Proximity search. This is the default method and returns matches when all the search terms (see Note) occur within the same text element (paragraph, bullet point, footnote, etc.); date ordered list.
Name search. This is suitable for searching for an exact name or phrase occurring anywhere in site documents except the title; no containing double quotes are required; date ordered list.
Frequency search. Articles containing all the search terms (see Note) are ordered according to frequency. No extracts or highlighting.
Title search. Enter no more than 5 words. An unordered list of articles containing any of the search terms (see Note) in their titles is returned
Note. Enter a maximum of 5 words/phrases using English alphanumeric characters and, optionally, hyphens (but see below). Avoid the inclusion of hyphens where possible; where hyphens are used, also search for the corresponding non-hyphenated phrase. Whole words, rather than fragments, are matched, though a singular noun will match its plural and the infinitive of a verb its other tenses where these are formed regularly. Within quoted phrases, periods, commas, colons and possessive apostrophes can be used in addition to alphanumeric characters. The use of any other symbols will generate an error with the following exceptions: double quotes are required to delineate phrases in proximity and frequency searches but should not be used in name or title searches. Unless included in a phrase, common words (including conjunctions, articles, prepositions, pronouns, comparatives etc.) are excluded from the search term list. In the context of this site asbestos is a common word.