Asbestos Ban Part of Global Campaign for Sustainable Development
Westminster politicians welcomed UN recommendations to restrict the global trade in asbestos in Early Day Motion (EDM) 9031. The document, entitled: UN Committee Recommendations on Measures to Eliminate Asbestos Risks was tabled at the House of Commons on 27 February, 2002 and received support from sixty-two politicians. This motion welcomed the decision of the UN Interim Committee2 to push for global trade restrictions on chrysotile, calling on the UK Government "to take the lead at the Monterey Conference on financing development and the Johannesburg World Summit on sustainable development to call for a world wide ban of asbestos and products containing it to be an
integral part of the sustainable development agenda."
April 1, 2002
1 An EDM is a procedure by which MPs can raise the profile of issues which they feel strongly about. EDM 903 was tabled by Michael Clapham MP, Chair of the All Party Parliamentary Occupational Safety and Health Group. The document and a full list of supporting MPs can be viewed on the website:
2 See article: UN Supports Asbestos Restrictions