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Displaying 25 items in reverse date order starting from item 4705

Ban Asbestos: NOW!

Aug 29, 2016

In a letter sent last week to the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), California Senator Barbara Boxer urged that action on asbestos be taken as a priority under the tighter chemical regulations enacted this Summer. In her correspondence to EPA Administrator Gina McCarthy, Boxer wrote: “Now that the impediments in the original TSCA [Toxic Substances Control Act] law are gone, completing the job started by EPA in 1989 would send a strong signal that the new law can be effective in addressing the most dangerous chemicals in commerce.” Asbestos consumption in the US remains around 400 tons a year. See: Dem senator pushes EPA on asbestos regulations.

Challenges for Thailand’s Asbestos Policy

Aug 29, 2016

On August 25, 2016 a session entitled: Future Challenges for Asbestos Policy in Thailand took place in Bangkok. This event was organized by The Health Consumer Protection Program from Chulalongkorn University and was attended by academics, government officials and representatives of civil society. The purpose of the meeting was to share information about the asbestos situation in Japan and Thailand with a particular focus on issues relating to the construction and demolition industries and natural disasters. Japanese Professor Kasuhiko Ishihara – co-author of the book “Asbestos Disaster” – made the keynote presentation. See: Conference Agenda and photograph of participants.

Life after Asbestos Mining

Aug 26, 2016

Five years after asbestos mining operations ceased at the infamous Jeffrey Mine in Asbestos, Quebec, the town is looking to diversify its economy with government funding. In an interview, Mayor H. Grimard was optimistic, saying that: “There are several projects on the table… and others are coming.” From the comments in the article referenced below, it seems that at least some of the town’s 7,000 residents remain in denial about the hazards from environmental contamination caused by the mining with talk of tourist projects and magnesium mining of the deadly asbestos tailings. See: Five years after mine closure, Asbestos, Que., seeking new identity.

Planned Removal of Asbestos from Schools

Aug 26, 2016

On August 25, 2016 officials from the Andalusian educational authority met with parents of children attending the asbestos-containing CEIP José Calderón Campanillas primary school in Malaga to explain an asbestos management and remediation plan under which asbestos will be removed from the premises with minimal risk and disruption to children and staff. An asbestos audit of the school is currently under preparation. A total of €60 million has been allocated to remove asbestos from schools in Andalusia by 2022; in Malaga alone there are 26 schools which contain asbestos. See: La retirada del amianto en el CEIP [Asbestos removal in the CEIP].

Global Asbestos Seminar in São Paulo State

Aug 25, 2016

On October 6 and 7, 2016, Brazil’s Ministry of Labor and the Inter-Union Department of Studies and Research of Health and Work Environments will promote an international seminar entitled “Asbestos: A Socio-Legal Approach.” The event, which is being paid for by penalties levied on São Paulo companies, will highlight the global consensus that asbestos exposures to human beings can cause fatal diseases, in a country which is now the world’s 3rd biggest asbestos supplier. See: Campinas terá seminário internacional sobre amianto, produto banido em 66 países [Campinas will hold international seminar on asbestos, a substance banned in 66 countries].

More Illegal Imports from China?

Aug 24, 2016

Workers have once again been on Australia’s asbestos frontline. SafeWork SA is now investigating their discovery of asbestos in equipment imported from China over the past year. According to the Australian Workers Union (AWU), 8 contaminated heat exchanger tubes, each about the size of a bus, were found at South Australia’s Port Pirie's Nyrstar smelter redevelopment. Commenting on the situation, AMU’s Peter Lamps said: “We really need to understand how and why a contractor is able to land this contaminated product into the state… and it's always workers that seem to identify the contamination.” See; Asbestos found in Chinese-made equipment for SA's Port Pirie smelter redevelopment.

Remediation Program in Trouble

Aug 24, 2016

A new commentary estimates that it could take 200 years for Poland to make good on the government’s pledge to make the country asbestos free, despite a deadline set at 2032. The removal of 6.6% of the country’s asbestos products has taken 43% of the funds allocated for the entire project according to an audit just released. Either this project has been totally mismanaged, says one critic, or the budget allocation was woefully inadequate. Accurate data on the location of and amounts of asbestos-containing material is lacking and confusion exists over who is responsible for asbestos remediation, with disputes between property owners and government authorities. See: Azbest wiecznie żywy [Asbestos eternally alive].

Asbestos and Autoimmune Disorders

Aug 24, 2016

On August 15, 2016, a spokesperson for the Center for Asbestos Related Disease in Libby, Montana announced preliminary data from the six-year-long Libby Epidemiology Research Program on the effects of asbestos exposure on the immune system, which provided substantial evidence of a link between exposures to amphibole asbestos in Libby and an elevated risk of autoimmune diseases and disorders such as lupus, scleroderma, and rheumatoid arthritis. “There may be,” Dusti Thompson said “as much as a 10-fold increase in risk…” See: CARD Clinic study: asbestos exposure linked to autoimmune diseases.

Asbestos in Island’s Schools

Aug 23, 2016

The issue of asbestos in schools is being confronted by municipalities on Tahiti. Although asbestos was banned in France in 1999, its use was only outlawed in French Polynesia in 2011. As a result, there are still many buildings which contain asbestos, including many schools. Some remediation has been undertaken; however, contamination in schools and in the soil on which they are built remain an issue. The school in Papara has been closed for 3 years; specialists have now been hired to remove the asbestos. During the closure, children have been studying at other premises. See: Amiante dans les écoles: des mairies prennent le problème à bras-le-corps [Asbestos in schools: town hall confronts the problem].

Monument to Asbestos Tragedy

Aug 23, 2016

On September 10, 2016, the people of Casale Monferrato will inaugurate a green space on the former site of the notorious Eternit asbestos factory. The park, the name of which is Eternot, symbolizes the battle for justice, reclamation and research for a community which has been devastated by asbestos injuries and deaths for several decades. The ceremony will be attended by Karmenu Vella, European Commissioner for the Environment, and Italian Ministers Gian Luca Galletti and Andrea Orlando. Artwork donated by the local victims’ group which pays tribute to activist Romana Pavesi will also be unveiled. See: Amianto, Casale il 10/9 inaugura Eternot [Asbestos, Casale on 10/9 inaugurates Eternot Park].

Paying the Price for Asbestos Profits

Aug 22, 2016

Canada’s first analysis of the economic burden caused by asbestos exposures revealed that the financial impact of 427 mesothelioma cases and 1,904 lung cancer cases diagnosed in 2011 was C$1.9 billion. This figure was quoted in a recent study by the Institute for Work & Health which examined the costs of occupational asbestos diseases and illnesses caused by secondary exposures to family members: “80% of the costs are attributed to health-related quality-of-life losses. Health care and other direct costs account for 11%; loss of productivity and other indirect costs account for the remaining 9%.” See: New cases of mesothelioma and asbestos-related lung cancer in one year cost $1.9B.

Asbestos Ban Soon?

Aug 21, 2016

Veteran asbestos watcher Kathleen Ruff from RightonCanada reports that Canada’s Minister of Health Jane Philpott is working with cabinet colleagues to implement a new national asbestos policy. Following a conversation this summer with the Minister, Ruff said “an upcoming announcement regarding the asbestos policy of the new Trudeau government” is expected during the next session of Parliament which commences on September 19. Throughout the 20th century, Canada supplied the majority of asbestos consumed around the world and asbestos vested interests in Quebec and elsewhere had powerful support from national agencies and stakeholder groups. See: Encouraging news on Canada and asbestos.

Palliative Care for Mesothelioma Patients

Aug 21, 2016

The need for palliative care for mesothelioma sufferers was highlighted by an analysis of data from patients admitted to a home palliative care program in Italy. Three quarters of the mesothelioma patients had painful symptoms, with 20 reporting moderate and severe pain despite treatment with medium-high doses of opioids. The most frequent symptoms reported were pain, weakness, poor appetite, poor well-being and dyspnea; the principal site of pain was the chest. The study concludes that palliative care should be integrated at an early stage into the care of all these patients. See: Symptom Burden in mesothelioma patients admitted to home palliative care.

Asbestos Hazard in Soil

Aug 21, 2016

Research by US scientists has raised concerns about hazards from asbestos disposed at capped landfill sites. According to lead researcher Associate Professor Jane Willenbring: “Asbestos gets coated with a very common substance that makes it easier to move…If you have water with organic matter next to the asbestos waste piles, such as a stream, you then have a pathway from the waste pile and possibly to human inhalation.” It is the current practice in the US and other countries for asbestos waste piles to be capped with soil to avoid hazardous human exposures; this practice may need rethinking. See: New study challenges assumption of asbestos’ ability to move in soil.

Environmental Asbestos Hazards

Aug 21, 2016

Earlier this month (August 2016), campaigners in Indonesia held a two-day meeting in Denpasar, Bali to discuss efforts by local government to improve the conditions for people living in the island’s slums. On the agenda was the issue of asbestos which is used as roofing material in Indonesia; according to data cited, Indonesia is the world’s 5th largest importer of asbestos. This meeting was organized by BaliFokus, a non-governmental organization, which has been instrumental in a campaign to raise awareness of the asbestos hazard in Indonesia, a country whose constitution guarantees citizens the right to live in a healthy environment. See: Asbestos-free Neighborhoods.

Disposal of NY Subway Cars

Aug 19, 2016

When the authorities in NY were faced with the problem of disposing of thousands of asbestos-contaminated subways cars built between 1959 and 1963 they devised an ingenious plan to dump them in the Atlantic Ocean at spots off the coast of NY, NJ, Georgia and three other states. By burying 2,400 subway carriages at sea, NY’s Metropolitan Transportation Authority (MTA) saved $12 million. The last batch of 51-foot long Redbird subway cars was dumped by the MTA in 2010. No asbestos removal had been carried out on any of the carriages. See: VIDEO: The MTA Tells All About Dumping Its Subway Cars in the Atlantic Ocean.

Illegal Fly-tipping of Toxic Waste

Aug 19, 2016

An unwelcome discovery was made near the central Adriatic coastal town of Numana, in Ancona Province, by agents of the State Forestry Corps who found 20 tonnes of asbestos sheeting dumped in a drainage ditch in a rural part of the countryside. The officials were making a routine inspection when they found this toxic deposit tangled in amongst some vegetation. Ancona’s public prosecutor has opened an investigation against persons unknown; the penalty for illegally disposing of this toxic waste is up to two years in prison. See: Amianto, 20 tonnellate rifiuti a Numana [Asbestos, 20 tons of waste in Numana].

Death of Giuseppe Manfredi

Aug 17, 2016

The death was announced of Giuseppe Manfredi, the President of the Asbestos Victims Family Association (AFEVA), in Casale Monferrato, Italy. He had become President in November, 2015 upon the retirement of Romana Blasotti Pavesi. Known to all as Beppe, he died aged 66 of the asbestos cancer mesothelioma on August 16, 2016. In the short time he was President, he initiated several projects to progress AFEVA’s fight for asbestos justice, medical research and remediation of the widespread contamination caused by decades of asbestos production, use and disposal in Italy. See: Addio a Giuseppe Manfredi, presidente di Afeva [Goodbye to Giuseppe Manfredi, AFEVA President].

Victim’s Ruling in Quebec

Aug 17, 2016

A verdict for Quebec asbestos victim Maurice Lefrancois, who had worked for the American Biltrite company for 35 years as an inspector and plumber, has upheld the presumption that a worker with lung cancer and asbestosis exposed to asbestos at work has a compensable claim against his employer. Mr. Lefrancois died in December 2013, aged 78, two months after being diagnosed. The family was awarded compensation of $107,000. It is believed that this ruling will facilitate legal action by other workers. See: Jugement favorable pour les travailleurs exposés à l'amiante [Favorable judgment for workers exposed to asbestos].

Mesothelioma Radiotherapy Trial

Aug 16, 2016

A new clinical program for mesothelioma patients is due to commence in Perth, the capital of Western Australia. Medical oncologist Professor Anna Nowak and her team at the Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital will look at how radiotherapy can improve the quality of life and reduce painful symptoms. Patients will, Professor Nowak explained have “a special type of PET scan, which measures oxygen levels in tumours. What we also hope to get out of this is a better understanding of how oxygen levels in tumours will determine how they respond to treatment.” See: Sir Charles Gairdner Hospital hosting mesothelioma trial.

Minister Commits to End Asbestos Use

Aug 15, 2016

In an interview with the Times of India, Environment Minister Anil Madhav Dave said: “Since the use of asbestos is affecting human health, its use should gradually be minimised and eventually end. As far as I know, its use is declining. But it must end.” The Minister was both right and wrong simultaneously. Yes, the use of asbestos should end but no, consumption in India is not declining. According to preliminary data for 2015, usage last year was estimated at 380,000 tonnes; asbestos exposures are routine occurrences for millions of workers in India. See: Will look for alternatives to carcinogenic asbestos: Environment Minister.

Officials Struggle with Import Tide

Aug 15, 2016

An investigation by La Stampa newspaper documents the struggle of Italy’s customs officials to prevent dangerous materials such as asbestos fiber from illegally entering the country. Stiff competition between European ports means that any delays will encourage shipping companies to use alternative ports with virtually no controls at all. With insufficient staff and resources, only 1.5% of the ten million containers that arrive in Italy every year are inspected. Despite this low figure, the monitoring rate at Italian ports is higher than in the rest of Europe. See: Armi, amianto e droga: la rete colabrodo dei porti italiani [Weapons, asbestos and drugs: the sieve network of Italian ports].

India’s Struggle against Asbestos

Aug 14, 2016

In an interview with Bihar resident and Indian ban asbestos activist Gopal Krisnha, details are provided of how local people confronted and bested powerful industrial interests to prevent the construction of seven asbestos plants in the State. Five years after this struggle began, the Bihar Pollution Control Board has cancelled the requisite permission for all the plants. According to Krishna: “Villagers outwitted the corporate media which has been reluctant to publish anti-asbestos stories by wall writing in the villages adjoining the plant demanding halting of the construction of the plant.” See: Activist Gopal Krishna exposes India’s double speak in environment protection.

Screening for Asbestos Cancer

Aug 13, 2016

Asbestos-related diseases of the lungs and pleura are the leading cause of occupational mortality in Germany despite the fact that asbestos consumption has been banned since 1993. Although no suitable screening methods for early detection of malignant mesothelioma are currently available, a German lung screening trial has shown that the use of low-dose computed tomography for patients who were heavy smokers can significantly reduce lung cancer mortality amongst the at-risk cohort of workers previously exposed to asbestos. See: Early recognition of lung cancer in workers occupationally exposed to asbestos.

Colorectal Cancer and Asbestos Exposure

Aug 13, 2016

An analysis of data from a voluntary screening program conducted in France between 2003 and 2005 and supplementary data on risk factors for colorectal cancer collected in 2011 were the basis for an article published in August 2016 in the journal Environmental Health Perspectives. The researchers conclude that their “findings provide support for an association between occupational exposure to asbestos and colon cancer incidence in men.” There was also some evidence of a relationship between asbestos exposure and elevated levels of rectal cancer. See: Occupational Asbestos Exposure and Incidence of Colon and Rectal Cancers in French Men: The Asbestos-Related Diseases Cohort.