Japan (Jun 21)
Historic Victory for Japans Asbestos Victims (May 21)
Press Release: Unity of Asbestos Victims (Jun 17)
The Global Campaign to Ban Asbestos 2017! (Feb 17)
Japan: New Asbestos Initiative (Apr 16)
Historic Asbestos Ruling by Japanese Supreme Court (Oct 14)
Japan's Fight for Asbestos Justice (Dec 13)
Global Asbestos Congress 2004: Eight Years On (Jan 13)
Japan Eternit: An Unending Story (Jul 12)
Asbestos Cause and Effect (Jul 12)
Defeat of Japanese Asbestos Test Case (May 12)
Confusing Times for Japan's Asbestos Victims (Aug 11)
Support for Japan's Asbestos Victims (Aug 11)
Asbestos Fallout from Japanese Disasters (May 11)
Mixed Messages in Japan (Mar 11)
Japan's Asbestos Analytical Method Fails to Meet ISO Requirements (Sep 10)
Japan Good News, Bad News (Jun 10)
Remembering the Kobe Earthquake (Jan 10)
Japanese Asbestos Protests (Apr 09)
Legal Victory for Railway Workers in Japan (Jan 09)
Japan: Cause and Effect – (July 08)
Growth of Ban Asbestos Movement in Asia – (Jan 08)
Asbestos Conference in Amagasaki City – (Jul 07)
Asbestos Protests in Japan – (Apr 07)
Asbestos Test Case against Japan Railways – (Feb 07)
New Japanese Initiatives: Prevention & Treatment – (Jan 07)
Big Win for Japanese Shipyard Workers – (Oct 06)
Japan: Too Little, Too Late! – (Jan 06)
Japan: Total Asbestos Ban by 2008! – (Aug 05)
Asbestos Massacre at Japanese Factories – (Jul 05)
Travels with Rie – (Jan 04)
Japan to Compensate Workers from U.S. Base – (Oct 02)
Japan Considering Plans to Ban Asbestos – (Jul 02)
Kazakh Producers Chasing Russian Asbestos Markets (Sep 22)
What is going on in Kazakhstan? (Mar 13)
First International Asbestos Conference in Kazakhstan (May 09)
Eradicating Asbestos from Koreas Schools (Apr 23)
Asbestos in South Koreas Schools (May 22)
Mourning the Passing of a Grassroots Leader (Jan 22)
Tackling Asbestos Injustice in Korea (Jul 14)
Tribute to Hyung-Sik Choi (Mar 14)
The Rachel Lee Jung-Lim Award (Dec 12)
Asbestos Icicles in Korea (Aug 12)
In Appreciation of Rachel Lee (Dec 11)
Korean Asbestos Ban: The First Step (Sep 11)
Victory for Activists in Korea (Aug 11)
Hyundai Steel: A Corporate Criminal (Jul 11)
Korean Asbestos Relief Law (Apr 10)
Asbestos Truth and Consequences in Korea (Oct 09)
Tremolite Contamination in South Korea (Feb 09)
Asbestos Activism in Korea (Feb 09)
Consensus on Asbestos Hazard – (Aug 08)
The Times they Are A-Changing – (May 08)
Growth of Ban Asbestos Movement in Asia – (Jan 08)
Pressure Builds for Asbestos Ban in Mexico! (Oct 24)
Mexico's Asbestos Debate (Aug 10)
Community Protest in Mexico (May 10)
Mexico's Asbestos Plague (Feb 10)
First Asbestos Claim Brought Against the Dutch State (Feb 14)
Eternit Negligent for Toxic Waste! – (Apr 07)
New Scheme for Mesothelioma Claimants in The Netherlands – (Oct 02)
Who Can be Trusted to Find Asbestos in New Zealand? (Aug 15)
New Zealands Asbestos Policy Unfit for Purpose Still! (Feb 15)
New Zealand's Failing Asbestos Policy! (Feb 11)
Award for New Zealand Campaigner – (May 08)
Legal Victory in New Zealand – (Oct 06)
New Zealand: Asbestos Epidemic – (Nov 04)
Statement from the Collegium Ramazzini to the Supreme Court of Pakistan (Jan 20)
Pakistan Supreme Court Reviews Asbestos Case (Aug 12)
Beginning of Ban Asbestos Debate in Pakistan – (Jan 06)
Canadian Duplicity Denounced by Unions in the Philippines (May 10)
Philippines: Trade Union Mobilization (Mar 09)
Action on Asbestos in the Philippines – (May 08)
Crisis for Russias Asbestos Producers (Jan 25)
Behind the BRICS Curtain (Nov 24)
Russias Asbestos Cash Cow under Threat? (Aug 24)
Russian Ministry Planning Action on Asbestos Hazard (Jun 24)
Russians Losing Key Asbestos Market (Jun 24)
Russians Target Australian Campaigners (May 24)
More Asbestos Subterfuge in the Urals (Apr 24)
The world is now waiting for Kazakhstani chrysotile (May 22)
Putins War, Economic Sanctions and Asbestos Exports (Mar 22)
Russias Autumn Asbestos Offensive (Sep 21)
Behind the Asbestos Curtain: Uralasbest 2021 (Jul 21)
Open Letter to President Minnikhanov (Sep 17)
Trouble in Russia's Asbestos Paradise? (Dec 13)
Russia's Olympic Asbestos Policy (Mar 13)
What's Going on at IARC? (Nov 12)
Chrysotile Industry Counteroffensive 2012 (Nov 12)
Workshop: Elimination of Asbestos-related Diseases in Russia (Sep 12)
Yet More Russian Asbestos Lies (Oct 11)
Russian Asbestos U-Turn? (Sep 11)
Russia's Asbestos Challenge (Aug 11)
Ban Proposal Angers Russians (Jul 11)
Russian Asbestos Ban? (Jul 11)
White Asbestos Payday (Dec 10)
International High-Level Expert Conference on Chemical Safety and Rotterdam Convention (Nov 10)
Landmark Asbestos Meeting in Russia – (Aug 08)
Never Again! – (Apr 08)
Don't Know, Don't Care – (Jul 07)
Conflicts of Interest in the Practice of Occupational Medicine – (Jun 07)
Grassroots Literacy and the Written Record: A Story of Asbestos Activism in South Africa (Nov 20)
Asbestos Youth Awareness Workshop: Asbestos the Silent Killer (Jun 19)
Asbestos Youth Awareness Workshop: Asbestos the Silent Killer (Jul 18)
Global Asbestos Awareness Event: Standing together against Asbestos (May 18)
Asbestos Youth Awareness Workshop: Asbestos the Silent Killer (Jul 17)
Schools Asbestos Awareness Workshop Asbestos the Silent Killer (Jun 16)
The Beauty, the Wonder and the Solidarity of Osasco 15 years on! (Sep 15)
Awareness Workshop in South African Asbestos Town (Jul 15)
South Africas Asbestos Crisis (Mar 15)
International Mesothelioma Conference (Oct 14)
Creating Awareness in South Africa (Aug 11)
South Africa Bans Asbestos! – (Apr 08)
The Asbestos Relief Trust – (Jul 07)
South Africa's Asbestos Scars – (Mar 07)
South Africa, Peru and Korea to Restrict Asbestos Use – (Nov 05)
South African Manufacturer Bans Asbestos – (Jan 04)
South African Claimants Briefed on Cape Asbestos Settlement – (Feb 02)
Chrysotile Production: Contradictory Developments Signal Industry Confusion – (Sep 01)
(South Africa's last chrysotile mine ceased operations the same day
as a major producer in Kazakhstan announced the doubling of output. What are
the long range prospects of the international asbestos industry?)
House of Lords' Victory for Human Rights – (Aug 00)
(Laurie Kazan-Allen puts the above House of Lords' judgement in context.)
UK Victory for African Asbestos Victims – (Jul 00)
(In an historic ruling the House of Lords decides that South African asbestos victims can seek compensation from Cape plc in UK courts. After a brief introduction we present the full text of this judgement.)
South Africa: The Asbestos Legacy – (May 00)
Betrayed Three Times Over! (Aug 22)
Addressing Spains Asbestos Legacy 2021 (Apr 21)
Legal Breakthroughs for Asbestos Victims in Spain (Mar 21)
José María Íñigos Last Battle (Jan 21)
Landmark Ruling by Spanish Court (Aug 10)
Asbestos Litigation In Spain – (July 08)
Switzerland Guilty of Asbestos Injustices (Mar 24)
Pro-Asbestos Lobbyists at UN Conference (Jul 19)
The Rotterdam Convention 2019 (May 19)
Asbestos Showdown in Geneva (May 17)
ROCA Press Release: Geneva, May 15, 2015 (May 15)
Report from the Asbestos Frontline: Update from Geneva (May 15)
Open Letter to COP7 Delegates (May 15)
Welcome to Geneva! (May 15)
Uproar over UN Asbestos Debacle (Mar 15)
Review: Maria Roselli, The Asbestos Lie: The Past and Present of an Industrial Catastrophe (Jun 14)
Rotterdam Convention 2013 an Activist's Diary (May 13)
Rotterdam Convention 2013: Dossier of Daily Reports (May 13)
Censorship in Switzerland? (Sep 11)
Swiss Blood Money: Too Little to Stem the Tide – (Oct 06)
Asbestos Issues in Switzerland – (Jul 03)
Open Letter to Thai Minister of Industry (Jan 15)
Thai Ban Asbestos Struggle 2014 (Aug 14)
Thailand Ministry Backs Immediate Ban (Feb 14)
Countering Asbestos Propaganda in Thailand (Sep 13)
The Battle over Asbestos in Thailand (Jun 13)
Thailand's Asbestos Status Quo: 2013 (Jan 13)
Report from the Asbestos Frontline 2012 (Nov 12)
Thailand's Asbestos Ban? (Oct 12)
Thailand: Update on Ban Asbestos Campaign (Aug 12)
Thailand's Asbestos Liars (May 12)
Ban Asbestos Mobilization in Thailand (Feb 12)
Progress on Thailand Asbestos Ban (Apr 11)
Thailand's Asbestos Time Bomb (Sep 10)
Asian Asbestos Conference (AAC 2006) – (Mar 07)
Breakthrough in Occupational Disease Recognition in Turkey (Mar 22)
Letter Concerning Scrapping of Aircraft Carrier São Paulo (Jun 21)
Turkeys Asbestos Dilemma 2021 (Apr 21)
Development of Turkish National Asbestos Program (Jul 15)
A Hero Died in Istanbul (Sep 13)
Turkey Marks International Workers Memorial Day (May 13)
Asbestos Ban in Turkey! (Dec 10)
Its Official: Asbestos Use Banned in Ukraine (Oct 23)
Ukraine Bans Asbestos, Finally! (Sep 22)
Reflections on Ukraines Independence Day (Aug 22)
Asbestos Update: Ukraine 2022 (May 22)
Ukraine Asbestos Ban: 2022 Update (Jan 22)
Letter to Ukraine Parliament Head Ruslan Stefanchuk (Nov 21)
The Fight for Ukraine Sovereignty over its Asbestos Policy (Sep 21)
Ukraines Asbestos War (Apr 21)
The Asbestos Lobby in Ukraine (Jan 19)
Ukraines Fight to Ban Asbestos: Update (Jun 18)
Ukraine Asbestos Ban: Round 3 (May 18)
Ukraine Asbestos Ban: Round 2 (Mar 18)
Ukraines Asbestos Debacle (Nov 17)
Ukraine Bans Asbestos! (Jul 17)
UKs Enduring Asbestos Shame (Oct 24)
Summer 2024 Update: Toxic Talc (Aug 24)
Asbestos Action Art Exhibition: Capturing Life (Jul 24)
One Nations Asbestos Catastrophe (Jul 24)
Remembering Nellie Kershaw (Mar 24)
HSE: Unfit for Purpose (Feb 24)
Our Friend Mavis (Nov 23)
Multinational Campaign Denounces Sportswashing (Sep 23)
Theat to New School Term after 13 Years of Tory Misrule (Sep 23)
Britains Summer of Asbestos Dissent (Jul 23)
Not Waving but Drowning: UK vs EU Asbestos Policy 2023 (May 23)
The UKs Grim and Enduring Asbestos Legacy (Apr 23)
Britains Asbestos Legacy: 2023 Update (Feb 23)
Conrad Atkinson: Artist, Infant Terrible, Activist and Friend (Oct 22)
Mesothelioma 2022: Global Disaster, National Tragedy (Jul 22)
Parliament Call for Asbestos Eradication Program (May 22)
Shining a Light on Asbestos Secrets (Apr 22)
Toxic Schools Still a Danger to UK Children and Staff (Mar 22)
Remembering Dr Morris Greenberg, 1926-2021 (Aug 21)
Progressing Justice for UK Asbestos Victims (Aug 21)
UK Battle for Justice: Asbestos Victims Penalized (Oct 20)
UK Cancer Care during a National Emergency (Mar 20)
Forty Years of Asbestos Protest Art (Oct 19)
Asbestos Victims Supreme Court Victory a Triumph for Open Justice (Aug 19)
Action Mesothelioma Day 2019 (Jul 19)
Corporate Deceit: Asbestos Espionage at Home and Abroad (Mar 19)
Asbestos Vessel Cruising to London? (Dec 18)
Urgent Questions for the MoD and Government to Answer Following the Disclosure of the Sea King Helicopter Asbestos Alert (Sep 18)
Action Mesothelioma Day 2018 Photos (Jul 18)
Parliamentary Asbestos Seminar 2018 (Jul 18)
Mesothelioma Care in the UK (Jun 18)
Asbestos Life and Death in Brexit Britain: Part II (May 18)
Historic Victory for UK Asbestos Victims! (Dec 17)
The Asbestos Hazard in Shipbreaking (May 17)
UK Asbestos Alert: Update (Aug 16)
The British Asbestos Newsletter Spring 2016 (Jul 16)
Action Mesothelioma Day 2016 (Jul 16)
The Asbestos Hazard at Shipyards (Jun 16)
International Workers Memorial Day 2016 (Apr 16)
Mystery over the Multimillion Mesothelioma Grant (Apr 16)
Parliamentary Asbestos Seminar 2016 (Mar 16)
Eradicating the Asbestos Hazard (Oct 15)
Asbestos What Would Shakespeare Say? (Oct 15)
Blot on the Landscape (Sep 15)
Media Release: Stop Playing with Cancer! (Jul 15)
Action Mesothelioma Day 2015 (Jul 15)
The HSE Beware Asbestos Web App (Jun 15)
Asbestos Spectre Haunts Parliament (Jun 15)
Asbestos, an Election Issue (Mar 15)
Update from the UK’s Asbestos Battleground (Mar 15)
Government Mesothelioma Reforms Illegal (Oct 14)
UK Asbestos Policy: Unfit for Purpose? (Sep 14)
Dirty, Rotten Scoundrels? (Aug 14)
Cyril Smith: MP, Paedophile and Asbestos Stooge (Jul 14)
Parliamentary Asbestos Seminar (Jul 14)
Health Risk to Residents of Asbestos Tower (Jul 14)
Manchesters Action Mesothelioma Day 2014 (Jul 14)
Gas Masks, D-Day and the Asbestos Hazard (Jun 14)
Call for Yale to Rescind Honor (Apr 14)
IARC Scientist Unequivocal over Support for Complete Asbestos Ban (Feb 14)
The Mesothelioma Bill A Gift to Insurers (Nov 13)
Awards for Asbestos Campaigners (Nov 13)
UK Asbestos Derogation? (Aug 13)
The Mesothelioma Bill (Aug 13)
Small Change: British Insurers and Mesothelioma (Aug 13)
Book Review: The Long and Winding Road to an Asbestos Free Workplace (Jul 13)
British Campaign for Asbestos Justice: Update (Jul 13)
First Warning of Asbestos Hazard! (Jul 13)
The Truth Is Out There! (Jul 13)
Mesothelioma: The British Disease (Jun 13)
Children and Asbestos: A Bad Mix! (Jun 13)
Activists Challenge Russian Asbestos Stakeholders (Apr 13)
Civic Reception for Liverpool Group (Apr 13)
Merseyside Asbestos Victims Support Group: A Force for Change (Mar 13)
The First International Conference of Asbestos Information Bodies (Feb 13)
Fire at Asbestos Factory: Public Concerns (Feb 13)
The Lancet Highlights IARC Controversy (Feb 13)
Christmas Insult to Dying Victims (Dec 12)
Conference: Europe's Asbestos Catastrophe (Nov 12)
Dr. Hubert Montague Murray (Nov 12)
Mesothelioma in an English Village (Oct 12)
Effect of Children's Age and Life Expectation on Mesothelioma Risk (Jul 12)
Action Mesothelioma Day 2012 (Jul 12)
Warnings Unheeded: a British Tragedy becomes a Global Disaster (Jul 12)
The Female Face of Britain's Asbestos Catastrophe (Jul 12)
Westminster Asbestos Seminar (Jun 12)
(Jun 12)
More British Victims, Less Support (Nov 11)
A Righteous Decision for UK Mesothelioma Victims (Mar 11)
Victory in Rochdale! (Jan 11)
Alice: A Fight for Life Now Online! (Nov 10)
The British Asbestos Newsletter, Twentieth Anniversary Issue (Jun 10)
Canadian Minister's Asbestos Lie! (May 10)
John Bridle's Claim Struck Out (Mar 10)
Asbestos Campaigners Meet UK Minister (Mar 10)
Parliamentary Presentation to Asbestos Victims' Champion (Mar 10)
UK Asbestos News: Good and Bad (Feb 10)
Britain's Mesothelioma Epidemic (Feb 10)
In Remembrance of Dianne Willmore (Oct 09)
Tenth Anniversary of UK Asbestos Ban (Oct 09)
Fat Cats & British Insurers (Jun 09)
Asbestos Campaigners Meet British Prime Minister (May 09)
Action Mesothelioma Day 2009 (Mar 09)
In Memory of Nancy Tait (Feb 09)
We Will Never Go Away! (Nov 08)
Clemenceau Debacle Rumbles On! (Sep 08)
Universal Mesothelioma Compensation – (May 08)
Asbestos Hazard in UK Schools – (Mar 08)
Landmark Demonstration against UK Pleural Plaques Ruling – (Jan 08)
UK Approval for Asbestos Cancer Drug – (Jul 07)
The 25th Anniversary of Alice A Fight for Life – (Jul 07)
Pleural Plaques Protest – (Jun 07)
In Remembrance of Peter Broadhurst – (Jun 07)
The UK Asbestos Plague – (Feb 07)
A Sad Legacy – (Nov 06)
Asbestos Victims Lobby Parliament – (Oct 06)
Barker Overturned by Parliament – (Aug 06)
Historic Victory over Barker! – (Jul 06)
Developments Post-Barker – (May 06)
Shameful Decision by UK Law Lords – (May 06)
Overturn of UK Position on Pleural Plaques – (Jan 06)
Demonstration Against Asbestos Deregulation – (Jan 06)
London Protest at "House of Death" – (Sep 05)
Mesothelioma News – (Sep 05)
New Publications – (Aug 05)
Recent Scientific Papers – (Nov 04)
Travels with Rie – (Jan 04)
A Tribute to Alan Dalton – (Dec 03)
Major Award for UK Grass-roots Campaigner – (Nov 03)
Mesothelioma: A National Tragedy – (Jun 03)
London Asbestos Meetings, April 2002 – (Apr 02)
Asbestos Seminar in London – (Mar 02)
UK Mesothelioma Drug Trials: Some Progress – (Aug 02)
Rights of British Mesothelioma Victims Restored – (May 02)
White Asbestos: It's Still a Killer! – (May 02)
Mavis Robinson, MBE – (Feb 02)
Landmark Cases Succeed in Manchester Courts – (Nov 01)
Rise in UK Mesothelioma Claims – (Sep 01)
(While UK government statistics reveal an explosion in mesothelioma
claims, the number of claims for asbestos-related lung cancer remain
woefully low.)
Asbestos Developments in Wales and Ireland – (Sep 01)
Dismal Winter for UK Asbestos Plaintiffs – (May 01)
(The fall-out from the Chester Street (Iron Trades) debacle and adverse judicial rulings for UK
asbestos victims.)
The Asbestosis Research Council – (Feb 01)
(What were its real objectives?)
Asbestos in Scotland – (Feb 01)
(A Brief report on the disaster visited on Scottish industrial communities during the 'asbestos century,' as revealed in some recent publications.)
Major UK Asbestos Insurer Insolvent – (Feb 01)
(Iron Trades offshoot, Chester Street Insurance Holdings Ltd., may not be able to meet its asbestos liabilities.)
UK Mesothelioma Reports – (Dec 00)
Donald Trump and Asbestos A Global Perspective (Dec 24)
United States Bans Asbestos Again! (Apr 24)
Auditing J&Js Phase-Out of Toxic Baby Powder (Jan 24)
Commentary The Death of Journalism (Aug 23)
Johnson and Johnson U-Turn Finally! (Aug 22)
Summertime Hope for Saint Gobains Asbestos Victims? (Jul 22)
Johnson and Johnson: Condemned! (May 22)
Biden Administration Calls for Asbestos Ban (Apr 22)
Holding Johnson and Johnson to Account (Mar 22)
Spotlight on Johnson and Johnson (Feb 22)
Thank you, Christina! (Sep 21)
Victory for U.S. Ovarian Cancer Victims (Jun 21)
White Powder, Black Lives (Jul 20)
Commentary: Toxic Talc (Mar 20)
Banning Asbestos in New Jersey (Nov 18)
Toxic Talc and Mesothelioma (Apr 18)
The U.S. Asbestos Legacy: A Call to Arms (Jul 14)
A Toxic Legacy (Sep 13)
Asbestos Industry Collusion over Labelling (Jun 13)
Litigation-Driven Research Deposition of Georgia-Pacific Executive (Dec 12)
October 18, 2011: A Bloody Anniversary (Oct 11)
The Passing of a Great Man (Sep 11)
Ignominious Anniversary: Overturn of U.S. Ban (Feb 11)
Annual U.S. Asbestos Victims' Conference (Apr 10)
North American Asbestos Revolution (Oct 09)
U.S. Surgeon General's Asbestos Warning (Sep 09)
Good News, Bad News for Libby (Jun 09)
Annual Conference by U.S. Victims' Group (Apr 09)
Commentary: The Asbestos Disease Awareness Organization – (Apr 08)
Industry Fails to Derail U.S. Asbestos Bill – (Sep 07)
Annual U.S. Asbestos Conference – (Apr 07)
Asbestos Fallout from September 11 – (Apr 07)
Political Action on Asbestos in North America – (Mar 07)
U.S. Asbestos Bill Dead – (Nov 06)
National Asbestos Awareness Day: US – (Mar 06)
U.S. Asbestos Documentary – (Nov 05)
Criminal Behaviour in Montana? – (Feb 05)
Republicans Attack Rights of US Asbestos Victims – (Jan 05)
Death by Asbestos – (Mar 04)
In Memory of Paul Logan Safchuck – (Jul 03)
Calls for U.S. Asbestos Ban – (May03)
No Link between Polio Vaccine and Mesothelioma – (Oct 02)
Defendants Settle Huge Asbestos Action – (Sep 02)
Asbestos Spectre Haunts Manhattan – (Sep 02)
U.S. Bill to Ban Asbestos – (Jul 02)
Asbestos "Disaster" Paralysing U.S. Courts – (Jun 02)
Asbestos Fallout from September 11 – (Jan 02)
Federal-Mogul Seeks Judicial Relief From Asbestos Liabilities – (Oct 01)
Information on Asbestos Contamination following World Trade Center Disaster – (Oct 01)
Asbestos Use in the Construction of the World Trade Center – (Sep 01)
(In the aftermath of the destruction of the WTC, preliminary enquiries are made regarding the presence and role of fireproofing materials.)
Vietnams Asbestos Frontline 2019 (Mar 19)
Southeast Asia Ban Asbestos Conference 2018 (Sep 18)
Vietnam Labor Supports Ban! (Jul 17)
Vietnam Asbestos Offensive (Nov 15)
An Asbestos Free Mekong (May 10)
Vietnam Initiative on Asbestos (Feb 10)
Major Breakthrough in Vietnam (Sep 08)
Progress on Asbestos Transition in Vietnam – (Apr 08)
Humane Decision by House of Lords in Fairchild Case – British Asbestos Newsletter, Issue 47 – (June 02)
Vital Asbestos Hearings Delayed by Insurers – (Apr 02)
Appeals to the House of Lords: The Pressure Builds – (Apr 02)
Mesothelioma Plaintiffs Petition the House of Lords – (Feb 02)
Fairchild Appeal – (Nov 01)
U-Turn in Judicial Logic – (Sep 01)
(Since the High Court ruling in the Fairchild case (February, 2001), a judicial climate of
uncertainty has prevailed for UK mesothelioma claimants. Recent developments are examined.)
Life Under the Fairchild Cloud (Jul 01)
Cape PLC to Compensate Foreign Plaintiffs – (Mar 03)
Patience Runs Out as Cape Reneges on Settlement Agreement – (Sep 02)
Delays by Cape Cause Anxiety to Claimants – (Aug 02)
Compensation for South African Asbestos Claimants – (Dec 01)
UK Victory for African Asbestos Victims – (Jul 00)
(In an historic ruling the House of Lords decides that South African asbestos victims can seek compensation from Cape plc in UK courts. After a brief introduction we present the full text of this judgement.)
House of Lords' Victory for Human Rights – (Jul 00)
(Laurie Kazan-Allen puts the above House of Lords' judgement in context.)
Update on T&N Ltd. – (Oct 07)
T&N Ltd: UK Courts Intervene – (Nov 04)
Federal Mogul's New Offer to (UK?) Creditors – (Oct 04)
Federal-Mogul: Causing Anxiety and Raising False Hopes – (Aug 04)
T&N: Who Gets What? – (Aug 04)
T&N's Insurance Loopholes Explored – (Mar 02)
T&N: An Insurance Fiasco – (Mar 02)
T&N Creditors Meet in London – (Feb 02)
The Mystery of T&N’s Insurance Coverage Deepens – (Jan 02)
UK Protests Mount Over T&N Administration – (Jan 02)
Court Order on T&N Administrators – (Dec 01)
Implications of T&N’s Administration Order – (Nov 01)
Turner & Newall Asbestos Victims Speak Out – (Nov 02)
(Report on Public Meeting in Manchester on Friday 25th October 2002.)
Current Asbestos Bans (February 1, 2025)
Chronology of Asbestos Bans and Restrictions (February 1, 2025)
Asbestos Ban in South Africa! (Jun 04)
Australia Ends Asbestos Use (Jan 04)
Canadian Autoworkers Union Adopts Ban Asbestos Resolution (Jan 04)
Moves to Ban Asbestos in Delhi (Nov 01)
Australia Bans Asbestos (Oct 01)
Europe Considers New Asbestos Controls (Sep 01)
Argentina Bans Asbestos! (Aug 01)
Media Release from Australian and New New Zealand
Workplace Relations Ministers [PDF] (May01)
(Includes reference to phased ban on chrysotile importation and harmonisation
of cross-border workers' compensation schemes.)
Chile Bans Asbestos! (Feb 01)
Sao Paulo Bans Asbestos (Feb 01)
(The largest city in South America agrees to ban asbestos.)
Chilean Asbestos Regulations [in English] (Jan 01)
(Chile bans asbestos! The latest regulations, published in the Official Journal, 13 January 2001, effectively ban asbestos.)
Europe Bans Asbestos (May 00)
UK Asbestos Ban (May 00)
Profile Articles:
Profiles of some Hazardous Industries – (Updated: May 2018)
(shipbuilding and ship-breaking, power generation, construction
railways, asbestos mining, asbestos industry
Asbestos Exposure – (Updated: June 2020)
Asbestos-Related Diseases – (Updated: May 2018)
Compensation – (Updated: May 2018)
See also:
Australia – (Updated: May 2018)
Belgium – (May 2020)
Brazil – (Updated: Apr 2020)
Canada – (Updated Dec 2016)
China – (July 2020)
European Union – (Updated: May 2018)
France – (Updated: May 2018)
India – (Updated: May 2018)
Indonesia – August 2020)
Italy – (Updated: April 2020)
Japan – (Updated: May 2018)
Korea – (June 2020)
Russia – (Updated: April 2020)
South Africa – (Updated: May 2018)
United Kingdom – (Updated: May 2018)
United Nations – (Updated: May 2018)
United States – (Updated: May 2018)
Asbestos Facts:
(On: different types of asbestos-related diseases and evolution
of knowledge about them; varieties and properties of asbestos; etc.)
Fact Sheet on Pleural Plaques – (Jan 07)
Useful Sources of Information – (Oct 02)
Asbestos FAQ – (Aug 04)
Asbestos-Related Diseases – (Sep 04)
(A brief account of their discovery and nature.)
Asbestos: Properties, Uses and Problems – (May 00)
Substitutes for Asbestos-Cement Construction Products – (Apr 08; updated Oct 09)
Asbestos Policies of Major International Agencies (Updated August 20, 2022)
Victim Support Groups (UK and International) – (Updated February 1, 2025)
Recommended Links – (March 29 2023)
Eternit and the Great Asbestos Trial – (online: 2012)
(Published by IBAS in 2012. Click on the link above for a Table of Contents from whence can be downloaded individual chapters and sections, or the whole book.)
IBAS Report: Asian Asbestos Conference 2009 – (online: 2009)
(Published by IBAS in 2009.)
India's Asbestos Time Bomb – (online: 2008)
(Published by IBAS in 2008.)
Killing the Future: Asbestos Use in Asia – (online: 2007)
(Published by IBAS in 2007.)
[Also available in:
Farsi, and
Chrysotile Asbestos: Hazardous to Humans, Deadly to the Rotterdam Convention – (online: 2006)
(Published by the BWI and IBAS in 2006.)
Asbestos: The Human Cost of Corporate Greed – (online: 2006) [English]
(Produced and published by the GUE/NGL in 2005; based on IBAS report of Brussels Conference.)
Asbestos Dispatches – (online: 2004)
(IJOEH special issue (sequel to The Asbestos War) with Laurie Kazan-Allen as guest editor.)
The Asbestos War – (online: 2003)
(In IJOEH special issue with Laurie Kazan-Allen as guest editor.)
Global Asbestos Congress 2000 – (online: 2007)
(Presentations and other material from the IBAS CD of the Conference Annals.)
On this site:
Asbestos Reality (Nov 2010)
(Includes four videos showing unsafe processing of asbestos in Iran.)
India's Asbestos Time Bomb Video (short clip) – (Apr 2009)
(Two short sections, compiled into a single clip, from the video made to accompany the IBAS publication India's Asbestos Time Bomb
India's Asbestos Time Bomb video (Full online version) – Produced 2009; uploaded to Youtube Nov 2012).
Youtube and Google Video links:
ABEVA’s President Eric Jonckheere explains how asbestos has decimated not only his family but the families of so many other Belgians – (April 2022)
This English language video is a translation of earlier uploads by the Belgian Association of Asbestos Victims (ABEVA):
French Version
Dutch Version
Dangerous Dust: Asbestos Story in Indonesia. Produced by the Indonesian Ban Asbestos Network, the Local Initiative for OSH Network, Developing World Outreach Initiative and the Korea Green Foundation. – (June 2016)
Quiz segment about asbestos mortality in Australia. Produced by the Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency, Australia. – (November 2015)
The former asbestos mine of Balangero and Corio, Italy – (September 2015)
Asbestos: Just a Little Bit? – (May 2015)
Lecture by Prof. Anna Nowak: What is Mesothelioma? – (March 2015)
TV commercial for asbestos-free roofing tiles, Thailand – (Jan 2013)
British Lung Foundation interview with mesothelioma survivor Mavis Nye – (Dec 2012)
TV commercial for asbestos-free roofing tiles, Thailand – (Nov 2012)
BBC North West Report and Interview with Jason Addy – (Jan 2011)
Dr. Guadalupe Aguilar Madrid calls for an end to asbestos use in Mexico – (May 2010)
Asian Ban Asbestos Video – (Sep 09):
Burmese (Jun 2011)
Laotian (Jun 2011)
Mongolian (Jun 2011)
Portuguese (Apr 2010)
Russian (Jun 2011)
Urdu (Jun 2011)
British MP defends Killer Asbestos: No Risk to Public – (Nov 2008)
Spodden Valley, Asbestos Scandal (part 1) – (Aug 2008)
Spodden Valley, Asbestos scandal (part 2) – (Aug 2008)
Mesothelioma – The Human Face of an Asbestos Epidemic – (Feb 2007)
Other links:
15 minute asbestos awareness video highlighting common products in Australian homes – (Nov, 2015)
Toxic Trade with reporter Matt Peacock – (Nov 8, 2011)
Canada's Ugly Secret CBC video of asbestos use in India – (Apr 2009)
Asbestos Disease Registries – (May 08)
(Compilation of abstracts and links by Joe Ladou.)
Asbestos Exposure Surveillance – (May 08)
(Compilation of abstracts and links by Joe Ladou.)