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Displaying list for Indonesia

Identifying Toxic Roofing

Jan 8, 2025

Asbestos-containing roofing remains a popular product in Indonesia. According to a new publication by Indonesia’s Central Statistics Agency (BPS) entitled Housing and Environmental Indicators 2024 almost 10% of domestic properties nationwide are covered with this material which has been categorized as carcinogenic by the World Health Organization. The highest percentage of affected properties are found in Bangka Belitung Islands Province (57.49 %) and DKI Jakarta Province (54.68%). See: Bahaya Atap Asbes Bagi Kesehatan, Padahal Paling Banyak Digunakan di Indonesia [The Danger of Asbestos Roofs for Health, Even though They Are Most Widely Used in Indonesia].

Meeting on Asbestos Industry Threats

Dec 23, 2024

Aggressive and unprecedented moves by Indonesian asbestos vested interests were discussed on December 18, 2024 at a National Consumer Protection Seminar in Jakarta, organized by the Local Initiative for Occupational Health and Safety Network (LION) Indonesia and the consumer protection group LPKSM Yasa Nata Budi. Explaining why a successful lawsuit was launched by these groups to mandate the labeling of hazardous asbestos-containing roofing material, Dr. Anna Suraya informed delegates that according to the WHO, ILO and IARC exposures to all types of asbestos have the potential to cause cancers. See: Wanting To Protect Consumers, LPKSM Yasa Nata Budi Is Actually Sued By Corporate Interests.

Roof Tiles from Recovered Plastic Waste

Dec 10, 2024

A pilot project in Indonesia to replace asbestos-cement roofing with hard-wearing roofing made from recycled plastic has been completed on two homes on Batam Island. According to a press release from the group Seven Clean Seas (SCS), each roof tile was created from 1.5 kg of plastic waste. The material needed for the two homes used 1,700 kg of plastic which was recovered from the ocean and turned it into 1,186 roofing tiles. Since 2018, SCS has recovered 4,500+ tonnes of ocean plastic. See: Transforming Lives With Innovation: Revolutionizing Housing with Recycled Roof Plates.

Hazards of Asbestos Brakes

Oct 30, 2024

An October 5, 2024 meeting at the Bangka Belitung (Polmanbabel) Manufacturing Polytechnic, considered the consequences of the use of asbestos-containing brake pads. On the panel of expert speakers were representatives of the Indonesian Doctors Association, Yamaha, Honda, and brake-pad manufacturers. Among the facts conveyed were: asbestos exposures can cause cancers; Honda banned asbestos use in brake pads in 2006; cheaper asbestos brake pads have a considerably shorter service life than safer alternatives. See: Polman Negeri Babel Gelar FGD Bahas Bahaya Asbestos di Kampas Rem, Soroti Dampak Kesehatan dan Keamanan [Polmanbabel Holds Focus Discussion Group to Discuss Dangers of Asbestos in Brake Pads, Highlights Health and Safety Impacts].

Legal Attack by Asbestos Bullies

Oct 4, 2024

In retaliation for a Supreme Court victory mandating the labelling of asbestos-containing roofing products being sold in Indonesia, asbestos stakeholders from the FICMA trade association issued legal proceedings against civil society campaigners claiming damages for loss of future income. The robust defence being mounted by the consumer protection organization LPKSM Yasa Nata Budi is supported by a network of civil society groups including LION Indonesia, the Indonesian Ban Asbestos Network, the Consumer Protection Institute and the Aysa Nata Budi Foundation as well as international partners. See: Corporate Bullies: Asbestos manufacturers sue ban asbestos campaigners.

Asbestos: Australia vs Indonesia

Jul 11, 2024

When comparing asbestos policies in Australia and Indonesia, author Gwyn Roberts pointed out that in the 1980s there was a divergence of attitude by the countries, finalizing in asbestos being banned in Australia in 2003. In Indonesia, however, there is no prohibition on asbestos use and the country is the world’s 2nd largest importer. Ban asbestos mobilization is gaining traction and in March 2024 the Supreme Court mandated that asbestos-containing products sold in the country must carry health warnings. Lobbyists at the Chrysotile Information Center and elsewhere continue to spread industry reassurances that chrysotile asbestos is safe for humans to use despite the WHO, ILO and other international agencies categorizing chrysotile asbestos as a Group 1 carcinogen. See: Asbestos danger.

Asbestos Risk to Construction Workers

Jun 19, 2024

The paper cited below was published in the May 2024 issue of the Indonesian Journal of Medical Sciences. The aim of the study undertaken by the five Indonesian co-authors was to better understand the danger posed by asbestos exposures to construction workers, in order to find measures to minimize the hazards. “The construction sector has,” they concluded “the highest exposure to asbestos compared to other sectors or industries and has a high number of asbestosis cases.” Recommendations made included the provision of state-of-the-art personal protective equipment and the implementation of a health and safety regime with checks on workers’ health and worksite inspections by health and safety specialists. See: Occupational Asbestos-containing Materials Exposure and Risk of Asbestosis among Construction Workers.

Asbestos Ban in Capital City

Jun 10, 2024

Last week, it was reported that the Jakarta Provincial Health Office had prohibited the use of asbestos material in domestic properties on the grounds of public safety. Speaking on behalf of the authority, Dwi Oktavia confirmed that the ban had been adopted to prevent potentially carcinogenic exposures occurring. The Director of an Indonesian NGO – Local Initiative OHS Network – applauded the position and stressed that after a major Supreme Court decision stipulating that hazard warnings be placed on all asbestos products, more action needed to be taken to implement these landmark decisions. See: New asbestos ban: Jakarta Health Office prohibits the killer dust for resident safety.

Supreme Court Victory

Jun 4, 2024

The May 31, 2024 blog cited below issued by the Indonesian NGO LION [Local Initiative for Occupational Safety and Health Network] discussed the implications of a recent Supreme Court decision supporting the right of citizens to have prior warning before using asbestos-containing materials. The ruling was a huge victory for campaigners as it accepted that asbestos was a toxic material which should be clearly labelled to protect workers and members of the public. Concluding the blog, the author noted that the decision provided: “legal legitimacy and strong support for the [ban asbestos] movement” in Indonesia. See: Konsumen Melawan Asbes, Kemenangan Penting Dalam Perlindungan Kesehatan Masyarakat [Consumers Fight Asbestos, an Important Victory in Protecting Public Health].

Call for Asbestos Ban

May 24, 2024

A 2023 article in the Jurnal Biomedika Dan Kesehatan (Indonesia’s Journal of Biomedicine and Health) entitled “Occupational Asbestos Related Diseases in Indonesia: A Call for Urgent Action and Awareness” highlighted the failure of Indonesia to ban asbestos despite the known risk of debilitating and fatal diseases. “It is expected,” write the authors “that there should be hundreds to a thousand cases of asbestos-related disorders in Indonesia each year.” Recommendations made included a comprehensive ban, the use of safer materials, standardized medical surveillance for at-risk workers, and increased awareness and cooperation amongst stakeholders to eradicate asbestos-related diseases in Indonesia. See: Occupational Asbestos Related Diseases in Indonesia: A Call for Urgent Action and Awareness.

Asbestos Roofing Toxicity Reminder

Sep 25, 2023

Asbestos roofing which is popular in Indonesia has been banned in many parts of the world because of the health hazard it poses to workers who handle it and people who live in buildings containing it. The article cited below reviewed the content of a short video about this subject uploaded to YouTube which explained that exposure to asbestos fibers liberated by toxic roofing could cause a number of cancers as well as respiratory diseases. See: Kenapa Atap Asbes Dilarang? Awas Bahaya Penyakit Paru-paru yang Tidak [Why is asbestos roofing banned? Beware of the Dangers of Incurable Lung Disease].

Asbestos Risks Highlighted in Video

Sep 22, 2023

A five-minute video uploaded to youtube on September 17, 2023 by the NGO Indonesian Ban Asbestos Network explained why the continued use of asbestos posed a deadly health risk to members of the public as well as to workers, especially in light of the numerous natural disasters which occur in the country. Dr Anna Suraya explained that exposure to asbestos can cause a variety of diseases including mesothelioma (cancer) and asbestosis. Seventy per cent of the asbestos used worldwide every year is consumed in Asian countries; most of the asbestos used in Indonesia is for the manufacture of building materials. See: Kenapa Rumah di Indonesia Masih Tetap Pakai Atap Asbes? Ini Jawabannya [Why Do Houses in Indonesia Still Use Asbestos Roofs? Here’s the Answer].

Oncologist Calls for Asbestos Ban

Aug 28, 2023

At the launch of a lung screening program in Jakarta, Indonesia on August 24, 2023, the Head of the Oncology Working Group of the Indonesian Lung Doctors Association Dr Sita Laksmi Andarini said: “Asbestos is a serious carcinogenic hazard as are cigarettes…Asbestos in homes, it is a high risk factor for lung cancer.” Dr Andarini told participants at the meeting that there was no asbestos ban in Indonesia but that he felt such a ban was needed to protect the population from toxic exposures. See: Asbes Bisa Picu Kanker Paru, Tidak Dianjurkan Dipakai untuk Material Rumah [Asbestos Can Trigger Lung Cancer, Not Recommended for Use in Homes].

Asbestos Alert in Jakarta!

Aug 23, 2023

In a recent webinar, Dr Eddy, the Chairperson of the Indonesian Association of Occupational Health Doctors, warned Indonesians of the cancer risk posed by buying asbestos-containing roofing. The doctor recommended that the toxic material should be replaced, because of the proven health hazard posed by human exposures to asbestos. Indonesia is one of the world’s largest asbestos-consuming nations using, on average, ~107,000 tonnes per year between 2016 and 2020. See: Atap Rumah Pakai Asbes, Awas Bahaya Kanker Paru Mengitai [House Roof Using Asbestos, Beware of the Risk of Lung Cancer].

Asbestos on Lombok Island

Jul 10, 2023

A graphic report by the Australian Broadcasting Company which was uploaded on July 4, 2023 detailed widespread asbestos contamination on Lombak island, a popular tourist destination in Indonesia. Thirty-one samples taken at 100 locations were analyzed by three different laboratories; asbestos was found in two thirds of the samples. Prior to the 2018 earthquake, 25% of the homes on Lombak had asbestos-cement roofs. After the disaster, the damaged homes were bulldozed by the government, thereby spreading the asbestos even further. See: VIDEO: Asbestos posing a threat to tourists and locals in Lombok.

Asbestos Diseases Symposium

Jun 28, 2023

From June 21 to 23, 2023, an International Symposium & Workshop on Asbestos-related Diseases was held for medical specialists at Binawan University in Jakarta, Indonesia. Amongst the areas explored by a range of experts were various aspects of: oncology, epidemiology, public health, radiology, specialist nursing and pathology. The events were organized and supported by the Indonesian Ban Asbestos Network (Ina-Ban), Local Initiative for OSH Network (LIONS), Australia’s Union Aid Abroad (APHEDA) and other Australian partnering organizations. See: Dukungan Kolaboratif Tenaga Medis untuk Eliminasi Penyakit Akibat Asbes [Medical Personnel Collaborative Support for Eliminating Diseases Due to Asbestos].

Asbestos Hazard Post-Earthquake

Mar 13, 2023

In the wake of the 5.6 earthquake which hit Cianjur, Indonesia on November 21, 2022 causing injuries, deaths and widespread destruction – 53,408 houses and 800+ public buildings, including schools, were damaged – emergency workers were observed handling broken asbestos-containing building material. Campaigners from the Indonesian Ban Asbestos Network and the OSH Network documented the situation and provided targeted training for humanitarian workers to raise awareness of the asbestos hazard and avoid exposures to the deadly fibers whilst responding to the disaster. See: Indonesian earthquake prompts asbestos hazards training.

Post-Disaster Asbestos Hazard

Jan 4, 2023

An interview on the Australian Broadcasting Channel with the Director of Shelter at Miyamoto Relief Dave Hodgkin, an Australian working in Indonesia to assess the damage from the November 21, 2022 5.6-magnitude earthquake in the town of Cianjur, highlighted the danger posed by the ubiquitous presence of asbestos throughout the region. Mr. Hodgkin said that continuing efforts to raise awareness of the asbestos hazard amongst government officials and the public are countered by intensive lobbying by asbestos vested interests determined to preserve the continued sale of asbestos in the country. See: Former Canberran assesses asbestos risk in earthquake damaged Indonesia.

Civil Society Campaign for UN Action

Jul 1, 2022

The experiences of Indonesian ban asbestos campaigners who took part in the June 2022 meeting of the Rotterdam Convention (RC) in Geneva strengthened their resolve to continue efforts to protect vulnerable populations from the deadly dangers of asbestos exposures. In the article cited below, asbestosis sufferer Mr Sriyono and activist Ajat Sudrajat reported that asbestos stakeholders had, once again, blocked United Nations progress on regulating the global trade in asbestos, an acknowledged carcinogen. At a plenary session, Mr Sriyono urged RC delegates to take action to prevent more people, like himself and his co-workers at an asbestos textile factory, from contracting asbestos-related diseases. See: “We will not stop raising our voices” – Indonesian delegates defiant at Rotterdam asbestos conference.

Campaigning during Covid!

May 4, 2021

Grassroots groups in Indonesia, which remain committed to banning asbestos despite the COVID-19 pandemic, include Union Aid Abroad-APHEDA (Australia), the Local Initiative for Occupational Safety and Health Network (LION), and Indonesia’s Ban Asbestos Network. Work continues on consolidating the ban introduced in Bandung City in 2020 as well as on campaigning for additional regional and national regulations to protect workers, consumers and post-disaster communities from toxic exposures. LION will continue outreach work to support asbestos victims and raise awareness of the need for a ban to protect the population from avoidable deaths caused by asbestos exposure. See: The fight to ban asbestos continues as Indonesia responds to COVID-19.

Asbestos-Cement Roofing: Alert

Feb 13, 2020

At a ceremony in Jakarta on February 11, 2020 to mark the founding of the Indonesian National Movement for Lung Cancer Care, lung specialist Dr. Elisna Syahruddin issued a warning about the health hazard posed by living in close proximity to asbestos-cement roofing due to the link between asbestos exposure and lung cancer. Syahruddin advised that asbestos products should not be used. The number of lung cancer cases in Indonesia is now more than 10 times what it was 15 years ago with male patients accounting for almost 90% of those affected. See: Atap Asbes Disebut Bisa Tingkatkan Risiko Kanker Paru-paru [Asbestos roofing said to increase the risk of lung cancer].

Ban Asbestos Award

Feb 11, 2020

On February 6, 2020, the Indonesian city of Bandung received an award for its commitment to eradicating the asbestos hazard. A certificate from the (Australian) Asbestos Safety and Eradication Agency was presented to the Deputy Mayor Yana Mulyana at City Hall by Campaigner Phillip Hazleton from the Australian group: Union Aid Abroad. This month, Bandung City Assembly announced it was expanding its 2018 asbestos ban for commercial buildings to include all new private houses; Bandung is the only city in Indonesia that prohibits asbestos use in buildings. See: Konsisten Larang Penggunaan Asbes, Kota Bandung Raih Penghargaan [For its Commitment to Banning the Use of Asbestos, Bandung City Wins Award].

Occupational Asbestos Exposure Risks

Jan 20, 2020

Data on asbestos-related diseases is extremely limited in Indonesia, a country where asbestos-containing products remain a popular choice for consumers. A collaborative study by Indonesian and international researchers investigated the risk of contracting lung cancer from occupational exposure to asbestos and found a “significant association between the duration of asbestos exposure... and the risk of lung cancer.” The co-authors of this paper also found a “positive additive and multiplicative interaction between smoking and asbestos [exposure]...[and] that the chance of getting lung cancer more than doubled among exposed subjects compared with unexposed subjects.” See: Asbestos-Related Lung Cancer: A Hospital-Based Case-Control Study in Indonesia.

Incubating an Asbestos Epidemic

Dec 8, 2019

A detailed exposé regarding widespread asbestos contamination in Indonesia, which was published by an Australian network in November 2019, pointed out that Indonesia was the world’s second biggest asbestos importer and that up to 10% of the country’s buildings contained asbestos. Citing data from international agencies including the World Health Organization, the piece concluded that the ubiquity and continuing use of asbestos in the country boded ill for future generations who could see deadly epidemics of cancer and respiratory diseases develop due to toxic workplace and environmental exposures. See: White asbestos lines many Indonesian buildings and health experts fear a coming cancer ‘explosion’.

Indonesia’s Asbestos Landscape

Jul 1, 2019

Grassroots groups, including the Indonesian Ban Asbestos Network (INA-BAN) and the Local Initiative for OHS Network (LION), campaigning to prevent asbestos deaths in Indonesia have reported that asbestos usage is increasing and that the country now consumes 17% of global annual asbestos production, making it the world’s second largest importing nation. Efforts to raise awareness of the asbestos hazard and prevent exposures are ongoing and include asbestos outreach programs and collaboration with government ministries and relief organizations as well as participation in global asbestos eradication activities. See: Campaign to end asbestos in Indonesia intensifies as imports increase.

Ban Asbestos Protest

Oct 18, 2018

On October 16, 2018, there was a ban asbestos demonstration by members of the Indonesia Ban Asbestos Network (INA-BAN) in Bandung City, West Java, Indonesia with a rally in front of the Bandung Parliament to support draft legislation being considered this week by special committee 6 which would include asbestos as a dangerous raw material in Bandung building regulations. Six of Indonesia’s largest asbestos processing plants employing 4,000 people are located in West Java. See: Ina-Ban Tuntut Larangan Penggunaan Asbestos Masuk Dalam Perda Bangunan Gedung [INA-BAN Calls for Prohibition of the Use of Asbestos in the Building Regulations].

Medical Training on Asbestos

Oct 16, 2018

On Saturday, October 13, 2018, an asbestos medical seminar entitled Update Diagnosis of Asbestos Related Disease was held at Binawan University in Jakarta by the Indonesia Ban Asbestos Network (INA-BAN), the Local Initiative for OSH Network Indonesia (LION) and partnering organizations. During her presentation, Professor Jeung Sook Kim, from Korea, highlighted the importance of cooperation between NGOs and scientists in the ban asbestos movement. See: Picture of Session on October 13, 2018 at Binawan University.

Raising Asbestos Awareness

Oct 12, 2018

Organizers of an asbestos educational event entitled: Strengthening knowledge and skills to diagnose asbestos-related diseases which is being held in Jakarta, Indonesia on October 13, 2018 have confirmed that all the seats to the event at Binawan University have now been booked. Delegates will hear presentations by leading asbestos medical specialists including: Dr. Anna Suraya (Germany), Professor Jeung Sook Kim (Korea), and Dr. Aziz Ghani Ikhsan and Dr. Agus Dwi Susanto from Indonesia. Attending the sessions will be a range of medical and health practitioners. See: Asbestos Seminar: Update.

Ban Asbestos Mobilization

Oct 11, 2018

The Indonesian Ban Asbestos Network (INA-BAN) and The Local Initiative OSH Network (LION), in collaboration with Australia’s Union Aid Abroad (APHEDA), organized a two-day asbestos awareness workshop and strategy meeting in Jakarta this week. Representatives of three trade union confederations, eleven federations and non-governmental organizations learned about conflicting legislation in Indonesia regarding the use of asbestos products, the hazards posed to workers and members of the public by asbestos exposures and the ban asbestos policies of international organizations. See: Photo.

Solidarity in Ban Asbestos Campaign

Oct 1, 2018

In recent days, Australian trade unionists – working with organizers from Australia’s Union Aid Abroad (APHEDA) – have been meeting with leading campaigners in Indonesia’s ban asbestos movement to see first-hand grassroots initiatives being rolled out to raise public awareness of the asbestos hazard – including a visit to the city of Bandung to observe ban asbestos activities of the Local Initiative for OHS Network (LION) on Bandung Car Free Day and meeting members of the Serbuk Union and the Center for Indonesia Medical Students to learn about their asbestos outreach activities. See: APHEDA (Facebook) Photo.

Asbestos Textile Production

Jul 9, 2018

A paper published by Korean researchers documents the high levels of occupational and environmental asbestos contamination generated by an asbestos textile factory in Indonesia. Previously, the textile plant for this company had been sited in Korea. The asbestos concentrations inside and outside of the factory in Indonesia were about the same as those measured in Korea in the 1980s and 1990s. It is recommended that a larger-scale study of various asbestos exposure sources, including asbestos cement factories, shipyards, and mines, be undertaken. See: Monitoring and Simulating Environmental Asbestos Dispersion from a Textile Factory.

Two Countries: Same Battle

Jun 7, 2018

As Australia – a country which banned asbestos in 2003 – struggles with its own deadly asbestos legacy, trade unionists are backing efforts by grassroots activists to end the use of asbestos in Indonesia, where it is widely regarded as just another raw material. During a recent fact-finding trip to several Australian cities Subono, former asbestos worker now General Secretary of the Indonesian union Serbuk and committed ban asbestos activist, described the repercussions of ongoing asbestos use, noting that several former colleagues died from cancer while others were still suffering. See: The battle to ban the devil’s dust in our neighbours’ backyards.

Ban Asbestos Campaign

Jun 1, 2018

A video trailer for a new documentary by the Local Initiative for OSH Network – Indonesia (LION) about the ban asbestos campaign in Bandung City, West Java which highlights the work to raise awareness of the asbestos hazard, not just for workers but for members of the Indonesian public, can be viewed online (See Video trailer: Asbestos Free Generation [Generasi Tanpa Asbes]). Other information on Indonesia’s ban asbestos mobilization can be found on the websites: and; and in a recent facebook upload by LION.

Asbestos Health Hazard

Apr 7, 2018

A short video accompanying an online article highlighted the dire hazard posed to Indonesians by focusing on the plight of Jakarta resident Sriyono, who as a result of working at an asbestos processing factory for over 20 years is now seriously ill. Sriyono, who was never warned about the asbestos danger, is the first Indonesian to obtain compensation from the government for his disease. In 2017, he received $4200 for his injuries. Interviews with a ban asbestos campaigner and a government minister contrast the huge discrepancy in approach, with the former urging immediate action to protect citizens and the later using government double-speak to uphold the status quo. See: Asbestos a time bomb in Indonesia.

Ban Asbestos Mobilization

Mar 9, 2018

On March 6 & 7, 2018, union representatives from across the Asian region called on governments to ban all forms of asbestos and condemned propaganda being disseminated by the asbestos lobby to forestall action combating the use of asbestos in Asia, where it was still widely used. In a joint communique issued by the ITUC-AP Regional Conference on Asbestos which was held in Jakarta, Indonesia, participants “confirmed that the elimination of the future use of asbestos is the most effective means to protect workers from asbestos exposure and … prevent future asbestos-related diseases and deaths…” See: Joint Communique on Asbestos: Realising an Asbestos-free World.

The Price of Asbestos Use

Dec 17, 2017

An article in the Jakarta Post which appeared on December 14, 2017 documented the first case of an individual with an asbestos-related disease to be compensated in Indonesia. Forty-four year old father of three Sriyono, who contracted asbestosis after decades of workplace exposures, received $4,200 from the government; 15 similar cases are pending. A video uploaded to YouTube in conjunction with the newspaper article shows Sriyono speaking about his symptoms and the distress of his diagnosis. Indonesia is one of the world’s top consumers of asbestos. See: Indonesia's asbestos ‘time bomb’.

Grassroots Activism on Asbestos!

Nov 3, 30217

A week of mobilization by grassroots campaigners in Indonesia has raised awareness of the twin hazards posed by exposures of children to leaded paints and asbestos. Activities undertaken in Jakarta, Bogor, Depok, Bekasi, Yogyakarta and Denpasar were scheduled to take place during International Week of Lead Hazard Prevention 2017 (October 22-28 2017). Despite the existence of some asbestos regulations and standards and the classification of asbestos as a Hazardous (B3) substance, the use of asbestos is still permitted in Indonesia for multiple purposes such as roofing for primary schools. See: Stop the Use of Lead Paint and Asbestos Roofs to Protect the Future of Indonesian Children.

Asbestos Action

Oct 25, 2017

During the World Health Organization’s “International lead poisoning prevention week of action” from October 22 to 28, 2017, campaigners in Indonesia are highlighting the double risks to children of the presence of lead-containing paint and asbestos-containing products in their schools. Members of non-governmental organizations (NGOs) have issued an appeal for government action after a study by the Ministry of Environment and Forestry and NGOs highlighted the human health threats of these toxic products. See: Bahan Berbahaya Beracun - Hentikan Pakai Cat Bertimbal dan Asbes [Hazardous Materials – Stop Using Leaded Paint and Asbestos].

Ban Asbestos Dialogue

Jul 26, 2017

Three days of asbestos awareness events began today in Jakarta organized by local campaigning groups in partnership with Australia’s Union Aid Abroad, the International Ban Asbestos Secretariat, the Asian Ban Asbestos Network and others. The speakers at today’s trade union workshop at the Legal Aid Institute include Associate Prof. Dr Yv Viger (Canada) and campaigners M. Darisman (Indonesian Ban Asbestos Network) and Bernawan Sinaga, from the Ministry of Manpower. In the coming days, events focusing on the medical management of asbestos-related diseases and the development of a national ban asbestos road map will also take place. See: Photograph of Jakarta seminar July 26, 2017.

Asbestos Alert

May 25, 2017

A new visual resource has been developed by BaliFokus, a member of the Indonesian Ban Asbestos Network (INABAN), to raise awareness of the hazard posed to children by the use of asbestos-cement roofing and lead paint at schools. BaliFokus staff in Bali and in Jakarta work closely with partnering organizations in the government and in civil society to educate professionals on the hazardous nature of these products, reach out to at-risk workers and progress the national dialogue on toxic substances. See: Video Stop Penggunaan Cat Bertimbal dan Atap Asbes di Sekolah [Video: Stop the use of asbestos and lead at schools].

Courage and Tenacity

May 11, 2017

Exposing the hazards of asbestos exposure in a country where industry forces prevail is an uphill battle. Last week asbestosis sufferer Siti Kristina from Jakarta took her case to the United Nations when she told a meeting in Geneva of the tragic consequences of her workplace asbestos exposures. Interviews with Siti Kristina, Wira Ginting from Indonesia’s Local Initiative for Occupational Health and Safety Network, Dr Anna Suraya and others inform a new feature which highlighted the multiple injustices faced by those suffering from preventable asbestos-related diseases in Indonesia and the small glimmers of hope that these diseases will be officially recognized. See: Battling asbestos, one step at a time.

Expansion of Ban Asbestos Dialogue

Sep 8, 2016

A detailed analysis of the asbestos status quo in Indonesia has been published which contrasts the country’s “controlled use” policy with the global consensus that all use should be prohibited on the grounds of public health. Citing policies held by IARC, the WHO, the EPA (US) and the Collegium Ramazzini, the text documents increasing calls by civil society groups in Indonesia such as WALHI, Balifocus, Indonesia LION (Local Initiative for OSH Network Indonesia), Indonesia Ban Asbestos Network (Ina-BAN) and others for action to be taken. See: Bisnis Debu Perenggut Nyawa [Asbestos Trade: Dangerous Business say academics].

Environmental Asbestos Hazards

Aug 21, 2016

Earlier this month (August 2016), campaigners in Indonesia held a two-day meeting in Denpasar, Bali to discuss efforts by local government to improve the conditions for people living in the island’s slums. On the agenda was the issue of asbestos which is used as roofing material in Indonesia; according to data cited, Indonesia is the world’s 5th largest importer of asbestos. This meeting was organized by BaliFokus, a non-governmental organization, which has been instrumental in a campaign to raise awareness of the asbestos hazard in Indonesia, a country whose constitution guarantees citizens the right to live in a healthy environment. See: Asbestos-free Neighborhoods.

Resource for Ban Asbestos Campaign

Jul 18, 2016

The Chrysotile Asbestos Fact Sheet uploaded to the IBAS website earlier this year has now been translated into Bahasa for use by ban asbestos campaigners in Indonesia. This work has been undertaken by the Indonesian Ban Asbestos Network – Ina-Ban. Commenting on the initiative Ina-Ban’s Coordinator M. Darisman said: “Indonesia is on the frontline of the propaganda campaign by global asbestos lobbyists who spread disinformation and lies regarding the deadly hazards of asbestos use. This new resource will be invaluable in our efforts to achieve an asbestos ban in Indonesia.” See: Chrysotile Asbestos Fact Sheet 2016 – Bahasa Translation.

Deadly Asbestos Exposures Routine

Jul 15, 2016

A 14-minute video uploaded to YouTube last month (June 2016) entitled Dangerous Dust: Asbestos Story in Indonesia, produced by the Indonesian Ban Asbestos Network working in conjunction with the Local Initiative for OSH Network, Developing World Outreach Initiative and the Korea Green Foundation, is an eye-opening expose of the hazard posed by the use of asbestos in a country where up to 8,000 people work in 26 factories using asbestos every day. The risks to workers, consumers and members of the public are highlighted as is the high degree of government complacency regarding the hazard. See: Dangerous Dust: Asbestos Story in Indonesia [Debu Mematikan: Kisah Asbes di Indonesia].

Expanding National Asbestos Dialogue

Mar 29, 2016

On March 17, 2016, events took place at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Indonesia in Jakarta during which expert speakers shared their knowledge about the asbestos hazard with up to 100 delegates from civil society organizations, campaigning groups, academic disciplines, medical schools and government agencies during a workshop and focus group discussions on asbestos and mercury. Amongst the lecturers were Prof. Dr. dr. Med. Dennis Nowak, Director of Institute and Outpatient Clinic for Occupational, Social and Environmental Medicine, University Hospital, Munich, and Dr. Anna Suraya, an occupational medicine specialist. See: From environmental exposure to familial health. Lessons learned from asbestos.

Video Evidence of Asbestos Hazards

Mar 27, 2016

Three videos have been uploaded to youtube which reveal the dangers of widespread asbestos use in Indonesia. The subjects covered are:
1) environmental asbestos exposures;
2) occupational exposures;
3) the unregulated and unsafe dumping of toxic debris in the community.
In 2014, Indonesia used 54,000 tonnes of asbestos (see: consumption data for 2014), a decline on previous years but nevertheless a significant amount.

Medical Workshop on Asbestos

Nov 20, 2103

Ban asbestos activists from Indonesia and Korea are today holding a medical workshop on asbestos in Jakarta (see: workshop poster) to highlight the ongoing risk posed by occupational and environmental exposure to a substance widely used in Indonesia (see: Growth of Asian Asbestos Markets). Speakers invited by the Ban Asbestos Network of Korea (BANKO) and the Indonesian Ban Asbestos Network (Ina-ban) will reveal details of the incidence of asbestos-related disease identified amongst workers from an asbestos textile factory in Cibinong, Indonesia; the company which owns this factory moved its operations from Korea to Indonesia in the 1990s.

Ban Asbestos Mobilization

Jul 11, 2013

INA BAN, the Indonesian Ban Asbestos Network, continues to mobilize asbestos awareness amongst members of the public, workers, the medical profession and civil servants. A recent infographic it has produced has proved a useful and popular resource for the campaign. To view these images click on: Bahasa infographic and English infographic. In 2011 and 2012, Indonesia used 124,049 and 161,824 tonnes of asbestos, respectively (an annual increase of 30%), making it one of Asia's biggest consumers of asbestos. See also: Indonesia Mobilization on Asbestos

Canadian Staff Block Indonesia Protest

Jul 23, 2012

On July 18, 2012, Indonesians concerned about the implications of Quebec's new asbestos mine planned to express their disapproval by submitting a letter to Canadian Prime Minister Harper and Quebec Premier Charest to the Canadian Embassy in Jakarta. They had also intended to make a visual manifestation of their outrage at this development by displaying posters and banners in front of the Embassy. They were prevented from doing so by police and Canadian Embassy security guards who chased them away and deleted photos which had been taken in front of the Embassy. See: letter to Quebec Premier Jean Charest and Canadian Prime Minister Stephen Harper.

Asbestos Ban in West Java

Sep 12, 2011

It was announced last week that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) of a West Java district was banning future asbestos industrialization; permits needed for the construction and operation of asbestos manufacturing facilities would no longer be granted in Purwakarta Regency. Authorities are concerned about the "dangers of the use of asbestos in everyday life" and the hazard presented by the disposal of asbestos waste. EPA officials said that as regional implementation of the asbestos ban was required to ensure adequate protection, steps would be taken to raise awareness of the dangers of asbestos throughout the Province of West Java. See: Indonesian news report.

Asbestos Conference in South East Asia

Jul 26, 2010

Trade unionists affiliated with the Building and Woodworkers International (BWI) will be holding a conference in Jakarta on August 2-4, 2010. The South East Asia Regional Conference on Asbestos will be addressed by international experts and regional activists including BWI personnel Fiona Murie and Apolinar Tolentino, trade unionist Deb Vallance from Australia and campaigners Sugio Furuya and Yeyong Choi, respectively from Japan and Korea. Issues such as the availability of asbestos-free substitutes, health surveillance and asbestos mapping will be discussed. For more information see Conference Agenda.

Agenda for Asbestos Action

Aug 10, 2009

Local mobilization on asbestos was the subject of a meeting held at the offices of Walhi Jawa - an environmental NGO -- in Bandung on August 10, 2009. Amongst the issues discussed was progress in: identifying medical specialists, defining community action points, and developing outreach projects for at-risk groups. Future workshops and meetings are planned.