Conditions of Use of the IBAS Website
This website is a free information service. While every attempt is made to ensure that information is accurate, correct and up-to-date, we will not accept liability for omissions or errors including those resulting from mistranslation. It is recommended that before you act on any of the information contained in this website, direct professional advice is sought from medical health professionals, lawyers, surveyors or other specialist advisors. We request that IBAS or designated authors are acknowledged as the source of any material used from this website. Our website will contain hyperlinks to other websites and publications. These links and references are there for your convenience; they do not mean that IBAS vouches for their accuracy or that IBAS is associated with them. IBAS does not accept advertising or paid endorsements. We welcome hypertext links to our website as long as the link is a text link that states "International Ban Asbestos Secretariat or IBAS;" the appearance and position of the link do not create an appearance that the linking entity or website is associated with IBAS; and the IBAS website, when opened by a user through a hypertext link on another website, is displayed full-screen and does not open within another frame on the linked website. IBAS reserves the right to revoke its consent to any link to our website.