UK Recognition of Asbestos-Related Lung Cancer
On April 6, 2006, amendments to the Social Security (Industrial Injuries) (Prescribed Diseases) Regulations1 came into force which, to a limited extent, broaden the Government's recognition of asbestos-related lung cancer. The main change appears to be that asbestos-related lung cancer is now divided into two categories: prescribed disease D8 & D8A. D8 – primary carcinoma of the lung with evidence of asbestosis – will be acknowledged for those who worked or handled asbestos, manufactured asbestos textiles or other articles containing asbestos, used these asbestos articles for repair work, cleaned any of the machinery involved in the operations at these facilities or were exposed at work to substantial dust generated by these operations. D8A – primary carcinoma of the lung without asbestosis – will be acknowledged where there is evidence of substantial occupational exposure in specified categories of at-risk workers such as those engaged in asbestos textile manufacture, asbestos spraying, and asbestos insulation work on-board ships where exposure occurred for a specified period of time. Those with successful D8 and D8A claims, will receive 100% disablement from the date of claim; the qualifying 90 day period will not apply to these claims.
These changes will only apply to applicants whose claims are submitted after April 6, 2006. However, if a claim has been rejected which would now succeed under the new rules, applicants should reapply. For more information Dr. Susan Reed can be contacted at the Department of Work and Pensions by email:
April 14, 2006