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Displaying list for Spain

New Protocols in the Archipelago

Jan 13, 2025

The Government of Spain’s Balearic Islands is commissioning an asbestos audit to facilitate the eradication of the asbestos hazard via a digital registry which will identify and eliminate this acknowledged carcinogen from public and private buildings. The authorities have set a 2028 deadline for the removal of asbestos from all buildings on the Islands. In addition, measures will be implemented to ensure compliance with national regulations pertaining to waste disposal, contaminated soil, etc. See: The Government calls for a digital census to eradicate asbestos in buildings.

Progress on the Costa Blanca

Dec 23, 2024

The sum of €150,000 (US$158,000) has been allocated by the Alicante Provincial Council, Spain to undertake an asbestos census and eradication plan for 92 local areas. Technical experts will produce: maps showing: the contaminated sites; data on the size, year of construction and level of risk; and a draft schedule for an asbestos removal program. Commenting on this initiative Environment Deputy Magdalena Martínez said: “This material [asbestos], widely used in the past, represents a danger that must be addressed with specific and careful protocols.” See: The Alicante Provincial Council strengthens its commitment to the municipalities of the Marina Alta with the creation of a census of facilities with asbestos.

Asbestos Eradication Law in Catalonia

Dec 6, 2024

On December 3, 2024, President Salvador Illa approved a draft law to eradicate the asbestos hazard from Catalonia – which stipulated strict procedures and timelines for the removal of asbestos from the built environment. Once the law is implemented, fines of up to €100,000 (US$105,000) could be levied on property owners who fail to comply with asbestos removal orders. It will also become mandatory for asbestos certificates to be presented during all property transactions, including sales, purchases, and rentals. See: Government approves ‘pioneering’ bill to eradicate asbestos in Catalonia.

A New Era!

Oct 28, 2024

Six years after asbestos removal work began on Barcelona’s trains, the final asbestos-containing train on the L1 metro line was withdrawn from service. As well as being in the trains, asbestos was on roofs and in the tunnels and stations of the transport system. The company in charge says that 90% of the asbestos has been removed and that a €1.3 million (US$1.4m) contract has been signed to remove the remaining 10%. Dozens of employees and former employees have been diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases. See: El último viaje del tren con amianto: la L1 se despide del último convoy en la red metropolitana [The last journey of the train containing asbestos: the L1 says goodbye to the last convoy on the metropolitan network].

Victim’s Verdict by Top Court

Jun 20, 2024

According to the Basque Association of Asbestos Victims, the Supreme Court of the Basque Country rejected an appeal from Nervacero SA, a Spanish steel producer, against a Labor Court judgment awarding the sum of €163,931 (US$176,200) to the family of a worker who died in 2020 from mesothelioma. The deceased had inhaled asbestos at the steel mill due to no safety measures being in place to protect the workers from toxic exposures. See: Ratifican la indemnización de 163.931 euros a la familia de un trabajador vasco que murió tras trabajar décadas expuesto al amianto [Compensation of 163,931 euros to the family of a Basque worker who died after working for decades exposed to asbestos has been ratified].

Uralita Victims’ Long Wait for Justice

Jun 14, 2024

At a June 6, 2024 Madrid press conference, spokespersons for the law firm of Cremades & Calvo-Sotelo announced a legal strategy to secure compensation for some of the victims of the former Spanish asbestos giant Uralita, despite the company’s protracted bankruptcy proceedings. Starting within the next 2 months, lawyers will attempt to get the courts to reclassify some of the injured as “involuntary creditors,” in order to provide them with preferential collection options that they do not currently have. See: Un despacho se aferra a Ley Concursal para que afectados por Uralita reciban indemnización [Law firm to use Bankruptcy Law to secure compensation for Uralita’s asbestos victims].

The Asbestos Legacy Lives On

May 31, 2024

An article in El Pais, a daily publication considered to be a Spanish newspaper of record, highlighted last week the ongoing hazard posed by asbestos-containing material throughout the built environment. According to the author of the article Albert Garcia which is cited below: “Spaniards live among hundreds of thousands of tons of asbestos…” Considering the current level of asbestos eradication, it is unlikely that Spain will meet the EU deadline of 2028 to remove asbestos from public buildings and 2032 to remove it from other properties. See: Amianto: cuando el peligro está en casa (y usted no lo sabe) [Asbestos: when the danger is at home (and you don't know it)].

Asbestos Eradication Bill Approved

May 14, 2024

On May 7, 2024, Catalonia’s Government approved a bill to address the region’s deadly asbestos legacy. The Asbestos Eradication Bill, when it’s approved by Parliament, will facilitate the safe removal of asbestos from buildings and facilities. It’s estimated that there are ~4 million tons of asbestos-cement and between 6 and 30,000 of other asbestos-containing materials. These products, most of which were put in place between the 1960s and late 1980s, have reached or are approaching the end of their useful lives. Through the regulatory framework – National Plan for the Eradication of Asbestos – the Commission for the Eradication of Asbestos in Catalonia intends to eliminate the asbestos hazard. See: S’aprova el Projecte de llei per a l'erradicació de l'amiant [The Asbestos Eradication Bill is approved].

Asbestos Removal on Gran Canaria 

Nov 10, 2023

A second phase of work has been started by the authorities on the Spanish Island of the Gran Canaria to eradicate the asbestos hazard. The Ministry of Environment, Climate, Energy and Knowledge allocated €5.32 million (US$5.7m) to a private company to collect non-structural asbestos-containing material from homeowners on the island. During the first phase of the island’s asbestos removal program, 117,513 kg of asbestos waste was collected. Penalties for fly tipping asbestos waste range from €30,000 to €500,000. See: La seconda campagna di rimozione dell’amianto dalle abitazioni di Gran Canaria [The second campaign to remove asbestos from homes in Gran Canaria].

Asbestos in the Navy

Apr 7, 2023

According to a report published on April 5, 2023, 82 sailors in the Spanish Navy have died from asbestos-related diseases in the last twenty years. According to sub-lieutenant Francisco Feal, the ships were full of rats, but “the worst part was the cloud of worn-out asbestos that circulated everywhere and that we breathed in for months, even years. Hundreds of us got sick, and many died of cancer. We are still paying for it today.” Although asbestos was banned in Spain in 2002, asbestos material remains on naval ships. See: Asbestos killed 82 members of Spanish navy in last 20 years: Report.

Asbestos Whistleblowers: Update

Apr 3, 2023

Officers from Spain’s Civil Guard are investigating allegations of harassment by two whistleblowers stationed in the Balearic Islands who had denounced the presence of asbestos in military barracks where 60 personnel currently live. The Independent Professional Association of the Civil Guard expressed its “deepest concern about the fact that our representatives in that area are currently on medical leave, with what this entails and its both professional and personal significance, since the situation for them has become untenable under such pressure.” See: La Guardia Civil expedienta a dos agentes por denunciar la existencia de amianto cancerígeno en su casa cuartel [The Civil Guard investigates two agents for denouncing the existence of carcinogenic asbestos in their barracks].

Asbestos: Public Health Emergency

Mar 31, 2023

The commentary on a Spanish news portal which is referenced below highlighted the tragic consequences of a national scandal causing much human suffering and many deaths every year. A victims’ association in Navarra (ADAVAN) warned that as the asbestos-containing products installed within the Spanish infrastructure age, the danger of toxic exposures grows even greater. The situation has created a public health emergency that the authorities continue to downplay despite national legislation and EU deadlines. See: “No podemos permitir este reguero de dolor y Muerte”: las consecuencias del amianto alcanzan el momento más álgido [“We cannot allow this trail of pain and death”: the consequences of asbestos reach highest point].

Progress on Asbestos Removal in Salamanca

Mar 28, 2023

During 2022, 4,146,087 kilograms of asbestos were removed in the province of Salamanca according to data from the Territorial Environmental Service, the government agency responsible for supervising asbestos removal, management and disposal protocols. The most common use of asbestos in Spain was in the manufacture of building products such as roofing tiles and pipes. Despite the health hazard posed by exposures to asbestos-containing products, no records were made of where they were installed. Spanish municipalities must undertake asbestos audits of all public buildings before 2023. See: Salamanca retira 4.146 toneladas de amianto, el material que provoca fibrosis y cancer [Salamanca removes 4,146 tons of asbestos, the material that causes fibrosis and cancer].

Asbestos Removal & Renewable Energy

Mar 27, 2023

In their 2023 budget the authorities in Catalonia, Spain allocated €40 million (U$43m) to subsidize up to 100% of the cost of work to replace toxic asbestos roofing with photovoltaic panels on buildings used for agricultural purposes such as those on livestock and agricultural farms. Invoices must be dated after January 1, 2023. An additional €10m (US$10.8m) was allocated for removing asbestos roofs from private homes. All work must be carried out by specialist contractors approved by the Waste Agency of Catalonia. See: Sustituir al amianto por placas solares [Replacing asbestos with solar panels].

Asbestos Eradication on Grand Canaries

Mar 24, 2023

Pursuant to European Union objectives to eradicate asbestos from the built environment by 2032, the Government of the Grand Canaries has confirmed its intention to finance an asbestos removal program. According to Eliza Monzón, head of technical services for the authority’s Waste Department: “in the first [asbestos] census of 2018, 200 homes were registered, while in a second census, in 2021, 3,000 did so." To date, 200 tons of asbestos were removed from domestic properties on the island. See: El Cabildo de Gran Canaria financiará la extracción del amianto [The Cabildo de Gran Canaria will finance the removal of asbestos].

Asbestos Eradication in Catalonia

Mar 23, 2023

The National Plan for the Eradication of Asbestos in Catalonia, an autonomous community of Spain, was approved by the Generalitat (Government of Catalonia) this week; the European Union 2032 deadline for the completion of the decontamination of the territory was adopted. It has been estimated that there are 4 million tonnes of asbestos-containing material still in Catalonia. The National Plan contains 21 actions, organized into 4 areas. Funds for the work are provided by the Generalitat under annual allocations. Considering that the estimated life of asbestos products is 30 to 50 years, by 2030 more than 85% of this material will have exceeded its useful life. See: Plan para retirar todo el amianto antes de 2032 [Plan to remove all asbestos by 2032].

Claim for Renfe Worker Won

Mar 23, 2023

On March 20, 2023 the Superior Court of Justice of Cantabria, an autonomous region in Northern Spain, published news of a February 27, 2023 judgment which had recognized that the death of a railway worker was linked to asbestos exposures experienced in the workshops of the Renfe company; Renfe is the national passenger railway company of Spain. A previous court had ruled against the family and this case was the result of an appeal brought by the legal team representing the deceased’s widow. See: Tribunal condena a Renfe a indemnizar a viuda de empleado muerto por amianto [Court orders Renfe to compensate the widow of an employee killed by asbestos].

Asbestos Removal in Málaga’s Schools

Mar 20, 2023

After a high-profile public campaign over asbestos contamination of schools in Andalusia, the authorities announced plans to remove asbestos-containing roofing at three educational facilities in Antequera, Benalmádena and Vélez-Málaga during the school holidays. A sum of €193,000 (US$207,000) was allocated for the removal and replacement of the toxic material. To date, the Regional Government of Andalusia has spent €6.6m (US$7m) on removing asbestos from local schools. See: La Junta adjudica la retirada de amianto en tres centros escolares de la provincia de Málaga [Board approves removal of asbestos in three schools in the province of Malaga].

Ombudsman: Asbestos Progress Too Slow!

Mar 17, 2023

On March 13, 2023, during the presentation of the Spanish Ombudsman’s annual report, calls were made for the Governments of Aragon, Cantabria, Castilla-La Mancha, Ceuta, Community of Madrid, La Rioja and the Region of Murcia to implement, as a priority, plans to eradicate asbestos contamination from their jurisdictions. Under a 2022 law, municipalities were given a year to conduct asbestos audits; many have failed to do so in a timely manner which would almost certainly mean that the official deadline would be missed. See: El Defensor del Pueblo pide impulsar el censo de edificios afectados por amianto y acelerar la retirada de este tóxico [The Ombudsman asks [authorities] to promote the census of buildings affected by asbestos and accelerate the removal of this toxic [substance]].

Asbestos Scare in Cádiz

Mar 17, 2023

The article cited below documented concerns of people from a densely populated area of Cádiz who reported that unscheduled and improperly conducted asbestos removal work had created a health hazard for residents. Appeals for information to the subcontractors carrying out the work were fruitless as they claimed the complainants were not property owners but only tenants. Requests for action by the City Council had been unproductive. See: Vecinos de Guillén Moreno denuncian que se está retirando el amianto de sus viviendas «de manera irregular» [Neighbors of Guillén Moreno denounce that asbestos is being removed from their homes “irregularly”].

Calls for Asbestos Action in Andalusia

Mar 15, 2023

On March 11, 2023, the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE) presented a motion to the Provincial Council of Málaga calling for asbestos ceilings to be removed from the Province’s schools. The motion was scheduled to be debated during a committee meeting of the Regional Government of the Autonomous Community of Andalusia on Tuesday, March 14, 2023. See: El PSOE insta a la Junta a retirar los techos de amianto de los colegios de la provincia de Málaga [The PSOE urges Board to remove asbestos ceilings from schools in the province of Malaga].

Asbestos Compensation Tax-Free

Mar 14, 2023

On March 8, 2023, the authorities of the Spanish Province of Gipuzkoa unanimously approved a legislative proposal exempting Basque recipients of asbestos compensation from a proposed national scheme of the obligation to pay personal income tax on the payments. Spanish trade unionists are urging the Madrid Government to follow the Basque example and extend the tax exemption to all those in Spain affected by asbestos exposures. See: Gipuzkoa aprueba la exención fiscal de las indemnizaciones por amianto [Gipuzkoa approves tax exemption for asbestos compensation].

Asbestos at Military Base

Mar 9, 2023

After a media exposé in August 2022 of the presence of asbestos contamination at the Torrejón de Ardoz airbase, the Ministry of Defense (MoD) took steps to quantify the problem by contracting a specialist company, Laboratorio Echavarne, to conduct asbestos air sampling at a cost of €8,373 (US$8,900). Subsequently, a budget of €1,045,407 (US$1.1m) was allocated by the MoD to remove asbestos insulation from hot water pipes at the Torrejón base. See: El Ejército del Aire encarga un análisis de la presencia de amianto en suspensión en la base de Torrejón de Ardoz [The Air Force commissions an analysis of the presence of airborne asbestos at the Torrejón de Ardoz base].

Asbestos in Schools

Mar 7, 2023

In a press release by Ecologists in Action Jerez, the association expressed serious concerns about the safety of work being carried out to remove asbestos from schools in the Spanish city of Jerez: “the people who are removing the beams throw the fiber cement sheets from the roofs, violently fragmenting [them] against the ground and generating dust with a high asbestos content… it is incomprehensible that no one has taken measures to prevent this from happening, since this situation must be known to both the police and technicians from the Urban Planning or Sustainability Delegations.” See: Ecologistas en Acción Jerez insta al Ayuntamiento a que retire el amianto del antiguo edificio de Cartonajes Tempul [Ecologists in Action Jerez urges the City Council to remove asbestos from old Tempul Cartonajes building].

Asbestos Epidemic on the Horizon?

Mar 6, 2023

According to the Spanish Society of Pneumology and Thoracic Surgery, there have been more than 80,000 Spanish deaths due to asbestos exposures, with another 50,000 expected by 2050. Regional and provincial data on asbestos mortality is incomplete. Only two cases of asbestos-related diseases have been reported in the Spanish Province of Segovia where an asbestos-cement factory owned by the Uralita company was operational for decades. Unions estimate that toxic workplace exposures could have caused 160 asbestos cancer deaths amongst the 800 strong workforce. See: Sanidad vigila a unos 230 empleados de Segovia por el amianto [Health monitors some 230 Segovia employees for asbestos].

Galicia’s Fatal Asbestos Legacy

Mar 6, 2023

As in other countries, different regions of Spain have different rates of asbestos cancer. Due to the presence of the naval shipyards, Galicia – an autonomous community in Spain’s northwest – is amongst those with the highest incidence of asbestos mortality. The city of Ferrol accounts for half of the asbestos cases in Galicia. Campaigners from the Galician Association of Asbestos Victims are calling for improved compensation for victims, more information and a nation-wide asbestos eradication plan to remove the hazard from the national infrastructure. See: Amianto, el veneno de la codicia [Asbestos, the poison of greed].

Naval Asbestos Claim at Supreme Court

Feb 28, 2023

Spain’s Supreme Court has ordered the Ministry of Defence to pay compensation to the family of a second lieutenant in the Navy who died from asbestosis contracted as a result of workplace exposures during 45 years of military service. The sailor lodged his claim for €300,000 (US$316,130) on July 31, 2014, saying that he had been incapacitated due to conditions he experienced in the Navy. The claimant died in May 2020. His heirs appealed to the Supreme Court which finally awarded them the sum of €75,000 (US$79,000). See: El Supremo ordena triplicar la indemnización a un suboficial de la Armada que sufrió fibrosis por navegar en buques con amianto [The Supreme Court orders compensation to be tripled to a Navy non-commissioned officer who suffered fibrosis for sailing on ships with asbestos].

Madrid’s Asbestos Legacy

Feb 27, 2023

Decades of asbestos use in the Spanish capital has left a long legacy of contamination. The article cited below discussed problems posed by asbestos material in Madrid’s Metro system, schools, hospitals, health centers, residential neighborhoods and industrial sites. A national law requiring that municipalities produce an asbestos census of the built environment will facilitate the national eradication of the contamination. According to the article’s author, the asbestos census: “represents a definitive tool for technical departments in charge of managing different processes. In addition to reinforcing efficiency, the objective is simplified thanks to the proper use of resources.” See: Los peligros del amianto en Madrid [The dangers of asbestos in Madrid].

Asbestos at the University

Feb 22, 2023

Residents of the Spanish island of Gran Canaria were shocked when they were informed of the presence of asbestos on the premises of the University College of Las Palmas (CULP) after having been told in 2022 that the site was asbestos-free. Acting on this discovery, the Ministry of Health of the Government of the Canary Islands instructed officials at the CULP that it must hire a specialized asbestos company to quantify and eradicate the contamination. Planned development work at the site has been put on hold pending the decontamination work. See: Sanidad encuentra amianto en el CULP tras asegurar en 2022 que no se había detectado ese material [Health finds asbestos in the CULP after assurances in 2022 that this material had not been detected].

Asbestos Fly-Tipping

Feb 22, 2023

The Council of Alzira, a city of 45,000 people in Valencia, Spain, is fighting a continuous battle over the illegal dumping of asbestos waste, having recently removed 519 tonnes of toxic debris at taxpayers’ expense. According to a municipal spokesperson: “the most worrying thing about this situation is that more and more asbestos has been detected in landfills lately, it must be remembered that it is a carcinogenic material as scientific studies have shown.” See: Alzira alerta del incremento de residuos con amianto, material cancerígeno, en vertederos incontrolados en el término municipal [Alzira warns of the increase in waste containing asbestos, a carcinogenic material, in uncontrolled landfills in the municipal area].

Asbestos Fund Delayed

Feb 20, 2023

Legislation needed to ensure the effective establishment of a Spanish Asbestos Victims’ Compensation Fund (the Fund) remains pending four months after the Government approved a law to create the Fund after sustained campaigning by asbestos victims’ groups and trade unions. The Fund, which will be managed by the National Institute of Social Security, should have been operational as of January 19, 2023. According to a spokesperson for the Ministry of Inclusion, the need for regulatory modifications had delayed plans for the creation of the Fund. See: El fondo del amianto sigue pendiente del reglamento para compensar a victimas [The asbestos fund is still pending the regulation to compensate victims].

Asbestos Injustice: Official Policy

Feb 17, 2023

A commentary uploaded last week by Architect and Professor Joaquin Ortega Herrera, which reviewed Spain’s tragic asbestos, quoted the Ministry of Health’s findings that the asbestos injuries of up to 99% of Spaniards went unrecognized by the Ministry of Social Security. This oversight was not due, he said, to bad luck but to the use of “administrative and legal means to prevent workers or their successors from obtaining their rights.” Despite the Government’s agreement to establish a national asbestos victims’ compensation fund, no recent news about this scheme had been released. See: OPINIÓN: Como ya es sabido el amianto es un canceri´geno de primer grado… [OPINION: As is well known, asbestos is a first degree carcinogen…].

Supporting Asbestos Victims

Feb 17, 2023

The UGT, Spain’s General Union of Workers, welcomed the introduction of a national asbestos compensation scheme 20 years after asbestos was banned in Spain. Under a medical surveillance operation run by the Ministry of Health, the condition of 4,737 people in the autonomous community of Castile and León who received occupational asbestos exposures is being monitored. The legacy of decades of asbestos use remains a potent threat to the population and the union called on the Government to prioritize measures for the eradication of asbestos from the country’s infrastructure. See: La epidemia silenciosa del amianto tiene bajo control sanitario a 900 trabajadores [The silent asbestos epidemic has 900 workers under medical surveillance].

Plumber’s Victory over City Hall

Feb 14, 2023

On February 2, 2023, it was announced that Segovia City Council had allocated €143,000 (US$152,850) to pay its share of an out-of-court agreement with a plumber who had worked for the Council between 1973 and 1983. As a result of occupational asbestos exposures experienced, the Spanish worker had experienced health problems. A Council spokesperson was adamant that this was a one-off: “all the safety protocols for handling asbestos have been in place in all the works that the City Council executes,” he told journalists. See: Ayuntamiento de Segovia indemniza a un fontanero por la exposición a amianto [Segovia City Council compensates a plumber for exposure to asbestos].

Asbestos Incident under Investigation

Feb 14, 2023

Seprona, the unit of the Spanish Civil Guard responsible for preserving nature, the environment and water resources, is investigating the use of soil mixed with asbestos in the construction of a roundabout in Santa Brígida, Gran Canaria. According to local sources, there is no legal dump for asbestos waste on the island; many companies fly-tip the toxic waste in ravines and off cliffs to avoid the expense of sending it to a legal site on the mainland. See: El Seprona investiga el uso de escombros mezclado con amianto en una obra en Santa Brígida [Seprona investigates the use of rubble mixed with asbestos at a worksite in Santa Brígida].

Quantifying the Military’s Asbestos Legacy

Feb 8, 2023

According to information published by the Europe National Press, Spain’s Ministry of Defense (MoD) has recognized as occupationally-caused 77 deaths caused by asbestos-related diseases amongst former service personnel. Although asbestos use was banned in Spain in 2002, asbestos material remains in military hardware and installations, including several bases which were the subject of recent exposés. A spokesperson for the MoD said that it was conducting “constant surveillance of the working conditions of its personnel.” See: Defensa ha reconocido 77 muertes en acto de servicio por exposición a amianto [Defense has recognized 77 deaths in the line of duty due to exposure to asbestos].

Asbestos Fly-tipping in Catalonia

Feb 6, 2023

Following the discovery of two tonnes of asbestos-containing construction debris illegally dumped near a wind farm in Tarragona, a port city in Spain’s Catalonia region, members of the Civil Guard opened an investigation to identify the perpetrators. The Civil Guard notified the Waste Agency of Catalonia to arrange the removal of the toxic waste and informed the Tortosa Court of the facts pending the commencement of legal action. See: Descubierto un vertedero ilegal de dos toneladas de uralita con amianto en El Perelló [An illegal dump of two tons of asbestos-containing uralite discovered in El Perelló].

Asbestos Eradication Program: Update

Jan 31, 2023

Delays were announced in the start of a massive asbestos eradication program scheduled for the Badia del Vallès housing project in Barcelona. According to a spokesperson for the local government, no specialist contractor had been found who was capable of undertaking all the tasks involved to remove and/or encapsulate toxic products in the 5,372 apartments and infrastructure. A sum of €4.5 million (US$4.9m) had been allocated to pay for the decontamination. See: La retirada de amianto en Badia del Vallès vuelve a retrasarse hasta 2024 [The removal of asbestos in Badia del Vallès is delayed again until 2024].

Asbestos Legacy: The Facts

Jan 27, 2023

A commentary by Professor Antonio Alarcó Hernández in Spain’s Medical Gazette reviewed key aspects of the country’s asbestos legacy. Amongst the information presented was the following: between 1994 and 2008, there were 3,943 asbestos deaths in Spain; during the 20th century 2.6 million tons of asbestos were imported, with consumption highs achieved between 1960 and 1980; 75% of the asbestos went into the manufacture of fiber cement construction material. The author supported plans for the creation of a national asbestos compensation scheme and an asbestos eradication program to remove the toxic fiber and material containing it from the country’s infrastructure. See: Un peligro latente y silencioso: el amianto [A latent and silent danger: asbestos].

A Fatal Legacy

Jan 25, 2023

Interviews with two Spanish asbestos victims were featured in the article cited below. Mesothelioma sufferer José Antonio worked in the asbestos removal industry from 1999 until 2007 using pressurized air to remove asbestos from buildings. Neither he nor his workmates knew of the dangers of the work processes they were using. Vanesa’s bricklayer father died from mesothelioma; his wife also died from this cancer, having inhaled the deadly asbestos fibers brought home on his work clothes. See: “Mis padres murieron por amianto. Fue muy duro decirle a él que ella había enfermado por limpiarle la ropa del trabajo” [“My parents died from asbestos. It was very hard to tell him that she had gotten sick from cleaning his work clothes”].

Plan for Asbestos Eradication in Madrid

Jan 23, 2023

The removal of asbestos-cement roofing on homes in the Spanish capital will be facilitated by the allocation by the Madrid City Council of €1 million (US$ 1.1m). Residents in 21 districts in the city including those in the neighborhoods of San Pascual, Poblado Dirigido and Meseta de Orcasitas will qualify for subsidies of €4,000 to €10,000 this year to remove the toxic material. The funds will be paid once a building permit has been granted and before work on the roofing commences. See: Amianto en el tejado: la larga lucha por acabar con una convivencia tóxica [Asbestos roofing: the long struggle to end a toxic coexistence].

EU Funds for Asbestos Eradication

Jan 11, 2023

Funding of €2.4 million (US$2.6m) from the European Union’s Rehabilitation of Residential Environments Program has been designated for work to remove asbestos from hundreds of private apartments in the Juan de la Cierva neighborhood of the Spanish city of Getafe. Some of the money allocated will be used for work to reduce energy consumption for heating and cooling in 250 properties by 35% per year. See: GETAFE/ 250 viviendas de Juan de la Cierva quedarán libre de amianto [GETAFE / 250 homes in Juan de la Cierva will be free of asbestos].

Supporting Victims’ Rights

Jan 9, 2023

In a statement issued on January 4, 2023, the Basque Association of Asbestos Victims (Asviamie) called on health professionals to notify patients when there was a “suspicion” that they had contracted diseases caused by occupational exposure to carcinogenic products such as asbestos so that they might pursue compensation and support for the injuries sustained. Patients so-informed had options for obtaining government benefits and/or settlements from former employers responsible for the toxic exposures they had endured. See: Instan a los médicos a comunicar su sospecha en casos de amianto [Doctors urged to communicate their suspicion in asbestos cases].

Toledo, an Asbestos Hotspot

Oct 31, 2022

Asbestos contamination has plagued several neighborhoods in the Spanish town of Toledo for several years. On October 28, 2022, city councillor Julio Comendador, addressing a plenary session of the City Council, warned that there was an environmental disaster due to the presence of asbestos in houses which are more than fifty years old owned by the Ministry of Defence in the Santa Bárbara neighborhood, in close proximity to a school and playground. See: Cs pide medidas para retirar el amianto de los edificios [Cs calls for measures to remove asbestos from buildings].

Asbestos in Schools

Oct 28, 2022

The Andalusia branch of the Spanish trade union CCOO has demanded that asbestos be removed from educational buildings “without further delay” as a matter of top priority. At a recent meeting of the Committee for Health and Safety of Andalusian teachers, a spokesperson for the union said that “despite the commitment made by the Andalusian Administration many educational centers still have asbestos in their facilities.” See: CCOO-A exige la retirada "sin más dilaciones" del amianto de centros educativos: "Denota nula preocupación por la salud" [CCOO-A demands the removal “without further delay” of asbestos from educational centers: “Denotes no concern for health”].

Supreme Court Victim’s Verdict

Oct 26, 2022

The Labor Chamber of the Spanish Supreme Court ordered Bridgestone Hispania SA (formerly Firestone) to pay compensation of €148,746 (US$148,300) for the asbestos death of a former employee. The deceased had worked at the company’s factory in Basauri from 1969 until 2009. During that time, he was negligently exposed to asbestos as a result of which he contracted mesothelioma, the signature asbestos cancer. The Court also ordered that medical check-ups for family members who were exposed to the asbestos fibers brought home on his work clothes be provided by Bridgestone. See: Condenan a Bridgestone a indemnizar a la familia de un trabajador muerto por amianto

Madrid Asbestos Protest

Oct 26, 2022

A demonstration in front of the headquarters of the Spanish Ministry of Culture, which was organized by the Workers' Commissions (Comisiones Obreras, CCOO) – Spain’s largest trade union – took place on October 20, 2022. The workers and union demanded that the Ministry adopt a policy of zero tolerance to asbestos instead of the current policy which was based on periodic measurements that reported “tolerable levels of asbestos.” See: Trabajadores del Ministerio de Cultura protestan ante su sede por el amianto [Workers of the Ministry of Culture protest in front of its headquarters over asbestos].

Ministry of Defence: Asbestos Update

Oct 24, 2022

Spain’s Ministry of Defence announced that it had recognized claims from 80 former service personnel with asbestos-related diseases which were, the Ministry agreed, caused by workplace asbestos exposures. The Ministry admitted that asbestos material was widely used in the services and remained present on a number of military bases. This year, the Ministry acknowledged that the 2020 asbestos death of Navy Admiral Francisco Javier González-Huix, who was the Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, was categorized as a death in the line of service due to his exposure to asbestos on board Spanish ships and submarines. See: Defensa ha reconocido a 80 militares la contaminación por amianto como acto de servicio [Defense has recognized 80 soldiers for asbestos contamination as an act of service].

Asbestos Eradication Goal

Oct 24, 2022

Spain’s Health and Environment Plan (the plan) announced the Government’s intention to eradicate the asbestos hazard from the country by 2028, 4 years before the European Union deadline of 2032, and to improve the medical care of people diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases (ARDs). Goals specified in the plan included improving measures for treating people with ARDs, establishing a registry of ARDs and introducing protocols to minimize the impact of toxic waste. See: España aspira a adelantarse a la UE y eliminar todo el amianto antes de 2028 [Spain aspires to get ahead of the EU and eliminate all asbestos before 2028].

Victory in Madrid for Asbestos Victims

Oct 8, 2022

On October 5, 2022, the Spanish Senate approved a law to establish a national fund to compensate asbestos victims. The Fund, which will be operated by the National Social Security Institute, has been allocated a budget of €25 million (US$24.7m) to provide payouts to victims of occupational, environmental and domestic exposures. According to government data [see also: Amianto, una negra historia [Asbestos, a black history]], 700 people contract mesothelioma every year, with many cases of other asbestos cancers and respiratory diseases going unrecognized. See: Luz verde a la ley que indemnizará los envenenamientos por amianto [Green light for the law that will compensate for asbestos poisoning].

Asbestos at the Ministry

Oct 6, 2022

A Madrid protest is being organized for October 20, 2022 by the CCOO trade union to highlight the presence of asbestos material at the headquarters of Spain’s Ministry of Culture and Sports. According to a union communique, some asbestos was removed from the building but only from the fifth floor where the office of Minister Miquel Iceta was located. The union is demanding that all the toxic material be eradicated from the building to protect the health of all employees and building users. See: Trabajadores del ministerio de Cultura anuncian movilizaciones por la presencia de amianto en el edificio [Ministry of Culture workers announce mobilizations due to the presence of asbestos in the building].

Clean-up of Toxic Island Site

Sep 30, 2022

Work to clean up more than 15,000 tons of construction waste at an illegal dumpsite was begun on September 21, 2022 by Palma City Council in Son Güells, a neighborhood on the Spanish island of Mallorca; it was estimated that the clean-up would take two months. Contained amongst the 15,000 tonnes of construction waste are up to 60 tonnes of asbestos material. The City Council will recoup the one million euros the decontamination will cost from the landowner who allowed the illegal dumping to take place. See: Cort limpia Son Güells con el temor de encontrar amianto [Cort to clean Son Güells [dumpsite] fearing to find asbestos].

Asbestos Legacy in the Military

Sep 20, 2022

Following the disclosure of asbestos contamination at the Torrejón air base in Spain, more pollution has been revealed at military bases and airfields throughout the country including the Gando air base, the military airfield at León and the air base at Villanubla. Asbestos-containing material was widely used in the construction of barracks and ships. Claims from former service personnel for asbestos-related injuries have been reported. This Summer the Navy recognized the asbestos cancer death of Admiral Francisco Javier González-Huix, Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, as having been caused by his military service. See: El amianto preocupa en la base aérea de Torrejón: detectado también en Gando, León y Villanubla [Asbestos is a concern at the Torrejón air base: also detected in Gando, León and Villanubla].

Eradicating Catalonia’s Asbestos Pollution

Sep 17, 2022

On November 26, 2022, a conference will be held in Barcelona to consider how best to rid Catalonia of asbestos contamination. The event is being organized jointly by the Asbestos-Exposed Pensioners of Macosa-Alstom and the Federation of Neighborhood Associations of Barcelona. It is hoped that conversations at the meeting will mobilize civil society sectors and expedite the urgent measures needed to comply with EU asbestos removal guidelines. See: Convocan una convención en Barcelona para liberar Catalunya de amianto [Convention [to be held] in Barcelona on freeing Catalonia from asbestos].

Legal Victory for Asbestos Victim

Sep 17, 2022

Appeals by former employers of a man who died from an asbestos-related disease were dismissed by the High Court of Justice of the Basque Country which confirmed a lower court’s verdict that the worker's pleural cancer had been caused by occupational exposures to asbestos and silica. One of the defendants’ arguments during the appeal was that the deceased’s smoking habit had caused the illness and not hazardous workplace conditions. As a result of this decision, upgrades will be made in the monthly pension received by his widow. See: El TSJPV confirma el origen laboral de un cáncer tras la exposición al amianto [The TSJPV confirms the occupational origin of cancer after exposure to asbestos].

Asbestos in Schools

Sep 14, 2022

The asbestos contamination of the educational infrastructure of the Spanish capital remains a contentious issue for teachers, staff, parents and children. One building causing alarm for parents is the Meseta de Orcasitas school in Usera, Madrid, the second largest school in the district, used daily by 500 children and 20 teachers. It was built in 1978 and has broken roofing made of corrugated iron and asbestos. In 2018, the Government of Madrid pledged to remove all asbestos material from public schools. See: Dar clase bajo un techo de 2.000 metros de amianto: “Nuestros niños lo respiran seis horas al día” [Teaching under a 2,000 meter roof of asbestos: “Our children breathe it six hours a day”].

Calls to Speed Asbestos Removal in Schools

Sep 7, 2022

The largest Spanish trade union, the CCOO (Comisiones Obreras; the Workers' Commissions) has criticized the current program of works to remove asbestos from schools in the Spanish capital as much too slow. According to the CCOO, as many as 361 educational centers in Madrid could still contain asbestos. Commenting on the unsatisfactory rate of progress, Isabel Galvín, Secretary General of Education of CCOO Madrid said: “At this rate, according to our calculations, the total elimination of asbestos would not be achieved for another forty years, despite the new 2028 deadline set to remove this material.” See: El tímido plan para retirar amianto de los colegios de Madrid [Timid plan to remove asbestos from schools in Madrid].

Asbestos in Schools: Update

Sep 3, 2022

As children in the Spanish capital get ready to return to classes, Deputy Mayor Begoña Villacís reassured parents that progress had been made in eradicating the asbestos hazard from the educational infrastructure. The latest program of works, which was nearing completion, has removed asbestos from 23 early childhood and primary education centers in Madrid. In 2021, asbestos was removed from 26 other schools. A deadline of 2030 for the complete elimination of asbestos from all schools in Madrid has been set. See: Vuelta al 'cole' sin amianto en 23 centros educativos públicos más de Madrid [Back to school without asbestos in 23 more public educational centers in Madrid].

Barcelona’s Fight against Asbestos

Aug 25, 2022

Developments in Barcelona have been hailed as breakthroughs in the fight against the region’s toxic asbestos legacy. Barcelona’s Social Court Number 8 for the first time recognized that contact with asbestos was, with “almost absolute certainly” the cause of the mesothelioma death in 2019 of a worker for the Barcelona Metro. At the same time, the Government of Catalonia has begun work on an asbestos census to identify the presence of toxic material in public and private buildings with a view to elimination by 2032 of all asbestos contamination. See: Paso adelante en la lucha contra el amianto con un censo de edificios afectados y una sentencia judicial pionera [Steps forward in fight against asbestos with a census of affected buildings and a pioneering court ruling].

Asbestos Alert in the Military

Aug 23, 2022

On August 17, 2022, the Association of Spanish Troops and Sailors (ATME) issued a warning about the absence of protective measures in some military barracks where asbestos-containing material may be present in the plumbing. The ATME cited the example of the barracks in Pamplona where asbestos-cement pipes were removed in August 2021 by personnel from the Services Unit “without any type of specialized training or protection material.” See: Militares alertan de la ausencia de medidas de seguridad con el amianto en los cuarteles [Military warn of the absence of security measures regarding asbestos in barracks].

Asbestos Justice, a Fickle Thing in Spain

Aug 18, 2022

The ups and downs for Spanish asbestos victims were reviewed in the text cited below which began with the news of the Supreme Court’s rejection of the asbestos claim brought by the family of national icon José María Iñigo. Whilst many claimants have succeeded in cases brought against former employers, including Nissan, Uralita, Garay Coatings, Navantia and Izar, some cases have failed. Recently, an agreement was reached by the Madrid Metro with asbestos claimants which will avoid a wave of future litigation. See: El asbesto en los tribunals. Los casos del amianto acumulan 3.300 sentencias y reparaciones millonarias [Asbestos in court. Asbestos cases have produced 3,300 sentences and millionaire reparations].

Supreme Court Travesty

Aug 16, 2022

Last week, news was circulated of a decision by Spain’s Supreme Court which concluded that the 2018 asbestos cancer death of national icon José María Iñigo had not been caused by the negligence of his employer, despite a wealth of evidence to the contrary. Whilst the court of the first instance – Social Court Number 2, Madrid – had issued a victim’s verdict in March 2021, in November 2021 the Superior Court of Justice (TSJ) of Madrid over-turned that decision. Rejecting an appeal brought by the family’s legal team, the Supreme Court upheld the TSJ’s decision. See: El Supremo niega que José María Iñigo muriera por exposición al amianto en los platós [The Supreme Court denies that José María Iñigo died from exposure to asbestos on sets].

Abysmal Asbestos Disease Monitoring

Aug 16, 2022

Following a high profile expose about widespread asbestos contamination at Spain’s Torrejón military air base earlier this month, it has been reported that few of those currently being exposed or who had been exposed at the former American base had been examined for signs of asbestos-related diseases. In an interview last week with the Spanish daily newspaper El Mundo, it was disclosed that of the 154,000 at-risk Ministry of Defense workers, only 117 had been examined. See: Defensa sólo realizó 117 exámenes médicos relacionados con la exposición al amianto en 2021 [Defense only conducted 117 medical exams related to asbestos exposure in 2021].

Admiral’s Asbestos Death “In Service”

Aug 15, 2022

In the August 2, 2022 edition of the Official Gazette of Spain’s Ministry of Defense, it was duly noted that the asbestos-related cancer death in 2020 of Admiral Don Francisco Javier González-Huix Fernández – formerly the Chief of the Joint Chiefs of Staff – had occurred as the result of his naval service. Following this ruling, his widow will now receive the full pension to which he was entitled. It did not go unnoticed that the Admiral’s death in the line of duty was recognized with a degree of speed not seen in the processing of similar claims from naval personnel of lower rank. See: Defensa reconoce como “acto de servicio” el fallecimiento de un almirante a causa del amianto en los buques [Defense recognizes as “act of service” the death of an admiral due to asbestos in ships].

Madrid Metro Settlement

Aug 15, 2022

As a result of an agreement reached by asbestos-injured workers and/or surviving family members with the company which runs the Madrid Metro, the Prosecutor’s Office asked the Madrid Court to drop the asbestos case against the company. The investigation into claims of negligence against several high-ranking executives who were in charge of occupational health and safety matters will be dropped in light of the resolution of the case and the payment of compensation. None of the Madrid Metro accused will now be charged. See: El juez archiva el caso del amianto en el Metro de Madrid tras la petición de Fiscalía y los acuerdos de indemnización [The judge files the Madrid Metro asbestos case at the request of the Prosecutor's Office following compensation agreements].

Asbestos at Air Base

Aug 11, 2022

The Torrejón military air base in Madrid has “thousands of meters of heating pipes” covered with deteriorating friable asbestos material. According to asbestos removal specialist Diego González: “The pipes are rotten. It's the scariest place I've worked on… I'm still surprised. The workers and those who come to the air base are not aware of the risk. They are exposed. Asbestos is everywhere.” Questions put to the Ministry of Defense about the toxic state of the base were not answered. See: El amianto más peligroso infecta la base aérea militar de Torrejón: "No había visto nada igual en 10 años. Está disuelto como el polen" [The most dangerous asbestos contaminates the Torrejón military air base: “I had not seen anything like it in 10 years. It is distributed like pollen”].

Madrid Metro: Final Report

Aug 8, 2022

The final report by the Prosecutor’s Office on conditions at the Madrid Metro was issued on August 4, 2022; it condemned the company’s management for multiple failings as a result of which workers were exposed to asbestos and contracted asbestos-related diseases, including fatal cancers. The company had not, the report concluded, evaluated the risk of occupational asbestos exposure from 1986 to 2017; as a result, no safety measures had been put in place to address the asbestos hazard. See: Sin equipos de protección, sin información y sin controles de salud: las irregularidades en el caso del amianto del Metro de Madrid [Without protective equipment, without information and without health controls: the irregularities in the Madrid Metro asbestos case].

Navarra’s Toxic Asbestos Legacy

Aug 3, 2022

A victim’s association in Navarra, Spain – the Navarra Asbestos Association (ANANAR) – has announced that in the five years of the Group’s existence, 52 people in the local community have died from asbestos-related diseases. A spokesperson for the Group said that 3,000 people in Navarra are now living with asbestos-related diseases. ANANAR is lobbying the regional government to initiate an asbestos eradication program in order to protect citizens from future exposures. As of now, only 10% of the asbestos in Navarra’s built environment has been removed. See: En Navarra hay más de 3.000 personas afectadas por el amianto [In Navarra there are more than 3,000 people affected by asbestos].

Victory for Barcelona Metro Worker

Aug 2, 2022

At a July 29 press conference, the news was delivered that a Barcelona court had set a precedent by ruling that the mesothelioma death of a worker for the Barcelona Metro company had been due to workplace asbestos exposures. The Judge found it was “highly probable that the deceased (the worker) was in contact with asbestos, especially in the years 1988 and 1989, when he provided services as an electrical installer. It is possible that this exposure was not intense or prolonged, but that does not rule out that he contracted the disease for that reason.” The company plans to appeal the verdict. See: Un juzgado social reconoce por primera vez el amianto como causa de la muerte de un trabajador del metro de Barcelona [Social court recognizes asbestos for the first time as the cause of the death of a Barcelona metro worker].

Asbestos Hazard & Firefighters

Jul 29, 2022

Whilst the hazard posed by occupational asbestos exposures to firefighters continues to remain unrecognized in most parts of Spain, this week the Gran Canaria Firefighters Consortium was added to the Register of Companies with Asbestos Risk (RERA). Inclusion in the RERA, will result in greater protection and prevention measures being implemented to limit toxic workplace exposures to firefighters on the island of Gran Canaria. The CCOO Spanish trade union, which has been campaigning for this recognition, welcomed the news. See: Por primera vez se reconoce en España la exposición al amianto de un parque de bomberos [For the first time, exposure to asbestos in a fire station is recognized in Spain].

Legal Breakthrough by Asbestos Victims

Jul 22, 2022

On July 19, 2022 it was announced that an agreement had finally been reached by the Madrid Metro company with the relatives of 13 deceased employees and 7 injured workers. All of the claimants had suffered from asbestos-related diseases contracted via occupational exposures. The CCOO – the largest trade union in Spain – called the agreement a “great milestone” as it not only secured compensation for those who had been injured already but secured compensation for future claimants who will no longer have to take legal action to safeguard their right to fair and equitable treatment. See: Fin a años de calvario de las víctimas del amianto de Metro de Madrid [End to years of ordeal for the victims of asbestos in the Madrid Metro [company]].

Union Support for Asbestos Fund

Jul 18, 2022

Last week, the Spanish UGT – the General Union of Workers – issued a statement supporting a vote by the Chamber of Deputies to set up a National Asbestos Victims’ Fund. Whilst welcoming news of a political consensus regarding the scheme, the CGT queried details not yet finalized including: the precise nature of who is eligible to bring a claim, how much compensation would be paid and whether payments would be tax exempt. The UGT is also urging that Spanish citizens who handled asbestos at work should be allowed to retire early. See: UGT valora la aprobación del texto de Ley para la creación del Fondo de Compensación de las Víctimas del Amianto [UGT values the approval of the text of the Law for the creation of the Asbestos Victims Compensation Fund].

Asbestos Victims’ Fund: Update

Jul 5, 2022

A new agreement has been reached amongst political groups in Spain’s Congress of Deputies to support plans to establish a national fund to compensate occupational, environmental and domestic victims of asbestos exposure. Approval for the scheme, which is expected to be granted within three months, will be required from the Ministry of Inclusion, Social Security and Migration. The fund will be administered by the National Institute of Social Security and have a board of directors which will include trade unionists and asbestos victims’ representatives. See: Buenas noticias para las víctimas del amianto: el gobierno compensará a las victimas del amianto [Good news for asbestos victims: the government will compensate asbestos victims].

Compensation for Victim’s Family

Jul 1, 2022

A Bilbao Court condemned Cuprum SA for failing to protect its workforce from asbestos exposures and ordered it to pay compensation of €154,771 (US$161,064) to the family of a 63-year old worker who died in 2017 from the asbestos cancer mesothelioma. The Court accepted evidence presented that: no safety measures had been implemented by the company to minimize levels of airborne asbestos fibers; there was no training of workers or protective clothing provided; and no medical examinations of the workers had been carried out. See: Condenan a Cuprum SA a pagar 154.771 euros a la familia de un fallecido por amianto [Cuprum SA is ordered to pay 154,771 euros to the family of an asbestos deceased].

Asbestos Research in Galicia

Jun 8, 2022

The results of a Spanish research project by Sara González Veiga has revealed the high price paid by women in Galicia for washing the asbestos-covered clothes of family members. Ms. Veiga’s research was facilitated by local asbestos victims’ groups: ANANAR and AGAVIDA. The researcher highlighted the failure of the authorities to acknowledge or compensate people who contract asbestos-related illnesses as a result of domestic exposures. See: Sara González: “As mulleres tamén enfermaron polo amianto, non son só viúvas ou ‘señoras de” [Sara González: “Women have also become ill with asbestos, they are not just widows or partners [of victims]”].

Public Protest in Madrid

May 27, 2022

A colorful and well-attended demonstration was mounted by asbestos victims’ groups and trade unionists in the Spanish capital on May 25, 2022 to protest threats to the funding of a national asbestos compensation scheme. Proposed legislation could place the Asbestos Fund under the auspices of the Institute for the Elderly and Social Services (Imserso). This arrangement could, said the protestors, compromise the financing of the Fund and prevent access to social security benefits. See: Las víctimas del amianto protestan para que el nuevo fondo de compensación tenga los recursos necesarios [Asbestos victims protest so that the new compensation fund can have the necessary resources].

Parliament Debates Compensation Fund

May 18, 2022

On May 18, 2022, discussions began in the Work, Inclusion, Social Security and Migration Committee of the Spanish Parliament about amendments to draft legislation submitted by the Basque Parliament to establish a national asbestos compensation fund. Victims’ supporters are concerned that the socialist group and Minister José Luis Escrivá will seek to limit financing. According to campaigners, the Socialist Parliamentary Group intends to curtail the independence and financial resources allocated for the new fund. See: Las víctimas del amianto temen que el PSOE haga caer el fondo de compensación que les prometieron [Asbestos victims fear that the PSOE will drop the compensation fund they were promised].

Supreme Court Asbestos Verdict

May 11, 2022

The Spanish Supreme Court ruled this week that a worker’s death from mesothelioma had been caused by occupational exposure to asbestos between 1984 and 2010 at a factory owned by the Bridgestone Hispania company. Compensation of €145,000 (US$153,000) was awarded by the Court, which found that the company had been negligent in failing to prevent its workforce from experiencing toxic asbestos exposures at its factory. See: Bridgestone condenada a indemnizar a la familia de un trabajador fallecido por amianto [Bridgestone sentenced to compensate the family of a worker killed by asbestos].

Asbestos Removal Regulations

May 9, 2022

Guidelines on mandatory protocols to address the asbestos legacy in Spain are continually evolving. The article cited below provided a timely update on regulations pertaining to companies which specialize in the removal of asbestos from the built environment. Topics covered included: registration and certification procedures and the submission of detailed work plans specifying asbestos remediation methods, security measures and the qualifications of operatives employed on projects. See: La plataforma del amianto se consolida en Madrid [Asbestos [procedural] platform consolidated in Madrid].

Asbestos Legacy: Death & Contamination

May 6, 2022

A feature article on a Spanish news website reported the recent asbestos death of another worker from the Madrid Metro: 65-year old Luis Gómez. Despite the best efforts of some local authorities and regional governments, exposure to asbestos remains an everyday hazard for people all over the country using contaminated infrastructure. A recent survey revealed that there is a low level of asbestos awareness in Spain and, for that reason, measures to minimize toxic exposures are often neglected. See: ¿Qué es el amianto, por qué es tan peligroso y en qué lugares y construcciones se puede encontrar? [What is asbestos, why is it so dangerous and in what places and buildings can it be found?].

Asbestos on the Madrid Metro

May 4, 2022

On May 4, 2022, workers from the Madrid Metro will hold a partial strike to highlight the continued presence of asbestos in the capital’s transport system. According to union officials, eleven workers have already died from asbestos-related diseases. To ensure that the workers affected receive the support they require, the union is demanding that a process for recognizing these diseases in a timely fashion be put in place, and that the removal of asbestos throughout the Madrid Metro be expedited; the company’s 2028 deadline for the completion of the decontamination program is, say the unions, unacceptable. See: Amianto, el principal cancerígeno laboral que mata a 90.000 personas al año en la UE [Asbestos, the main occupational carcinogen that kills 90,000 people a year in the EU].

Strike over Asbestos in Madrid Metro

Apr 29, 2022

Workers from the Madrid Metro staged a partial strike on April 27, 2022 to raise awareness of the occupational hazard they face from asbestos contamination of the transport system. Their key demands included the creation of a compensation fund for employees exposed to asbestos and early retirement for at-risk workers. A rally was held in front of the Congress of Deputies from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. to vocalise their demands for a speedy resolution of these issues, noting that: “Every day that passes, there are more people affected…” See: Paros parciales en Metro de Madrid hoy para protestar por el amianto [Partial stoppages in Madrid Metro today to protest about asbestos].

Asbestos in Schools

Apr 21, 2022

The Department of Education of Catalonia, an autonomous community of Spain, has announced that it has allocated €11 million (~US$12m) over the next three years for its program to eradicate asbestos from its schools. The budget is for work to be undertaken at 39 schools. Much of the work will consist of the removal of toxic asbestos roofing which was widely used before Spain banned asbestos use in 2002. A 2017 map made by the Department of Education revealed that asbestos had been identified in 291 schools and institutes not only in roofing but also in downspouts, pipes and blackboards. See: Cataluña invertirá 11 millones para retirar el amianto de 39 escuelas en tres años [Catalonia will invest 11 million to remove asbestos from 39 schools in three years].

The Ongoing Asbestos Legacy

Apr 19, 2022

The widespread use of asbestos in Spain has left a dangerous legacy for workers, members of the public and the environment. At work, school and home, people are unknowingly being exposed to toxic material which remains hidden within walls, on roofs, in automobile engines, on ships and in many other places where asbestos-containing products had been used. Despite the best efforts of the country’s Labor Inspectors, the toxic exposures continue. See: La inconsciencia, espontánea o inducida, en el manejo laboral del amianto y en algunos de nuestros actos cotidianos [Unconscious, spontaneous or intentional occupational handling of asbestos in some of our daily acts].

Asbestos Remediation of Barcelona Metro

Apr 14, 2022

More than 8,500 kilograms of asbestos cement have been removed from the Maragall metro station in Barcelona as part of the ongoing asbestos remediation program of the Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona [Barcelona Metropolitan Transport System (TMB)]. Sections of this metro line were out of service from April 9 to 18 to allow this work to proceed. Those commuters affected by the closure have been able to use alternative transport such as coaches being run by TMB to serve the area. See: Retiran más de 8.000 kilos de amianto en la estación de metro de Maragall [More than 8,000 kilos of asbestos have been removed from Maragall metro station].

Supporting Injured in Castilla-La Mancha

Apr 13, 2022

On March 31, 2022, The National Institute of Social Security and the autonomous community of Castilla-La Mancha signed an agreement to undertake joint actions in relation to workers suffering from diseases caused by occupational exposures to asbestos. A working group will be constituted by the two parties to consider measures to identify and support individuals who have been adversely impacted by employment in workplaces where asbestos-containing products were made or used. See: El personal afectado por amianto recibirá atención para concretar cómo afectó este residuo a su capacidad laboral [Personnel affected by asbestos will receive attention to specify how this residue affected their work capacity].

Contentious Decision by Basque Court

Apr 11, 2022

A court in the Basque city of San Sebastián last week ruled that the widow and children of a worker who had died from lung cancer having been exposed to asbestos at the Pedro Orbegozo-Acenor foundry should only receive half of the sum awarded in April 2021 by the National Social Security Institute. The reason for cutting the compensation from €159,754 (US$174,000) to €80,000 was the deceased’s smoking history. A group representing asbestos victims condemned this decision, stating that it was “cynical and immoral to exculpate or minimize corporate responsibility by blaming individual consumption habits as the cause of illnesses.” See: Un juez reduce a la mitad la indemnización de amianto por ser la víctima fumadora [A judge cuts asbestos compensation in half on account of a victim’s smoking history].

Asbestos Blight in Toledo

Apr 6, 2022

Contamination of a residential neighborhood and local river in Toledo, Spain by asbestos-cement waste has long been a contentious issue in the city. The Ombudsman has been monitoring the situation and has lately intervened demanding updates from the City Council and Vice-Ministry of the Environment regarding progress of asbestos remediation in the Santa María de Benquerencia neighborhood. The Ombudsman called on the authorities to report back on the work being carried out. See: El Defensor del Pueblo propone análisis continuos del amianto [The Ombudsman proposes continuous analyses of asbestos].

Legal Win for Mechanic’s Family

Apr 4, 2022

An appeal by the family of deceased mechanic Pedro Orbegozo-Acenor was successful last week when the Superior Court of Justice in Donostia, Spain awarded his heirs compensation of €313,000 (US$346,000) for his 2020 death from asbestos-related lung cancer. The Court ruled that between 1969 and 1992 five companies had failed to protect him from toxic workplace exposures. In a previous court ruling, the family’s claim had been dismissed with a verdict which acquitted the companies and blamed the disease on the victim’s smoking history. See: Cinco empresas tendrán que indemnizar con 313.000 euros a los herederos de un trabajador con cáncer por amianto [Five companies will have to compensate the heirs of a worker with asbestos cancer with 313,000 euros].

Asbestos Remediation in Getafe

Mar 31, 2022

At its most recent plenary session, the City Council of Getafe, a city in the Community of Madrid, approved a motion obliging landowners to remediate asbestos contamination dumped on their land. According to politician Ángel Muñoz, who addressed the meeting, asbestos audits have already been carried out in 80% of municipal buildings. A coalition of political parties urged the authorities in Getafe to embrace harsh measures to end illegal fly-tipping of asbestos waste in order to comply with goals set out in the Strategy for Reconstruction and Resilience of the Community of Madrid. See: GETAFE / Los propietarios de terrenos tendrán que ‘eliminar’ los vertidos con amianto [GETAFE / Landowners will have to ‘eliminate’ dumping of [waste containing] asbestos].

Asbestos Cancer Case Begins!

Mar 25, 2022

On March 24, 2022, a trial in a personal injury lawsuit began in a court in the Spanish city of Donostia, in the north west of the country. The case was brought by the family of a man who had worked as a painter / welder at two companies between 1968 and 1999. Both companies – Productos Isolantes (Paisa), now known as Ercross, and Zardoya Otis – are accused of causing his 2020 death by failing to take timely and effective action to protect him from workplace exposures to asbestos. The family is claiming compensation of €136,783 (US$~150,000). See: Ercross y Zardoya serán juzgados por amianto [Ercross and Zardoya will be tried for asbestos [offences]].

Use of New Technology to Track Asbestos

Mar 25, 2022

The small Spanish town of Vivares in the Badajoz Province announced this week that it had completed work on an audit of asbestos roofing on private and public buildings using a new technology, called Spatial Geolocation of Materials with Asbestos, which is capable of geolocating asbestos cement roofs and classifying them according to their age and areas of contamination. According to the Mayor, the town will now be able to implement action plans for the phased replacement of these toxic roofs. See: Vivares crea el primer censo de edificios con amianto [Vivares creates the first census of buildings with asbestos].

Recognition of Occupational Asbestos Cases

Mar 21. 2022

Of the 18 cases of workplace asbestos-related diseases that the National Institute of Social Security has confirmed – 10 of the claimants have died – just six cases lodged by public transport workers have been officially recognized. The first Madrid Metro worker whose occupational claim was accepted was Julián Martín, who died aged 60 in October 2018 from asbestos cancer. As a result of the furore caused by his death, the Madrid Metro committed to a program of asbestos eradication throughout its network. On March 16, the Works Committee of the Madrid Metro called for stoppages to protest at management’s lack of progress. See: 10 trabajadores de Metro de Madrid fallecidos por el amianto en cinco años y un proceso penal pendiente [10 Madrid Metro workers killed by asbestos in five years and criminal proceedings are pending].

Asbestos Compensation Fund: Update

Mar 18, 2022

On March 15, 2022, Spanish trade unions, members of asbestos victim support groups and campaigners demanded that asbestos-injured workers be allowed to apply for compensation to a national asbestos compensation fund, proposals for which are now being considered by the Spanish Congress. Last week, the government had indicated that it planned to bar workers from submitting claims to this fund, saying that such claims were already covered by provisions for workers’ compensation. On March 17, debate in the Labor Commission began on the proposals for the €25 million (US$28m) scheme. See: Los sindicatos exigen incluir a los trabajadores en el fondo público del amianto: “Era lo acordado” [The unions demand inclusion of workers in the national asbestos fund: “It was what was agreed”].

Asbestos Compensation Fund Proposal

Mar 16, 2022

The Labor and Social Security Commission of the Spanish Congress are scheduled to begin a debate on 174 amendments presented by the Basque Parliament to a proposal for the creation of a national compensation fund for asbestos victims on March 16, 2022. If the draft legislation is passed unchanged, the Fund would award: “complete reparation of the damages both of any person who has obtained recognition of an occupational disease caused by asbestos and of any person who has suffered damage due to exposure to asbestos” in Spain. See: El Congreso avanza en la definición del fondo de compensación a las víctimas del amianto [Congress advances in the definition of the compensation fund for asbestos victims].

Asbestos Remediation of Madrid’s Schools

Mar 15, 2022

On March 14, a conference organized by trade unions, asbestos victims’ associations, community groups and civil society campaigners will take place in Madrid to consider the latest proposals for eradicating the asbestos hazard from schools in the Spanish capital. Invited speakers, including medical experts, politicians and community activists, will consider draft legislation presented in November 2021 to the Community of Madrid to achieve this goal. See: Jornada en la Asamblea de Madrid para debatir sobre el amianto en los colegios de la region [Conference at the Madrid Assembly to discuss asbestos in schools in the region].

Navarra Actions on Asbestos

Mar 11, 2022

On March 8, 2022, the Parliamentary Health Commission of the Spanish Region of Navarra unanimously approved a motion urging the Government to prepare a protocol for the removal of asbestos dumped on public roads and to initiate a campaign to raise public awareness of the asbestos hazard. Amongst other measures, the resolution asked the authorities to draw up an operational plan for the total eradication of asbestos in Navarra which delineated specific actions, timelines and budgetary commitments. See: El Parlamento de Navarra pide un protocolo para retirar el amianto de las vías públicas [The Parliament of Navarra requests a protocol to remove asbestos from public roads].

Asbestos Exposure in the Navy & Shipyards

Mar 7, 2022

An in-depth article on a Spanish news portal revealed the deadly effects of asbestos exposures amongst naval personnel in Galicia, an autonomous community in northwest Spain. According to Pneumonologist Carmen Diego almost 90% of the naval workers examined by computerised tomography (CT) showed signs of asbestos-related symptoms, conditions or diseases. Up to 90% of a cohort of workers from the Ferrol shipyards were affected by asbestos exposures as well as a number of women who had washed their husbands toxic work clothes. See: “En los TAC, vemos que el amianto afectó a casi el 90% de los operarios del naval” [“In the CT scans, we see that asbestos affected almost 90% of naval workers”].

Initiatives for Asbestos Eradication

Mar 7, 2022

The commentary cited below by legal expert Jorge Vila Lozano delineated the evolution of legal and legislative strategies to eradicate asbestos from the built environment in Spain as a matter of environmental and public health. According to a judgment handed down in December 2021 by the Provincial Court of Madrid, owners of asbestos-containing properties must pre-warn potential purchasers; failing to do so could incur heavy costs. A law due to come into force soon – the Law on Waste and Contaminated Soils for a Circular Economy – sets a “zero tolerance” for the presence of asbestos in Spanish municipalities. See: Tribunales, amianto y salud pública [Courts, asbestos and public health].

Union Advocates Urgent Action on Asbestos

Mar 4, 2022

The Spanish Trade Union UGT is calling on the government to permit workers who had been exposed to asbestos during their employment to retire at 60 years of age. This provision should be included in the bill now being processed through Congress to establish a Compensation Fund for Asbestos Victims. According to the UGT, in 2021 only 25 asbestos-related cancers were recognized as occupational diseases. The union stressed that all workers who had experienced occupational asbestos exposures should be identified, monitored and supported. See: UGT pide la jubilación a los 60 años para las víctimas del amianto [UGT calls for retirement at age 60 for victims of asbestos].

Ten Year Wait for Justice

Feb 28, 2022

A decade after the death of a Spanish welder, a Madrid Court ordered four of his employers to compensate his widow and two children. The defendants had been found guilty of exposing the deceased to asbestos between 1975 and 1981 when he was employed to build the Almaraz nuclear power plant. The Judge awarded the widow €208,270 (US$233,000) and each of the children €95,883 (US$107,140). See: Indemnizan a herederos de soldador expuesto a amianto en Central de Almaraz [Compensation for heirs of welder exposed to asbestos at the Almaraz Nuclear Power Plant].

Asbestos in Cádiz High School

Feb 22, 2022

On February 17, 2022, students, parents, school staff, the CCOO and CGT trade unions, and political groups demonstrated in the town of Olvera in the Spanish Province of Cádiz, Andalusia, over the failure by the authorities to remove asbestos from the roof of the gym at IES Zaframagón High School. This issue has been highlighted on multiple occasions over the last two weeks by an energized educational community which has continued to expose a situation imperilling the lives of school users, employees and local people. See: Manifestación por la retirada del amianto del instituto de Olvera [Demonstration for the removal of asbestos from an institute in Olvera].

Union Raises Asbestos Alarm

Feb 16, 2022

The Spanish trade union UGT has condemned the failure by the authorities to implement a register of asbestos-exposed workers despite the high incidence of occupational asbestos disease in the Cantabrian region in the North of Spain. According to the union, 113 workers, possibly many more, at 13 companies are being exposed to asbestos as a matter of routine. Those at high risk include construction workers and people working to remediate or replace material made of asbestos-cement such as pipework or roofing tiles. See: Más de un centenar de cántabros trabajan expuestos al amianto pero sigue sin crearse el registro autonómico [More than a hundred Cantabrians work exposed to asbestos but the regional registry has not yet been created].

Toledo’s Toxic Legacy

Feb 15, 2022

A citizens’ group in Toledo – Izquierda Unida, Podemos – has again raised concerns about the hazard posed by asbestos waste dumped in the municipality. The toxic deposits are a souvenir of years of asbestos product manufacturing by local companies. The campaigners have asked the City Council to develop “a comprehensive exhaustive protocol to monitor and control these uncontrolled dumps and to remove them as soon as possible.” Environmental asbestos pollution in Toledo is a long-standing problem; local people have organized multiple protests demanding action be taken by the authorities. See: Piden un mayor control para evitar vertederos incontrolados de amianto en Toledo [Calls for greater control to avoid uncontrolled asbestos dumps in Toledo].

Confronting a Deadly Legacy

Feb 4, 2022

Exposure to asbestos incorporated within the Spanish infrastructure is causing between 5,000 and 6,000 deaths per year. The fact that asbestos was banned in 2002 has not eliminated the threat posed by the toxic [asbestos-containing] material, much of which is deteriorating with age. A shortage of trained asbestos removal operatives means that the complete eradication of asbestos will not be achieved in the foreseeable future. In addition, “the non-existence of direct subsidies for removing asbestos” is another disincentive for homeowners to employ asbestos removal specialists. See: Fibrocemento con amianto: qué hay que saber para retirarlo [Fiber cement containing asbestos: what you need to know to remove it].

Another Shipyard Victim

Feb 2, 2022

News was uploaded to the web on January 31 that union leader, Ferol City Councillor and victims’ campaigner Rafael Pillado had contracted mesothelioma from exposures to asbestos at the Bazán de Ferrol shipyards. Explaining the reasons for broadcasting this private news, Pillado said: “I don't want my disease and that of so many others who were affected to be hidden.” He intends to bring a lawsuit so that he can hold to account those parties responsible for failing to take action to prevent his exposures to a known carcinogen. See: Rafael Pillado, histórico sindicalista ferrolano, anuncia que padece un cáncer provocado por el amianto [Rafael Pillado, leading unionist from Ferrol, announces that he is suffering from cancer caused by asbestos].

Failure to Safeguard Barcelona’s Children

Feb 2, 2022

Dr Josep Tarrés, a leading Spanish medical expert, has warned that school children in Barcelona were routinely experiencing toxic exposures to a known carcinogen due to the failure of the political authorities to remove asbestos from the municipality’s built environment. Children who attend schools in buildings surrounded by asbestos roofing “could develop cancer in 35, 40 or 50 years. In fact, some will develop cancer due to asbestos that would have been totally preventable if it were removed.” According to Dr Tarrés: “If we continue at the current rate, it will take 250 years to eliminate asbestos in Catalonia.” See: Josep Tarrés, neumólogo: “Niños de colegios cercanos al amianto desarrollarán un cancer” [Josep Tarrés, pulmonologist: “Children from schools close to asbestos will develop cancer”].

Grassroots Mobilization in Barcelona

Jan 28, 2022

Retired workers from the Macosa-Alstom company who had been exposed to asbestos whilst producing equipment and vehicles for the Barcelona metro continue to support workmates now suffering from asbestos-related diseases, and to raise awareness of the asbestos hazard throughout the region. According to the group’s spokesperson Miguel Moreno, the asbestos deaths of 33 former work colleagues have been recognized by the Courts and 15 more cases are pending. On January 28, a book about the Macosa factory in Poblenou, where generations of workers were exposed to asbestos, will be launched at a public meeting. See: Los Jubilados de Macosa-Alstom, contra la pasividad de Barcelona para retirar el amianto [Retirees from Macosa-Alstom against Barcelona's passivity over asbestos removal].

Asbestos Audits in Barcelona

Jan 24, 2022

In order to comply with an EU objective for the eradication of asbestos by 2022, the Urban Planning Commission of Barcelona unanimously approved the implementation of mandatory asbestos audits of public buildings and spaces. In addition, a proposal to produce a timetable for undertaking the required work was ordered. During discussions of the Barcelona City Council, politicians from opposition parties highlighted the municipality’s repeated failures to carry through on plans to tackle the city’s asbestos legacy. See: Barcelona censará el amianto de la ciudad sin comprometerse a su retirada [Barcelona will census the city's asbestos without committing to its removal].

Asbestos Time Bomb

Jan 17, 2022

A January 13, 2022 interview with Spanish asbestos victim Luis Yuste, Vice President of the Association in Defense of Asbestos Victims, highlighted the daily reality of people living with asbestos anxiety caused by the knowledge that they had been exposed to asbestos throughout their working lives. Yuste told the journalist: “Every time I go to have a check-up, I have a very bad time. I live with the permanent fear that the disease has advanced and that my end is near.” Having watched many co-workers succumb to asbestos cancer, he felt as if there was a time bomb ticking away inside his body. See: El eterno olvido de los afectados por el amianto [The eternal forgetfulness of those affected by asbestos].

Asbestos in Schools

Jan 12, 2022

Following the discovery of asbestos-containing products at the Las Salinas de San Fernando institute by the Spanish trade union CGT, the Inspectorate of Labor demanded that the Cádiz Territorial Education Department, which is part of the Andalusian Regional Government, take urgent action to remove the toxic material. The Education Department announced that the remediation required would be undertaken in the coming academic year. See: Inspección de Trabajo exige a la Junta que retire el amianto cancerígeno existente en un instituto de San Fernando [Labor Inspection requires the Board to remove the existing carcinogenic asbestos in a San Fernando institute].

Victims’ Condemnation of Spanish System

Jan 11, 2022

Members of the Association of Victims Affected by Asbestos in Catalonia (AVAAC) have condemned the Spanish Government and the authorities in Catalonia for failing to recognize the negative consequences for Spanish workers who had been employed by companies which had used asbestos fiber in the production of building material and automotive parts. Comparing Spanish compensation payments for the injured to the system in France revealed, said AVAAC, a woeful under-recognition of the scale of the Spanish epidemic. See: Las víctimas del amianto denuncian el olvido institucional y reclaman la consideración profesional de la enfermedad [Asbestos victims denounce institutional neglect and demand professional consideration of the disease].

Victim’s Victory in Navarra

Jan 11, 2021

In the face of objections from Spain’s National Institute of Social Security (INSS) and Mondelez España Galletas Production SL (the former employer of the claimant), the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra reconfirmed a 2005 ruling which had found that the plaintiff’s injuries had been caused by occupational exposure to asbestos over a period of twenty years employment dismantling the company’s ovens with no protective clothing or equipment. The benefits now paid to the litigant will, the Court said, be €1,957 (US$2,215) per month. The fact that the claimant had been a smoker was irrelevant to the case, said the Court. See: El TSJN reconoce una incapacidad por amianto desde hace más de 15 años [The TSJN has recognized an asbestos disability lasting more than 15 years].

Demand Grows over Asbestos Removal

Dec 10, 2021

The ubiquity of deteriorating asbestos-cement roofing (locally called Uralita after Spain’s biggest producer of this type of material) and other asbestos-containing building products throughout Barcelona are causes of great public concern. Local groups such as the Associació de Veïnes i Veïns Clot-Camp de l'Arpa [The Clot-Camp of Arpa Neighborhood Association] are demanding that the City Council honors promises made regarding plans to eradicate asbestos contamination in the Catalan capital. See: Miles de metros de amianto amenazan a los vecinos del Camp de l'Arpa del Clot [Thousands of meters of asbestos threaten the residents of Camp de l'Arpa del Clot].

Posthumous Campaign for Justice

Dec 8, 2021

Legal experts are predicting that the reversal of a lower court ruling regarding the death of José María Íñigo from asbestos cancer will lead to the case being sent to the Supreme Court. The Superior Court of Justice of Madrid last week rejected a January 2021 verdict that the cause of the popular Spanish TV entertainer’s death had been exposure to asbestos present in the studios of the national broadcaster TVE. José María Íñigo was diagnosed with pleural mesothelioma in 2015; he started work for TVE in 1975 and even had an office at the studio. See: The second death of José María Íñigo: justice fails [in finding] that he did not die of asbestos.

Travesty of Justice!

Dec 1, 2021

On November 30, 2021, Madrid’s Superior Court of Justice overturned the verdict of Madrid’s Social Court 2 which had found that the cancer death of the famous Spanish entertainer and TV personality José María Íñigo had been caused by exposure to asbestos at the TV studios of the Spanish Radio and Television Corporation (Corporación de Radio y Televisión Espaola, S.A. RTVE). The Superior Court was not convinced that Íñigo had been exposed to asbestos by RTVE or that such exposure had caused him to contract mesothelioma, a fatal cancer caused by asbestos exposure. See: Un tribunal revoca la sentencia que atribuyó la muerte de José María Íñigo al amianto de TVE [The Madrid Superior Court of Justice overturns the previous sentence that linked the death of José María Íñigo to asbestos (exposure) at TVE].

Update: Asbestos Removal in Catalonia

Nov 29, 2021

The Government of Catalonia has allocated €4.5 million (US$5m+) for the removal of asbestos from 200 buildings in Barcelona. According to the proposed work schedule, the asbestos eradication work will be completed by 2025. In July, 2021, Pere Aragonès President of the Government of Catalonia approved a National Plan for the Eradication of Asbestos in Catalonia. After years of campaigning by the city council and local people, this news was warmly received. See: El Govern destina 4,5 millones a retirar el amianto de 200 edificios de Badia (Barcelona) [The Government allocates 4.5 million to remove asbestos from 200 buildings in Badia (Barcelona)].

Eradicating Asbestos in Madrid’s Schools

Nov 24, 2021

Civil society groups, including citizens’ action groups and trade unions, supported by politicians from various parties are demanding that the Madrid Community Government take urgent action about the hazard posed by asbestos contamination of the city’s schools. A Master Plan for the Elimination of Asbestos in the Community of Madrid which had been approved by the Madrid Assembly in 2020 has yet to be implemented. The plan calls for asbestos audits of each school as well as a management plan for the safe removal of asbestos products from the educational infrastructure. See: Guerra al amianto en los centros educativos de Madrid [Asbestos war in the educational centers of Madrid].

Asbestos at the Shipyards

Nov 24, 2021

The article cited below detailed the ongoing predicament faced by Navantia – a Spanish state-owned shipbuilding company – due to historic cases of occupational asbestos exposures at its workplaces. Since the first asbestos claim was made in 2000, there has, said a company spokesperson, been an “exponential increase” in the number of compensation cases brought by former Navantia employees. The courts, which have proved sympathetic to these plaintiffs, have awarded sums as high as €400,000 (US$450,000) in individual cases. The company has just launched a new legal strategy for minimizing litigation expenses. See: Navantia se blinda ante los litigios por amianto con un contrato de 1,9 millones [Navantia shields itself against asbestos litigation with a 1.9 million contract].

Asbestos Compensation Fund 2022?

Nov 22, 2021

A “historic” agreement reached on November 17, 2021 will allow politicians in Spain’s Congress of Deputies to add the sum of €25 million (US $28.2m) to the national budget for 2022. This money will be used to set up a National Asbestos Compensation Fund to provide state benefits to people injured through toxic exposures. Work on draft legislation to set up this Fund is underway. Campaigners from the Basque Region have been working for years to address long-standing injustices caused by asbestos exposures to workers and people living near toxic sites, in collaboration with trade unionists and asbestos victims’ groups from other Spanish regions. See: Los Presupuestos incluirán 25 millones para indemnizar a las víctimas del amianto [Budgets will include 25 million to compensate asbestos victims].

Union Action on Asbestos

Nov 18, 2021

A press conference held at the headquarters of the ELA trade union in Navarra, Northern Spain heard about the human cost of the country’s tragic asbestos legacy with relatives telling of their bereavements – the loss of loved ones who had been exposed to asbestos whilst working at a foundry or on the railways. Litigation for asbestos compensation is slow and unpredictable with one lawyer adding that: “Litigation is a process that re-victimizes, because they kill you in the company you worked in and they kill you also in court.” The union called on the Government of Navarra to support the injured and allocate funds to pay for a phased removal of all asbestos products. See: La justicia llega tarde para las víctimas del amianto en Navarra [Justice is late for the victims of asbestos in Navarra].

Victims’ Action in Cádiz

Nov 18, 2021

At a meeting this week of an asbestos victims’ support group – the Association of People Affected by Asbestos Exposures in the Cádiz Naval Sector – in the Spanish town of San Fernanda, participants were warned that the number of cases of asbestos-related diseases was increasing. The assembly was updated on procedural matters as well as legal and medical developments such as an improvement in the judicial climate for asbestos lawsuits. The group supported calls in Spain for a comprehensive asbestos regime which would include setting up a national asbestos compensation fund. See: Afectados por el Amianto del Sector Naval de la Bahía de Cádiz advierte del repunte de casos [Group representing those Affected by Asbestos from the Naval Sector of the Bay of Cádiz warns of rebound in cases].

Madrid Asbestos Demonstration

Nov 8, 2021

On November 4, 2021, asbestos victims and trade unionists mounted a public protest in Madrid outside the Chamber of Deputies to highlight the unfulfilled government promise to set up a national asbestos compensation fund. An itemized and costed scheme for the Fund should, they argued, be included in the 2022 budget with an initial allocation of €25 million (US$29m). Although approval for the Fund had been agreed by the Congress on April 23, 2021, legislation required to implement the plan has failed to materialize. See: Víctimas del amianto, frente al Congreso: “Llevamos años sin protección” [Victims of asbestos, in front of Congress: “We have been without protection for years”].

EU Asbestos Action Plan

Nov 8, 2021

The Spanish language article cited below explored the ramifications for EU citizens of a European Parliament resolution of October 20, 2021 with recommendations to the Commission “On the protection of workers against asbestos.” Issues highlighted in the resolution included energy renovation of buildings and a European strategy for asbestos removal. To achieve the aim of “becoming the first climate-neutral continent by 2050,” the European Parliament is recommending, amongst other measures, the safe removal of asbestos from the built environment. See: Amianto en la UE, bases de la estrategia europea para su retirada [Asbestos in the EU, bases of the European strategy for its removal].

Madrid Asbestos Protest

Nov 3, 2021

Trade unionists from the CCOO Madrid and UGT Madrid will join members of the Madrid Association of Asbestos Victims at noon on November 4, 2021 at a public demonstration outside the Congress of Deputies “to demand the unblocking of the processing of the bill for the creation of a compensation fund for asbestos victims.” A bill endorsing the fund had been approved by a majority vote at a plenary session of the Congress of Deputies on April 13, 2021; since then, the proposed law seems to have languished in the Committee on Labor, Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations. See: Las víctimas del amianto exigen la tramitación urgente del fondo de compensación [Asbestos victims demand urgent processing of the compensation fund].

Eradicating the Asbestos Hazard

Nov 1, 2021

Last week, two companies based in the Balearic Islands signed an agreement to formalize a commercial initiative which will see them join forces to offer a 21st century solution to a long-standing problem: what to do about toxic asbestos-containing roofing. Operatives from SAMPOL Energy and Vestalia will remove asbestos roofing at industrial sites and replace it with photovoltaic panels which will remediate the presence of carcinogenic material as well as reduce the companies’ carbon footprint. See: SAMPOL Energía y Vestalia unen fuerzas para convertir el amianto en energía solar [SAMPOL Energía and Vestalia join forces to convert asbestos into solar energy].

Empty Promises as Asbestos Deaths Mount

Oct 28, 2021

Despite promises by the Government in Madrid to set up a fund to compensate Spanish asbestos victims, there are no indications that the upcoming budget will include provisions for establishing a nationwide scheme. In 2017, the Basque Parliament demanded that Congress acted swiftly to support the injured, many of whom lived in the Basque Country. In April, 2021, Congress said that processing of this initiative would go ahead with the support of all parliamentary groups except for the far-right Vox Party. Alas, deadlines have come and gone and nothing has been finalized. See: Hacienda se niega a incluir en los Presupuestos el fondo de compensación a las víctimas del amianto [Treasury refuses to include the compensation fund for asbestos victims in Budgets].

A Deadly Legacy!

Oct 20, 2021

The consequences of the widespread and unregulated use of asbestos were discussed in the article cited below. Despite the existence of evidence documenting the human health hazard posed by asbestos exposures, a variety of practices were endorsed by the government as a result of which workers and citizens contracted fatal cancers and debilitating diseases. Propaganda distributed by a lobbying group – the National Association of Chrysotile-Cement Manufacturers – was instrumental in prolonging the use of asbestos in Spain throughout the 20th century. See: Salud y cambio global (5): Cuidado con el amianto, que nos sigue matando un siglo después [Health and global changes (5): Beware of asbestos, which continues to kill us a century later].

Court Supports Factory Victim’s Claim

Oct 7, 2021

A former worker from a biscuit factory in the Northern Spanish city of Viana has won his case at the Superior Court of Justice of Navarra. The claimant, who has “pleural effusion, possibly fibrosis,” argued that his disability was due to an occupational disease caused by workplace asbestos exposure over a 20-year period. The Judge, who agreed that the disability was permanent and had been caused by asbestos exposures, awarded him benefits of €1,957.61 (US$ 2,260) per month against the objections of lawyers representing the National Institute of Social Security and the former employer. See: Reconocen a un trabajador que su enfermedad se debe a la exposición al amianto durante 20 años en Viana [The cause of a worker’s illness is recognized as due to 20 years of asbestos exposure in Viana].

Victim’s Court Triumph

Oct 4, 2021

A Basque court this month (October 2021) ordered the former employers of a worker who died in 2015 from an asbestos-related disease to pay compensation to his family equivalent to 50% of the Social Security benefits they receive. In April 2018, a court in Donostia confirmed that the death was due to an occupational disease which had been caused by “significant exposure to asbestos fibers” in the workplace. The earlier denial by government agencies that the death was occupationally related was rejected by the court. See: Condenan a pagar un recargo del 50% en una muerte por amianto [Ordered to pay a 50% surcharge over asbestos death].

A Toxic Legacy, A Call for Action

Oct 1, 2021

The widespread and unregulated use of asbestos in Spain continues to claim lives with millions of toxic products remaining in the built environment. As asbestos-containing products age, they become increasingly friable and likely to release toxic fibers into the air. The only way to protect workers and the public from the asbestos hazard, say Spanish campaigners, is to eradicate the contaminated products from the national infrastructure. A coalition of civil society groups, asbestos victims’ associations and trade unions has issued a call for a Comprehensive Asbestos Law to address the multiplicity of challengers posed by the national asbestos legacy. See: Amianto, una amenaza silenciosa y mortal: “Quitarlo significa salvar vidas [Asbestos, a Silent and Deadly Threat: “Removing it means saving lives”].

2028 Deadlines for Asbestos Eradication

Sep 23, 2021

Draft Spanish legislation on waste and contaminated soils being prepared by the Ministry of Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge will, if approved by Parliament, mandate that municipalities conduct asbestos audits of their buildings and draw up a program for asbestos eradication within one year and remove the most dangerous asbestos-containing materials in their buildings by 2028. See: Los ayuntamientos deberán eliminar el amianto de mayor riesgo antes de 2028: “A nadie le interesa reconocer el tema” [Municipalities will be compelled to eliminate the most high-risk asbestos before 2028: “(since) nobody appears interested in doing so (voluntarily)”].

Mesothelioma Research: Update from Spain

Sep 20, 2021

The development of new asbestos cancer treatment protocols including the use of immunotherapy are prolonging survival rates for some patients, according to recently published findings by Spanish researchers. The widespread use of asbestos throughout Spain has led to an epidemic of asbestos-related diseases with 300 patients being diagnosed each year with mesothelioma, the signature cancer associated with exposure to asbestos. Scientists hope that work on early detection techniques and personalized treatments will help turn this very aggressive cancer into a chronic disease. See: Nuevas estrategias contra el cáncer del amianto [New strategies against asbestos cancer].

Calls for Urgent Action on a Toxic Legacy

Sep 17, 2021

A high-profile feature in a popular newspaper on September 16 detailed the deadly consequences of Spain’s “invisible” asbestos legacy, calling it a “poisoned inheritance” for future generations. In recognition of this ongoing disaster, more than 40 civil society and medical organizations have called on the government to implement a comprehensive law to tackle all aspects of the country’s asbestos legacy and to provide funding to enable work to proceed on addressing the myriad challenges posed by the presence of asbestos in Spain today. See: El amianto, una pandemia "invisibilizada" que dejará una "herencia envenenada": dónde está y cómo afecta a la salud [Asbestos, an “invisible” pandemic that will leave a “poisoned inheritance”: where it is and how it affects health].

Mesothelioma and Covid-19

Sep 15, 2021

Almost one in five patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma (MPM) at a Barcelona hospital contracted Covid-19 during the pandemic; the findings reported by a Spanish researcher are in line with results showing an elevated likelihood of patients with lung malignancies contracting coronavirus. According to Dr. Susana Cedres: “18% of patients with MPM were diagnosed with COVID-19 infection during the pandemic, and these patients suffered a very high mortality rate of 54%... I urge health care services to pay particular attention to patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma while managing COVID-19 infections.” See: Study: Nearly one in five patients with malignant pleural mesothelioma contracted COVID-19.

Asbestos on the Metro

Sep 15, 2021

Trains bought by a regional Spanish government years after the country had banned asbestos (2002) contained asbestos material. This information came to light after a July 31, 2021 crash between two subway cars on line 5 of the Madrid Metro. The Community of Madrid admitted it was aware of the asbestos contamination in these and other carriages. Enquiries are ongoing over whether laws were broken by the purchase of the train carriages. Representatives of the Madrid Metro are now consulting the train manufacturer about the presence of asbestos in the trains when they were purchased. See: Madrid tiene amianto en trenes de 2007 y estudia si se vulneró la ley en sus compras [Madrid (authorities) are investigating whether the law was violated in the purchase of trains in 2007 now found to contain asbestos].

Basque Victim’s Verdict

Sep 14, 2021

On September 7, 2021, it was reported that Social Court Number 2 of the Spanish city of Vitoria had condemned the ECN Cable Group of failing to protect its workers from asbestos exposures. The Basque company was ordered to pay compensation of €165,525 (US$200,000) to the family of a bricklayer who had undertaken maintenance work for the company between July 1966 and April 1997. As a result of exposure to asbestos in roofing material and kiln bricks, he contracted mesothelioma, the signature cancer related to asbestos exposure; he died in 2017. See: Condena en Vitoria por la muerte de un trabajador por amianto [Conviction in Vitoria for the death of an asbestos worker].

Asbestos on the Metro

Sep 6, 2021

Judge Maria Isabel Garaizaban who is considering complaints over the failure by personnel from the Madrid Metro company to protect workers from asbestos exposures has agreed to include in her investigation the cases of five more Metro workers who have been diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases. The Spanish trade union CCOO highlighted the under-recognition of asbestos diseases in Spain and called on the Metro Board of Directors to name the staff whose responsibility was workers’ safety. See: CCOO solicitará a la juez del amianto que declaren responsables de la dirección de Metro de entre 2003 y 2017 [CCOO will ask the judge to name those responsible for asbestos management at Metro between 2003 and 2017].

Asbestos Death of Naval Mechanic

Sep 6, 2021

The maritime company Naftomar was ordered by Bilbao’s Social Court No. 5 to pay €81,000 (US$96,000) for the asbestos cancer death of a naval mechanic who been negligently exposed to asbestos during his employment with multiple shipping companies. The deceased was often tasked with removing asbestos insulation prior to undertaking repair work. Commenting on the outcome of the case, the LAB trade union denounced the fact that victims were forced to go to court to obtain compensation for asbestos injuries, calling on the authorities to streamline procedures for the recognition, treatment and support of the asbestos-injured. See: Condenan a la marítima Naftomar al pago de 81.000 euros por la muerte de un trabajador por amianto [Naftomar ordered to pay 81,000 euros for asbestos death of worker].

Asbestos Agreement for Madrid Metro

Aug 24, 2021

Agreement has been reached between the management of the Madrid Metro and the trade unions over a series of issues including the eradication of the asbestos hazard from the transport system in the Spanish capital. Ongoing consultations will be held by the company with union reps over technical issues, working conditions, and arrangements for compensation claims and payouts for toxic workplace exposures. See: Publicado el nuevo convenio colectivo de Metro que añade una Comisión sobre amianto o la regularización del teletrabajo [The new Metro collective agreement that adds a Commission on asbestos and regularization of teleworking has been published].

Asbestos Removal Program: Update

Aug 17, 2021

Asbestos eradication work is proceeding this summer on the infrastructure and rolling stock of the Madrid Metro. The commentary referenced below included a brief background to the history of asbestos use, the harmful repercussions caused by exposures, and regulations enacted to protect workers and members of the public. The Madrid Metro, which has a team specialized in asbestos removal, declared its intention to be asbestos-free by 2027 and is, a company spokesperson said, working with trade unions and partnering organizations to achieve this goal. See: Amianto en el Metro: ¿debemos preocuparnos? [Asbestos in the Metro: should we worry?].

Spain’s Toxic Asbestos Legacy

Aug 13, 2021

The ubiquity of asbestos-containing roofing material in Spain and the strict regulations regarding its removal and disposal mean that eradication of the hazard must be accomplished by specialist companies only. In addition, asbestos-cement products, such as asbestos-cement water pipes, hidden within the country’s infrastructure are also a danger to workers and members of the public. In Madrid, these toxic pipes have already outlived their useful life and are deteriorating with the result that fibers could be liberated into the water supply system. These pipes must be removed and disposed of as per regulations at licensed waste sites. See: Eliminar amianto y uralita es obligatorio [Removing asbestos and uralite is mandatory].

Eradicating Navarra’s Asbestos Hazard

Aug 13, 2021

Arantza Biurrun, spokesperson for the Socialist Party of Navarra  (PSN) in the Navarra Parliament, asked Minister José Aierdi about the Parliament’s strategy to detect and remove asbestos in residential buildings. Despite the pandemic, the PSN remained, said Biurrun, “firm in its commitment to end asbestos [exposures].” Navarra had, Ms. Biurrin said, pioneered work on a Master Plan for the Elimination of Asbestos in alignment with European Parliament and European Economic and Social Committee resolutions and commitments. See: El PSN pregunta a Aierdi sobre las medidas para la detección y retirada del amianto en construcciones residenciales [The PSN asks Aierdi about the measures for the detection and removal of asbestos in residential buildings].

Asbestos Removal and Swift Retention

Aug 6, 2021

Madrid residents in tower blocks with toxic roofing have faced an unusual problem whilst considering plans to eradicate asbestos-cement roofs. The material on the top of buildings in the Orcasitas neighborhood has, for decades, provided an ideal nesting place for a large colony of swifts between May and June every year. Once the nesting habits of the swifts were known, residents consulted architects and removal specialists to find ways to accommodate the birds and remove the hazard. Public consultation was key according to María Antonia García-Heras of the residents’ association, who said that the solution found enabled them to “remove the asbestos and guarantee that the birds remain in the neighborhood.” See: El amianto deja paso a los vencejos [Asbestos makes way for swifts].

Asbestos in Madrid

Aug 4, 2021

The asbestos saga in the transport network of Metro de Madrid continues. Line 6 of the subway has reopened after asbestos removal work was carried out over the last month; sections of line 9 – between the stations Colombia and Plaza de Castilla – will be closed throughout August for asbestos remediation with a free replacement bus service for passengers. These actions are part of the Suburban Modernization Plan, a €89 million (US$105+m) program to remediate the oldest sections of a transport network that first began operations in 1919. See: La parada de Plaza de Castilla, que suspenderá el servicio en la línea 9 hasta el 31 de Agosto [The Plaza de Castilla stop will suspend service on line 9 until August 31].

Hiding Behind Covid-19?

Jul 29, 2021

At a public rally on July 26, 2021 in front of the headquarters of the National Institute of Social Security (INSS), the Asbestos Victims Association (Asviamie) – in the city of Donostia, also known as San Sebastián – accused the INSS of “taking advantage” of Covid-19 measures to create “an inaccessible bunker” which was hindering the processing of benefits and the recognition of occupational diseases, thereby disadvantaging claimants with asbestos and other workplace-related diseases. Waits of up to six months to get face-to-face or telephone appointments for terminal patients were, said Asviamie spokesperson Jesús Urzkudun, unacceptable. See: Asviamie acusa a la Seguridad Social de constituir un “bunker” [Asviamie accuses Social Security of constituting a “bunker”].

National Asbestos Remediation Program

Jul 27, 2021

Under regulations now being finalized by the Spanish Government, city councils will have until 2023 to design a plan for the removal of asbestos from their buildings. In order to satisfy the new regulations, the councils must undertake asbestos audits to identify toxic products and assess their condition prior to delineating measures for their removal and disposal. Asbestos-cement (ac) products were widely used throughout the country. The installation of solar panels on properties with ac water tanks is of particular concern and the employment of specialist asbestos removal contractors is essential to prevent toxic exposures. See: La retirada del amianto inicia su cuenta atrás [Asbestos removal countdown starts].

Farewell Paco!

Jul 19, 2021

The death of the Spanish environmentalist and asbestos activist Francisco Puche – known to one and all as Paco – has been reported. The 82-year-old bookshop owner, who was a key figure amongst campaigners and intellectuals in his home town of Malaga, died on July 16. His death came barely two months after his iconic bookshop had been destroyed in a fire. Speaking about Paco’s legacy, journalist Héctor Márquez said he had been: “a pioneer in this city in introducing topics such as social welfare, the circular economy, the value of water, the dangers of asbestos, the society of common good, sustainability, green spaces.” See: Muere el librero y activista Francisco Puche, fundador de Proteo [The bookseller and activist Francisco Puche, founder of Proteo, dies].

Catalonia to Eradicate Asbestos

Jul 16, 2021

The President of the Government of Catalonia Pere Aragonès on July 16, 2021 recommitted his government to the goal of eliminating asbestos from Catalonia, announcing that “a regulatory framework will be drawn up” as part of the National Plan to Eradicate Asbestos “so no one else has to suffer the consequences of the degradation of this material again.” All the town councils and Catalan administration will have a role to play in ensuring that the region has “healthy cities free of this component of fiber cement.” See: Aragonès se compromete a retirar el amianto de Catalunya [Aragonès is committed to removing asbestos from Catalonia].

Andalusia Asbestos Remediation

Jul 10, 2021

On July 8, 2021, a deputy from a coalition political party formed in Seville, Spain earlier this year – Unidas Podemos por Andalucía (United We Can for Andalusia) – lodged a parliamentary initiative calling for the removal of asbestos in all public buildings in the Province of Andalusia. Deputy Ismael Sanchez said that airborne asbestos fibers “represent a respiratory risk and it is scientifically proven that this material causes cancer.” See: UP reclama a la Junta la retirada del amianto en edificios públicos de la provincia de Sevilla [UP demands that the Board remove asbestos in public buildings in the province of Seville].

Inconvenient Asbestos Legacy

Jul 7, 2021

The presence of more than three million square meters of asbestos-cement roofing on houses in the Balearic Islands is creating problems for islanders wishing to install solar panels. Workers installing photovoltaic panels on the roofing are being exposed to carcinogenic asbestos as they manipulate the toxic tiles said Gonzalo Zufía, President of the Asbestos Removal Association. According to Zufia, this situation was “worsening a serious problem that affects the health of millions of people.” See: El amianto, un problema a resolver antes de instalar placas solares [Asbestos, a problem to solve before installing solar panels].

Asbestos Hazard on the Subway

Jul 5, 2021

As of now, only 48% of the asbestos contamination of the Spanish capital’s Metro de Madrid transport network has been remediated. The company has set a deadline of 2027 for the eradication of the hazard; a budget of €170 million (US$202m) has been allocated to accomplish this goal. In addition, the company has enrolled on the Register of Companies with Asbestos Risk as per a demand by the trade unions in order to offer maximum security and protection to its workers. This action means that the company must only use specialist asbestos removal companies for the work and that no sub-contracting of tasks is permitted. See: Metro de Madrid tendrá un equipo de trabajo propio para quedar libre de amianto en 2027 [Metro de Madrid will have its own work team to be free of asbestos by 2027].

Asbestos Action by Spanish Unions

Jul 3, 2021

In a letter dated June 24, 2021, members of the Works Council of the Madrid Metro – who represent several trade unions including the CCOO, UGT, the Union of the Metro Machinists' Collective, the Madrid Metro Technicians Union, the Free Union and the Workers' Solidarity Union – requested members of the Socialist Group in Spain’s Congress of Deputies to contest plans by the Government which would negatively affect the pension rights of asbestos-exposed railway workers. See: El comité de empresa de Metro de Madrid pide que se fije la prejubilación a los 60 años para los expuestos al amianto [The Madrid Metro works council calls for early retirement to be set at 60 years for those exposed to asbestos].

Prosecution for Asbestos Dumping

Jun 25, 2021

An investigation by Spain’s Civil Guard concerns the dumping of asbestos waste on a rural farm near the town of Palencia. The accused are employees of a Toledo construction company which had neither the authorization to work with asbestos nor manage toxic waste. The material dumped was composed of asbestos-cement debris and weighed 1.5 tonnes. The crimes being investigated include the dumping of toxic waste, hazardous exposures of workers, pollution of the environment, fraud and document falsification. See: Dos investigados por verter más de una tonelada de restos de fibrocemento en una finca rústica de Palencia [Two investigated for dumping more than a ton of fiber cement remains on a rustic farm in Palencia].

Confronting Spain’s Asbestos Legacy

Jun 24, 2021

The widespread use of asbestos in Spain during the 20th century has left a toxic legacy throughout the country including contamination in the Congress of Deputies, the meeting place of the Spanish Government. The lengthy article cited below described the extent of the asbestos challenge facing Spain and the growing support for a comprehensive law to address the multi-faceted issues involved in eradicating the hazard and supporting citizens who had been injured by toxic exposures at work and at home. Deadlines set by the EU were considered within the discussion of the country’s failures to take timely and effective action on the asbestos hazard. See: Amianto en el Congreso [Asbestos in Congress].

Asbestos Crimes

Jun 21, 2021

The Nature Protection Service (Seprona) of the Spanish Civil Guard identified a Madrid-based renovation company as the culprits dumping asbestos waste in the countryside in Guadalajara. The unlicensed company in Alcalá de Henares was carrying out asbestos removal work and illegally flytipping the debris created. Amongst its crimes was the failure to provide operatives with mandatory protective clothing and equipment. Proceedings are underway and a large fine is to be expected. See: Building company reported for dumping asbestos in Guadalajara countryside.

Madrid Metro’s Mounting Death Toll

Jun 18, 2021

The cancer death on June 12, 2021 of GJR, a 65-year old train driver from the Madrid Metro who retired from the company just three months ago after 42 years of service, brought to eight the number of workers from this company who have died from asbestos-related cancer. On June 11, 2021, his disease – he was diagnosed in November 2018 with laryngeal cancer – was recognized by the National Institute of Social Security as having been caused by occupational exposures to asbestos. Of the eight asbestos victims, four were maintenance workers and four were machinists. See: Un maquinista jubilado, el octavo muerto por amianto en el Metro [A retired machinist, the eighth killed by asbestos in the Metro].

Spain’s Asbestos Shame

Jun 16, 2021

A feature-length article published on June 13, 2021 detailed the painful legacy of Spain’s former asbestos industry. Adding insult to injury, Uralita – Spain’s one-time asbestos giant – has used every legal manoeuvre and financial machination to avoid paying court decreed compensation to its victims, people like Agustín Medina who died in 2015 of mesothelioma, having lived near the company’s factory in Cerdanyola del Vallès throughout his childhood. Letters written by now deceased claimants, reveal the huge scale of the losses endured – shaming indictments of the company and system which allowed such pain to go unpunished. See: Batalla judicial con Uralita: el clamor más allá de la muerte de las víctimas del amianto en Catalunya [Judicial battle with Uralita: outcry beyond death from asbestos victims in Catalonia].

Early Retirement for Exposed Workers

Jun 14, 2021

At a meeting held last week with members of the Catalan Association of Victims Affected by Asbestos, José Luis Escrivá – Spain’s Minister of Inclusion, Social Security and Migrations – promised to “immediately” promote measures which would facilitate access to early retirement for workers who had been occupationally exposed to asbestos, in line with regulations as laid out in Royal Decree 1698/2011 allowing early retirement for professional groups subjected to working conditions of an exceptionally painful, dangerous, toxic or unhealthy nature. See: Jubilación anticipada para trabajadores expuestos al amianto [Social Security undertakes to “immediately” promote early retirement for workers exposed to asbestos].

Victim’s Verdict in Bilbao

Jun 14, 2021

Two companies – Fundiciones Amboto SA, now defunct, and Foseco Española SA – were found guilty of causing the asbestos-related death of Vicente DAP by Bilbao’s Social Court number 8 last week. According to the Court, the defendants had failed “to comply with Health and Safety legislation for years in relation to the risks of asbestos.” After suffering from ill health for some while, in April 2018 the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) declared him as totally disabled due to asbestosis; he died a few months later. The family of the deceased was awarded €129,645 (US£ 157,000) in compensation. See: Condenan a dos empresas a indemnizar a la familia de un trabajador fallecido por asbestosis [Two companies are ordered to compensate the family of a worker who died of asbestosis].

Asbestos Deadline: 2023

Jun 1, 2021

According to The Waste and Contaminated Soil Bill, which is due to become national law shortly, all city councils in Spain will be required to conduct asbestos audits of buildings by 2023. In addition, it will be mandatory to also identify areas where soil has been contaminated with asbestos waste. Although asbestos use was banned in Spain in 2002, asbestos-containing products were widely used throughout the country and asbestos-cement building materials remains present in most municipalities. See: Todos contra el amianto [All against asbestos].

Outrage over Local Asbestos Hazard

May 28, 2021

Thousands of local people have petitioned the municipality and Provincial authorities in Andalusia, Spain to remove asbestos waste dumped in the Cruz de Marchenilla area, on the grounds of public health and safety. According to the petitioners, the 15,000 square meters of toxic waste, including approximately 340 tonnes of asbestos, have been a dangerous eyesore for more than a decade. Environmentalists are concerned that the fibers could contaminate the subsoil and leak into the aquifers. See: Más de 7000 firmas para retirar el amianto de Cruz de Marchenilla [More than 7000 signatures to remove asbestos from Cruz de Marchenilla].

Asbestos Appeal to Madrid Superior Court

May 24, 2021

Defendants in the high-profile case brought over the asbestos death of famous TV personality José María Íñigo announced last week that they would be appealing the judgment of Social Court No. 2 of Madrid to the Madrid Superior Court. The defendants – the INSS and RTVE – argue, amongst other things, that the deceased did not qualify for Social Security compensation due to his failure to pay contributions to the scheme and that as a presenter, and not a technician, he could not have been exposed to asbestos in the TV studio. See: RTVE recurre la sentencia que admite que José María Íñigo murió por el amianto [RTVE appeals the sentence that found that José María Íñigo died of asbestos].

Getafe City Asbestos Action Plan

May 24, 2021

The sum of €30,000 has been allocated by the Governing Board of the Getafe City Council for an expert report on the geographical location, the names of sites, and the cost of remediation, of buildings which contain asbestos. The analysts were instructed to focus on municipal buildings and structures in the oldest industrial areas of the city. According to Councillor for Sustainability Ángel Muñoz: “we want to know in depth what is the level of asbestos that exists in the municipality… Once we have the results of the study, we will be able to assess the actions to be carried out and the investment necessary for it.” See: (GETAFE) Aprobado un estudio para identificar amianto en edificios municipales y áreas industriales antiguas [(GETAFE) Approval of a study to identify asbestos in municipal buildings and old industrial areas].

Asbestos Remediation of Paradise

May 21, 2021

The failure of the Government of the Canary Islands to undertake work to identify the location of asbestos contamination in Tenerife has recently been denounced by  Carmen Falcón, Secretary of Occupational Health of the Workers' Commission as well as island coordinator of Nueva Canarias Valentín Correa who requested the Cabildo of Tenerife (the Island Council of Tenerife) to “get down to work” on the compilation of an asbestos audit and remediation plan to protect public and occupational health. The EU has set a deadline of 2032 for asbestos eradication of member states. See: Tenerife carece de un censo de inmuebles con amianto [Tenerife lacks a census of properties with asbestos].

Artificial Intelligence & Asbestos Removal

May 13, 2021

A spokesman for a new commercial enterprise in Barcelona announced the launch of Detecta software, which uses artificial intelligence to identify the presence of asbestos in roofing. Aerial images are scanned and processed by neural networks which create interactive maps to inform councils about which sites are affected in order to accelerate the removal of polluted roofs from the country’s infrastructure. EU guidelines set a 2028 deadline for the removal of asbestos from the built environment. See: Creen un sistema que identifica la presència d’amiant a les teulades a través d’intel·ligència artificial [Creation of system to identify the presence of asbestos on roofs using artificial intelligence].

Asbestos at School

May 13, 2021

The teaching chapter of the Spanish trade union CGT has denounced to the local authorities asbestos contamination of the Las Salinas High School in San Fernando, Cádiz. The toxic material, which is in deteriorating condition, is in asbestos-cement guttering and downpipes and possibly other products. The union warned that the situation posed a danger not only for students and staff but also to people who live or visit the surrounding area. Asbestos was banned in Spain in 2002. See: Denuncian ante la Inspección de Trabajo y Educación la presencia de amianto en el IES Las Salinas [Presence of asbestos at IES Las Salinas denounced before the Labor and Education Inspectorate].

Asbestos: An Unfinished Story

May 12, 2021

The prevalence of asbestos throughout the Spanish infrastructure, dumped in rural areas, contained in household appliances and on top of domestic and commercial properties in deteriorating roofing, remains a serious threat to the lives of Spanish citizens. Scientists predict that asbestos deaths in Spain may reach 130,000 by 2050. A third of the homes in the Province of Segovia (about 40,000) are believed to contain asbestos. To address the multifaceted challenges of the national asbestos legacy, campaigners are calling on the government to pass a National Asbestos Law. See: La epidemia silenciosa del amianto sigue activa en Segovia [The silent epidemic of asbestos is still active in Segovia].

2023 Deadline for Asbestos Audits

May 10, 2021

The Spanish Minister for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge Teresa Ribera has committed her Government to implementing a 2023 deadline for municipalities to mandate compulsory asbestos audits of the built environment as well as a program to eliminate the asbestos contamination present in buildings. The Government’s intention is stated in the waste and contaminated soil bill that the Council of Ministers is due to approve in the coming weeks. See: Los ayuntamientos tendrán antes de 2023 un censo de edificios con amianto y un plan para eliminarlo [Municipalities will have a census of buildings with asbestos and a plan to eliminate it by 2023].

Asbestos Eradication Program on Target

May 10, 2021

The Council of the Spanish city of Herrera in the Province of Seville is engaged in a program to eliminate asbestos contamination of its water delivery and sanitation networks. According to Mayor Jorge Muriel, in the last decade 15 kilometers of asbestos-cement pipes have been removed from the water network; the municipality is aiming to have completed 95% of the asbestos eradication of the network within the next two years. Following the precautionary principle and on the grounds of public health, plans are being made to also remove asbestos from the subsoil. See: Herrera elimina el amianto de su red de agua potable y saneamiento [Herrera removes asbestos from its drinking water and sanitation network].

Asbestos Eradication Program

May 6, 2021

On May 5, 2021, the Basque Association of Asbestos Victims (ASVIAMIE) presented proposals to the General Council of Gipuzkoa for the establishment of a program to implement mandatory asbestos audits as a first stage in a municipal plan to eradicate the asbestos hazard and bring the City into compliance with Resolution 2012/2065 of the European Parliament. According to ASVIAMIE in 2020 there were 33 deaths from asbestos-related diseases in Gipuzkoa; so far in 2021, there have been 8. See: Asviamie se concentrará en Juntas para urgir un inventario y planificar la erradicación del amianto en Gipuzkoa [Asviamie will focus on Boards to urge an inventory and plan for the eradication of asbestos in Gipuzkoa].

Asbestos Action by TV Technician

May 4, 2021

On April 27, 2021, a trial started in a Madrid Court to consider whether the RTVE television company violated mandatory safety measures which resulted in a worker receiving toxic exposures to asbestos. Commenting on the case, one of the lawyers for the claimant said: “today it will be proven how the health of workers was disregarded, without further ado, allowing exposure to asbestos to be part of their day-to-day life.” A positive judgment would mean that the pension received by the plaintiff would be increased by up to 40%. See: RTVE a juicio hoy para dirimir si incumplió las medidas de seguridad ante el amianto [RTVE on trial today to decide if it breached the security measures against asbestos].

Manifesto for National Program

Apr 29, 2021

Calls for national action to address a multitude of failings by the Spanish government in tackling the country’s epidemic of asbestos-related diseases are increasing; asbestos victims, medical associations and environmental campaigners have criticized the lack of: a census of former asbestos workers; asbestos audits of buildings; a program to remediate deteriorating asbestos in public buildings such as schools; and sufficient recognition of asbestos-related diseases. See: Amianto: así afecta a la salud el principal carcinógeno laboral [Asbestos: this is how the main occupational carcinogen affects health].

Cadiz’s Tragic Legacy

Apr 27, 2021

A feature-length piece on a Spanish website last Sunday explored the country’s deadly asbestos legacy with a particular emphasis on the impact on the port of Cadiz, which was between 1965 and 1988 the entry point for 269,380 tons of asbestos. Some of the imported fiber was used locally in maritime as well as construction products as a result of which “hundreds or even thousands of workers… have died since the 1950s.” Shipyard workers and their families are amongst the worst affected, with former employees from the Bazan shipbuilding company at an elevated risk of contracting an asbestos-related disease. See: Amianto: El asesino silencioso [Asbestos: The Silent Killer].

Victim’s Verdict in Bilbao

Apr 23, 2021

Bilbao’s Social Court number 6 awarded compensation of €130,650 (US$157,400) to the family of a bricklayer who had died in 2019 from asbestos-related lung cancer; the Court dismissed the defence’s argument that the disease had been due to the deceased’s smoking history. Between 1976 and 1996, the deceased had handled asbestos whilst repairing furnaces for his employer the Altos Hornos company of Vizcaya. The Court found that the company had not been compliant with health and safety measures. Throughout the case, the family had been supported by the Asbestos Victims Association of Euskadi (Asviamie). See: Condenan a Cofivacasa a pagar a la familia de un trabajador de AHV muerto por amianto [Cofivacasa is sentenced to pay the family of an AHV worker killed by asbestos].

Update: National Compensation Fund

Apr 19, 2021

A proposal by Basque parliamentarians, which was approved almost unanimously last week by the Spanish Parliament, will establish a national asbestos compensation fund. The scheme will be modelled on similar ones in France, the Netherlands and Belgium and will award compensation for the State’s failure to take timely and appropriate action on the asbestos hazard. Had it banned the use of asbestos before 2002, tens of thousands of deaths from toxic exposures at work and at home could have been prevented. The official recognition of the diseases incurred by victims was welcomed by campaigners as an indication of the injustices that had been perpetrated on citizens. See: El triunfo de los olvidados del amianto [The triumph of the forgotten asbestos].

Spanish Asbestos Fund

Apr 16, 2021

On April 13, 2021, Spain’s Congress approved draft legislation proposed by the Basque Parliament to create an autonomous administrative Asbestos Victims Compensation Fund to distribute financial support to victims of environmental as well as occupational asbestos exposures in Spain. Funding for this initiative will include contributions from: public and private employers and mutual insurance companies for accidents at work and occupational diseases. See: El Congreso da luz verde a la tramitación de la Proposición de Ley de creación de un fondo de compensación para las víctimas del amianto [Congress gives the green light to the processing of the Bill to create a compensation fund for asbestos victims].

Asbestos Compensation Fund

Apr 14, 2021

On Monday April 12, 2021, it was announced by National Deputy Néstor Rego, at a meeting in Ferrol of the Galician Association of Asbestos Victims, that the Galician National Bloc (BNG) – an alliance of left-wing nationalist parties in the autonomous Spanish community of Galicia – would support an Asbestos Victims’ Compensation Fund bill in Congress with the purpose of establishing a fund to provide compensation for victims in Galicia. See: O BNG defenderá no Congreso a concesión “obxectiva” das indemnizacións ás vítimas do amianto [The BNG will defend in Congress plans to grant compensation to asbestos victims].

José María Íñigo Case Update

Apr 8, 2021

An interview with Andrea Peiró, a lawyer for José María Íñigo's family, explained the multiple stages of the legal case against the deceased broadcaster’s former employer and the repercussions of a recent judicial ruling in the family’s favor: “We have won the first battle… which is the sentence in the first instance. The opposing party has the possibility of appealing it before the Superior Court of Justice of Madrid, but we are very hopeful because the sentence has been very good, its content is very positive for us. It is very well founded.” See: José María Íñigo: hablamos con la abogada de su familia [José María Íñigo: we spoke with his family's lawyer].

Asbestos Alert in Seville

Apr 7, 2021

In reply to enquiries made by Esperanza Gómez, the coordinator of Más País (More Country – a political platform formed in 2019) Andalucía, the Technical Office of Municipal Buildings of Seville City Council, admitted that it did not have a list of buildings containing asbestos despite having agreed in 2016 to begin the process of eradicating asbestos from educational structures. Gomez raised concerns over the incredibly slow progress to decontaminate schools and protect children from asbestos exposures saying: “We cannot have our boys and girls in schools with materials that affect their health.” See: Sevilla in Andalucia Spain Admits There is ‘No List’ Of Buildings Containing Deadly Asbestos.

Supporting Basque Asbestos Victims

Apr 6, 2021

On April 13, 2021, the Basque Congress of Deputies will vote on a bill to create an asbestos fund to award compensation to asbestos victims; it was estimated that there are 30,000 workers in Galicia alone who could be eligible to bring claims. Trade unions and asbestos victims’ groups have been lobbying for this scheme. This fund is, they say, “the only way to begin to pay off a debt that, as a society, we have contracted with those who continue to get sick and die from exposures that could and should have been avoided.” See: El Congreso vota este mes el fondo de compensación del amianto [Congress votes this month on asbestos compensation fund].

Calls for National Asbestos Law

Mar 31, 2021

Last week, draft proposals were presented to Spain’s Congress of Deputies calling for a comprehensive asbestos law to coordinate action to eradicate the asbestos hazard by 2030 – as per EU guidelines. The multi-faceted program would include the removal of asbestos within the country’s infrastructure as well as the remediation of contaminated soil and waste sites. Supporting this Parliamentary initiative, Deputy Inés Sabanés said: “It is especially important to pay attention to public buildings such as schools, hospitals, but also to homes. This requires not only a state strategy but regional and municipal plans that can articulate these measures.” See: Una ley integral del amianto [A comprehensive asbestos law].

Basque Asbestos Compensation Fund?

Mar 29, 2021

On April 13, 2021, Parliamentarians Jon Aiartza, Eba Blanco and Gloria Sánchez will table draft legislation calling on the Basque Parliament to establish a state compensation fund for asbestos victims. At a March 25 plenary session of the Autonomous Parliament, these three regional deputies were designated to spearhead efforts to progress this plan. This will be the fourth attempt to achieve approval for a government scheme to “repair the damage” suffered by asbestos-exposed citizens. See: Parlamentarios vascos volverán a pedir el 13 de abril en el Congreso la creación de un fondo para víctimas del amianto [Basque parliamentarians will again ask Congress on April 13 for the creation of a fund for victims of asbestos].

Asbestos in Schools

Mar 26, 2021

One in five Madrid schools are contaminated with asbestos according to data from 17 district councils; a map with the 56 affected schools – including two for Special Education and one Nursery School – pinpointed was produced. The situation in 42 other schools remained unconfirmed. From information gathered, the worst affected schools were in the poorest neighborhoods: in Puente de Vallecas and Ciudad Lineal, asbestos was present in half the schools. See: El mapa del amianto en los colegios de Madrid: uno de cada cinco centros públicos convive con material tóxico [The map of asbestos in schools in Madrid: one in five public centers lives with toxic material].

Calls for a National Asbestos Plan

Mar 24, 2021

Pressure is growing in Spain for a national plan to address the country’s toxic asbestos legacy with regulations being finalized by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and the Demographic Challenge to mandate asbestos audits of all municipal buildings before December 2022. Last week, Senator Antonio Silván asked a series of questions in the upper house about the eradication program under the draft Waste and Contaminated Soil bill. See: Silván pide ayudas al Gobierno ante la inminente obligación de retirar el amianto de los edificios [Silván asks the Government for help before the imminent obligation to remove asbestos from buildings].

Understanding Spain’s Asbestos Legacy

Mar 23, 2021

In the aftermath of the latest ruling in the asbestos litigation brought by the family of Spanish broadcaster José María Íñigo, an interview with pulmonologist Ann Souto cast light on the causation of the occupational cancer which ended his life: mesothelioma. Other topics covered during this discussion included: the properties of asbestos fiber, the historic use of asbestos-containing products in Spain, the existence of asbestos hotspots throughout the country and the long-term consequences of the country’s asbestos legacy. See: Ana Souto, neumóloga: «Desde la exposición al amianto hasta el desarrollo de un cáncer pueden pasar 50 años» [Ana Souto, pulmonologist: “From exposure to asbestos to the development of cancer, 50 years can pass”].

Asbestos Crimes in Galicia

Mar 22, 2021

Members of Spain’s Civil Guard are investigating two firms believed to have been involved in the illegal removal, handling and dumping of asbestos in the Spanish Province of Galicia in the northwest of the country. “Violating the regulations on waste and safety in work with risk of exposure to asbestos” is a criminal activity. The companies were charged with failing to comply with mandatory regulations for registering asbestos work and submitting asbestos work plans to the relevant authorities. These crimes could incur prison sentences of up to two years. See: Investigan en A Estrada y Pontevedra a dos empresas por irregularidades en la retirada y gestión del amianto [Two companies are being investigated in A Estrada and Pontevedra for irregularities in the removal and management of asbestos].

Landmark Legal Victory!

Mar 19, 2021

On March 15, 2021 Spain’s Supreme Court confirmed the right to financial compensation for asbestos injuries to people who had lived near Uralita’s asbestos factory in Cerdanyola del Vallés (Barcelona) and upheld compensation awards, having rejected an appeal by the company against a verdict handed down by the Provincial Court of Madrid that had recognized the legal rights of relatives of factory workers – who had received para-occupational or domestic asbestos exposures – as well as those of local residents to be compensated for illnesses caused by inhalation of Uralita asbestos. See: Uralita deberá indemnizar a los vecinos de la fábrica de amianto en Cerdanyola [Uralita must compensate the residents of the asbestos factory in Cerdanyola].

Posthumous Victory for José María Íñigo

Mar 17, 2021

The tortuous fight for justice by the family of Spanish TV legend José María Íñigo (see: José María Íñigo’s Last Battle) achieved a significant victory on March 16, 2021 when a Madrid Court handed down a judgment backing the family’s claim that the renowned broadcaster and journalist had died from an occupational disease contracted as a result of prolonged asbestos exposures at the Madrid studios operated by his employer: the Spanish Radio and Television Corporation (RTVE). The asbestos cancer mesothelioma which had caused his death had, the Court agreed, been caused by toxic acoustic insulation material in the studios. See: José María Íñigo murió por el amianto de RTVE: la justicia da la razón a la familia del presentador [José María Íñigo died of RTVE's asbestos: justice agrees with the presenter's family].

Asbestos in Schools

Mar 17, 2021

The presence of asbestos throughout Spain’s educational infrastructure routinely endangered the lives of more than a million students, teachers and support staff according to a new commentary. The scope of the problem remained unquantified, said the author, due to a lack of updated and comprehensive data from autonomous communities. The situation was extremely grave said María del Carmen Morillas, spokesperson for an umbrella group of associations representing parents and students: “The health of the educational community and of our children, who spend more than forty hours a week for ten months of the year within these infrastructures, are at risk.” See: El amianto de los colegios expone a un millón de niños en España [Asbestos in schools expose a million children in Spain].

Compulsory Asbestos Audits & Remediation

Mar 16, 2021

A new Spanish law mandating that all city councils compile lists of buildings with asbestos-containing materials and a timetable for their removal by January 1, 2023 is being finalized by the Ministry for Ecological Transition and is expected to be approved between March and April, 2021 by the Council of Ministers. Funding for the asbestos audits remediation will be sourced from two new taxes on the deposit of wastes in landfill cites and on packaging made of non-reusable plastic. See: Todos los ayuntamientos deberán censar los edificios con amianto para su retirada [All city councils must register buildings with asbestos for their removal].

Grassroots Action on Asbestos

Mar 15, 2021

A collection of public health campaigners, environmentalists and workers’ activists have formed a coalition to advocate for the eradication of the asbestos hazard from Spain. The new platform will “seek solutions to the serious problem of occupational health and public health that is far from being a priority for the Administration, and that requires urgent action.” Amongst the first initiatives of the new coalition will be the drafting of an Asbestos Eradication Act and petitions calling for financing of regional asbestos audits and eradication programs. See: Nace una plataforma para impulsar la erradicación del amianto en la Comunidad de Madrid [A platform is born to promote the eradication of asbestos in the Community of Madrid].

Spain’s Toxic Asbestos Legacy

Mar 15, 2021

A recent commentary considered the repercussions of the “half-baked asbestos ban” which existed in Spain and left workers in danger of toxic exposures from asbestos-containing material still in place. The situation now is, said one expert: “much more dangerous because no one takes the slightest precaution in the handling [of asbestos].” The author of the text cited several instances of workers seeking compensation for the negligence of former employers, including the high-profile case of the Spanish TV broadcaster José María Iñigo who had worked in an asbestos-insulated TV studio for decades. See: Amianto, ¿hasta cuándo? [Asbestos, until when?].

Asbestos at the Shipyards

Mar 8, 2021

Having recognized that toxic exposures at the Navantia Ferrol shipyard caused a worker’s asbestos-related illness, Social Court Number 7 in Bilboa ordered that his former employer IZAR Naval Construction pay him compensation of €216,459 (US$260,000). From age 24 to 61 J.R.S. had handled asbestos-containing products to connect pipes, and installed insulation on vessels constructed at the shipyard. He was diagnosed in 1988 with bilateral pleural thickening, calcified plaques, and lung adenocarcinoma. See: Condenan a Izar Construcciones Navales a indemnizar con 216.459 euros a un trabajador que enfermó por amianto [IZAR Naval Construction sentenced to pay compensation of 216,459 euros to a worker who fell ill from asbestos (exposure)].

Addressing Spain’s Asbestos Legacy

Mar 8, 2021

Public advocacy groups in Spain are stepping up their campaign for a Comprehensive Asbestos Law with recent petitions to the country’s President Pedro Sánchez and the Government calling for urgent measures to be taken to address the toxic legacy caused by decades of asbestos use. As products containing asbestos deteriorate due to use and weathering, toxic fibers are being liberated in public buildings, including schools and hospitals, as well as in private houses. Unless a remediation strategy is implemented as part of a comprehensive national plan, many more Spaniards will die from avoidable asbestos-related diseases, say health experts. See: Expertos instan al Presidente Pedro Sánchez que aborde urgente una Ley Integral del Amianto [Experts press President Pedro Sánchez to address a Comprehensive Asbestos Law].

Asbestos Legacy

Feb 24, 2021

The lack of action by the Spanish Government on the presence of asbestos throughout the country has been condemned by critics in an article which cited a 2032 EU deadline for the eradication of asbestos contamination. The human health hazard posed by asbestos exposures began long before Covid-19 was ever heard of and will endure for decades without a program to remediate Spain’s infrastructure. A recent report sent to Parliament by the Spanish Society of Pulmonology and Thoracic Surgery warned that 130,000 asbestos deaths could occur by 2050 if the status quo persisted. The report endorsed recommendations for a Comprehensive Asbestos Law to meet the multiple challenges created by asbestos. See: Amianto, la pandemia silenciosa [Asbestos, the silent pandemic].

Commencement of Basque Asbestos Case

Feb 22, 2021

On February 22, 2021, a hearing will take place in Social Court 2 in Vitoria-Gasteiz, the capital city of the Basque Country, in a case brought by the family of a Spanish bricklayer who died of the asbestos cancer mesothelioma in 2018. The plaintiffs are claiming damages of approximately €146,000 (US$177,000) from the deceased’s former employers: Ezcurra y Ozores SA, Fibesa, Fundaciones y Mantenimiento SA, Sidenor Industrial and Cofivacasa for their failures to protect him from deadly occupational exposures to asbestos. Last year, the Court awarded a widowhood benefit in recognition of the occupational nature of the disease. See: Los familiares de una víctima del amianto reclaman una indemnizacion de 145.00 euros [The relatives of an asbestos victim claim compensation of 145,000 euros].

Segovia’s Asbestos Legacy

Feb 16, 2021

Klein, S.A. was a Spanish company based in Segovia that was set up in 1922 and closed in 1991, only to be reopened in 1992 under new ownership. Amongst the products it manufactured were asbestos coatings and rubber hoses covered with asbestos cloth; thousands of employees were exposed to asbestos at the factory. There were no warnings of the asbestos hazards and no protective equipment supplied. The first case of mesothelioma was diagnosed and recognized in 2017, but other asbestos illnesses caused by toxic exposures at the factory have gone unrecognized. The UGT trade union has condemned Social Security officials for “systematic refusals” to acknowledge the injured. See: KLEIN y el amianto [KLEIN and asbestos].

Asbestos Alert!

Feb 3, 2021

Experts, citing increasing mortality from asbestos-related diseases in Spain, have reinforced calls being made for a national asbestos law and scheme to compensate all asbestos victims to replace the time-consuming process now in place which requires victims to seek redress through legal means. Pulmonologists have warned that the presence of asbestos-containing material within the national infrastructure presents a hazard not just to workers but also to members of the public. See: El rastro del amianto se extiende más allá del Metro de Madrid y deja 23 muertes profesionales [The asbestos trail extends beyond the Madrid Metro and leaves 23 professional deaths in 2020 in Spain].

Another Spanish Tragedy

Jan 26, 2021

Santos González was the first suburban worker of the Madrid Metro diagnosed with a disease caused by occupational exposure to asbestos. He started work for the transport company in 1979. Last month, Mr. González was diagnosed with lung cancer with pulmonary fibrosis. Last week it was confirmed that he had contracted COVID-19; due to the severity of the pulmonary fibrosis, he could not be intubated. He died on January 23. Seven other Metro workers have also died from asbestos-related diseases and the occupational illnesses of 12 more have been recognized, and several other cases are pending. See: Muere el primer trabajador de Metro de Madrid al que se diagnosticó amiantosis [The first Metro de Madrid worker diagnosed with asbestosis dies].

Spain’s Toxic Asbestos Legacy

Jan 26, 2021

The human health consequences of asbestos in the transport systems of Madrid and Barcelona have been high-profile news over recent years. A lawsuit brought by the family of asbestos cancer victim José María Íñigo over hazardous exposures experienced at the studios of Spain’s nationally owned broadcasting corporation highlighted the scope and severity of the country’s asbestos legacy. Throughout the country, workers and members of the public remain at risk of contracting multiple types of cancer from occupational and environmental exposures. See: Así es el mesotelioma, el cáncer que causó la muerte a José María Íñigo: “Solo lo produce la inhalación del Amianto” [This is mesothelioma, the cancer that caused José María Íñigo's death: “It is only caused by inhalation of asbestos”].

Asbestos Trial: Update

Jan 14, 2021

On January 11, 12 & 13, 2021, Madrid Judge María Isabel Garaizaba was due to hear evidence in a criminal case against seven defendants responsible for the management of health and occupational risk at the company operating the Madrid Metro. The start of preliminary proceedings over the asbestos-related deaths of two workers had been delayed multiple times because of the coronavirus pandemic; this week it was delayed once again by snowstorm Filomena which forced the suspension of court proceedings. See: Suspendidas por tercera vez las declaraciones de los investigados del caso amianto por la nevada [Suspended for the third time the statements of those investigated in asbestos case due to snow].

Resumption of Asbestos Proceedings

Jan 11, 2021

This week – on January 11, 12 and 13 – Madrid investigating Judge María Isabel Garaizaba will take statements in a criminal case against seven defendants responsible for health and occupational risk prevention who were employed by Madrid Metro. The charges they face of reckless homicide relate to the asbestos-related deaths of two former workers. The start of preliminary proceedings had been delayed multiple times by the pandemic. See: Las declaraciones del caso amianto se reanudan este lunes con las comparecencias de los investigados [The statements of the asbestos case resume this Monday with the appearances of those investigated].

Victims Denounce Government Failures

Dec 29, 2020

A wide-ranging interview with Susana Tirado of the Association of People Affected by Asbestos in Aragon highlighted the widespread failure to comply with EU asbestos regulations in Spain which increased risks to people working in the asbestos removal sector as well as members of the public endangered through the illegal dumping of asbestos waste. The number of these criminal actions is growing because of the failure to prosecute offenders and the impotence of government agencies and authorities to take action. See: Entrevista a Susana Tirado Sancho de Asociación de Afectados por el Amianto en Aragón [Interview with Susana Tirado Sancho from the Association of People Affected by Asbestos in Aragon].

Asbestos in Schools

Dec 23, 2020

Despite promises made in 2015 by the authorities in Alicante Province to remediate schools and educational institutes, nearly 40% remain contaminated with asbestos. According to official sources, work on schools has been delayed until the Summer to provide enough time for the remediation to be accomplished during a time when the schools are not in use. According to José María Hernández, a spokesperson representing one local community: “There are no longer any ‘excuses’ because… [people] are slowly and silently being poisoned by asbestos dust that is being released by environmental aging from the roofing plates and fibre cement pipes installed outdoors. It is a National Disgrace.” See: National Disgrace as removal of asbestos in 28 schools delayed to next summer.

Asbestos: An Environmental Hazard

Dec 15, 2020

Local people throughout Spain are taking unilateral action to identify toxic sites where asbestos debris has been illegally dumped in light of failures by municipal authorities to address the situation. Scores of uncontrolled landfills and toxic sites were located in the Valencia region. As a result of the lobbying efforts of campaigners, on December 1 the city council in Picassent announced plans to remove 140 tons of toxic waste from multiple sites and to implement a surveillance scheme to prevent fly-tipping of asbestos and other dangerous waste. See: Convivir con escombros y restos de amianto: la revuelta ciudadana contra los vertederos ilegales [Living with rubble and asbestos waste: the citizen revolt against illegal landfills].

Madrid Makes Asbestos a Priority

Dec 14, 2020

On December 3, 2020, Rafael Gómez Montoya – the spokesperson on Environment for the Socialist Parliamentary Group in the Madrid Assembly – presented an initiative to a plenary session of the Assembly calling for the mandatory eradication of asbestos from the region. “Although the use of asbestos was banned in 2002,” he said, “it is still present in cinemas, theatres, schools, hospitals…. Therefore, the plan must establish criteria to assess the useful life of this material and its dangers in each of the facilities.” A multi-step program was needed, Montoya said, the first step of which was to conduct an asbestos census to quantify the scope and severity of the problem. See: El PSOE a favor de la eliminación segura del Amianto [The PSOE in favor of the safe elimination of asbestos].

Calls for Asbestos Action

Dec 9, 2020

The mobilization of Spanish civil society groups backing calls for a national asbestos program to address the increasing asbestos mortality rate is growing. The National Federation of Associations of Respiratory Patients and members of other patient groups, scientific societies and trade unions are campaigning for the creation of a Comprehensive Asbestos Law to address the multifaceted challenges posed by the country’s legacy of widespread asbestos use throughout the 20th century. The campaign’s Manifesto highlights the need for early detection of asbestos-related diseases and investment in medical research. See: Ley para una erradicación segura del Amianto [Law for the safe eradication of asbestos].

Confronting Spain’s Asbestos Legacy

Dec 9, 2020

A 7-minute video which can be viewed on Facebook via the link provided below is a recording of a presentation made by Spanish politician Jota Canadas to a Parliamentary Group of the Madrid Assembly. In his talk, Canadas addressed the widespread and unregulated use of asbestos throughout Spain prior to the ban introduced in 2002 and outlined the ongoing hazards posed by the presence of toxic material throughout the country’s infrastructure. He called on the government of Madrid to prioritize the removal of asbestos on the grounds of public and occupational safety. See: Video of speech by Jota Canadas to Madrid Assembly.

Asbestos Eradication in Catalonia

Dec 3, 2020

A public consultation on a bill to eradicate asbestos material to protect public and occupational health was launched by the Government of Catalonia on November 25, 2020; submissions must be received by January 25, 2021. The objective of this exercise is to gauge the views of a variety of civil society stakeholders on the aims, proposed measures and timescales for eliminating the asbestos hazard from the autonomous community of Catalonia in the northeast of Spain. Although asbestos use was banned in Spain in 2002, more than 2.5+ million tonnes of asbestos were used throughout the country, much of which remains in products still in place today. See: Anteproyecto de ley de erradicación del Amianto [Asbestos eradication bill].

Madrid Metro Liable for Asbestos Death

Nov 23, 2020

At the 11th hour, Madrid Metro – the company that operates the mass transit system of the Spanish capital – acknowledged liability for the 2018 death of a 57-year old worker who had contracted the cancer pleural mesothelioma from hazardous occupational exposures to asbestos. The company’s change of mind came as legal proceedings were scheduled to begin on November 18. The trade union representing the workforce hoped that the company would continue to accept its responsibility for other workers who had gotten ill or died from asbestos-related diseases caused by workplace exposures. See: Metro Madrid se ahorra el juicio reconociendo daños y perjuicios del primer fallecido por Amianto [Metro Madrid forestalls trial by accepting liability for asbestos death of former worker].

Catalan Asbestos Removal Initiative

Nov 19, 2020

On November 16, 2020, the Catalan Waste Agency announced a two million euro scheme to subsidize 100% of the costs of the removal of asbestos-containing insulation and construction materials; the objective of the scheme is to ensure that work is carried out under optimum conditions and by specialist operatives. Eligible applicants include local authorities, public administrations, social enterprises and non-profit companies. Funding will cover the costs of handling and removing asbestos, transport, management and treatment by certified companies. See: La Agencia de Residuos de Cataluña abre una nueva línea de ayudas de dos millones para la retirada de residuos de amianto [Catalan Waste Agency opens a new source of funding of two million euros for the removal of asbestos waste].

Asbestos Eradication Law in Catalonia

Nov 18, 2020

On November 17, 2020, the Executive Council of the Government of Catalonia approved draft legislation for the eradication of asbestos. In a press conference, the Regional Minister of the Presidency and spokesperson for the Government Meritxell Budó explained that the new law would protect the public as well as workers from toxic exposures. Key issues which need to be addressed Budó said were the ubiquity of asbestos material throughout the region – estimated at 4 million tonnes – an information vacuum and a lack of legislation mandating asbestos removal. A public consultation will be carried out and specialist advisors will be consulted. See: Catalunya empieza a elaborar una ley de retirada del Amianto [Catalonia begins to draw up an asbestos removal law].

Metro Asbestos Removal Program

Nov 16, 2020

More than 200 tonnes (t) of asbestos-containing cement products have been removed from the Barcelona metro; a further 82t of toxic material has been identified but a further 158t of asbestos material remains in place, according to information released by Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (Barcelona City Transport), the company which operates the transport system. According to the planned schedule of works, the remediation program will be completed by the end of next year (2021). See: Retirados dos tercios del amianto identificado en el metro de Barcelona [Two thirds of the asbestos identified in the Barcelona metro has been removed].

Basque Asbestos Claim

Nov 13, 2020

On November 12, 2020, there was a hearing in Social Court number 3 in San Sebastián, a city in the Basque Autonomous Community, on behalf of the family of a worker who died in 2018 from the asbestos cancer, mesothelioma. The deceased had spent “all his working life” employed by Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles [Construction and Railway Auxiliary] where he was routinely exposed to asbestos. The family was claiming damages of nearly €390,000 (US$~$460,000). See: La familia de un fallecido por exposición al amianto reclama 388.926 euros [The family of a deceased due to asbestos exposure claims 388,926 euros].

Asbestos Eradication Program

Nov 10, 2020

The governing body of the Spanish island of Gran Canaria has announced plans to remediate asbestos-containing material from 200 properties to protect public health. The work, which will cost €345,000 (~US$410,000), will be conducted by specialist operatives. Illegal dumping of asbestos waste has been widespread on the island, creating environmental problems in places such as Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Telde, Arucas, Moya, Teror, Agaete, Firgas, San Bartolomé de Tirajana and Ingenio. See: El Cabildo retirará 160 toneladas de amianto en 200 inmuebles de Gran Canaria para evitar problemas de salud y vertidos incontrolados [Cabildo will remove 160 tons of asbestos in 200 properties in Gran Canaria to avoid health problems and uncontrolled spills].

Asbestos Fly-tipping

Nov 4, 2020

Illegal dumping of asbestos-containing waste has created an environmental problem in the city of Badajoz, in southwest Spain. Responding to the situation, the city council undertook a remediation program to remove 2,600 kilos of asbestos-cement from various hotspots in the city. Of the €16,500 budgeted for this work, almost €10,000 has been spent. Citizens are asked to monitor their areas and report the dumping of potentially toxic waste to the local authorities. See: El Consistorio pacense retira más de 2.600 kilos de amianto de vertidos ilegales [The City Council of Badajoz removes more than 2,600 kilos of asbestos from illegal dumping].

Union Action on Asbestos

Nov 3, 2020

On October 30, 2020, members of the Spanish trade union CCOO demanded that the Occupational Safety and Health Committee at Saint Gobain – a company which had used asbestos in its glass manufacturing processes prior to the Spanish ban – activate the asbestos prevention protocol due to asbestos exposures experienced by 12 workers, some of whom are now retired, at the company’s facility in La Maruca, Madrid. The Union requested that the management recognize the existence of asbestos in its facilities in order for it to be listed on the Register of Companies with Asbestos Risk. Management representatives agreed to investigate the situation. See: CCOO denuncia exposiciones al amianto en Saint-Gobain [CCOO denounces asbestos exposures in Saint-Gobain].

Spain’s Asbestos Legacy

Oct 30, 2020

An online commentary considered the background to the ongoing epidemic of asbestos-related diseases in Spain, a country which used 2.5 million tonnes of asbestos prior to 2002 when a national ban came into force. According to scientific experts, 30,000 people will die in Spain before 2030 because of asbestos exposures. The author deplored the illegal dumping of asbestos-containing debris which posed a serious public and environmental health hazard and issued serious warnings about the dangerous and illegal practice of using non-specialists for the removal of asbestos-containing material. See: Los canallas del Amianto [Asbestos scoundrels].

Asbestos-Free Madrid

Oct 28, 2020

The Governing Board of the Madrid City Council this week agreed to draw up a plan to eliminate asbestos from the Spanish capital by 2030, with Mayor Mercedes González highlighting the urgency of action needed to protect the population and prevent deadly exposures. According to the City Council, there are eleven districts in which 33 public schools contain asbestos. Mayor González is calling for remediation work at these schools to begin at the start of the school holidays. See: Aprobado un plan para que Madrid quede libre de amianto en 2030 [A plan approved for Madrid to be free of asbestos by 2030].

Asbestos: Political Hot Potato

Oct 23, 2020

A heated discussion on October 21, 2020 at the Madrid City Council heard calls for asbestos remediation, especially of the city’s schools, to be prioritized on the grounds of public safety. The Mayor of Madrid said he knew: “of schools where there are currently three teachers with cancer being treated.” “None of us,” he said “would want to have relatives” working or studying in such toxic conditions. Paloma Garcia, on behalf of the Department of Works and Equipment assured councillors that he shared their concerns and was progressing plans to address asbestos contamination throughout the capital. See: Más Madrid reclama un programa consensuado de retirada del Amianto [Political Party “More Madrid” calls for an agreed asbestos removal program].

Supporting Asbestos Victims in Cádiz

Oct 14, 2020

The Mayor of San Fernando, in the Spanish Province of Cádiz met last week with the directors of a local asbestos victims’ group to express support for people affected by occupational asbestos exposures in the Naval sector, which included workers from the three shipyards in the Bay of Cádiz. Asbestos exposures at these workplaces took place initially during the construction of boats and more latterly during repair work. In the Bay of Cádiz there are around 10,000 former shipyard employees and many more family members whose health could also have been affected via take-home exposures. See: Cavada muestra su apoyo a la Asociación de Afectados por el Amianto en el Sector Naval [Cavada shows its support for the Association of People Affected by Asbestos in the Naval Sector].

Basque Victim’s Legal Victory

Oct 8, 2020

A Basque Court in Donostia, Northern Spain ordered the defendant – Construcciones y Auxiliar de Ferrocarriles (Construction & Other Railway Services/CAF) – to pay compensation of €133,665 to the family of a worker who died from asbestosis as a result of workplace exposures to asbestos. The deceased had worked as a boilermaker from 1973 to 1999 at the Irun and Beasain CAF factories. Arguments by CAF’s legal team that the size of the compensation payment should be halved because of the worker’s smoking history were rejected. See: CAF tendrá que indemnizar a un muerto por amianto [CAF will have to pay compensation for asbestos death].

Claimant’s Victory

Oct 5, 2020

An asbestos trial due to commence in the Pamplona Palace of Justice last week was pre-empted when a defendant which inherited the claim from a company it had acquired agreed to settle the case. Teo Vila, who died in February 2016 from an asbestos-related cancer, had worked for Laminaciones de Lesaka (now Arcelor Mittal) for 30 years. Proceedings were brought by his family supported by the LAB trade union for toxic workplace exposures which, the plaintiffs alleged, had caused Mr. Vila’s death. The widow and her daughter received €133,000 and €27,000, respectively. See: Indemnizan a una familia por la muerte por amianto de un trabajador [A family is compensated for the asbestos death of a worker].

Asbestos Alert by Trade Union

Oct 1, 2020

The Spanish trade union CCOO – since the 1970s, the Comisiones Obreras has been the largest trade union in Spain – has issued public warnings about the health hazards posed by the illegal and widespread dumping of asbestos-containing waste, with its Secretary of Occupational Health explaining that: “In the entire southern and industrial area of Madrid you can see illegal dumping of garbage because they are depopulated areas without constant surveillance, and that is where we have located asbestos.” See: Los vecinos del sur, en riesgo por los vertidos ilegales de Amianto [Residents to the south at risk from illegal asbestos dumping].

Asbestos on the Balearic Islands

Sep 29, 2020

On September 24, 2020, an asbestos conference was held in Mallorca, Spain to examine the island’s legacy of widespread and uncontrolled use of toxic products. Experts who addressed the meeting highlighted the importance of a state-of-the-art professional approach to the serious issues of asbestos identification and management, warning that failure to take adequate precautions could result in hazardous exposures not only to workers but also to members of the public. See: El amianto genera problemas graves en la salud y requiere la gestión de profesionales acreditados [Asbestos generates serious health problems and requires the management of accredited professionals].

Justice Delayed

Sep 25, 2020

There has been a last-minute postponement to the handing down of a statement by Investigating Magistrate María Isabel Garaizaba regarding charges of reckless homicide brought against seven defendants responsible for occupational health and safety at the company operating the Madrid Metro. The announcement scheduled for September 23, 2020 will now not be made until October 6 or 7. Hearings in this case over the deaths of two Metro workers have been ongoing for more than a year. The delay has brought condemnation from the Spanish trade union: CCOO. See: La juez del caso amianto suspende las declaraciones de este jueves ¡ [The judge of the asbestos case suspends Thursday’s declarations!]

Asbestos in Paradise?

Sep 22, 2020

Work to remediate asbestos contamination on El Hierro, the smallest of the Canary Islands, was conducted last week by a specialist company at the behest of local councils. According to Councillor for the Environment, Waste and Recycling Montserrat Gutiérrez, work during the current phase removed, treated and disposed of 14 cubic meters of asbestos waste. The next phase of the program will focus on the removal of asbestos-containing products from residential properties. See: El Cabildo lleva a cabo una campaña de retirada de Amianto [Cabildo carries out an asbestos removal campaign].

Mesothelioma and Smoking

Sep 21, 2020

Last week the Superior Court of Justice of the Basque Country (TSJPV) reversed an iniquitous ruling of Social Court No. 10 of Bilbao that had reduced by 20% compensation to the family of a subcontractor painter from the La Naval shipyard who died from asbestos cancer due to his smoking history. The Court, which found that there was no causal connection between tobacco consumption and the occurrence of mesothelioma, ordered the defendants to pay the full amount awarded. See: El TSJPV rechaza reducir la indemnización a un trabajador expuesto al amianto por ser fumador [The TSJPV refuses to reduce the compensation to a worker exposed to asbestos for being a smoker].

Calls for Action on Illegal Dumping

Sep 18, 2020

The CCOO trade union is pressing Getafe City Council officials to take urgent action on the hazard posed by the illegal dumping of asbestos-contaminated waste with a CCOO spokesperson urging that proactive solutions be found and action coordinated with other localities be taken to prevent this toxic practice. Getafe was formerly the location of a factory which manufactured asbestos-cement products and which was owned by the Uralita company. See: CCOO exige una solución definitiva a los vertidos ilegales de Amianto [CCOO demands a definitive solution to illegal asbestos dumping].

Export of Toxic Trains

Sep 15, 2020

An extensive feature article uploaded on September 9, 2020, considered aspects of the international long-tail asbestos legacy as revealed by developments in Spain and Argentina. The export of hazardous technology from Spain in the form of asbestos-contaminated trains for use on the Buenos Aires Metro system was detailed, with a litany of examples provided documenting the knowledge that Spanish exporters had to hand regarding the deadly effects of toxic workplace exposure. The import, use and sale of asbestos is banned in Spain and in Argentina. See: De Madrid a Buenos Aires: el amianto, una ubicua "pandemia" cancerígena que ha dejado un rastro largo [From Madrid to Buenos Aires: Asbestos, a ubiquitous carcinogenic "pandemic" that has left a long trail].

Victim’s Ruling in Bilbao

Sep 14, 2020

An appeal by the Spanish steel-making company Sidenor against a 2019 order of the National Institute of Social Security awarding compensation to the relatives of a worker who died in 2018 from occupationally-contracted mesothelioma – the signature asbestos cancer – has been rejected by a Court in Bilbao. The Judge, who dismissed the appeal, ruled that the company had been negligent in not implementing measures to protect workers from asbestos exposures at its worksites until 2000. See: Un juzgado ratifica elevar la indemnización a la familia de un afectado por Amianto [A court confirms raising the compensation to the family of a person affected by asbestos].

Asbestos in the Metro: Update

Sep 8, 2020

On September 3, 2020, the company operating the rapid transit system in the Spanish capital – Metro de Madrid – announced that, as a result of pressure from trade unions, its medical surveillance program for asbestos-exposed workers was being expanded to include additional train drivers, machinists and training instructors. Medical examinations will now be available to 3,500 at-risk employees. Under the company’s first surveillance program only 1,000 maintenance workers were eligible for medical tests. See: Metro pacta con los sindicatos someter a vigilancia sanitaria específica del amianto a 3.500 empleados [Metro agrees with the unions to subject 3,500 employees to health surveillance specifically related to asbestos].

Mesothelioma Bibliography

Aug 28, 2020

A 12-page Spanish document on the latency of mesothelioma, the signature asbestos cancer, includes a useful list of relevant papers. Many of the documents cited are in English and online links are included which facilitate access. The latency period for mesothelioma in the papers varies from one to 75 years. Topics covered by the authors include: calculations regarding mesothelioma trends in various occupations, the hazard posed by the use of cosmetic talc and the affect of asbestos exposures on women, seafarers and asbestos workers. Information provided relates to developments in: Korea, Brazil, Germany, Italy, Australia, Lebanon, the US and the UK. See: Latencia del mesothelioma [Mesothelioma Latency].

New Asbestos Remediation Program

Aug 27, 2020

An online article in Cambio16 – a Spanish current affairs magazine – discussed a new asbestos remediation program in a Madrid neighborhood in the context of Spain’s asbestos legacy which saw 3 million tons of asbestos incorporated into the national infrastructure. This month (August 2020), the first large-scale action in Spain to remove asbestos roofing from residential properties, industrial warehouses, sports and cultural centers and public buildings began in the Orcasitas area of Madrid. The removal of asbestos roofing on these 1980s structures owned by the Ministry of Housing will be carried out on 116 buildings, each housing up to 32 families. See: España debe retirar más de 3 millones de toneladas de amianto de su vida cotidiana [Spain must remove more than 3 million tons of asbestos from its daily life].

Asbestos and the Environment

Aug 20, 2020

The Spanish Association to Save the Guadiana River, a civil society group campaigning to protect that river, has denounced the dumping of asbestos-cement waste in it – bringing the matter to the attention of Badajoz City Council, the Guadiana Hydrographic Confederation and the Seprona: the Civil Guard department tasked with protecting the environment. The activists expressed concerns regarding the public health hazard posed by the toxic contamination and said that some of the debris had been on the riverbank for up to three years. See: Denuncian ante el Seprona el vertido de amianto en el río [complaint to the Civil Guard about the dumping of asbestos in river].

Asbestos Waste: A Toxic Legacy

Aug 4, 2020

Last week, the Spanish trade union Comisiones Obreras (CCOO) denounced the widespread dumping of asbestos waste and condemned local authorities for failing to address this public health problem. In the union’s press release, they highlighted illegal dumping of asbestos-cement debris in the southern part of Madrid, and especially in Pinto and Getafe. The CCOO called for the implementation of “strict protocols” to prevent the fly-tipping and urged that local government make this a priority issue. See: Comisiones Obreras alerta sobre el peligro de vertidos de amianto en Pinto [Workers' Commissions warns of the danger of asbestos spills in Pinto].

2032 Deadline in Catalonia!

Jul 27, 2020

The Commission for the Eradication of Asbestos in Catalonia, established in 2019 to address the region’s multiple asbestos challenges, met for the second time in July, 2020 to agree on a plan of action for 2020-21 as part of a coordinated program to make the territory asbestos-free by 2032. In the short-term, the Commission will develop an asbestos hazard training plan for public administration staff, work to raise public asbestos awareness via the development of online resources, and prioritize the removal of asbestos-containing products from schools. See: Aprovat el Pla nacional per a l’erradicació de l’amiant de Catalunya per al 2032 [Approval of the National Plan for the Eradication of Asbestos in Catalonia by 2032].

Asbestos: One Family’s Story

Jul 21, 2020

An interview with author Alberto Prunetti about his book “Asbestos,” discussed the background to the work: the trauma experienced by his father Renato Prunetti – an Italian worker who died in 2004 aged 59 as a result of workplace exposure to asbestos – and members of his family. The author described the insensitivity of medical practitioners and the opacity of the legal system, how only though persistence of his family was permission finally obtained in 2010 – 6 years after he had died – for Renato to retire prematurely due to occupational asbestos exposure. Versions of Alberto's book in Spanish and Catalan are available titled Hoja de Lata and Tigre de Paper, respectively. See: El amianto es un asesino en serie que goza de la protección de los tribunals [Asbestos is a serial killer which enjoys the protection of the courts].

Toxic Asbestos Legacy

Jul 16, 2020

The Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM) has endorsed a widely-supported manifesto calling for the development of a comprehensive asbestos law to address the asbestos challenges facing the country. Although asbestos use was banned in Spain in 2002, there is no regulation of the hazard posed by installed asbestos-containing products, no registry of asbestos-related diseases and a national underreporting of these diseases. In his statement, the President of the SEOM Álvaro Rodríguez-Lescure warned that asbestos incorporated within the Spanish infrastructure constitutes a hazard not only to workers but also to members of the public. See: La Sociedad de Oncología Médica pide una la ley del amianto para “evitar muertes” [The Society of Medical Oncology calls for an asbestos law to “prevent deaths”].

Asbestos in the Capital

Jul 15, 2020

On July 12, 2020, the Madrid City Council announced a program to inspect 63 of the city’s tunnels, after asbestos had been found in the Azca tunnel in the capital’s financial center. This tunnel, and 13 others, had previously been designated as in great need of renovation due to their age and dilapidated state. According to trade union officials: “of the 3,600 panels lining the Azca [tunnel], 85% contain asbestos.” See: Madrid pone en marcha una campaña para eliminar el amianto de los túneles de la capital [Madrid launches a campaign to eliminate asbestos from the capital's tunnels].

Calls for Asbestos Action

Jul 7, 2020

Más Madrid – a community campaigning group in the Madrid neighborhood of Getafe – on July 3, 2020 protested the municipal authority’s failure to follow-up on a 2019 commitment to implement an asbestos eradication plan. Getafe is, according to the group, an asbestos hotspot due, not only to the former operations of the Uralita asbestos factory, but also to the widespread incorporation of asbestos in the built environment and “the state of neglect in which the industrial estates are, where illegal fiber cement discharges accumulate.” See: GETAFE/ Insisten en la necesidad de elaborar un plan para la retirada del amianto en el municipio [GETAFE / Insistence on the need to develop a plan for the removal of asbestos in the municipality].

Asbestos Exposure at VW Factory

Jul 2, 2020

A commentary on the negligence of car manufacturer VW Navarra cited the March 2020 court ruling which condemned the company for exposing a former employee to asbestos at a factory in Northern Spain as a result of which he died from the asbestos cancer mesothelioma. Government documents cited in this text reported that the company had consistently failed to warn workers of the asbestos hazard and failed to take measures to protect employees from toxic exposures. The author concluded that: “all the workers who have passed through the factory at some time in history, at least until 2016, have been or may have been exposed to asbestos, with the possibility of developing a fatal disease.” See: Amianto en Volkswagen [Asbestos at Volkswagen].

Landmark Victory in Madrid

Jul 2, 2020

Madrid Metro – the company which runs the rapid transit system serving the Spanish capital – has for the first time paid out compensation to the family of a worker who died as a result of occupational exposure to asbestos. Julián Martín's family received €193,054 (~US$217,000) in an out of court settlement; Mr. Martin was the first of the company’s workers to have died from a recognized asbestos-related disease; six of his former colleagues have also died from asbestos diseases and 11 other workers have reported similar illnesses. See: Metro de Madrid indemniza por primera vez a los familiares de un fallecido por Amianto [Metro de Madrid compensates for the first time the relatives of a deceased by asbestos].

Asbestos Action Plan

Jun 26, 2020

A manifesto calling for urgent action on asbestos was sent to government officials this week by a coalition of civil society groups in Spain. The campaigners urged that a Comprehensive Asbestos Law be adopted to make Spain “an international benchmark in the fight against the asbestos crisis in the world.” An online petition, which described the objectives of the law as protecting public, occupational and environmental health, had, to date, received 8,000 signatures; another petition calling for increased research into asbestos-related cancer had received 10,000 signatures. See: Una treintena de organizaciones y expertos insta al Gobierno a desarrollar una Ley Integral del Amianto [Thirty organizations and experts urge the Government to develop a Comprehensive Asbestos Law].

Another Asbestos Discovery

Jun 23, 2020

In a company circular dated June 19, 2020, Metro de Madrid – the rapid transit system in the Spanish capital – announced that asbestos had been found in a G32 valve gasket integrated in suspension panels in train cars 2000B, 6000, 7000, 8000 first and 9000 series. The company assured workers that it was committed to the removal of “all traces” of asbestos from the network and was analyzing “each and every part of the trains, as well as the Metro facilities to detect this material, and, where appropriate, remove it.” See: Metro de Madrid localiza una nueva pieza con amianto en trenes de diversos modelos [Metro de Madrid locates a new piece with asbestos in trains of various models].

Asbestos Eradication

Jun 17, 2020

The council of the Spanish island of La Gomera announced progress on the audit of its territory to identify the presence of asbestos-containing material; the efforts made, to date, constituted the initial phase of an asbestos eradication program which pioneered the use of a fieldwork application to collect data, generate maps and integrate facts into an information system. Investigations carried out in the areas of Alajerò, Hermigua, San Sebastián de La Gomera and Vallehermoso identified 100+ sites where asbestos-containing material was identified in roofs, pipes and water systems. See: La Gomera ha realizzato uno studio sulla presenza di amianto nel territorio insulare [La Gomera has carried out a study on the presence of asbestos in the island territory].

Asbestos Manufacturing & Public Health

Jun 10, 2020

A paper uploaded on June 9, 2020 to the American Journal of Industrial Medicine considered the health consequences for people who lived near Spain’s first asbestos-cement factory which was operational in the Barcelona area between 1907 and 1997 by studying data from patients diagnosed with malignant asbestos-related disease between 2007 and 2016. The authors concluded that: “More than 20 years after the closure of the fiber cement plant, the grave consequences of exposure to asbestos remain. The detection of cases of pleural mesothelioma in men seems to have plateaued whereas in women an ascending trend continues…” See: Malignant asbestos-related disease in a population exposed to asbestos.

Asbestos Legacy

Jun 8, 2020

The Madrid City Council has found that 14% of the fiber cement linings in the Azca tunnel contained asbestos. They will be replaced as a matter of priority with steel panels; the work will be undertaken by specialist contractors following EU guidelines. The tunnel was, said the municipal corporation, built in the late 1960s and the asbestos panels were “near the end of their useful life.” Similar structures throughout Madrid will be inspected to ensure that there is no asbestos in other city tunnels built before 2003. See: Madrid halla amianto en el interior de los túneles de Azca y sustituirá los paneles contaminados [Madrid finds asbestos inside the Azca tunnels and will replace the contaminated panels].

Legal Victory for Asbestos Victim

May 30, 2020

The Superior Court of Justice of Andalusia awarded compensation of €222,765 – including moral damages – to the family of a doctor who had worked for 24 years for the Spanish asbestos giant Uralita; as a result of asbestos exposure at the company’s factory in Seville, the doctor contracted the fatal asbestos cancer mesothelioma. The company argued that as a medical professional, the doctor should have taken preventative measures to protect himself from the hazards posed by working at the Uralita facility. See: Indemnizan con 222.765€ a los herederos del médico de empresa de Uralita fallecido de mesothelioma [Compensation for heirs of the Uralita company doctor who died of mesothelioma with €222,765].

Legal Victory in Spain!

May 21, 2020

A Basque Country court has countermanded a ruling by the National Institute of Social Security (INSS) which had refused a pension to a worker disabled by the cancer mesothelioma which he contracted as a result of occupational exposure to asbestos at former employers: Aceros de Llodio and Sidenor de Basauri, Spanish steel-making companies. Social Court 2 of Vitoria-Gasteiz awarded the claimant the right to a full pension due to his permanent and total disability. Commenting on the outcome, a local asbestos victims’ group denounced the INSS’s refusal to recognize the rights of asbestos victims. See: Denuncian la “injusta” actitud del INSS de “ocultar” los cánceres del Amianto [Denouncement of “unfair” attitude of the INSS to “hide” asbestos cancers].

Toledo’s Asbestos Conundrum

May 18, 2020

A long-standing saga and already confused situation over the asbestos contamination of wasteland in the Spanish city of Toledo remained as muddled as ever following the publication of a report by the Ombudsman. With so many overlapping jurisdictions involved – from local to municipal, regional and national – the decontamination of the land and Ramabujas stream which flows through it in the city’s Polygon neighborhood seems as far away as ever. See: La respuesta de la Junta al Defensor del Pueblo sobre el amianto en Toledo [The Board's response to the Ombudsman on asbestos in Toledo].

Another Asbestos Discovery

May 14, 2020

Metro de Madrid – the rapid transit system in the Spanish capital – has announced further findings of asbestos on some of its trains. Pneumatic valve seals in cars of the 2nd and 4th class 5000 train models as well as a valve in the 2000A series cars have been found to contain asbestos. The discoveries were made during work being carried out as part of the company’s asbestos audit program which was designed in consultation with trade unions representing the company’s workforce. Details regarding the location of the banned substance have been relayed to workers and all work on contaminated parts was suspended. See: Metro vuelve a localizar amianto en sus trenes [Metro finds more asbestos on its trains].

Asbestos in Schools

May 14, 2020

The Municipal Council of Cartagena – a port city in southeast Spain – is progressing plans to remediate asbestos in local schools. In July, 2020 work will begin to remove asbestos roofing from the José María Lapuerta public school – a flashpoint in recent years for protests by parents and staff – and four other buildings in Barrio Peral. In total, twelve educational institutions are scheduled for decontamination by 2022. They include schools in the following Cartagena neighborhoods: La Palma, Cartegna, Los Dolores, Barrio de la Concepción, El Algar and Vista Alegre. See: Vía libre a las primeras obras para quitar el amianto en 12 centros escolares de Cartagena hasta 2021 [Program to remove asbestos in 2021 in 12 Cartagena schools].

Fighting for Victims’ Rights in Galicia

May 7, 2020

Measures backed by the Galician Association of Asbestos Victims to improve conditions in the Ferrolan region for the injured were delayed by Covid-19. Representatives of the group, which has 500+ members, continued to provide support by phone and email even though much campaigning had ceased. Although, the Congress of Deputies had given permission to establish an asbestos compensation fund – which is of huge importance to ~8,000 people at high risk of contracting asbestos-related diseases in the region – work on this initiative had stalled, President Xoán Xosé Pita said in a recent interview. See: O fondo de compensación do amianto é fundamental, porque sen el moitas familias quedarían desprotexidas [The asbestos compensation fund is crucial, because without it many families would be unprotected].

Invisible Killers: Asbestos and Covid-19

May 4, 2020

A commentary on the concurrence of Spain’s asbestos and coronavirus epidemics references the 2017 mesothelioma death of Jesús Mosterín, a leading Spanish philosopher. The authors speculate that a conspiracy of silence resulted in preventing any mention of asbestos in the notices of Mosterin’s death. Epidemiological evidence suggests there are ~5,000 asbestos deaths in Spain every year. Hundreds of the deaths which will be blamed on Covid-19 will, in fact, be wholly or partially due to underlying asbestos-related conditions. The authors concluded: “Once again they [those killed by asbestos] will be ignored victims.” See: El coronavirus oculta la pandemia secreta del Amianto [Coronavirus conceals secret asbestos pandemic].

Addressing the Asbestos Challenge

Apr 10, 2020

On April 7, 2020, the government of the Spanish island of Mallorca, the largest of the Balearic Islands, approved an initiative – a Hazardous Waste Sector Plan – to remediate asbestos contained throughout the island’s infrastructure by 2025. Work will begin on public buildings; simultaneously, asbestos audits will be carried out to quantify the problem posed by the contamination of private properties, in particular, the presence in these structures of asbestos-cement roofs – widely used in Mallorca. See: El Plan de Residuos del Govern quiere eliminar el amianto en edificios en 2025 [The Government's Waste Plan wants to eliminate asbestos in buildings by 2025].

Causation of Lung Cancer

Mar 23, 2020

Up to 15% of all the cases of lung cancer in Spain are caused by exposure to asbestos contained in products incorporated within the country’s infrastructure, according to a recently issued report by the College of Surveyors, Technical Architects and Building Engineers of Barcelona (Collegi d'Aparelladors, Arquitectes Tècnics i Enginyers d'Edificació de Barcelona). During the 20th century, consumption of asbestos in Spain totalled 2.6 million tonnes. See: El amianto presente en materiales como el fibrocemento causa entre un 10 y un 15% de los cánceres de pulmón [Asbestos present in materials such as fiber cement causes between 10 and 15% of lung cancers].

Victim’s Verdict in Spain

Mar 20, 2020

On March 17, Social Court 1 of Cáceres, in western central Spain ruled that long-term asbestos exposure had caused the pulmonary fibrosis of a retired worker. From 1969 until 1982, he had been employed in a factory owned by Productos Aislantes SA which manufactured bakelite products containing between 7 and 16% asbestos; as a result of workplace exposures, the claimant had contracted pulmonary interstitial fibrosis with fibrosing lung lesions that resulted in alterations in pulmonary diffusion and required portable oxygen therapy. See: Un juzgado falla que la exposición al amianto es la causa de la fibrosis pulmonar de una trabajadora [Court finds that exposure to asbestos is the cause of worker's pulmonary fibrosis].

Catalonia’s Asbestos Legacy

Mar 11, 2020

On March 9, 2020, representatives of the Association of Builders, Technical Architects and Building Engineers of Barcelona issued a warning about the public health risk posed by asbestos contamination of the Spanish infrastructure and urged official to implement a comprehensive remediation program. The alert was raised during a debate which considered measures to eradicate the asbestos hazard; steps to raise public awareness of the nature and extent of the problem were discussed by medical and technical experts. See: CATALUNYA - Expertos alertan del riesgo de salud pública del amianto e instan a su retirada [Catalonia - Experts warn of the public health risk of asbestos and urge its removal].

Asbestos Protest

Mar 10, 2020

On March 10, the Association of Asbestos Victims of Euskadi will hold a protest in Gasteiz, the capital city of the Basque Country in Northern Spain. The demonstration will highlight the failures of the National Institute of Social Security and multiple employers to address the problems experienced by people with asbestos-related injuries including three women who became ill after domestic exposure to their husbands’ contaminated work clothes. The men had worked for CAF Beasain, a Spanish manufacturer of railway vehicles and buses. See: El comité de CAF Beasain pide que se reconozca a víctimas indirectas del amianto [The CAF Beasain committee asks that indirect asbestos victims be recognized].

Basque Legal Victory

Mar 9, 2020

The first court verdict in the Basque country to award compensation for the death of a person exposed to asbestos via the washing of contaminated clothing was handed down by a court in Tolosa, a town in northern Spain. The CAF company was found negligent for failing to protect the wife of a former employee and was ordered to pay her widower the sum of ~€176,000. The claimant’s wife died in March 2017 from pleural mesothelioma. According to legal experts, this ruling sets a precedent which could benefit future claimants. See: Dictan la primera sentencia favorable a una víctima del amianto por haber lavado ropa (First favorable verdict for an asbestos victim where washing [contaminated] clothes had been the cause [of disease]).

Asbestos Removal in Madrid

Mar 3, 2020

At a meeting on February 28, 2020, residents of the Orcasitas area of Madrid – one of the capital’s poorest neighborhoods – were informed of plans to support the removal of asbestos contamination via government grants of up to 90% for decontamination work. The program to replace toxic roofing on homes in Orcasitas will begin in April 2020; funds for the work will be made available to applicants at the start of the projects. A sum of €4.5m has been allocated. See: Almeida calma a Orcasitas con un nuevo plan de rehabilitación para retirar el amianto [Almeida calms Orcasitas with a new rehabilitation plan to remove asbestos].

Asbestos at Power Plants

Feb 27, 2020

Today (February 27), an information session is being held by the Center for Environmental Studies Ithaca of Andorra to raise awareness of the historical as well as current occupational and environmental health hazards, including exposures to asbestos, generated by the operations of the Andorra Thermal Power Plant. Amongst the speakers will be representatives of the Catalan Association of Victims Affected by Asbestos and specialist Jaume Cortés, from a legal cooperative specializing in industrial injuries. See: ¿Qué supone la exposición continuada al sílice y al amianto? [What does continuous exposure to silica and asbestos mean?]

Asbestos on the Metro

Feb 21, 2020

The decontamination of trains by the company operating the Madrid Metro system has been suspended following a complaint received by the Prosecutor’s Office which had been made by a trade union representing Machinists alleging that the company planned to destroy evidence of asbestos contamination in order to undermine personal injury claims by injured workers. On February 17, 2020 the company circulated to the workforce news of yet more asbestos contamination in new train parts, specifically in joints in units 2000A and 2000B. See: Denuncian a Metro por “destrucción de pruebas” en el caso del amianto [Metro denounced for “destruction of evidence” regarding asbestos].

Asbestos Hazard in Barcelona

Feb 18, 2020

Information released by the Transportes Metropolitanos de Barcelona (TMB) showed that of the 141 TMB employees who had been medically examined – most of whom were retired and all of whom had ceased working for the company 15 years ago – 15 had asbestos-related lung conditions as follows: 7 had pleural alterations, 6 bronchopulmonary tumors and 2 asbestosis. The total number of TMB employees whose medical conditions have been reviewed under the company’s health surveillance program stands at 1,056. See: Hallan afecciones pulmonares por amianto en 15 jubilados del metro de Barcelona [Asbestos lung conditions found in 15 retirees of the Barcelona metro].

Madrid’s Asbestos Scandal

Feb 10, 2020

The results of a 2003 survey which identified the presence of asbestos in Madrid’s transport system were not communicated to employees of the company which commissioned it – Metro de Madrid – a court was told on February 6, 2020. Proceedings before Judge María Isabel Garaizaba, head of the Court of Instruction number 23 of Madrid, are seeking to establish whether charges, including reckless manslaughter, made against seven company executives can be substantiated. As of now, five Metro workers have died from asbestos-related diseases as a result of occupational exposures; tests are ongoing on other current and former members of the workforce. See: Metro dijo a sus empleados que el amianto no les afectaba [Metro told its employees that asbestos did not affect them].

Victim’s Legal Victory

Feb 4, 2020

Factory owners in the Province of Biscay in the north of Spain were ordered by a Bilboa Court to pay compensation of €145,000 to the family of a deceased worker who had been exposed to asbestos whilst employed at the plant between 1984-2010. The former employee, who died in 2017 from pleural mesothelioma, had initially worked at the Bridgestone factory on the repair of steam pipes and later rose to be head of the asbestos remediation department. See: Condenan a Bridgestone por la muerte del encargado de la retirada de amianto [Bridgestone condemned for death of asbestos removal officer].

Uralita: Another Betrayal

Jan 31, 2020

Coemac, the company which took over Uralita – formerly Spain’s biggest asbestos conglomerate – has requested voluntary bankruptcy claiming that the corporation is likely to be overwhelmed by its asbestos liabilities. Although, Coemac has been keen to point out that the bankruptcy request affects only the parent company and not the subsidiary it is trying to sell, it has not spelled out what the process will mean to the thousands of asbestos victims in Spain who were injured by exposure to Uralita products. See: Coemac, la antigua Uralita, solicita el concurso de acreedores [Coemac, the former Uralita, requests bankruptcy].

Victim’s Verdict Upheld

Jan 29, 2020

The Superior Court of Justice of Navarra upheld the ruling of the lower court – Pamplona’s Social Court No. 3 – which awarded compensation of €347,587.36 to the widow and two children of a 57-year old worker who died in 2017 from lung cancer which had been caused by occupational exposure to asbestos whilst he was employed by the AGNI company of Estella between 1972 and 1979. The BSH company in Estella, which acquired AGNI, was ordered to compensate the family. See: La Justicia estima indemnización de 350.000 euros para la familia de un trabajador fallecido por exposición al amianto [The Justice estimates compensation of 350,000 euros for the family of a deceased worker for exposure to asbestos].

Victim’s Verdict in Spain

Jan 24, 2020

A Court in Bilboa has ordered two Spanish companies to pay compensation of ~€325,000 (US$ 360,000) to a subcontractor who was exposed to asbestos whilst in their employ and subsequently contracted the asbestos cancer, mesothelioma. The claimant had been a pipefitter who had worked with asbestos insulation products on the construction of the Lemoniz nuclear power plant (1979-81) and at sites owned by Petronor, a Spanish oil and gas company based in the Basque Country. He did not receive protective clothing nor was he warned about the health hazards posed by occupational exposures to asbestos. See: Nueva condena por enfermedad tras uso de amianto [New conviction for illness after use of asbestos].

Asbestos Compensation Scheme

Jan 20, 2020

With 40,000 asbestos deaths in Spain to date, people living with these diseases have routinely been denied compensation via a hostile legal climate. Calls by a number of groups representing the victims have highlighted the vacuum which exists and demanded that a national compensation scheme be established to expedite compensation for the injured, many of whom were routinely exposed to asbestos at work by companies such as Uralita, formerly Spain’s largest asbestos-cement manufacturer. It has been estimated that 1,900 people die from asbestos-related diseases in Spain every year. See: Las víctimas del amianto luchan contra la burocracia que frena sus compensaciones [Asbestos victims fight the bureaucracy that stops their compensation].

Calls for National Compensation Scheme

Jan 10, 2020

On January 6, 2020, members of asbestos victims’ associations from Bilbao, Valencia and Catalonia held a public rally in Bilbao calling for the establishment of a Spanish asbestos compensation scheme. Current procedures, which involved protracted legal battles for dying victims, were shameful said spokesperson José Luis Gómez Gomez, Vice President of the Association of Asbestos Victims of Catalonia. The campaigners cited the national compensation funds in France, Belgium and the Netherlands as examples which Spain could follow. See: Las víctimas del amianto reclaman una ley contra el ‘genocidio laboral’ [Asbestos victims call for a law against ‘labor genocide’].

National Asbestos Compensation Fund

Jan 7, 2020

Data substantiating an asbestos epidemic in Spain have led to calls for the Spanish Government to progress legislation – approved in 2017 – to create a national fund to compensate victims of asbestos-related diseases. A study by the Basque Institute of Occupational Health and Safety predicted that there would be a thousand individuals annually contracting illnesses, including debilitating as well as fatal diseases, as a result of asbestos exposures in the coming years. Currently, access to compensation for these diseases can only be obtained as a result of protracted litigation. See: El amianto se cobra la vida de 30 trabajadores en 2019 [Asbestos takes the lives of 30 workers in 2019].

Asbestos in Metro: Workers Rally

Dec 17, 2019

On December 16, the committee representing workers from the Madrid Metro company convened a public rally in Plaza de Castilla – in front of the Madrid Court – to demand solutions to the “serious problem” of asbestos in the Madrid subway system. As of now, four cases of asbestos-related diseases have been registered by workers from this company which were allegedly caused by workplace exposures to asbestos; two of the claimants have died. See: Comité de Metro Madrid convoca concentración para pedir solución al Amianto [Metro Madrid Committee summons concentration to request asbestos solution].

Asbestos in the Subway

Dec 12, 2019

Spain’s National Institute of Social Security (INSS) has for the first time recognized a case of occupational disease due to exposure to asbestos of a retired worker now suffering from lung cancer who had been employed for 32 years by the Barcelona Metro company. The claimant had worked in the subway tunnels without any protection whilst he drilled asbestos-containing sheeting; this is one of 8 pending INSS cases for occupational asbestos exposures against this company. It was only in 2018, that the Barcelona Metro admitted that asbestos had been present in the subway system. See: Primer caso reconocido de enfermedad por el amianto en el metro de Barcelona [First recognized case of asbestos disease in the Barcelona metro].

Asbestos Legal Landmark

Dec 10, 2019

At the beginning of November, 2019 a landmark ruling was handed down by the Provincial Court of Madrid which recognized the right to receive compensation for injuries caused by exposure to asbestos brought home on the work clothes of family members. The 14 plaintiffs, who were from Cerdanyola del Vallès and Ripollet, Catalonia, or surviving family members were awarded €3.5 million (~US$3.9m) for contracting asbestos diseases due to the negligence of Uralita. This is the largest sum awarded against Uralita by any Spanish court. See: Uralita deberá indemnizar con 3,5 millones a 14 vecinos de Cerdanyola y Ripollet [Uralita must compensate with 3.5 million 14 residents of Cerdanyola and Ripollet].

Progressing the Rights of Asbestos Victims

Oct 4, 2019

Spain’s first legal cases for asbestos anxiety are ongoing at the Social Court of Barcelona for workers exposed to asbestos at the Federal Mogul brake pad factory in the Spanish town of El Prat de Llobregat. According to the claimants’ lawyer, toxic exposures were rife at the plant, previously owned by Honeywell; the plaintiffs developed depression and severe anxiety because of knowledge that they could contract incurable and fatal diseases such as the signature asbestos cancer, mesothelioma. See: Primer judici a l’Estat pels trastorns d’angoixa derivats de l’exposició a l’amiant [First judgment in the State for anxiety disorders arising from exposure to asbestos].

Action on Asbestos: Too Little, too Late?

Sep 30, 2019

The frustration of people who have been living within meters of asbestos-contaminated debris dumped by the defunct Ibertubo (asbestos) cement company has boiled over. After more than a decade of high-profile campaigning by residents, authorities in Toledo, Spain agreed in 2016 to remediate the public site on which 60,000 tons of toxic waste had been disposed. Unfortunately, the situation remains unresolved and piles of asbestos debris remain in place. Campaigners had hoped the opening of the new Toledo Hospital sited nearby might have proved an incentive for the land to be completely cleared; this has not been their experience. See: El barrio construido en medio del Amianto [The neighborhood built in the middle of asbestos].

Environmental Asbestos Hazard

Sep 16, 2019

Local people and activists concerned about the hazard posed by the presence of asbestos-containing building material in the Glòries area of Barcelona have filed a complaint with the Environmental Prosecutor requesting that it mandate remediation work by the owners of the toxic properties which are in close proximity to: the Gaia School, the Encants School and the Leonor Serrano municipal nursery. The Barcelona City Council has also been petitioned by the campaigners who are also calling on City Hall to make decontamination work a high priority. See: Ecologistas en Acción denunciará el amianto del entorno de las Glòries [Ecologists in Action will denounce the asbestos around the Glòries].

Asbestos Alert: Toxic Waste

Sep 12, 2019

Multiple complaints over a prolonged period have been raised regarding the environmental hazard posed by the dumping of asbestos-containing waste on the outskirts of the Las Vaguardas neighborhood in the town of Badajoz in the southwest of Spain and in and around the Sancha Brava Gorge. Amongst the waste which is present in areas used for hiking and sports are piles of broken asbestos-cement roofing tiles manufactured by Uralite. Speaking about the dumping of the asbestos Guillermo Villasan, President of the Las Vaguadas neighborhood association, said: “it is unsustainable that such an amount of toxic material is piled up on public roads, outdoors and within the reach of anyone." See: Los escombros y el amianto rodean Las Vaguadas [Rubble and asbestos surround Las Vaguadas].

Asbestos Epidemic: At Home and Abroad

Sep 9, 2019

An article detailing manmade disasters highlighted the toll paid by humanity for the profits of the asbestos industry. According to one Spanish expert, by 2018 there had been nearly 4 million deaths worldwide from exposures to asbestos with a further ~3.5m expected between 2018 and 2040. In Spain, a total of 100,000 asbestos-related deaths were expected by 2040. The recognition of asbestos-related diseases in many EU countries is either non-existent or exceedingly low. According to a recent publication by the European Economic and Social Committee: “Asbestos remains the main source of occupational cancer in the EU… [and] claims approximately 88,000 lives in Europe each year...” See: El amianto mata [Asbestos Kills].

Asbestos in the Built Environment

Aug 22, 2019

A Spanish Ombudsman has ordered regional authorities to prioritize work on remediating asbestos-containing material in public buildings following resolutions passed in June 2019 regarding toxic schools in Alicante and Valencia. The Ombudsman mandated that work plans be submitted in a timely fashion in order to confirm that the potential health hazards were being addressed expeditiously and stipulated that: risk assessments for each affected center be undertaken and “a rational and realistic plan of action for the [speedy] removal of asbestos, with a work schedule” be submitted. See: El Síndic exige a Educación que acelere la retirada del amianto de los colegios [The Síndic [Ombudsman] requires Education to accelerate the removal of asbestos from schools].

Asbestos on the Subway

Aug 20, 2019

A corporate asbestos legacy has made 2019 an “annus horribilis” for the company in charge of the Spanish capital’s underground system Metro de Madrid with: adverse court sentences in asbestos death cases and closures of stations due to asbestos discoveries. At what should have been a time of celebration – marking the company’s 100th anniversary – the Metro’s reputation is continuing to suffer constant blows from new asbestos discoveries and withdrawals of toxic rolling stock. See: El peor año de Metro de Madrid: amianto, estaciones cerradas y descontento de los viajeros [The worst year for Metro de Madrid: asbestos, closed stations and travellers discontent].

Asbestos in Schools

Aug 19, 2019

Politicians in Lorca, a city in southeastern Spain, have called on the Murcia Region’s Ministry of Education to take urgent action on the hazard posed by the widespread asbestos contamination of schools. According to Councillor Antonia Pérez there are 6,000 square meters of asbestos roofing and other toxic products such as pipes still present in schools built in or before the 1980s. Lorca’s Mayor is supporting these demands saying all educational centers should be asbestos-free by 2028, at the latest. See: Exigen “celeridad” para retirar el amianto de los centros educativos de Lorca [Demand for “speed” to remove asbestos from schools in Lorca].

Unsafe Asbestos Removal

Aug 16, 2019

The Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT), a major Spanish trade union, has condemned exposures to asbestos experienced by members working at the Port of Malaga. Work to remediate asbestos-containing material from the port is ongoing and while asbestos operatives on site have protective clothing, UGT members and other workers have received neither protection nor notification regarding the specifics of the work being conducted in defiance of government regulations. The Labour Inspectorate has been informed of the “serious and imminent safety risk to workers' health.” See: UGT denuncia la exposición al amianto de funcionarios en el puerto de Málaga [UGT denounces the exposure to asbestos of officials in the port of Malaga].

Spain’s Asbestos Legacy

Aug 12, 2019

With 1,900 people dying every year from asbestos-related diseases in Spain, the hazard posed by toxic products within the national infrastructure is a threat to both occupational and public health. According to government figures, few cases of asbestos disease are recognized and even fewer compensated. The asbestos problem on the Madrid Metro was highlighted; in an industry where asbestos products were widely used, the company operating the capital’s subway denied the existence of this problem until 2018 and even now fails to address the problems caused by asbestos exposures to workers and commuters. See: Amianto en Metro Madrid: ¿cuánto tardará la muerte en ser una rutina? [Asbestos in Metro Madrid: how long will it take to address?].

Asbestos at Nissan Plant

Aug 2, 2019

A Barcelona Court has issued the first verdict against Nissan for the asbestos death of a former employee, a maintenance technician, from one of its plants in Barcelona who had been occupationally exposed to asbestos in brake pads/discs and printing presses, as a result of which he died of mesothelioma in 2014. The Court found the company to be negligent for failing to prevent toxic occupational exposures to occur. The case was brought by the widow of the deceased. See: Primera sentencia que señala al amianto como causa de muerte de un extrabajador de Nissan [First sentence that points to asbestos as the cause of death of a Nissan former worker].

Lung Cancer Verdict

Jul 29, 2019

A court in Pamplona handed down a judgment ordering the former employer of MA, who died of lung cancer in 2017, to compensate the deceased’s family, finding that “his death was due to cancer caused by exposure to asbestos.” MA had started work for the Super Ser company in 1964 and continued to work there for 22 years during which time the company changed name on multiple occasions; it is now: BSH Electrodomésticos España SA). Throughout his employ, he had worked with asbestos with no knowledge of the hazards. See: Condenan a una empresa a indemnizar a las hijas de una trabajadora navarra fallecida por el Amianto [Company has to compensate the daughters of a worker from Navarra who died because of asbestos].

Oesophagus Cancer and Asbestos

Jul 24, 2019

Uralita, formerly one of Spain’s largest manufacturers of asbestos building products, was ordered by the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia to pay €330,000 to the family of a worker who died from cancer of the oesophagus as a result of occupational exposure to asbestos. According to the Court, the fatal disease was caused by the deceased’s “continuous exposure to asbestos in his workplace.” The case was brought in 2018. See: Uralita pagará más de 330.000 euros a la familia de un trabajador que murió por el Amianto [Uralita will pay more than 330,000 euros to the family of a worker who died from asbestos].

Asbestos in Barcelona

Jul 24, 2019

Work to remove asbestos from seven public buildings in Barcelona, including the headquarters of the Barcelona City Council, will begin this year; the program is scheduled to be completed in 2020 at a cost of €195,000. The contractors have guaranteed that safe conditions for workers and users of municipal buildings will be provided. Asbestos on the Barcelona subway has led to strikes and much negative newspaper coverage this year; medical checks are ongoing for at-risk workers and three retired employees have been diagnosed with lung cancer. See: Barcelona eliminará elementos con amianto de siete edificios municipales [Barcelona will eliminate asbestos elements from seven municipal buildings].

Hazardous Removal Practices?

Jul 15, 2019

Neighbors living near a derelict cinema in Barcelona which is undergoing asbestos remediation with the removal of toxic roofing, have called upon the municipal authorities for the implementation of more effective measures to prevent the liberation of asbestos fibers during the work, saying that security measures in place to protect local people are “absolutely insufficient” to guarantee the non-dispersion of asbestos fibers. The health of up to 1,000 local people could be endangered by failures to control toxic emissions at this work site. See: Vecinos del antiguo cine Urgell de Barcelona piden más medidas para protegerles del Amianto [Neighbors of the old Urgell cinema in Barcelona ask for more measures to protect them from asbestos].

Legal Victory in Asbestos Case

Jul 11, 2019

A personal injury asbestos case, complicated by toxic exposures at multiple worksites, was won in a Madrid court on behalf of mesothelioma sufferer C. Guillen who had, since 1975, been exposed to chrysotile asbestos whilst employed as an electrician. The 61-year old was diagnosed in 2017 and is now receiving medical treatment for the cancer. The court ruled that his “exposure to asbestos was continuous and prolonged over time.” See: Nueva sentencia que declara el mesotelioma de un afectado por amianto como enfermedad professional [New ruling declaring mesothelioma of one affected by asbestos as occupational disease].

Asbestos on the Metro

Jul 3, 2019

Asbestos contamination of the Barcelona Metro has been the subject of several media reports this year. It was announced last week that on July 5 & 6, 2019 contractors working for the Public Health Agency of Barcelona will undertake sampling at four stations – Catalonia, Passeig de Gràcia, Liceu and Torrassa – lasting between four and eight hours to ascertain whether the asbestos in vehicles and stations has resulted in airborne contamination endangering passengers as well as Metro personnel. See: Catalunya, Passeig de Gràcia, Liceu i Torrassa: les primeres estacions on s'analitzarà la presència d'amiant [Catalunya, Passeig de Gràcia, Liceu and Torrassa: the first stations where the presence of asbestos will be analysed].

Asbestos Removal in Toledo

Jul 2, 2019

After years of campaigning by local people from groups such as the Association of Neighbors El Tajo and the Platform My Neighborhood Without Asbestos, officials from the Ministry of Environment of the Regional Government of Castilla-La Mancha have agreed to remediate up to 15,000 cubic meters of asbestos debris dumped in the Polígono neighborhood of Toledo, Spain meters from several apartment buildings. After further inspection and planning, work will begin in the autumn 2019 and is expected to take five months. See: La Junta retirará todo el amianto de Laguna de Arcas (Polígono) tras encontrar 10.000 m3 más de restos [The Board will remove all asbestos from Laguna de Arcas (Polygon) after finding 10,000 m3 more waste].

Confronting the Asbestos Hazard

Jun 25, 2019

A discussion on Spain’s asbestos legacy by Professor Rubio from Barcelona University recapped the chemical properties, fiber types and multiple uses. Explaining the downsides to asbestos, which remains throughout the national infrastructure, he cited the policies of international agencies favoring banning asbestos due to the health hazards posed by exposures and noted that the main tool to protect populations from asbestos-related diseases is the “total prohibition of use, the strict control of exposures (in maintenance and remediation work) and the medical control of at-risk people.” See: Debemos luchar contra la epidemia mortal del Amianto [We must fight against deadly asbestos epidemic].

Legal Victory: Asbestos & Lung Cancer

Jun 24, 2019

On June 10, 2019, a court in Pamplona, Spain issued a victim’s verdict for the wife and children of a deceased worker (AGP) who had been occupationally exposed to asbestos by Industrias del Hogar SA (which became Orbaiceta SA and is now BSH Electrodomésticos España, SA). From 1972, AGP had handled asbestos, used in the manufacture of stoves, on a daily basis as a result of which he contracted lung cancer and became permanently disabled. Despite his smoking history, the Court awarded the full amount of compensation against the company for its negligence. See: Primera condena a una empresa navarra por el ‘mal del amianto’ [First conviction of a Navarre company for the ‘asbestos disease’].

Asbestos Compensation Fund

Jun 14, 2019

The current session of the Basque Parliament is once again considering plans to create a compensation fund for asbestos victims; individuals who were exposed to asbestos at work or others who have contracted diseases due to asbestos exposures in Spain would be eligible to bring a claim. Compensation payments, which would be assessed within 6 months of application, would be funded by contributions from public and private sources, including asbestos-using businesses, mutual insurance companies and others as allocated in the State Budget. See: Vuelve al Congreso la ley que exige compensar a las víctimas del Amianto [Congress returns to the law that requires compensating the victims of asbestos].

Victory in Mesothelioma Case

Jun 6, 2019

A verdict handed down by the 25th Social Court of Barcelona ruled that Roca Sanitarios – a Spanish manufacturer of sanitary products – must pay €556,200+ to the family of a former worker who died from the asbestos cancer, mesothelioma. Although the company denied that the man, who had worked at its Gavà (Barcelona) factory during the 1970s and 1980s, had been occupationally exposed to asbestos, the Court confirmed that asbestos had been used by the company at least until 2004. See: Condenan a Roca Sanitarios a indemnizar con más de 550.000 euros a un extrabajador por el Amianto [Roca Sanitarios ordered to compensate asbestos-exposed worker more than 550,000 euros].

Asbestos Health Warnings

May 30, 2019

A commentary published in Catalonia warned of the public health dangers posed by the deterioration of asbestos-containing products, noting that the heyday for asbestos use in the region was during the 1970s. Widespread media attention generated by protests over occupational asbestos exposures of Barcelona’s Metro workers has raised the profile of the asbestos hazard and caused concern amongst at-risk communities in areas such as Turó de la Rovira, and Vilanova i la Geltrú. See: Creix la preocupació per l’amiant 40 anys després del seu ús massiu [Asbestos concerns rise 40 years after its massive use].

Asbestos on the Metro

May 20, 2019

Trade unionists have reacted negatively to findings issued by labor inspectors that airborne asbestos in the Madrid Metro were below permissible levels and to assertions that the presence of asbestos-containing materials in the Metro did not pose a health risk to commuters or workers. The union spokesperson pointed out that the measurements reported were invalid as the tests carried out were analyzed with an optical and not an electron microscope. Metro workers will hold a strike on May 20 and May 24 over the company’s management of asbestos in the transportation system. See: Inspecció de Treball considera vàlida la gestió de TMB en la retirada de l’amiant [Labor Inspection approves management of TMB asbestos removal].

Asbestos Strike!

May 14, 2019

Trade unionists from various organizations and chapters will be joining forces on May 24 to make manifest their outrage over the shabby treatment they have received from the Madrid Metro Company over exposure to asbestos on the capital’s underground network. Asbestos-related diseases of 5 Madrid Metro employees, two of whom have died, have been recognized, and the Prosecutor’s Office is investigating workplace exposures. The asbestos political hot potato is being passed back and forth from public companies and employers to regional authorities and central government; the unions allege there is enough negligence for them all. See: Los trabajadores de Metro van a la huelga por la crisis del Amianto [Metro workers go on strike due to the asbestos crisis].

Asbestos in Schools

May 7, 2019

Valencia’s Ministry of Education confirmed that to avoid risks to students and teaching staff, asbestos eradication has been completed in 143 educational centers; contamination remains in 68 schools. Asbestos removal work at these premises will be completed by specialist operatives by the end of 2019, according to the Ministry, which says work will be undertaken during school holidays. See: Cerca de 70 colegios aún tienen amianto pese a la promesa de su eliminación [Nearly 70 schools still have asbestos despite the promise of its elimination].

Shipyard’s Asbestos Legacy

Apr 16, 2019

According to a report from the Regional Epidemiology Service, the incidence of mesothelioma in the port city of Cartagena is 7.5 times higher than that in Murcia. In the last 20 years, 193 people in Cartagena have died from mesothelioma, the signature cancer linked to asbestos exposure. It is believed that much of the hazardous exposure took place at the shipyards where thousands of workers were routinely exposed to asbestos. The report stated that most workers were exposed to chrysotile (white) asbestos and that “up to 90% of pleural mesotheliomas and 50% of peritoneal tumors…” were caused by such exposures. See: Un cáncer vinculado con el amianto se ha cobrado 193 vidas en dos décadas [A cancer linked to asbestos has claimed 193 lives in two decades].

Asbestos: Cancer Alert

Apr 15, 2019

Medical experts have warned that there is substantial under-diagnosis in Spain of asbestos-related cancers and that those which are identified are just “the tip of the iceberg.” According to Dr. Josep Tarrés: “There are studies that say that between 8% and 12% of lung carcinomas are due to exposure to asbestos without the intervention of tobacco.” Occupationally contracted asbestos-related diseases recognized in Spain include: mesothelioma, tumors of the larynx, ovary, testes and oesophagus. See: Los neumólogos alertan de los pocos diagnósticos de cáncer por Amianto [Pneumologists warn of the few diagnoses of cancer by asbestos].

Asbestos on the Metro

Apr 9, 2019

On April 8, 2019 – the day of a partial strike by workers on the Barcelona Metro – the CCOO (Spain’s largest trade union) announced at a Barcelona press conference that ~37% of the 802 Barcelona Metro workers who had been medically examined had been diagnosed with asbestos-related diseases or conditions, including 22 with diseases of the larynx, 22 with pleural cancers and 249 with other pathologies. In Madrid, three Madrid Metro workers have died of asbestos-related cancers and two more have been diagnosed. See: Un 37% de trabajadores del metro de Barcelona examinados tienen afectaciones por Amianto [37% of Barcelona metro workers examined have asbestos damage].

Asbestos Removal Master Plan

Apr 8, 2019

On March 27, 2019, the Government of the region of Navarra in Northern Spain adopted a master plan to rid the area of asbestos-containing material; the only other EU asbestos eradication program similar in scale to this one is in Poland where the Government has set a deadline of 2032 to remove asbestos products. A budget of €245 million has been allocated and the work is to be undertaken between 2020 and 2032. See: Navarra elabora el primer Plan director de eliminación del amianto, mineral cancerígeno especialmente por exposición laboral [Navarra prepares the first Master Plan for the elimination of asbestos, a carcinogenic mineral, especially for occupational exposure].

Asbestos Trial in Madrid

Apr 2, 2019

On April 1, 2019, proceedings began in the Labor Court in the first trial concerning an asbestos cancer death of a worker from the Madrid Metro. The family of the deceased (Julian M.R.), who died aged 60 in October 2018, accuse his employer of negligence and claim compensation of €400,000 (US$450,000). Only two deaths of Madrid Metro employees have been officially recognized as occupationally-related; however, the illnesses of two other Madrid Metro employees with asbestos cancer have also been recognized. The company has allocated €140 million for asbestos removal work from the Metro by 2025. See: Madrid metro on trial over asbestos-linked worker death.

Catalonia’s Asbestos Battle

Mar 22, 2019

According to an interview just published, lawyers at the Ronda Collective, Barcelona have worked to obtain recognition and compensation for citizens injured by occupational, domestic and environmental exposures to asbestos for over 30 years. In collaboration with activists from the Association of the Handicapped and those affected by Asbestos (Region of Murcia), they progress efforts to raise awareness and educate the public about the asbestos hazard. As 2.6m tonnes of asbestos were used in Spain and water delivery systems in all municipalities employ asbestos pipes, there is considerable work to be done. See: Cartagena es una de las zonas con más trabajadores expuestos al amianto de España [Cartagena is one of the areas with the most workers exposed to asbestos in Spain].

Madrid’s Asbestos Shame

Mar 18, 2019

On March 14, the Plenary Assembly of Madrid confirmed that the Metro of Madrid had taken decades to address the issue of asbestos contamination. Due to the company’s inaction, hazardous exposures to workers led to two deaths and two ongoing asbestos-related illnesses. The report concluded: “It has taken 27 years to respond to a problem, 27 years in which more than a hundred workers and users have been in contact with asbestos materials at different levels of exposure.” See: El Pleno de este jueves aprueba el dictamen de comisión de amianto que concluye que Metro tardó 27 años en dar solución [Thursday's plenary session approves opinion of asbestos commission that concludes Metro took 27 years to provide a solution].

Asbestos: Who is in Danger?

Mar 13, 2019

Even more than a decade after asbestos was banned in Spain, individuals in communities throughout the country are still being exposed to high levels of asbestos contamination from industrial processing, waste disposal and the widespread use of toxic products. People from Toledo, Murcia, Seville and Madrid interviewed for the feature referenced below spoke of lives lost, health endangered and areas blighted by continued asbestos exposures at home, in schools and at work. See: Las zonas de España más contaminadas por la presencia de Amianto [The areas of Spain most contaminated by the presence of asbestos].

Update: Madrid Metro

Feb 6, 2019

The Collective Trade Union of Machinists of Madrid Subway (SCMM) has criticized the Chief Executive Officer of the Madrid Metro Borja Carabante who has, over the last two years, failed to deliver the quality and level of services deserved by the company’s passengers and staff. The SCMM highlights the decrease in the workforce and rolling stock including 50 trains which are out of service due to asbestos contamination. The lack of rolling stock has led to “chaos and crowds in suburban stations, causing serious situations of lack of security.” See: El SCMM denuncia “la mala gestión” de Borja Carabante: 50 trenes paralizados por el Amianto [SCMM denounces “the bad management” of Borja Carabante: 50 trains paralyzed by asbestos].

Asbestos in Schools

Jan 29, 2019

One hundred and thirty-four schools in the Murcia Region of Spain have asbestos-cement roofing. Despite assurances from the Ministry of Education that “there is no danger to the health of citizens if the material containing asbestos has not suffered any kind of damage”, parents and trade unionists are demanding that urgent action be taken to remove the toxic substance. Thirty-four of the affected schools are located in the town of Cartagena with 32 in Murcia, 11 in Molina de Segura, 5 in San Javier, 5 in Eagles, 4 in Mula and 4 in Alhama de Murcia. See: Miles de niños murcianos bajo el Amianto [Thousands of children in Murcia under asbestos [roofs]].

Asbestos in the Metro

Jan 14, 2019

Asbestos remediation work begun in February 2018 by Metro de Madrid – on the stations of Suanzes, Canillejas, Torre Arias, Príncipe de Vergara, Gran Vía, Pavones, Portazgo, Avenida de la Paz, Pyramids, Camp, Las Muses and Vinateros – has resulted in the decontamination of 12 of the company’s 55 stations. Expenditure on the asbestos removal has, to date, been €26 million; a further €114m has been allocated to complete the program which has a deadline of 2025. Trade unionists have condemned the progress as too “slow”; the Public Prosecutor of the Community of Madrid is investigating crimes against Metro workers. See: 12 de las 55 estaciones de Metro afectadas, ya están libres de Amianto [12 of the 55 affected Metro stations are already free of asbestos].

Asbestos and Oesophageal Cancer

Jan 11, 2019

Spain’s Supreme Court has rejected an appeal by the country’s former asbestos giant Uralita of a ruling by the Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia which concluded that a man who died from cancer of the esophagus had contracted this disease as a result of continued occupational asbestos exposure. Although the link between asbestos exposure and cancer of the esophagus is not officially recognized in Spain, the Supreme Court agreed that there was “sufficient scientific evidence” that exposure to asbestos could cause several cancers including oesophageal for the Court to uphold this verdict. See: El Tribunal Supremo avala que el amianto también causa cáncer de esófago [The Supreme Court endorses that asbestos also causes esophageal cancer].

Asbestos on the Metro

Jan 9, 2019

As a result of an extensive medical screening program conducted on 600 employees of the Barcelona Metro system, five workers were diagnosed with the asbestos-related condition of pleural plaques; although the plaques are asymptomatic, the health of the individuals diagnosed will be monitored by staff at the Vall d'Hebron Hospital Pneumology Service. The company admits that as medical tests are yet to be carried out on 200 more asbestos-exposed employees, there may be more cases of affected workers. See: Cinco trabajadores del metro de Barcelona, afectados por Amianto [Five workers of the Barcelona metro, affected by asbestos].

Victims’ Supreme Court Ruling

Jan 7, 2019

Spain’s Supreme Court has upheld a 2016 ruling awarding €260,000 to the families of four women who died from asbestos diseases contracted from exposure to their husbands’ work clothes; the men had been occupationally exposed to asbestos working at the Uralita asbestos factory in Getafe, Spain. According to the verdict, between 1962 and 1992 the company had failed to adopt measures to protect not only workers, but also those who they knew could have come into contact with the asbestos fibers. See: GETAFE/ Confirman una indemnización a familiares de cuatro mujeres ?fallecidas por Amianto [GETAFE / Confirm compensation to family members of four women killed by asbestos].

Regional Asbestos Legacy

Jan 7, 2019

According to the Association of Asbestos Victims (Asviamie), last year (2018) 34 people died from asbestos-related diseases in the Basque Country; in reality, the death toll was probably higher due to the widespread failure to diagnose these diseases. During the year, Asviamie staff assisted more than 1,000 people affected by asbestos exposures. In the Navarra region, the register of 3,402 asbestos-exposed workers notes that since 1998, 87% of those affected were men and 13% were women. See: 2018, el año en el que el amianto mató a más trabajadores en Euskadi: 34 [ 2018, the year in which asbestos killed more workers in Euskadi: 34].

Calls for Asbestos Fund

Dec 19, 2018

The Federation of Services, Mobility and Consumption of UGT-Madrid – a branch of one of Spain’s largest trade union confederations – is demanding that an asbestos fund be established for workers injured by toxic exposures in the Madrid Metro, to streamline the compensation process and avoid the “judicial pilgrimage” experienced by those suffering from these injuries. The purpose of the fund includes providing economic and social support to asbestos-injured employees of Metro de Madrid. See: UGT reclama la creación de un fondo para indemnizar a afectados por Amianto [UGT claims the creation of a fund to compensate those affected by asbestos].

Asbestos on Barcelona Metro

Oct 26, 2018

The presence of asbestos in paint has been confirmed in 38 metro cars operated by the Transports Metropolitans de Barcelona (TMB); 100+ cars have yet to be tested. The decision by the company to keep the affected cars in service until the end of their useful life was criticized on October 24, 2018 by a specialist in risk prevention who pointed out that the company’s reassurances that the contamination posed “no risk,” was unfounded. See: El Colectivo Ronda carga contra TMB por mantener convoyes con amianto: “Es una grave irresponsabilidad” [The Ronda Collective charges TMB for keeping convoys with asbestos: “It is a serious irresponsibility”].

Asbestos on the Metro

Oct 24, 2018

Following a series of revelations about asbestos contamination of the Madrid Metro, 45 trains are currently out of service due to asbestos contamination. Health examinations of the 1,000 Metro members of staff are ongoing and expected to be completed by the end of the year (2018). According to the company, no members of the public are at risk from asbestos exposures and plans are proceeding for decontamination of premises and rolling stock. Trade union officials claim that the sums allocated for decontamination work are inadequate. See: Metro de Madrid tiene paralizados 45 trenes por la presencia de Amianto [Metro de Madrid has 45 trains paralyzed due to the presence of asbestos].

Legal Victory

Oct 16, 2018

The Supreme Court of Catalonia has overturned a 2014 High Court decision to issue a landmark ruling allowing the heirs of a deceased widow to obtain damages from the Uralita company not claimed by her husband who died of mesothelioma in 1974 as a result of occupational asbestos exposures. Legal experts believe this judgment could open the way for many more claims. See: El Suprem admet que els hereus d’una vídua d’un afectat per l’amiant puguin percebre els danys i perjudicis que el finat no va reclamar [Supreme Court allows heirs of an asbestos widow to receive damages not claimed by the deceased’s husband].

Asbestos Protest!

Oct 10, 2018

On October 6, 2018, a demonstration took place involving asbestos victims’ groups from Spain, the UK, France, Belgium and Italy at the Plaça de Sant Jaume in Barcelona to make manifest the demands for recognition and support by those whose lives had been damaged by state-sanctioned exposures to asbestos during the 20th century. The protest was organized by the Associació de Víctimes Affectades per l'Amiant de Catalunya (AVAAC) and the Ronda Collective and took place after an asbestos conference and other asbestos activities on October 4 & 5, 2018. See: Las víctimas del amianto reclaman justicia en Barcelona [Asbestos victims claim justice in Barcelona].

Madrid’s Asbestos Metro

Oct 10, 2018

Yet more asbestos has been found on Madrid Metro trains with the company recently announcing that insulating paint for “insulation and interior coating of the cabin and enclosure panels, as well as metal plates under the frame” on thirteen trains (model 2000A) on line 1 were found to contain asbestos. The company reassured train personnel and passengers that the contaminated paint did not pose “any risk.” See: Metro de Madrid detecta también amianto en pintura aislante en trenes de la línea 1 [Madrid Metro also detects asbestos in insulating paint on trains on line 1].

Asbestos Hazard at Port

Oct 1, 2018

On September 26, 2018, a court in Cádiz, Spain awarded compensation to the family of a deceased stevedore who died of mesothelioma, having been exposed to asbestos brought into the port as cargo. The defendants – the Port Authority of the Bay of Cádiz and State Warehouse and Unloading Company of the Port of the Bay of Cádiz – were ordered to pay compensation of €150,000 to the family of the deceased. Large amounts of asbestos were shipped through the Cádiz port until the 1980s; this is the second such asbestos verdict issued by a Cádiz court. See: La APBC deberá indemnizar a los herederos de un estibador [The APBC must compensate the heirs of a stevedore].

Asbestos in the Underground

Sep 26, 2018

The discovery of asbestos in “bituminous paint applied as surface coating and insulation of the interior sheet metal panels and metal plates under the frame” of VAI and 2000 A underground vehicles has led to the withdrawal from service of six trains of the Metro de Madrid line 5. On September 24, 2018 the head of the maintenance service of Central Workshops of Metro de Madrid, Carlos Sancho, advised workers of the temporary suspension of maintenance on these two types of cars. See: Metro detecta más amianto en la línea 5 y en coches utilizados por empleados [Metro detects more asbestos on line 5 and in cars used by employees].

Municipal Asbestos Hotspots

Sep 26, 2018

At a meeting held in Getafe, Madrid on September 23, 2018, experts confirmed that people living in the southern part of Madrid were 10% more affected by asbestos than the rest of the city, with several asbestos-using manufacturers located in the area. Legal measures to obtain redress for asbestos injuries were explained during the meeting, with an Information Guide on Asbestos –edited by the Association of Victims Affected by Asbestos of Catalonia – being made available. See: El Sur de Madrid ha sufrido una exposición al amianto 10 veces superior al resto de la Comunidad Autónoma [The South of Madrid has suffered an exposure to asbestos 10 times higher than the rest of the Autonomous Community].

Uralita’s Asbestos Legacy

Sep 24, 2018

A Sunday commentary considered the ongoing legacy of Spain’s asbestos use focusing on court verdicts, the most recent of which condemned the Uralita asbestos company for the health repercussions to members of the public who lived near a Uralita factory in Barcelona. On multiple occasions the company has been condemned for failing to ensure safe working and environmental practices with one lawyer putting it as follows: “the company did not act with due diligence regarding the known high risk of using asbestos…” See: Uralita: más de 20 años de condenas por atentar contra la salud [Uralita: more than 20 years of convictions for attacking health].

Verdict for Non-Occupational Exposure

Sep 21, 2018

A court in Madrid has ruled that the Spanish asbestos multinational Uralita was negligent in allowing non-occupational asbestos exposures which resulted in 14 people in Barcelona’s Cerdanyola and Ripollet areas contracting asbestos-related diseases. The plaintiffs – who were awarded a total of €1.7m (~US$2m) – either lived with Uralita workers or within 2 kilometers of the company’s factory. Previous rulings held the company liable for asbestos diseases contracted by former workers. See: Uralita deberá indemnizar con 1,7 millones a afectados por el amianto de Cerdanyola y Ripollet [Uralita must compensate with 1.7 million the asbestos affected of Cerdanyola and Ripollet].

Asbestos: An Imminent Hazard

Jul 20, 2018

Despite Spain’s 2002 ban on asbestos, 2.5 million tonnes remain within the national infrastructure, in buildings and installations of all kinds, including schools and water delivery systems. A video featuring Spanish experts – technical consultant to the CCOO trade union Óscar Bayona, pulmonologist Francisco Javier García Pérez and architect Pilar Pereda – has been uploaded in which they explain the current situation and give guidance about how workers and members of the public can be protected from hazardous exposures. See: Vivir rodeados de Amianto [Living surrounded by asbestos].

Conspiracy of Silence

Jul 20, 2018

Representatives of the asbestos victims’ campaigning group Asociación de Perjudicados y Afectados por Enfermedades (APENA) have denounced the existence of a “conspiracy of silence,” which prevents the collection of accurate data on the annual asbestos death toll and whitewashes death certificates by avoiding the mention of asbestos diseases as cause of death. APENA’s President Ricardo Torregrosa condemned multiple failures by the authorities to accept the widespread nature of the asbestos catastrophe which by 2015 had caused the mesothelioma deaths of 44 women who had washed their husband’s asbestos-contaminated work clothes. See: Los afectados por amianto alertan de que cada año fallecen 24 trabajadores [Those affected by asbestos warn that 24 workers die each year].

Asbestos in Schools

Jul 17, 2018

Valencia’s campaigning group “Fiber Cement, No Thanks” – supported by members of the Association of Asbestos Victims, Spain’s largest trade union: the Comisiones Obreras, the Federation of Mothers and Fathers-Valencia and other civil society groups – is demanding that the Department of Education remove asbestos from 38 educational premises in the Province. Although some remediation had been undertaken, serious concerns remain over the situation in dozens of buildings. See: “Fibrocemento, No Gracias” pide a Educación retirar el amianto de 38 centros [The movement “Fibrocemento, No Gracias” asks Education to remove asbestos from 38 centers].

Creation of an Asbestos Fund

Jul 16, 2018

The election of Pedro Sánchez Pérez-Castejón as Spanish Prime Minister has given new impetus for calls from asbestos victims’ groups for the establishment of a national asbestos compensation fund, says Jon García from the Basque victims’ association Asviamie. In October 2017, a proposal by the Basque Parliament was accepted by the Spanish Congress; since then, however, progress has stalled and the current Congressional session ended without any further action. See: El Congreso saca del cajón el fondo del amianto tras un año de bloqueo [Congress takes the asbestos fund out of the drawer after one year of blocking].

Protecting Workers from Asbestos

Jun 29, 2018

Spain’s CCOO trade union has demanded urgent action on asbestos contamination of Madrid’s Registry Office, operated by the Ministry of Justice. Specific actions stipulated should include: an asbestos audit of the premises and medical examinations for at-risk workers. Despite awareness of the asbestos hazard, to date the Community of Madrid has failed to address these matters giving bland reassurances such as: “necessary measures will be taken to solve this serious problem.” See: CCOO exige medidas urgentes a la Comunidad de Madrid por el amianto del Registro Civil de Pradillo [CCOO demands urgent measures by the Community of Madrid on asbestos at the Pradillo Civil Registry].

Call for Action!

Jun 15, 2018

After a meeting at the Congress of Deputies last week, the Izquierda Unida (IU) – Spain’s United Left political coalition – called on the Spanish Government and the Board of Communities to implement an action plan for the complete removal of asbestos from the Santa María de Benquerencia neighborhood in Toledo, whose residents have for many years been forced to endure the threat posed by environmental exposure to illegally dumped asbestos-containing debris. Members of the Platform “My neighborhood without asbestos” also took part in the meeting. See: IU exige un Plan conjunto de la Junta y la CHT para la retirada total del Amianto [IU requires a Joint Plan of the Board and the CHT for the total withdrawal of asbestos].

Asbestos: Strike This Week

Jun 11, 2018

In circulars issued to maintenance workers during May and June, Metro de Madrid – the company which operates the Spanish capital’s subway system – confirmed the discovery of additional asbestos parts in the system’s rolling stock, models 2000 and 5000. Frustrated by multiple failures of the company to effectively address the occupational hazards posed by the contamination, the CCOO Union and Union of Machinists of Madrid Metro have called a four day strike starting June 12. See: Metro localiza una nueva tanda de piezas con Amianto [Metro locates a new batch of parts containing asbestos].

Mobilization of Asbestos Victims

Jun 8, 2018

Asbestos-injured retired workers from the Macosa-Alstom company – a  heavy-engineering manufacturer which produced goods for the railway industry – are calling on the Government of Catalonia to: establish a medical surveillance program for all those exposed to asbestos at work; undertake asbestos audits of public buildings and design and implement plans for their remediation; provide funding for research into the treatment of asbestos-related diseases. See: Jubilados de Macosa piden revisiones médicas para los expuestos al Amianto [Macosa retirees ask for medical examinations for those exposed to asbestos].

Asbestos in Madrid Schools

Jun 7, 2018

Isabel Galvin, the General Secretary of the CCOO’s Madrid Federation of Education, has told journalists that most public schools in the southern region – including Leganés, Móstoles and Getafe – are contaminated with asbestos. The CCOO, which has launched a campaign entitled: “Ten questions about asbestos” to inform the educational community about the asbestos hazard, is seeking collaboration from stakeholders with a program to map the presence of asbestos in educational centers. In addition, the CCOO is calling on the authorities for asbestos to be removed from schools. See: El 80% de los centros educativos madrileños tiene amianto [80% of schools in Madrid have asbestos].

Asbestos in More Vehicles

May 30, 2018

Metro de Madrid, the transport company that has been at the center of an asbestos storm for several weeks, has announced that the presence of additional asbestos-contaminated parts in scores of vehicles operating on different lines of the Spanish capital’s subway system has been discovered. The company, which admits finding “a dozen ‘small components’ with asbestos” maintains that as the asbestos was encapsulated, there was no danger to workers or members of the public; environmental measurements taken on the trains in question have not found airborne asbestos fibers. See: Metro encuentra más componentes con amianto en sus trenes [Metro finds more components with asbestos in its trains].

Asbestos Hearings Begin

May 10, 2018

On Friday, May 11, 2018 hearings instituted by the Asbestos Metro Commission will begin with evidence submitted by one of the company’s employees affected by hazardous workplace exposures. According to trade union sources, the witness is a maintenance worker who started his employment with Metro Madrid in the 1980s. So far, the company has recognized asbestos illnesses of three former workers as occupationally caused. See: Arranca este viernes la comisión sobre el amianto en Metro con la comparecencia de uno de los empleados Afectados [Friday the commission on asbestos in the Metro begins with the appearance of one of the affected employees].

Landmark Verdict for Firefighter

May 10, 2018

The 13th Social Court of Barcelona, Spain has issued the first verdict condemning the “Generalitat” (Catalonia's government) for failing to protect a firefighter from asbestos exposure as a result of which he has contracted asbestosis. During the 1980s firemen in Barcelona City were provided with personal protective equipment made of asbestos and until the 1990s, contrary to health and safety regulations, the firemen were responsible for cleaning their work clothes and equipment. See: Primera sentencia que condena a una Administración Pública por la exposición al amianto de un bomber [First sentence condemning a Public Administration for the exposure to asbestos of a firefighter].

Asbestos Conspiracy

May 9, 2018

The conspiracy of silence required for the use of asbestos to persist in Spain for several decades is discussed in this commentary by reference to ongoing scandals – the discovery of asbestos in the Madrid Metro system and the failure of the authorities to act on the hazard posed by asbestos incorporated within the national infrastructure. Citing the availability of financial assistance “from the European Structural and Investment Funds for the handling and removal of asbestos,” the author questions the country’s reluctance to undertake the requisite remedial work. See: Amianto: bajo el manto de la conspiración del silencio [Asbestos: under the cloak of the conspiracy of silence].

Report: Asbestos Alert

Apr 25, 2018

A report issued on April 12, 2018 by the Labor Inspectorate not only detailed historic occupational asbestos exposures but also revealed ongoing failures to protect workers from toxic exposures by the Empresa Municipal de Transportes de Madrid [EMT/Madrid Municipal Transport Company]. One example given of a “very serious” infraction took place over ten months last year (2017) during which 322 EMT employees and contractors were endangered by the liberation of asbestos fibers through illegal working practices. See: 322 trabajadores afectados por amianto durante las obras de una cochera de la EMT [322 workers affected by asbestos during work at an EMT garage].

Toxic Trains: More Asbestos Found

Apr 20, 2018

On April 19, 2018, Metro de Madrid informed trade unions that more asbestos had been found in the driver's cabin of two old models of trains. The unwelcome discovery was made in the insulating plate behind a cabinet; the company said this presented no risk to drivers but could pose a hazard to workshop mechanics. To prevent this happening, work has been suspended on these units. Metro de Madrid has embarked on a €5million asbestos decontamination program and has said that suburban trains will be asbestos-free by the end of 2019. See: Metro de Madrid detecta más amianto en la cabina del conductor de dos modelos de trenes antiguos [Madrid Metro detects more asbestos in driver's cab of two old train models].

Toxic Brake Linings

Apr 19, 2018

A paper examining how multiple agencies and authorities collaborated to deal with a 2016 discovery by the Public Health Department of the Government of Aragon that asbestos-containing brake linings imported from China were being sold in Zaragoza and elsewhere in Spain considers the interactions between EU laws and regulations and public administrations throughout Spain, and concludes that the operation of the current system is impacted by the fragmented nature of political authority and the autonomy of the different public administrations. See: Occupational health administrative coordination a propos of a case: brake linings with asbestos in a company.

Toxic Trains

Apr 17, 2018

Asbestos in Metro de Madrid rolling stock on lines 1, 6 and 9, will be investigated by a commission of enquiry with deliberations beginning on May 11 and taking place on Fridays once a month until December. Submissions will be heard from Metro executives, affected workers, occupational health experts and others. Findings will be shared with the authorities in Argentina who are investigating the purchase by Subterraneos de Buenos Aires of toxic second-hand Spanish rolling stock. See: Podemos presidirá la comisión de investigación del amianto en el Metro pese a la oposición del PSOE [Podemos will preside over the committee investigating asbestos in the Metro despite opposition from the PSOE].

Toxic Trains

Apr 12, 2018

An investigation into the contentious sale of 73 asbestos-contaminated trains by Metro de Madrid in 2011 to Argentina has been announced by the Community of Madrid with the Minister of Transport, Housing and Infrastructure Rosalía Gonzalo telling the Assembly’s plenary session that those who failed to comply with Spanish laws will be held to account. Opposition spokesmen queried the lack of action regarding asbestos in older Metro de Madrid vehicles. See: La Comunidad de Madrid abrirá una investigación sobre la venta de trenes de Metro con amianto a Buenos Aires [The Community of Madrid will open an investigation on the sale of Metro trains containing asbestos to Buenos Aires].

Raising Asbestos Awareness

Apr 7, 2018

On April 11, 2018, an asbestos resource entitled “Information Guide on the Risks of Asbestos” will be launched by Catalonia’s Association of Victims Affected by Asbestos (AVAAC) at a seminar to be held at the University of Barcelona. Amongst the speakers will be officials representing AVAAC and legal and academic experts. The presentations and discussion will focus on ways to raise public and professional awareness of the hazards posed by asbestos-containing products within the national infrastructure. See: Presentación oficial de la «Guía informativa sobre los riesgos del amianto» [Official presentation of the “Informative guide on asbestos risks”].

Contamination in the Capital

Mar 29, 2018

Although asbestos-containing products are ubiquitous in domestic housing throughout Spain, several areas in Madrid are amongst the most contaminated in the capital: they include the districts of Fuencarral, Ciudad Lineal and Usera. According to Óscar Bayona, spokesperson for the Campaign for the Suppression of Asbestos: “It is estimated that in Spain there are more than two million tons of this material in our buildings and equipment, and this is a public health problem of the first order.” See: “Expediente Amianto”: los vecinos exigen la retirada de este material de miles de viviendas de Madrid [“Asbestos file:” neighbors demand withdrawal of this material from thousands of homes in Madrid].

Asbestos in Spain’s Infrastructure

Mar 19, 2018

A commentary in El Confidencial, a Spanish digital newspaper, discusses the background to trade union work stoppages on the Madrid Metro on March 9, 13 & 15, 2018 and explains the multi-faceted challenges posed by the presence of asbestos not only in subway cars but in hospitals, schools, home and elsewhere in the Spanish infrastructure: “Currently, it is believed that there are still 2.9 [million?] tons in all of Spain, and according to experts, asbestos will continue to kill until 2040.” See: Amianto: qué es y qué riesgos tiene este cancerígeno hallado en el Metro de Madrid [Asbestos: what is it and what are the risks of this carcinogen found in the Madrid Metro].

Priority: Asbestos Removal Program

Mar 13, 2018

After protests by labor groups including the CCOO, UGT, Solidaridad Obrera, Union of Drivers, USO, Free Suburban Subway Syndicate, Union of Stations and Technical Union and widespread media coverage, the operators of the Madrid Metro, having confirmed the presence of asbestos throughout the network, pledged on March 9, 2018 to make the decontamination of the system a top priority. The first step is, said the company’s CEO, to hire a specialist contractor to undertake the removal of asbestos from up to 96 vehicles currently being used. See: Los sindicatos del Metro de Madrid sabían desde 2006 que había amianto en el suburban [Madrid Metro Unions knew since 2006 that there was asbestos in the subway].

Spain’s Asbestos Legacy

Mar 12, 2018

Widespread publicity regarding the recent diagnosis of a Madrid Metro system worker with asbestosis has led to a articles about Spain’s asbestos legacy. It has been estimated that 2.6 millions of tonnes of asbestos-containing products remaining within the national infrastructure will continue to kill until 2040. Groups at the highest risk of exposures include workers employed in construction, shipbuilding, insulation and demolition sectors, and tradespeople such as electricians, plumbers and mechanics – and family members of people so employed. See: Amianto, un cancerígeno muy extendido que seguirá matando hasta 2040 [Asbestos, a widespread carcinogen that will continue to kill until 2040].

Toxic Trains and Facilities

Mar 5, 2018

Spain’s largest trade union CCOO has condemned the presence of asbestos products on Renfe railway carriages in Málaga, Valencia, Cercedilla and Cotos. In a media release the CCOO reported that “although asbestos has been banned since 2002, a few days ago this carcinogenic material was detected in Renfe trains” which were part of the 442 and 470 series. In addition, CCOO representatives from the railway sector reported the “presence of asbestos in their facilities” and requested, to no avail, that the decontamination of affected workplaces be undertaken. See: Detectan amianto en trenes de Renfe [Asbestos detected in Renfe trains].

Uralita Condemned

Jan 24, 2018

The Spanish asbestos multinational Uralita has been ordered by a court in Donostia – a city in the Basque Autonomous Community – to pay compensation of more than €300,000 to a worker who, as a result of his employment by the company between June 1961 and June 1965 as a warehouse operator in Lasarte, has contracted asbestosis. A spokesman for the local asbestos victims’ group predicts that more asbestos claims will be forthcoming from other Uralita workers including those who worked for Uralita in Getafe, Madrid. See: Condenan a Uralita a indemnizar a un trabajador enfermo por Amianto [Uralita condemned to compensate a sick worker for asbestos exposure].

Calls for Victims’ Fund

Jan 15, 2018

In a statement issued on January 14, 2018, the Unión General de Trabajadores (UGT), a major Spanish trade union, demanded that a Compensation Fund for Asbestos Victims be created as promised by Spain’s Congress of Deputies in October 2017. Between 2000 and 2016, 5,830 people died from asbestos-related diseases in Spain. According to the UGT, only 34 occupational diseases caused by asbestos have been recognized of the 21,188 registered during 2017. See: Ugt exige crear un fondo de compensación para las víctimas del Amianto [Ugt demands creation of a compensation fund for asbestos victims].

Basque Claimants’ Ruling

Jan 8, 2018

Osakidetza, the institution in charge of the public healthcare system in the autonomous community of the Basque Country, has recognized two cases of mesothelioma as occupationally-caused by asbestos exposures, thereby increasing benefit payments to and paving the way for compensation claims by a 68-year old former boilermaker and a 57-year old former shipyard worker. According to a union spokesman, Osakidetza had failed to conduct occupational health surveillance as required by legislation when notified of the workers’ conditions. See: La Seguridad Social reconoce que el amianto causó el cáncer de dos trabajadores [Social Security recognizes that asbestos caused the cancer of two workers].

Claimants’ Verdict!

Dec 19, 2017

The Court of Madrid has ruled that the Uralita company, formerly one of Spain’s biggest asbestos-cement manufacturers, must pay €2+ million compensation to 39 local people who became ill due to inhalation of asbestos fibers emitted by the company’s Cedanyola factory. This decision sets a new Spanish precedent by accepting that an asbestos company was negligent in not preventing environmental exposures to non-employees. See: Primera condena a Uralita por la exposición al amianto de vecinos de su fábrica de Cerdanyola [First condemnation of Uralita for asbestos exposures to members of the public living near its Cerdanyola factory].

Precedent: Asbestos Anxiety

Dec 10, 2017

The first lawsuit has been filed in Spain over anxiety caused by toxic exposures of five claimants who were exposed to asbestos at their Barcelona workplace. They are calling for the classification from the State of their anxiety and depression as an occupational disease and asking for compensation for hazardous conditions which would not have occurred “if the defendant company had fulfilled its obligations in relation to prevention and safety at work.” See: Primera demanda presentada en España para considerar la ansiedad enfermedad professional [First lawsuit filed in Spain to consider occupational disease anxiety (caused by asbestos)].

Another Legal Victory

Dec 9, 2017

This week the Superior Court of Justice of Murcia dismissed an appeal by public companies Navantia and Izar Construcciones Navales against the judgment of a Cartagena court that imposed a 30% uplift on the benefits of a widow whose husband died from asbestos workplace exposures in the shipbuilding sector. The deceased – who had worked for the public naval shipyards Empresa Nacional Bazán from 1967 until 1992 – suffered from a lung adenocarcinoma, respiratory failure and pulmonary asbestosis. See: Confirman una condena por permitir el uso de Amianto [Confirming conviction for allowing the use of asbestos].

Oesophageal Cancer and Asbestos

Dec 8, 2017

The Superior Court of Justice of Catalonia (TSJC) has recognized that the death of a former Uralita worker from oesophageal cancer was caused by asbestos exposures experienced during 20 years of employment at the company’s Rocalla de Castelldefels asbestos-cement factory in Barcelona. Despite the fact that oesophageal cancer was not included on the list of diseases caused by asbestos, the Court decided that the evidence regarding the causation of this disease was categorical. See: El TSJC avala que trabajar con amianto puede provocar cáncer de esófago [The TSJC recognizes that working with asbestos can cause esophageal cancer].

Spanish Victims: Protest

Nov 24, 2017

The Association of The Asbestos Injured (APENA) in Murcia, Spain is denouncing a new legal requirement imposed by the Regional Assembly which condemns surviving family members of an asbestos victim “to administrative limbo in the pursuit of their rights.” Unlike procedures in other parts of Spain and most of Europe, autopsies by a forensic doctor have been made mandatory for those who died from occupational exposures to asbestos. This complicated and time-consuming process is, APENA says, unnecessary and invasive. See: Las víctimas del amianto consideran una “humillación” el convenio aprobado en Murcia [Asbestos victims consider the agreement approved in Murcia a “humiliation”].

Spain’s Asbestos Legacy

Nov 23, 2017

As a result of negligent corporations and collusion of the government, 2,000 people die every year from asbestos- diseases in Spain. The online feature article referenced below details the deadly industrial legacy of decades of asbestos manufacturing operations by the Uralita company at its facilities in Cerdanyola del Vallès, near Barcelona. Former workers detail their struggles with asbestos diseases and their efforts to obtain justice through legal and civil actions including the formation in 2009 of the Association of Victims Affected by Asbestos in Catalonia. See: La negra història de l’amiant, un genocidi laboral que no s’acaba [The black history of asbestos, an occupational genocide that is not over].

Uralita in Cerdanyola

Nov 20, 2017

A one hour film entitled: El amianto asesino [Killer asbestos] which was uploaded to YouTube last week details the deadly human and environmental repercussions of asbestos manufacturing operations over many decades at the Uralita factory in Cerdanyola del Vallès a city in Catalonia, Spain. Using archival photos and personal testimonies, the damaging results of occupational, domestic and environmental exposures to Uralita asbestos are investigated. The factory, which at its inception was seen as a harbinger of modernity, is now viewed as a mass murderer. See: El amianto asesino [Killer asbestos].

Asbestos in Brakes

Nov 14, 2017

Rejecting an appeal by a company from the Gipuzkoa Province of Spain, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Basque Country upheld a ruling by the Social Court of San Sebastian and confirmed that compensation of €154,000 was owed to the family of a worker who died in 2015 due to occupational asbestos exposures experienced from handling and installing brake pads. Welcoming this victory, asbestos victims’ campaigners called for the establishment of a national asbestos compensation fund. See: El TSJPV desestima el recurso de una empresa guipuzcoana por una muerte por Amianto [Court dismisses the appeal of a Gipuzkoan company over asbestos death].

CGT Union vs GM Spain

Nov 13, 2017

After several years and complaints by the CGT union, the Labor Inspectorate of Zaragoza ordered the Opel manufacturing company (GM Spain) to recognize individuals at-risk from occupational asbestos exposures between the years 1982 and 1986; not only those who worked directly with asbestos but those exposed carrying out “auxiliary and complementary tasks.” A spokesperson for the union said the CGT was satisfied that all asbestos-exposed workers will be eligible for medical examinations and benefits under the Opel asbestos protocol. See: Inspección de Trabajo requiere a Opel ampliar el listado de afectado por el Amianto [Work Inspectorate requires Opel to expand list of asbestos at-risk workers].

Asbestos Removal: Parents’ Objections

Nov 12, 2017

Protests from parents of children attending the Puig Adam Institute, in Getafe, Madrid succeeded in stopping demolition work at a derelict municipal sports center 50 meters from the school. The objections related to promises by the City Council that all asbestos removal work would be undertaken during non-school hours; due to inclement weather, plans to remove and dispose of the center’s asbestos-cement roof were delayed resulting in work being rescheduled for Monday November 6. See: Alarma en un instituto de Getafe por la retirada de amianto en un polideportivo municipal [Alarm in Getafe institute as asbestos removed from municipal sports center].

VICTORY in Case for Naval Personnel

Oct 21, 2017

Having acknowledged negligence in failing to protect a navy captain and lieutenant from asbestos exposure as a result of which both men died from asbestos-related diseases, Spain’s Ministry of Defense agreed, after court proceedings, to pay compensation to surviving family members of €135,000 and €130,000, respectively. Both men served in the navy for decades beginning in the 1950s; the captain died in 1998 and the lieutenant in 2015. Asbestos was widely used throughout Spanish naval ships and facilities. See: Ministerio de Defensa indemniza a los herederos de dos víctimas del amianto en la Armada [Ministry of Defense compensates heirs of two Naval asbestos victims].

New Compensation Fund

Oct 11, 2017

The Spanish Congress of Deputies by a vote of 193 to 127 yesterday (October 10, 2017) approved plans to establish a national compensation fund for asbestos victims following the submission of a proposal by the Basque Parliament. During the debate, Deputy Rocío de Frutos said that asbestos exposures had created a “labor genocide” and that the government’s failure to act made it complicit in this catastrophe. The Congress will now consider the details of setting up such a body in consultation with political groups and stakeholders. See: El Gobierno creará un fondo para ayudar a las cuatro mil víctimas del Amianto [The Government will create a fund to help 4,000 asbestos victims].

Another Asbestos Tragedy!

Oct 9, 2017

In March 2015, renowned Spanish philosopher Jesús Mosterín reported that he had contracted the asbestos cancer, mesothelioma. He recalled exposures to asbestos from a small factory near where he played as a young child in Bilbao and from asbestos products present in university premises where he studied in MIT’s Department of Linguistics and Philosophy in the US. He had never worked with asbestos. Jesús Mosterín died from mesothelioma on October 4, 2017. See: Un mesotelioma eminente (En memoria de Jesús Mosterín, otra víctima del amianto) [An eminent mesothelioma (In memory of Jesús Mosterín, another victim of asbestos)].

Asbestos Compensation Fund

Oct 6, 2017

A debate on the establishment of a compensation fund for Basque asbestos victims is scheduled to take place in the Basque Parliament next week. The draft legislation details the nature and organization of the fund, economic resourcing and organizational structure; it also stipulates that claimants should receive compensation payments in under six months. Between 1994 and 2008 3,943 people died in Spain from asbestos-related diseases. See: La ley vasca para compensar a víctimas del amianto llega la próxima semana al Pleno del Congreso [A Basque law to create an asbestos compensation fund will be debated next week].

Toxic Waste: Update

Sep 24, 2017

After years of protests by local people and environmental groups, an announcement that work will begin on October 15 to cover over 90,000 tonnes of asbestos waste dumped on a site in Toledo, Spain – which will be then be fenced – off has been welcomed as a stop-gap measure by members of the “My Neighborhood Without Asbestos Platform”. A sum of €2.5 million has been allocated by the authorities to undertake this work; €14m would be needed to completely decontaminate the site which is the ultimate goal of the campaigners concerned about public health. See: El 15 de octubre comenzarán los trabajos para "tapar" los restos de amianto en Toledo [October 15 work will begin to “cover” the asbestos waste in Toledo].

Asbestos Victims’ Battle

Sep 6, 2017

A feature in the periodical El Diario Vasco highlights the 5-7 year battle faced by Spanish asbestos victims to receive recognition of their diseases and discusses the importance of victims’ groups like ASVIAMIE which fights for the rights of the asbestos-injured in Euskadi (the Basque Region). Between 2009 and 2013, 149 people died from pleural mesothelioma in this region; the death rate is expected to rise between 2019 and 2023 to 387. Two victims’ verdicts overturned by Social Court 4 were themselves voided by the Basque Court of Justice as a result of which the claimants’ compensation was restored. See: El TSJPV revoca dos sentencias sobre víctimas del Amianto [The TSJPV revokes two asbestos judgments].

Precedent for Firefighter

Sep 2, 2017

A court in Barcelona has condemned the authorities in Catalonia for failing to provide adequate protection from asbestos to a firefighter now suffering from asbestosis. During the 1980s, firefighters from the Barcelona City Council's Prevention, Fire and Rescue Service were supplied with personal protective equipment containing asbestos; the firefighters were responsible for cleaning and maintaining their equipment and work clothes, requirements which breached health and safety regulations. See: Primera sentencia que condena a la Administración por la exposición al amianto de un bomber [First sentence that condemns Administration for asbestos exposure by a fireman].

Victims’ Victory!

Aug 29, 2017

The Galician Association of Asbestos Victims (AGAVIDA) has welcomed a Madrid court ruling which recognized the asbestos injuries of women who washed their husbands’ asbestos-contaminated work clothes; the men had been employed at a Getafe factory operated by the Uralita company. AGAVIDA is campaigning for Spain to establish an asbestos compensation fund like those that operate in France and the Netherlands; such a fund could be of benefit to thousands of people. See: Nuevas sentencias reconocen la asbestosis en mujeres por lavar ropa de trabajo de sus maridos [New judgments recognize asbestosis in women who washed husbands' work clothes].

Victory For Victims!

Aug 18, 2017

Spain’s Supreme Court has this summer upheld a ruling condemning the Uralita asbestos company for the mesothelioma deaths of two women who were exposed to asbestos whilst washing their husbands’ contaminated work clothes; both men had worked for decades at the company’s Getafe factory – from the 1960s. The Court awarded compensation of €180,000 to each family. See: El Supremo confirma una indemnización de 360.000 euros a los familiares de dos mujeres fallecidas por Amianto [Supreme Court confirms compensation of 360,000 euros for relatives of women killed by asbestos].

Basque Asbestos Ruling

Jul 28, 2017

In October 2016, aged 61, José Luis R.S. died from, mesothelioma, a year after his occupational disease was recognized. The Basque High Court has this week rejected an appeal by his employer Garay Recubrimientos (Garay Coatings) of a claimant’s ruling from the Social Court; the company has been ordered to pay compensation of ~€450,000 to the wife and children of the deceased. From 1986 to 1999, José Luis R.S. had been employed by the company to repair steam pipes which necessitated the handling of asbestos insulation; at no time was he provided with respiratory protection. See: Una empresa deberá pagar 450.000 € a la familia de un fallecido poramianto [A company must pay €450,000 to the family of a deceased asbestos victim].

Asbestos: Water Networks

Jul 17, 2017

A Spanish language online article highlights the health hazards posed by asbestos-containing water pipes to maintenance workers as well as members of the public and points out that these toxic water networks have, after several decades, finally come to the end of their usefulness. Increased awareness of the asbestos hazard, partially due to political lobbying, has led to public pressure for replacement by asbestos-free pipes to be made a priority issue in several Spanish cities including: Calviá, Tavernes, Los Corrales, Cieza, Castro, Boadilla, Murcia, etc. See: Amianto por un tubo [Asbestos Through a Tube].

Calls for Remediation of Asbestos Waste

Jun 12, 2017

On June 9, 2017 the legislature of Castilla-La Mancha (C-LM), an autonomous community of Spain, approved a resolution submitted by the Podemos campaign and the People’s Political Party urging the regional executive to conduct a “comprehensive” environmental asbestos audit with particular attention to the city of Toledo and its environs where local people are calling for the immediate remediation of 90,000 tonnes of asbestos-contaminated waste in and around their neighborhoods. See: Podemos y PP instan a Junta a realizar un plan para retirar residuos de amianto y estudiar su presencia en C-LM [Podemos and PP urge the legislature to make a plan to identify and remove asbestos contamination in C-LM].

Asbestos Protest!

May 23, 2017

A public rally is being held today (Tuesday May 23, 2017), outside the Palace of Fuensalida, the headquarters of the Government of Castile-La Mancha. Members of a local campaign – “My neighborhood without asbestos” – are demanding regional action to resolve long-standing and extensive asbestos contamination of the Polygon area of Toledo. The group has estimated that there is more than 90,000 tons of asbestos throughout the community, most of which came from the former Ibertubo asbestos factory. See: El llamamiento de los vecinos para la retirada “inmediata” del Amianto del barrio del Polígono [Local people demand the “immediate” removal of asbestos in the Polygon neighborhood of Toledo].

Asbestos Exposé

May 18, 2017

A TV program shown last week highlighted the repercussions of asbestos exposures in the Catalan municipality of Cerdanyola, considered to be Spain’s asbestos ground zero. For decades, this city was home to a building materials factory operated by Uralita; as a result of exposures at the plant and in the local community, there is a high incidence of asbestos cancers and disease in this area. The ubiquity of asbestos contamination was also discussed with examples shown of toxic products in homes, schools, industrial premises and landfills. See: Falsificaciones y toneladas de amianto repartidas por España, ‘En el punto de mira’ [Falsifications and tons of asbestos distributed in Spain ‘In the Spotlight’].

The Great Asbestos Trial

Mar 24, 2017

A Spanish translation of an Italian book entitled: “Il grande processo” [The Great Trial] by Rosalba Altopiedi and Sara Panelli has been updated and published online this week. The authors report and analyse legal actions in Italy against Swiss asbestos magnate Stephan Schmidheiny which included criminal as well as civil proceedings for alleged crimes relating to asbestos deaths of thousands of workers and residents in Eternit towns. See: El Gran Proceso de Turín (2009-2014) contra el magnate Stephan Schmidheiny, propietario de Eternit Italia, el negocio del Amianto [The Great Trial of Turin (2009-2014) against the magnate Stephan Schmidheiny, owner of Eternit Italia, the asbestos giant].

Galicia: Asbestos Justice

Mar 14, 2017

An interview – published this month – with Ramón Tojeiro the head of AGAVIDA, a group representing asbestos victims in Galicia, north western Spain, highlighted the impact of occupational asbestos exposures amongst workers in the shipbuilding yards in Ferrol. The campaigner cited the important roles played by Galician unionist Rafael Pillado and Dr. Carlos Piñeiro in the fight to obtain recognition of the invisible epidemic and medical treatment for the injured; Tojeiro also warned of the hazard posed by asbestos within the infrastructure. See: La realidad del amianto se mantuvo oculta porque era un gran negocio [The reality of asbestos kept hidden because it was a big business].

Asbestos in Schools

Mar 9, 2017

Regional authorities have approved proposals to remove asbestos from 38 schools in Catalonia during 2017-2018. Asbestos was banned in Spain in 2002 but remains widely present throughout the educational infrastructure. The commitment to remediation and replacement of toxic products with asbestos-free materials was brought about after pressure from the socialist party. Under the new rules, asbestos surveys will be carried out to identify contamination, a timetable will be set for removal and an implementation plan will be adopted. See: El Parlament aprueba retirar el amianto de 38 escuelas e institutos [Parliament approves proposal to remove asbestos from 38 schools].

Victory for Spanish Worker

Mar 2, 2017

An appeal by the Spanish asbestos company Uralita has been dismissed by the High Court of Catalonia which upheld a 2015 award to an asbestos victim of €342,142 for injuries sustained as a result of negligent workplace asbestos exposures. Uralita’s lawyers alleged that at the time of the exposures – between 1969 and 1992 – there had been no asbestos regulations in place regarding occupational exposures. The Judge rejected this argument affirming that the company was legally obliged to protect workers from all dangerous activities and substances. See: Uralita pagará a un empleado con cáncer por exposición al Amianto [Uralita to pay a worker with cancer for asbestos exposure].

Basque Asbestos Verdict

Feb 26, 2017

For the first time, a Basque city has been condemned for toxic asbestos exposures to a municipal worker. The claimant’s verdict was handed down by a court in the city of Vitoria-Gasteiz, the capital city of the Basque Autonomous Community, against the City of Llodio. The family of municipal employee Kepa Galdos, who died in 2012 from mesothelioma, was awarded €133,806 (US$141,320) for the municipality’s failure to prevent toxic workplace exposures to asbestos. Welcoming the verdict, the Association of Asbestos Victims of Euskadi condemned the Mayor’s “total contempt and lack of sensitivity to the victims of asbestos.” See: Press Release by Association of Asbestos Victims of Euskadi.

Andalusia’s Toxic Pipes

Feb 22, 2017

A committee of the Parliament of the autonomous community of Andalusia has approved a ministerial proposal to undertake an audit of pipes used to deliver regional water supplies with a view to the elimination of the asbestos hazard from the network. The committee has called on stakeholders, including council and municipal authorities, to collaborate on the planning and removal of the cancer threat to citizens and has set a deadline for the prohibition of asbestos in water delivery systems. See: El Parliament andaluz aprueba una propuesta de IU para la eliminación de amianto en tuberías de agua [The Andalusian Parliament approves a UI proposal for the elimination of asbestos in water pipes].

Paying for Asbestos Healthcare

Feb 20, 2017

A paper published online this month (February 2017), entitled Medical costs of asbestos-related diseases in Spain between 2004 and 2011, estimated that the costs to the National Health System (NHS) between 2004 and 2011 of treating 37,557 patients suffering from asbestos-related diseases (ARDs) was €464 million, with specialist care accounting for 51% of total costs, primary healthcare 10%, and drug prescription 39%. The ARD bill for the NHS was 27.8-fold higher for male patients than for female patients with a €281m bill for treating patients with bronchopulmonary cancers. See: Medical costs of asbestos-related diseases in Spain between 2004 and 2011.

Supreme Court Travesty

Feb 9, 2017

The Spanish Supreme Court has invalidated all asbestos judgments won by workers, forcing them to repay damages awarded by civil courts and seek redress through the labor courts. Juan Carlos Paúl, President of the Association of Victims (AVIDA), called the ruling: “disappointing and unjust, because the sentence does not address the responsibility of the company, but is based on a procedural flaw.” This verdict will have a seismic effect on the injured who, the Judge admitted, had suffered due to the negligence of their employer. Calls for a national asbestos fund to compensate victims have been made. See: El amianto no es un problema del pasado [Asbestos is not a problem of the past].

Spain’s Asbestos Legacy

Feb 6, 2017

Spain imported 2.6 million tons of asbestos between 1970 and 2000, much of which remains hidden within the national infrastructure. In the Getafe community of Madrid during this period up to 15,000 people were non-occupationally exposed to asbestos; epidemiologists predict that by 2030, 5,000 of them could die from asbestos-related diseases. While the heaviest exposures tended to take place at work, the CCOO, Spain’s largest trade union, is also concerned about the public health hazard and has called on central, regional and local administrations to implement specific protocols to minimize harmful exposures. See: Peligroso foco de amianto en Getafe [Dangerous asbestos legacy in Getafe].

Priority: Asbestos Removal from Schools!

Oct 27, 2016

A draft law has been tabled in Seville’s Congress of Deputies for the complete removal of all asbestos and asbestos-containing products from schools within ten years, to safeguard children from the harmful effects of asbestos exposures. Politicians who progressed the bill’s passage through the Committee on Health and Social Services have called for support from central government for the identification and removal of asbestos in public schools. See: Ciudadanos lleva una iniciativa al Congreso para retirar el amianto de todos los colegios [Citizens Congress takes an initiative to remove asbestos from all schools].

Who Pays for Asbestos Contamination?

Oct 17, 2016

A report commissioned by the City Council of Toledo has estimated that the eradication of toxic asbestos waste created by the operations of Ibertubo – a former manufacturer of asbestos building products – in and around the residential area of Santa Maria de Benquerencia could cost nearly €11 million. It has been estimated that the volume of waste to be removed constitutes at least 3,000 truckloads of hazardous material. Any actions taken will need to be approved by principal stakeholders including the authorities at City Hall. See: Tratar las 90.000 toneladas de amianto de Toledo costará más de 10 millones de euros [Remediating 90,000 tons of asbestos in Toledo will cost more than 10 million euros].

Asbestos Protest at School

Sep 30, 2016

On September 29, 2016, dozens of schoolchildren and their parents took part in a protest over asbestos roofing at the Vasco Nunez de Balboa primary school in Benidorm. The dilapidated and leaking asbestos-cement corrugated roof was installed 41 years ago and, say the parents, constitutes a health risk to the schoolchildren and staff. Parents say calls for urgent remediation and repair work to the school have repeatedly been ignored by the authorities including the Ministry of Education and the City Council. See: Clamor contra el amianto en el Vasco [Outcry against asbestos at Vasco school].

INSS Recognition of Laryngeal Cancer

Sep 9, 2016

As a result of a decision published in the Official Gazette of December 19, 2015, Spain’s National Institute of Social Security (INSS) has recognized former shipyard worker Jose Manuel Mera’s laryngeal cancer as occupationally-caused by asbestos exposure. According to his lawyer Jose Manuel Garcia, the new protocol favors former workers and will expedite their claims for damages. Considering the shipyard history in northwest Spain, there were, he said, likely to be many more such claims in the future. See: El INSS abre una vía de reclamación por cáncer de laringe derivado del Amianto [INSS recognizes laryngeal cancer claim due to occupational asbestos exposure].

Murcia’s Asbestos in Schools Scandal

Aug 31, 2016

As children prepare to return for the new school term, politicians from Spain’s Podemos party castigated regional officials for failing to remove asbestos from schools in Murcia, a region in south-eastern Spain, despite a 2015 pledge by the Regional Assembly that decontamination work would be carried out before the Autumn 2016 term began. While asbestos removal from schools in Andalusia and Valencia has been carried out as a priority measure, this has not taken place in the Murcia Region. See: Podemos acusa al Gobierno regional de «mantener el amianto en los centros educativos» [Podemos accuses regional government of “leaving asbestos in schools”].

Planned Removal of Asbestos from Schools

Aug 26, 2016

On August 25, 2016 officials from the Andalusian educational authority met with parents of children attending the asbestos-containing CEIP José Calderón Campanillas primary school in Malaga to explain an asbestos management and remediation plan under which asbestos will be removed from the premises with minimal risk and disruption to children and staff. An asbestos audit of the school is currently under preparation. A total of €60 million has been allocated to remove asbestos from schools in Andalusia by 2022; in Malaga alone there are 26 schools which contain asbestos. See: La retirada del amianto en el CEIP [Asbestos removal in the CEIP].

Compensation for Asbestos Death

Aug 3, 2016

Uralita, a Spanish construction materials multinational, has been ordered to pay compensation of €135,612 to the family of a worker who died in 2010 aged 79 of mesothelioma after occupational asbestos exposures at the company’s asbestos-cement factory in Valladolid, north-western Spain. The deceased had worked at the factory from February 1974 to May 7, 1992. He had unloaded trucks carrying shipments of asbestos without any protective measures or equipment. See: Uralita indemniza con casi 140.000 euros a una familia tras la condena por cáncer de Amianto [Uralita indemnifies ~140,000 euros to family following asbestos cancer case].

Call for Action on Asbestos in Schools

Aug 1, 2016

While Andalusia and Valencia have already begun to remove asbestos from schools, the situation in neighboring Murcia remains as much of a hazard as always, said regional deputy Andres Pedroza at a public meeting this weekend in San Pedro del Pinatar, Murcia. Calling for regional authorities to set a 2020 deadline for the total eradication of asbestos from schools, Pendroza said that asbestos was a major risk for the future health of all school users including pupils, teachers, support staff and custodial workers. See: Podemos describe a Murcia como “una isla” en la erradicación del amianto de colegios [Murcia, “an island” in the eradication of asbestos from schools].

Asbestos Hazard in Tanks

Jul 16, 2016

On July 7, 2016, a labor court in the Spanish city of Valladolid ruled that the company Iveco Spain must pay €60,000 to a former worker who has been diagnosed with asbestosis. The claimant had been employed as an electrician from 1973 to 2006; during this time, he worked on the assembly of BMR armored vehicles at the Iveco factory and off-site on repairs. He was neither warned about possible asbestos exposure nor was he provided with protective clothing or equipment. This is the first asbestos ruling against the company. See: Condenan a Iveco a pagar 60.000 euros a un trabajador que enfermó por el Amianto [Convicted Iveco to pay 60,000 euros to asbestos injured worker].

Remediation of Schools in Andalusia

Jul 13, 2016

Schools throughout Andalusia are contaminated with asbestos-containing products. The health hazard posed to children and school staff by toxic exposures has been a political hot potato for several months with increasing pressure being brought by parents’ and community groups. On July 12, 2016 it was announced that a 60 million euro plan to eradicate contamination in community colleges is being authorized by the Andalusian authorities. A removal program prioritizing older material is under consideration. See: El amianto de los colegios llega este martes al Parlamento andaluz [The issue of asbestos at colleges arrives at the Andalusian Parliament on Tuesday].

Uralita’s Deadly Legacy

Jul 9, 2016

A series of essays on the Spanish website of Rebelión painstakingly details issues related to the operations at and remediation of the Uralita asbestos factory in Bellavista, a neighbourhood of Seville. As a result of 60 years of asbestos processing, workers, relatives and local people have developed debilitating and deadly asbestos diseases. Although the industrial facilities were dismantled between 1998 and 2000, the pollution remains. Uralita waste was dumped locally and was used as hardcore beneath road surfaces. Toxic fibers were disseminated through the area from delivery lorries and processing operations. The contamination remains a potent health hazard. See: Bellavista, tierra preñada de amianto (I) [Ground in Bellavista is impregnated with asbestos (I).

Concerns over Asbestos Legacy

Jun 28, 2016

Against fears regarding potential contamination caused by the removal of asbestos waste dumped by the Ibertubo company in Toledo, questions are being asked about the danger posed by the presence of toxic products in Spain’s schools. In Spain as in the UK the authorities rely on false reassurances that asbestos in buildings is safe as long as it remains undisturbed. This is untrue in every case but even more so in buildings which are more than 40 years old and in which deteriorating asbestos-containing material is releasing deadly fibers into the air. See: Operación de retirada de amianto en Toledo: el fiasco de Ibertubo [Asbestos removal operations in Toledo: the Ibertubo fiasco].

Toxic Clouds Invade Residential Areas

Jun 21, 2016

As asbestos waste removal operations begin in the Toledo neighbourhood of Ibertubo, concern over multiple failures in implementing best practice protocols for protecting occupational and public health has been expressed in a press release issued by the group: Ecologists in Action. According to Spanish regulations “working procedures must be designed so as not to produce asbestos fibers or, if that proves impossible, to avoid the release of asbestos fibers in the air.” The clouds of dust being generated indicate that this is not being accomplished on this site. See: Amianto en Toledo, apoyo a los vecinos ante el fiasco en la retirada de residuos [Asbestos in Toledo, supporting neighbors living near the waste removal fiasco].

Protests over Asbestos Schools

Jun 16, 2016

Parents’ concerns over the presence of asbestos in hundreds of schools in Andalusia have been discussed in the Andalusian Parliament this week with little effect. While parents called for comprehensive asbestos audits to be undertaken of all school buildings as a matter of top priority, politicians rejected relevant proposals according to media reports. Francisco Puche, the representative of Platform Zero Asbestos (Málaga), says that a preliminary survey undertaken indicated that 30% of schools in Málaga could contain asbestos. See: Los padres de colegios con amianto recurren a la Fiscalía de Menores [Parents of children at asbestos schools turn to the Office of Children].

Strike over School Contamination

Jun 15, 2016

Parents citing the precautionary principle have withdrawn their children from a second day of classes at the Reggio de Puerto Real school in the Spanish city of Cadiz, Andalusia. A spokesperson for the parents said that in the absence of assurances that children are safe at this school, steps must be taken to remediate the building before children are allowed to return to classes. Attempts by government and municipal officials to resolve the situation at meetings with the parents were unsuccessful. The parents have threatened legal action and the matter is due to be discussed in Parliament. See: El conflicto del amianto en el Reggio se enquista en el segundo día de huelga [Asbestos conflict in Reggio enters second day of strike].

Catalonia’s Deadly Asbestos Legacy

Jun 11, 2016

The Catalan Government’s Minister of Health Toni Comín told Parliament this week that the number of asbestosis patients admitted to Catalan hospitals has doubled since 2006. Last year (2015), there were 361 hospitalizations of 245 patients with this type of pulmonary fibrosis. An increasing number of deaths from asbestos cancers amongst workers and members of the public has also been recorded in the Catalan region with rising mortality in cities such as Cerdanyola del Vallès, formerly home to one of Uralita’s biggest asbestos factories. See: Els ingressos hospitalaris per l’amiant creixen un 83% en 10 anys [Hospital asbestos admissions rise 83% in 10 years].

Remediation of Asbestos Contamination

Jun 10, 2016

On June 8, 2016, work began to remove asbestos cement debris from the Toledo Ramabujas stream, in the district of Santa Maria de Benquerencia, Spain. Specialist contractors cordoned off the area and installed a decontamination booth for remediation workers who have been provided with specialist equipment to undertake the task according to safety protocols. The work is expected to take a week during which 41 tons of waste will be removed at a cost of €16,639. The final bill for the work will be passed on to the owners of the land. See: La CHT inicia la retirada de los restos de amianto en Toledo [The CHT begins removing dumped asbestos waste in Toledo].

Community Action on Asbestos Hazard

Jun 6, 2016

Under the banner of “My community without asbestos” [Mi barrio sin Amianto], members of the El Tajo Neighborhood Association held an outreach project in Alcáceres, in the heart of the Santa Maria de Benquerencia neighbourhood, to call for zero tolerance of asbestos contamination in their area. According to media reports: “It was a festive day of protest, with workshops and children's games, lectures, a photographic exhibition, bar and paella and musical performances with bands like Humo Sapiens, Lujamen Brothers, Alvaro Gomez, Trifolka and Nifelite.” See: Fiesta contra el amianto en el Polígono [Party against asbestos in the Polygon].

Uralita Charges over more Asbestos Deaths

Jun 2, 2016

On June 1, 2016, the families of 10 deceased workers from Spain’s Uralita asbestos-cement company progressed legal proceedings in a Madrid court over the company’s negligence regarding high levels of occupational workplace exposures to asbestos. The Judge has announced that each case will be tried separately; damages of €300,000 are being sought. A class action over these charges had been suspended 4 years ago; since then 8 of the 10 workers had died from asbestos-related diseases. See: Los trabajadores de Uralita no pudieron ver en vida cómo se hacía justicia [Uralita workers could not see justice done in their lifetime].

Ruling by Social Security Directorate

May 24, 2016

The Directorate of the National Institute of Social Security in Gipuzkoa, Spain, has acknowledged that the cancer death of an electrician employed by the steel manufacturer ArcelorMittal was due to asbestos exposure. This ruling paves the way for future asbestos lawsuits. The deceased received no warnings about the asbestos hazard; no protective measures were taken by the company. This case was progressed by the Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras, the Workers' Commission. See: La viuda de un trabajador de Arcelor Olaberria que falleció por enfermedad derivada de amianto verá incrementada su pension [Pension of asbestos widow to be increased].

Calls for Asbestos Compensation Fund

May 21, 2016

On Thursday, May 19, cross-party support was expressed by the Basque Parliament for the establishment of a National Asbestos Compensation Fund by the Congress of Deputies in Madrid in recognition of the thousands of asbestos victims poisoned by exposure to the 2.6 million tonnes of asbestos used in Spain during the 20th century. Draft legislation proposed by the Basque politicians deplored the fact that thousands of asbestos victims were forced to fight protracted lawsuits to “claim their rights”; a national no-fault scheme would resolve this situation. See: El Parlamento Vasco pide a Madrid un fondo para víctimas del Amianto [Basque Parliament calls on Madrid to set up asbestos victims’ fund].

Toxic Debris Endangers Public Health

Apr 26, 2016

An essay published online on April 23, 2016 by Chemical Engineer Eva Jimenez examines the response, or lack thereof, by municipal and federal authorities to the dumping of asbestos waste in the Ramabujas River and surrounding areas. Since 2004, the paltry levels of fines and the lack of political will to engage with this pressing environmental problem have created a dangerous stalemate which leaves the public at risk of contracting deadly diseases through the inhalation of chrysotile (white) and amosite (brown) asbestos fibers liberated by mounds of toxic waste which are sited in close proximity to residential areas. See: El amianto en el Polígono: la historia interminable [Asbestos in the industrial area: The Neverending Story].

Málaga Asbestos Zero Campaign

Apr 12, 2016

Activists in southern Spain are collaborating on a campaign to achieve the total eradication of asbestos from schools in the shortest possible time under the banner of Málaga Amianto Cero [Málaga Asbestos Zero]. Pointing out the acknowledged hazards posed by exposure to asbestos, campaigners highlight the failure to quantify the situation regarding the presence of asbestos-containing products within the country’s educational infrastructure. In the information vacuum which persists, the precautionary principle should be followed to protect school children and staff from deadly exposures. See: Manifiesto por la liberación del amianto en las aulas [Manifesto for asbestos removal from classrooms].

Legacy of Asbestos Cement Production

Apr 4, 2016

Since January 2008, members of the Neighborhood Association of El Tajo have been campaigning for action to address the hazard posed by tonnes of asbestos waste at a farm near a populated area by the Tagus River. Along with others, the Association submitted a complaint to the Attorney General in June 2014. Studies have been undertaken which speculated that the asbestos-cement company Ibertudo – shut in 2002 – was responsible for the contamination on the farm and at other redeveloped sites. New owners of the tainted land are being held responsible for costly asbestos removal work. See: Ibertubo acumulaba 50.000 m2 de fibrocemento [Ibertubo accumulated 50,000 m2 of fiber cement].

Asbestos at the Opera House

Mar 31, 2016

Complaints to the Labor Inspectorate have been submitted by the Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras (CCOO), Spain’s largest trade union, over the failure to carry out planned asbestos removal work at the Maestranza Opera House, Seville over the Easter break. On previous occasions, the use of faulty asbestos removal procedures at the theater exposed actors, musicians and other union members to asbestos liberated during removal work. See: CCOO denuncia ante la Inspección sus primeras investigaciones de las obras con amianto del Maestranza [CCOO complaint over asbestos works at the Maestranza Theater].

Environmental Exposures in Toledo

Mar 26, 2016

Dumping of asbestos-containing material poses a serious threat to people living in the environs of Toledo, Spain. Complaints by members of a local community group have been dismissed by government officials who state categorically that there “is no environmental problem” despite the presence of tonnes of toxic debris on waste land close to the Santa Maria Benquerencia neighborhood, home to 22,000 people. Much of the contamination was produced during manufacturing operations at a local asbestos factory. See: Los habitantes del barrio del Polígono están expuestos al asbestos [The people of the Polygon neighborhood exposed to asbestos].

Landmark Decision by Supreme Court

Feb 10, 2016

In a remarkable reversal of policy, Spain’s Supreme Court recognized the responsibility of Uralita, a successor company, to compensate workers exposed to asbestos by their previous employer, a company which Uralita had owned shares in. This decision was affected by a ruling handed down on March 5, 2015 by the European Court of Justice and acknowledged the “absolute connection” between the commercial enterprises. See: El Supremo cambia de opinión: la responsabilidad por la falta de medidas de seguridad se traspasa en la sucesión empresarial [Supreme Court U-turn: responsibility for lack of safety measures was transferred in business succession].

Under-recognition of Asbestos Victims

Feb 4, 2016

Of the 150,000 workers “officially” exposed to asbestos in Spain, only 40,000 are registered with the national occupational health surveillance program which is, say the Confederación Sindical de Comisiones Obreras – Spain’s largest trade union – woefully inadequate. There were 2,474 companies that processed asbestos with up to 38,642 employees at any one time in the 15 regions which have so far submitted data. Many thousands more will have been at risk elsewhere before the use of asbestos was banned in 2002. See: Sólo el 2% de los afectados por amianto es reconocido por la Seguridad Social [Only 2% of those affected by asbestos are recognized by Social Security].

Victim’s Verdict in Zaragoza

Jan 18, 2016

Last week, the Superior Court of Aragon (TSJA) dismissed an appeal by GM Spain of a judgment requiring it to pay compensation of €100,000 plus legal costs and interest to the widow of Luis Tirado, who was negligently exposed to asbestos when he worked for the company between 1983 and 1987. Upholding the lower court’s indictment of the company’s dangerous practices, the TSJA ruled that the deadly consequences of asbestos exposures for unprotected workers were “foreseeable.” See: Desestimado el recurso de GM contra el fallo que le obligaba a indemnizar a la viuda del empleado fallecido por Amianto [Rejection of GM appeal against asbestos compensation order for worker’s wife].

Basque Verdict for Victim’s Family

Jan 4, 2016

The Provincial Directorate of the National Institute of Social Security in the Basque Province of Biscay has ordered that the family of asbestos victim Eusebio Pabola receive an extra 50% in benefits from Kaefer Insulation, the company which employed the deceased maintenance worker from 1971 to 1998, due to its failure to prevent workplace exposures to asbestos. Eusebio Pabola was a prominent Basque militant and trade union activist. See: El INSS impone a Kaefer Aislamientos el pago de un recargo de prestaciones tras el fallecimiento de Eusebio Pabola por amianto [National Institute of Social Security imposes asbestos surcharge on Kaefer Insulation after death of Eusebio Pabola].

Awards for Domestic Asbestos Exposure

Dec 30, 2015

In a landmark decision by Spain’s Supreme Court, awards by the Provincial Court of Madrid of between €22,000 to €99,000 to women injured following exposure to asbestos brought home on their husbands’ work clothes were upheld. The men had worked at Uralita asbestos-cement factories in Getafe and Valdemoro. Acknowledging the widespread knowledge about the asbestos hazard as long ago as the 1940s, the Supreme Court ruled that companies were not only responsible for the safety of workers but also for that of third parties. See: Uralita resarcirá a tres mujeres afectadas de amianto por lavar la ropa [Uralita compensates women injured by exposure to asbestos on their husbands’ work clothes].

Asbestos: A Clear and Present Danger

Dec 10, 2015

No progress has been made on a 2014 Parliamentary proposal to undertake an asbestos audit of Spain’s built environment according to an article published on December 9, 2015. Unlike other European countries, such as France, Germany and England, no effort had been made to quantify or map the presence of asbestos-containing products which were widely used in homes and businesses until 2002 when Spain banned asbestos. As a result of this failure to act, asbestos continues to pose a serious risk to public as well as occupational health. See: Amianto: un peligro real y sin cuantificar en casas, escuelas y oficinas [Asbestos: a real danger, unquantified in homes, schools and offices].

Lawsuits Proceeding for Asbestos Deaths

Dec 10, 2015

Amongst trade union claims that 8% of workers from Renfe, Malaga’s railway carriage workshop, could contract asbestos diseases, the first cases are now proceeding to trial. For decades, asbestos-containing insulation products were handled by workers at the Renfe workshop on a daily basis. Direct occupational exposures to asbestos were experienced by carpenters, electricians and maintenance workers. See: Llegan a los juzgados los primeros casos de muerte por amianto de trabajadores del taller de Renfe en Málaga [Cases for premature deaths after asbestos exposure at Renfe workshop, Malaga going to trial].

Spain’s Invisible Victims

Nov 23, 2015

A delegation of asbestos victims, public health advocates and politicians last week went to Brussels to call on the European Parliament to act over the asbestos scandal in Spain, where cases of asbestos cancer remain unacknowledged and unsupported by medical, governmental and compensatory bodies. Epidemiologists predict a thousand people will die from asbestos diseases in Spain between 2016 and 2020. See: Lola Sánchez lleva al Parlamento Europeo las denuncias de trabajadores afectados por el amianto en Cartagena [Lola Sánchez leads delegation of Cartagena asbestos victims to denounce Spanish inaction to European Parliament].

Swiss-Spanish Solidarity for Victims

Nov 15, 2015

On November 10, 2015 representatives of asbestos victims’ groups in Switzerland (CAOVA) and Spain came together at the University of Malaga to examine national asbestos legacies and consider future strategies for obtaining justice and support for the injured. Asbestos activists François and Pierrette Iselin read out CAOVA’s declaration of solidarity which pointed out that hundreds of Spanish immigrants, who had been employed at Eternit factories in Switzerland, had never been compensated. See: Solidaridad con las víctimas del amianto, con sus familiares y los que luchan en España contra la injusticia [Solidarity with asbestos victims, with their families and those struggling against injustice in Spain].

Firm Guilty over Take Home Exposure

Oct 11, 2015

A legal commentary published last week entitled “Judgment Day,” examined the landmark decision issued in June 2015 by the Superior Court of Catalonia which found Uralita, formerly one of Spain’s major asbestos-cement manufacturers, guilty of the asbestos-related death of a worker’s wife who was exposed to asbestos brought home on her husband’s work clothes. See: Condenada URALITA a indemnizar al marido por la muerte de su esposa, quien lavaba y planchaba durante años su ropa de trabajo impregnada de amianto [Uralita condemned to compensate husband for the death of his wife, who for years washed and ironed his asbestos-covered work clothes].

Asbestos Causes Laryngeal Cancer

Sep 18, 2015

Spain’s Ministry of Employment and Social Security has agreed with social partners to update the list of occupational diseases to include laryngeal cancer caused by inhalation of asbestos dust. This change, which will result in a future Royal Decree, is the result of collaborative efforts by a working group set up to consider the appropriateness of adapting the list in light of new research findings. See: La Seguridad Social incorpora el cáncer de laringe por inhalación de amianto al listado de enfermedades profesionales [Social Security includes laryngeal cancer on list of occupational diseases caused by asbestos].

Latin America Launders Asbestos Profits

Sep 2, 2015

A feature on the Spanish Rebelión news site, begins with a discussion of the human tragedies caused by asbestos and proceeds to consider the fortunes of those who reaped the asbestos profits. In many parts of Europe, the name of Swiss billionaire Stephan Schmidheiny is synonymous with the worst type of capitalism, but in Latin America his asbestos profits bought influence and friends at universities and institutions which benefited from his largesse, including the Avina Foundation and INCAE, Latin America’s top international business school. See: Asbesto, un asesino en casa [Asbestos: a killer at home].

Review of “Asbestos Pilgrims”

Jul 15, 2015

Amongst the legacies left by the shipbuilding history of Ferrol, a town in the Spanish Province of Galicia, is a high incidence of asbestos mortality. A new book entitled “Peregrinos del amianto” contrasts the impact of asbestos on the community via interviews with the injured with the callous behaviour of employers and government agencies. The pioneering work by the Asociación Galega de Víctimas do Amianto [the Galega Association of Asbestos Victims), trade unions and the media in uncovering what is described as Spain’s biggest occupational health scandal is highlighted. See: Sobre "Peregrinos del amianto" de Rober Amado [Book Review: Asbestos Pilgrims by Rober Amado].

Pioneering Decontamination Program

Jul 9, 2015

Today (July 9, 2015), specialist technicians working under a government program and in collaboration with civil society stakeholders will began work on the remediation of asbestos waste used as landfill on properties in Anadalusia. Under a budget allocation of €155,000, this month they will remove the contaminated soil, transport it to a waste treatment center, retest decontaminated sites and restore them to their original state. See: Se inicia este jueves la retirada de los terrenos contaminados por amianto en el Cortijo del Cuarto [Starting this Thursday the withdrawal of the land contaminated with asbestos in the Cortijo del Cuarto].

Basque Report on Asbestos

Jun 16, 2015

The Commission of Employment, Social Policy and Housing of the Basque Parliament issued a paper on June 12, 2015 which considered the feasibility of creating a compensation fund for asbestos victims. Recognizing, the profound health effects of asbestos exposures and the difficulties victims face in obtaining compensation caused by the long time lag between exposure and the manifestation of disease, the Parliament recommended that a state-wide compensation fund be set up. Based on French asbestos mortality, it was estimated that there are 659 mesotheliomas and 357 cases of asbestosis per year in Spain. See: Parliamentary Report on Asbestos.

First Asbestos Verdict Against GM Spain

Jun 15, 2015

For the first time, a Spanish court has held General Motors (GM) Spain guilty of negligence in exposing a worker to asbestos. As a result of GM's failure to protect him, former GM employee Luis Tirado, died in December 2011, three months after he was diagnosed with mesothelioma. The Court in Zaragoza awarded his widow €99,911.38 (US$112,000), plus interest. GM is appealing this decision on the grounds that there had “been no breach of the legal regulations in relation to the use of asbestos.” See: Una sentencia condena a GM a pagar 99.911,38 € a la viuda del trabajador fallecido por Amianto [A judgment condemns GM to pay €99,911.38 to widow of worker killed by asbestos].

Asbestos Victims Initiative

Jun 10, 2015

On June 9, asbestos victims and activists from Spain, Italy and France gathered at the offices of the Barcelona Ronda Collective, an organization that provides legal assistance to Catalonia’s asbestos victims, for preliminary discussions in preparation for a high-profile meeting in Cerdanyola del Valles, the town at the epicenter of Spain’s asbestos crisis. Over three days, a wide range of issues will be considered including the national situation and strategies for joint European actions. See: Barcelona y Cerdanyola acogen encuentro internacional de víctimas del Amianto [Barcelona and Cerdanyola host international meeting of asbestos victims].

Under-recognition of Asbestos Disease

Mar 20, 2015

Data from the Spanish Employment Ministry has been analysed to calculate the number of cases of asbestos-related cancer recognized as occupational in Spain between 1978 and 2011. One hundred and sixty-four cases were recognized between 1978 and 2011. An estimated 93.6% of male and 99.7% of female claimants were unsuccessful in getting official recognition of their cancer. The authors conclude that their “findings provide evidence of gross under-recognition of asbestos-related occupational cancers in Spain.” See: Asbestos-related occupational cancers compensated under the Spanish National Insurance System, 1978–2011.

Asbestos Contamination in Paradise?

Mar 13, 2015

Many tourists find the peace and quiet they seek on the Spanish island of La Gomera. Now community activists have filed a lawsuit to force the authorities to instigate an environmental asbestos audit and clean-up program. According to the campaigners, there is widespread dumping of asbestos-contaminated debris on the island which is both unsightly and hazardous to health. Asbestos was banned in Spain in 2002. See: Sí se puede presenta moción para la realización de inventario de amianto en Valle Gran Rey [Yes, you can present motion for conducting inventory of asbestos in Valle Gran Rey].

Asbestos Criminals: Then and Now

Feb 21, 2015

During the 20th century, global asbestos markets were controlled and serviced by a handful of companies, many of which were family-owned. Amongst the asbestos dynasties were the Swiss Schmidheinys, the Belgian Cartiers, the Belgian Emsens and the British Turners. While efforts to hold individuals to account for the worldwide asbestos slaughter have been, on the whole unsuccessful, creative public relations initiatives have reinvented at least one asbestos entrepreneur as a high-profile philanthropist and environmentalist. The role of the Avina foundation in the rehabilitation of Stephen Schmidheiny is considered. See: Amianto rojo [Red Asbestos].

Court Recognizes Domestic Exposure

Feb 20, 2015

A Madrid Court has found asbestos producer Uralita negligent for causing the deaths of women who contracted asbestos cancer after hazardous exposure while washing their husbands’ or fathers’ contaminated clothing. The company was ordered to pay the families €700,000. Uralita disregarded legislation intended to prevent such exposure. Lawyers predict a wave of future claims for victims who did not have a working relationship with the company. See: Uralita deberá pagar 700.000 euros por la muerte de cuatro mujeres contaminadas con amianto [Uralita must pay €700,000 for the deaths of four women contaminated with asbestos].

Spain’s Asbestos Killing Fields

Feb 18, 2015

Lack of visibility, support and assistance for Spain’s asbestos victims are highlighted in an article which describes an ongoing epidemic of asbestos cancer in Málaga. Cases are described amongst people who were occupationally exposed to asbestos in workshops, factories and in the state railway company. To counter the difficulties in obtaining compensation from negligent corporations, calls are being made for a national asbestos victims’ fund to be set up such as the those in France and Belgium. To minimize hazardous exposures from the removal of asbestos incorporated within the European infrastructure, an EU protocol should be introduced. See: Deadly Asbestos Still Costing Lives.

Asbestos Mortality in Basque Country

Feb 7 2915

Seventy-two year old Eusobio Pabola became the sixth asbestos victim to die in the Basque provinces of Álava, Biscay and Gipuzkoa in Northern Spain this year. Like the other deceased, Mr. Pabola was exposed to asbestos at work; he had worked for 28 years for the Montero Kaefer de Arrigorriaga company. He was a shop steward for the CCOO, Spain’s biggest trade union organization and played an important role in the formation of the Basque asbestos victims’ movement. See: Muere la sexta víctima del amianto en 2015 en Euskadi [The sixth asbestos victim of 2015 dies in the Basque Country].

Spain’s Asbestos Epidemic

Jan 8, 2015

A piece in today’s issue of the Catalan newspaper “El Punt Avui” (The Point Today) highlights the ongoing regional epidemic of asbestos-related disease. Experts who have litigated thousands of personal injury claims against Spanish asbestos producers report that the cases seen so far are the tip of the iceberg and that the incidence of disease is likely to increase until 2024. Those affected by deadly exposures include workers, relatives and members of the public who inhaled asbestos fibers via environmental exposures. Even though asbestos is banned in Spain, the health risk remains from asbestos-containing products within the national infrastructure. See: Sentenciats per l'amiant [Sentenced by asbestos].

National Asbestos Legacy

Dec 13, 2014

Scientists calculate that between 1975 and 2010, 6,037 people died from asbestos-related diseases in Spain. It has been predicted that between 2016 and 2020, 1,000+ Spaniards will die from the signature asbestos cancer, mesothelioma; it is not known how many more deaths will take place due to asbestos-related lung cancer and cancers of the larynx and ovary. Unfortunately, few of the asbestos-injured succeed in getting their diseases recognized; between 2007 and 2011, 6.4% of male and 4.4% of female mesothelioma fatalities were recognized as occupational diseases by the authorities. See: Las víctimas dobles del amianto [Victims twice over].

Failure to Recognize Asbestos Cancers

Oct 25, 2014

A paper published last week detailed a gross under-recognition of asbestos cancers in Spain. When mortality rates of mesothelioma and lung cancer were compared in Spain and the EU, it was discovered that over 93% of cases had not been acknowledged. “In Europe for the year 2000, asbestos-related occupational cancer rates ranged from 0.04 per 105 employees in Spain to 7.32 per 105 employees in Norway.” The authors called on the authorities to take action to investigate cases of these diseases being treated by the Spanish Healthcare System. See: Asbestos-related occupational cancers compensated under the Spanish National Insurance System, 1978-2011.

Mesothelioma Research Findings

Sep 29, 2014

Research findings presented at the conference of the European Society for Medical Oncology in Madrid have questioned the efficacy of treating patients with high-dose radiotherapy after chemotherapy and surgery for malignant pleural mesothelioma. Prof Rolf A. Stahel, President of the European Society for Medical Oncology, reported the findings of a Swiss study which failed “to find any differences in relapse-free survival between patients treated with the additional radiotherapy, and those who were not.” Another paper discussed the possibilities of targeting a protein produced by mesothelioma cells. See: ESMO 2014 Press Release: Studies Report New Findings on Treatment Options for Mesothelioma.

Awareness Campaign Wins Award

Sep 23, 2014

At a gala evening in Madrid last night (September 22), a national Australian asbestos awareness campaign won the prestigious Public Service Campaign Award of Distinction in the 2014 Global Alliance COMM PRIX Public Relations and Communication Management Awards For Excellence against stiff competition from world public relations and communication management campaigns conducted in 2012, 2013 and 2014. The creators of “Don’t Play Renovation Roulette – Asbestos Awareness Week 2012” are Clare and Alice Collins (see: photo), a mother and daughter public relations team based in Sydney, Australia. See: Media Release.

Bad Times for Asbestos Billionaire

Jul 24, 2014

This has been a bad summer for asbestos magnate Stephan Schmidheiny. A court announced he had been charged with the “voluntary [asbestos] manslaughter” of 213 Italians. Swiss companies, successors to Schmidheiney’s Eternit Asbestos Group, have lost a multimillion dollar asbestos case in the U.S. Nowadays, much of the Schmidheiny fortune is tied up with AVINA, a “philanthropic” institution engaged in whitewashing his reputation in Spain and elsewhere. See: Stephan Schmidheiny, el magnate del amianto y financiador de AVINA, ha tenido un verano aciago [The fateful summer of asbestos magnate and AVINA backer Stephan Schmidheiny].

Asbestos Legacy in Basque Region

Jul 22, 2014

Basque courts are issuing increasing numbers of victims’ judgments in asbestos cases; more than 208 cases of asbestos death have been recognized in the Basque region. The highest court fine awarded was €410,150 (US$550,000) for the family of a construction worker who died in 2012 from mesothelioma contracted from occupational asbestos exposure. Having highlighted the role higher awards have on improving occupational health and safety, asbestos victims’ groups are calling for the establishment of a compensation fund to speed-up payments to the injured. See: Las sanciones por amianto se disparan en el País Vasco [Penalties for asbestos soar in the Basque Country].

Death of Courageous Union Leader

Jul 10, 2014

Fernando Soto, a Spanish political and trade union leader who was imprisoned under the Franco dictatorship for his union activities, died on July 9, 2014 from mesothelioma, an asbestos-related cancer. Mr. Soto was a metallurgist who had worked with asbestos in the aircraft manufacturing industry. He also worked for a short time at the notorious asbestos-cement factory in Seville belonging to the Uralita Company. Mr. Soto was a Member of Parliament and Senator and was awarded the Medal of Andalusia in 1998 for his union career. See: Fallece el sindicalista Fernando Soto Martín a los 75 años [Unionist Fernando Soto Martin Dies at 75].

Landmark Asbestos Project

Jun 23, 2014

Contractors employed to remove 860 square meters of Uralita asbestos-cement roofing tiles from the Andalucia Cinema in Malaga completed the decontamination on June 21, 2014. The work was undertaken by the only company specialized in asbestos removal in the area. Explaining the delay in beginning the asbestos removal, which was commissioned after a fire on March 15, José Antonio Méndez said that the plan of action developed by the company needed to obtain certification from the Ministries of Environment, Labour and Health. See: Cine Andalucía: Mucho mejor sin Amianto [Andalucia Cinema: Much better without Asbestos].

Asbestos Crimes in Castelló, Spain

Jun 16, 2014

Thirty-nine people have been indicted by the Spanish authorities for the illegal dismantling of an asbestos-riddled derelict tile factory in the City of Villarreal. They are alleged to have committed crimes against the environment as well as other crimes. The company owning the industrial site is now bankrupt and it is believed that the individuals charged were involved in operations to salvage metal, roofing materials and other parts of the building’s infrastructure without implementing mandatory measures to minimize hazardous exposures to asbestos. See: 39 acusados por manipular amianto en Villarreal [39 charged with handling asbestos in Villarreal].

Environmental Asbestos Legacy

Jun 7, 2014

On World Environment Day 2014 (June 5), a coalition of community activists, environmentalists and local politicians filed a complaint with the State Attorney General’s office in Madrid about the public health hazard posed by environmental asbestos contamination in Toledo. Included in the dossier submitted to the authorities, were current photographs of discarded toxic waste produced by a local asbestos manufacturer which closed down its operations in 2004. See: Cuatro colectivos llevan al Fiscal del Estado el amianto del Polígono [Civil Society Groups Issue Asbestos Complaint].

Family Crushed by Asbestos Verdict

May 30, 2014

On May 29, 2014, a Labor Court in Spain issued a verdict which could result in the family of an asbestos cancer victim losing their home. Legal proceedings initiated by Ana Saavedra, the daughter of a former shipyard worker who died at 58 years old, were concluded yesterday with a verdict against the family. Unfortunately, the doctor who was scheduled to testify did not attend the court. The Judge ordered that the family pay €98,600 (US$80,243). See: Denuncia que le condenan a pagar 98.600 euros por un juicio de un caso de amianto [Verdict of €98,600 goes against family of asbestos victim].

Proceedings against Asbestos Giant

May 22, 2014

On May 22, hearings began in a Madrid court of cases brought by the families of women who died from asbestos-related diseases contracted from exposure to their husbands work clothes. It is alleged that the deceased became ill because of the negligence of the Uralita company, Spain’s leading manufacturer of asbestos-cement products. A spokesman for the Spanish Association of Asbestos Victims says that the proceedings are “highly significant” and could open the way for others with asbestos claims. See: Familiares de mujeres víctimas del amianto acuden a los juzgados [Families of Female Asbestos Victims Go to Court].

Essay: Spain’s Asbestos Legacy

Apr 29, 2014

In an extended essay, a well-known Spanish asbestos expert has highlighted the ramifications of the fire which took place earlier this month at an abandoned movie theater in Malaga. Paco Puche details the scale of the conflagration, highlighting the explosion which scattered the asbestos-cement Uralita roofing throughout the densely populated surrounding area. Politicians and members of the city council are denying responsibility for the resulting environmental contamination which continues to endanger the lives of local people. See: Amianto - Cine Victoria de Málaga, crónica de un desastre anunciado [Asbestos – Malaga movie theatre, chronicle of a future disaster].

Spain’s Asbestos Genocide

Apr 23, 2014

A new book entitled “Amianto: Un Genocidio Impune” documents the existence of a “conspiracy of silence” which prioritized asbestos profits over occupational and public health in Spain. The book’s author Francisco Baez Baquet, a former asbestos industry worker, presented the book at an event held on April 22, 2014 at the Málaga headquarters of the CGT union. A further session is planned for Seville; it will be sponsored by the School of Labor Studies and the Union Comisiones Obreras of Andalusia. The author hopes to visit other asbestos hotspots to highlight the epidemic of asbestos diseases. See: Amianto: Un Genocidio Impune [An Unpunished Genocide].

Threat from Asbestos Deposits

Dec 16, 2013

Last week, Spain's award-winning Observer Magazine, published an article which focused on the country's asbestos history including attempts to mine chrysotile and tremolite in Andalusia. Three million tonnes of asbestos were used in Spain with consumption peaking in the 1970s; only a small amount was produced locally. The threat posed by the geographical presence of asbestos in areas including the Costa del Sol and Serrania de Ronda is yet to be acknowledged by the authorities. See: "Fiebre del oro blanco" en la Costa del Sol y en la serranía de Ronda [White Gold Fever on the Costa del Sol and in the Serrania de Ronda].

Asbestos Contamination in Tenerife

Nov 18, 2013

Seventeen homeless people sheltering in a theater named after a famous Spanish literary figure face eviction should the Canaries' Government decide to act on the recent discovery of asbestos-cement pipes in the dilapidated structure. A technical expert who inspected the premises in Tenerife this weekend concluded that urgent action was needed including the removal of the remaining 40 meters of contaminated pipes. A decision by the municipal authorities is expected this week. See: El Pérez Minik será desalojado tras detectarse tubos de Amianto (Evictions from Pérez Minik [theater] after discovery of asbestos pipes).

Tyre Factory Asbestos Exposure

Aug 22, 2013

The Social Chamber of the Superior Court of Justice of Castile and León has recognized as valid a claim brought on behalf of a mesothelioma victim, who died aged 55 in 2011, that he had contracted an occupational disease. The claimant had been employed at Michelin's tyre factory in Valladolid from 1979 until 2010; asbestos was present in the factory in insulation and fireproofing products. This judgment awards the victim's widow an increase of 52% in pension payments. See: Reconocen la prestación de una muerte por amianto en la factoría de Michelin en Valladolid [Recognition of asbestos death at Michelin factory in Valladolid.].

The Philanthropy of S. Schmidheiny

Aug 18, 2013

A 3,000+ word article on a Spanish language website examines the philanthropic activities of Stephan Schmidheiny (SS) in light of his criminal convictions. SS's donations have, the author alleges, been generated by commercial operations which cost a massive loss of life in Switzerland, Italy and wherever Eternit asbestos factories were run. Author Paco Puche highlights the public relations campaign to protect SS including the April 2013 launch of the "Stephan Schmidheiny Award for innovation for sustainability." See: Stephan Schmidheiny, magnate del amianto y fundador de AVINA, desmontado [Stephan Schmidheiny, asbestos magnate and founder of Avina, revealed].

Asbestos death of railway worker

Aug 11, 2013

On August 6, 2013, the mesothelioma death occurred of a Spanish trade union member who had worked as a plumber for the International Sleeping Car Company (Compagnie Internationale des Wagon Lits). Although this was the first known death from asbestos amongst this workforce, it was the seventh recorded asbestos death in the region according to the CC.OO, a Spanish trade union. The union is calling for the establishment of an asbestos compensation fund in order to save dying asbestos victims from the second "hell" of fighting for the recognition of and compensation for their diseases. See: El amianto mata a un trabajador de Irún de Wagon Lits [Asbestos kills a Wagon Lits worker from Irun].

Class Action against Spanish Eternit

Jun 9, 2013

On June 10, 2013 at 9:30 a.m. legal proceedings will begin in Seville against a former Eternit subsidiary, Uralita, which is being sued by asbestos victims for over €2 million of compensation. This is the first time collective action has been taken despite the large number of those injured over the six decades during which the company produced asbestos-cement material in the Bellavista section of the city. To mark the significance of this event, asbestos victims and groups from Spain and abroad will engage in a demonstration in front of the court building in Buhaira Avenue. See: Press Release: First Collective Asbestos Trial against Uralita.

Uralita Found Guilty of Negligence

May 28, 2013

More than two years after his mesothelioma death, the family of an asbestos worker from the Uralita factory has been awarded a 50% increase in monthly pension payments by a Court which found that his employer of 18 years had failed to enforce mandatory measures to minimize hazardous workplace exposures to asbestos. The Judge recognized a direct link between the tasks carried out by the defendant, which included unloading trucks delivering asbestos fiber to the factory from 1974 to 1992, and his disease. See: La autopsia confirma la muerte por amianto de un operario de Uralita [Autopsy confirms death by asbestos of a Uralita operative].

Asbestos and Compensation

May 8, 2012

A half-day workshop entitled Asbestos and Compensation will take place in Barcelona on May 18, 2012 and will provide the opportunity for experts from the civil service, academia, trade unions and legal profession to explore the evolution and scale of compensation for asbestos-related diseases in Spain. On the program are eminent speakers including Pilar Collantes Ibanez, Director General of the Basque Institute of Social Security and Health, Pedro Mondelo, Director of the Catalan Polytechnic, Labor Inspector Lucia Pancho and trade unionist Ramon Ruiz Diaz. Issues including occupational and environmental exposures will be discussed. See: Asbestos and Compensation in Spain.

Denunciation of Schmidheiny and AVINA

May 3, 2012

On April 28, 2012, Latin American and Spanish NGOs exposed "supposedly philanthropic organizations," including Schmidheiney's AVINA for ill-founded support of dangerous practices such as the use of asbestos and the spread of genetic farming. The text which highlighted Schmidheiny's 2012 conviction by an Italian Court, pointed out that his family's fortune had been built on the commercial exploitation of deadly asbestos. Some of Schmidheiny's vast fortune has gone into the AVINA foundation, which is, along with similar groups, accused of promoting destructive neoliberal policies. See: Declaration by Latin American and Spanish Groups.

Judicial Victory for Asbestos Victims

Mar 6, 2012

Last week, a Spanish court condemned Uralita, a former manufacturer of asbestos products, for negligence regarding the hazardous exposure of 23 former workers at its Getafe (Madrid) factory. The company was ordered to pay the claimants a total of €1.7 million for not adhering to health and safety measures needed to prevent dangerous exposures. This case had the backing of the Spanish Asbestos Victims' Support Group (la Asociación de Víctimas del Amianto) which expressed satisfaction with the court's findings. In 2010, Uralita was ordered to pay €4 million to 45 victims of environmental asbestos exposure in Barcelona. See: Uralita must pay nearly 2 million Euros to asbestos victims.

Justice for Asbestos Claimants in Spain

Feb 18, 2011

The recent publication of an academic paper by Professor Albert Azagra Malo from Barcelona's University Pompeu Fabra quantifies the strides being made to obtain justice for asbestos victims in Spain. The paper: Towards Litigation without Horizons: Aggregation of claims, Non-occupational Exposure and Pleural Plaques explores the ramifications of a 2010 decision handed down by a Madrid Court in a case brought against asbestos-cement manufacturer Uralita, S.A. Although the paper is written in Spanish, there is an English language abstract which lists six reasons why this judgment marks a "turning point in Spanish asbestos litigation.

Court Verdict for Spanish Asbestos Workers

Apr 15, 2010

A landmark decision against asbestos-cement producers was reached by a Barcelona court on April 9, 2010. Rocalla S.A. and its parent company Uralita were ordered to pay €780,000 compensation to five former employees who contracted asbestos cancer. Their lawyer believed this verdict proved that the company was conscious of the danger to which it had exposed them. It is likely the case will be appealed to the Supreme Court. Decisions are pending in eight other cases with hundreds more actions likely.